• Published 6th Mar 2014
  • 2,596 Views, 143 Comments

Equestria Noir Season 2 Case 11 "On a Cross and Bullet" - Jacoboby1

A mysterious killer named Black Widow, known for targeting abusive husbands, has come to town. The killing has caused a divide between genders. As if things weren't bad enough, Cadence, in order to stop a fight, genderswaps Private and Twilight.

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Chapter 4 "A Little Treatment"

Chapter 4

“A Little Treatment”

As if things couldn’t get any worse. Of all the buildings I could’ve run into, it had to be Carousel Boutique. I slowly turned to see Rarity standing before me, she squinted at me, “Beg pardon Darling, but, have we met before?” She asked.

I wiped my eyes and said, “No, but, I do look like a lot of ponies…”

Rarity then blinked and said with concern, “Darling what happened to you? You look positively dreadful!”

“It’s nothing,” I said. “Just, me and my, colt friend had a little fight.”

“The way you were crying darling it was anything but a little fight,” Rarity pointed out. She then came closer to me, and her eyes grew even wider. She looked...horrified…

“Good heavens, darling, your… your mane, your coat… What have you been doing to yourself?! My stars, you look like you haven’t conditioned… ever! Your coat is dull, your mane is a sight, and… This will never do, darling.”

“It’s no big deal uh, ma’am,” I said, getting on my hooves. “I’m sorry to have troubled you, I’ll just be on my-”

Before I could leave I felt Rarity's magic yank on my tail.

“Darling, I am not letting you simply strut around looking like that! You are going to the Spa! You are going to be pampered, primped and looking fabulous and you are going to like it!”



I got no shortage of stares as I was dragged by Rarity across Ponyville. Some ponies gave knowing looks at me. I myself have never been to the Spa before. Rarity and Twilight tried to convince me to come a couple of times, but I always passed it off. I wasn’t the kind of pony that liked getting mare handled.

Rarity didn’t get the memo, then again I can’t tell her who I really am, way too many awkward questions would come up.

“First you are going to get that messy mane trimmed. Those split ends are utterly horrible. Next your hooves need a good filing. Trust me, you’ll love it. Then a full body conditioning, steam room to cleanse the pores, and finally a massage. You’re so tense, darling, even I can tell,” Rarity listed off absently.

“This is all very nice, but I really need to investigate something,” I said, “I’m trying to learn more about that Mayflower mare.”

Rarity sighed, “Oh yes, that boor. I cannot believe the damage she’s done with one lilttle speech. Even I got mad at Spikey Wikey for a little bit. Oh, he’s my drakefriend darling, in case you didn’t know.”

“Hey I’m not one to judge,” I grumbled. “Just uh, I really need to interview her, I’m trying to um…”

Think of a cover, think of a cover!

“I’m... writing a story!” I said.

“A story?” Rarity asked, “You are a journalist darling?”

“Yes!” I said, going with it, “I am a journalist, and I want to make sure that other towns know to watch out for her. So, I need to talk with her.”

“Sadly, darling,” Rarity said, tossing a pamphlet over to me, it showcased Mayflower’s face and a male symbol with a crossed out symbol over it. “According to this, trash, they won’t be opening to talk for a while. So, you have a good couple minutes to get yourself cleaned up!”

I swear Cadence if your niece wasn’t so cute I’d find some way to get revenge…

The inside of the building was… mostly lobby, and stairs leading down. You mean most of this place was underground? Huh, clever. The walls were a soothing lavender color, the floor was white, with a purple and pink concentric circle throw-rug in the middle. One of the spa twins was behind a partition, looking eager to see Rarity. Well she is a regular, along with Fluttershy.

“We have an emergency, Lotus, darling. This poor mare is… Well you can see for yourself.”

“Indeed Ah can!” the baby blue spa pony uttered in a Prench accent. “We will take good care of ‘er!” Next thing I knew, I was being brought downstairs.

“Listen, Lotus,” I said as Rarity and her pulled me by the forelegs. “I really don’t need this, I have a story to write and-”

“Aloe!” Lotus called as we came down, “We ‘ave an emergency!”

Mon dieu! What ‘ave you been do-eeng to yourself!” Aloe, a baby pink pony that looked exactly like Lotus, except with her colors… swapped. Light blue mane and pink coat to Lotus’ light blue coat and pink mane. “Fear not, you ‘ave come to ze right place!”

“Do have fun darling.” Rarity said as Lotus and Aloe dragged me away.



Perspective: Dusk Shine

I sat there for the longest time, thinking about our fight. It wasn’t right that we’re fighting like this. I’m just trying to keep her safe, isn’t that what a, in this case, husband should be doing?

I walked back into the library, I didn’t have time for this, I had to find out anything I could to help the case. I walked over to my map of Equestria, and looked over the profiles on the victims again.

It’s strange, not one of them was killed anywhere near Ponyville. Why would the Black Widow suddenly come out of the blue now after all these years? Uggh, what am I doing…?

I’m not Pruena, I…

“It’s harder being on the other team isn’t it?”

I looked back to see Cadence smiling at me. I frowned, “We’d be having an easier time if somepony hadn’t decided to genderswap us.”

“You know I’m just trying to help,” She admonished. “I hate it when any couple fights. You and Pruena love each other, that hasn’t changed one bit, mister.”

“Oh that mister just sounds so wrong…” I muttered to myself.

Cadence sighed and put a hoof on my shoulder. “I wouldn’t have done it, if I didn’t think there was hope you two would stop being so stubborn.”

“She’s the one who’s always stubborn!” I yelled.

“Need I remind you of a certain incident with time travel?” She said, narrowing her violet eyes.

I...guess that was true...maybe I am more stubborn then I realized…

“I’m going to go out,” Cadence said. “To make sure that Mayflower doesn’t do any more damage. You and Pruena are going to make up you hear?”

“I hear you.” I said with a sigh.

Cadence smiled and said, “I just care about you both, I knew you two loved each other the moment I saw you two together. I don’t want that to change.”

“You and me both Cadence.”


Perspective: Pruena Oculia

Is… Is that me?! My gray coat was positively glossy, and my mane was nicely trimmed, and silky, curling cutely around my face. My hooves were no longer rough, and now were nicely buffed, but not polished. Just buffed, cleaned, and filed. And I thought I looked good, before… Now, though… Daaaaayum. I am drop-dead gorgeous. Wait until… No wait… Ugh. Case first, you goofball.

“Darling, you look amazing!” Rarity said. “I am simply inspired! You MUST come to my boutique sometime! I can design a nice dress for you, silver seems to work for you darling, it’ll bring out those...very familiar eyes…”

I looked over at Rarity and said, “It’s alright, Rarity, I doubt a dress is going to help me in this case.”

“Right, your story,” Rarity said, sighing. “Oh well, I should find Spikey Wikey anyways. I need to apologize for my rude behavior.”

“What happened?” I asked, curious.

“Oh after the speech he caught me without my make up on,” Rarity said, shaking her head. “He was just trying to be sweet by telling me I looked fine without it. But I was so riled up from the fighting I took it as an insult. I then argued with him about his habits with helping with my boutique, it’s the little things that stack up darling.”

Gosh, I never realized guys could be so, careless.

“I’m sure you two will make up,” I encouraged. “Just remember you care about one another and you’ll work through it.”

“I hope so darling,” Rarity sighed, “I cannot imagine staying mad forever.”

“This Mayflower girl has caused a lot of trouble.” I said.

“Indeed,” Lotus said, coming up with Aloe. “To think we once attended the same school as her.”

Aloe continued, “Such an awful bully, she hated stallions of all kinds.”

“Why is that?” I asked. “You two knew her?”

Aloe and Lotus frowned at one another, before Lotus spoke up, “She was more of an, acquaintance. We attended the same school as we said. But that was many years ago.”

“The same year her father left.” Aloe said sadly.

“Her parents are divorced?” I asked. Though in all honesty it made sense.

“We do not know the details,” Aloe said. “But let’s just say we found it odd her papa didn’t show up for parents day.”

“Does she have any family?” I asked.

“She did have a brother,” Lotus said. “I heard he worked at a job in Manehatten from one of the ladies that came with Mayflower.”

“August Breeze was his name.” Aloe finished.

How they manage to finish each other’s thoughts like that is beyond creepy. At least Cloudchaser and Flitter weren’t nearly as bad.

At least I had something to go on. But now that I’m all prettied up, it’ll hopefully help draw suspicion away from me.


I was wrong. Practically from the minute I got out till I got to the community center every stallion and side saddled mare was gaping at me. Lotus and Aloe may have done, too good of a job.

But, on the plus side, I did look good. I hope Dusk noti-

No, case first, case first!

The community center was smaller than town hall. When Sugarcube Corner or the Town Hall was being used, smaller events took place here. I walked in and saw a small line of mares gathered in front of a stand. A large banner was hanging above it.

Free the Oppressed! Join the Mares for Justice Today!

Applesnack would not appreciate them misusing an army motto…

I got in line and saw at the stand, Mayflower just finished giving a flyer and some items to a mare. Then...Sour Grapes came up. The bespectacled mare casually sauntered up to the table, then gave Mayflower the most disdainful look I’d ever seen her give.

“You, Mayflower, are the most imbecilic, idiotic, and outright ignorant waste of space known to equine kind. Of course you think the genetals make the abuser, therefore they should be put in their place, rather than doing the proper research through the proper channels. You would know that the problem of significant other abuse is not divided along the binary line of gender. You would know that there are stallions who are beat up, abused, and harmed by those they love, and that not even mare/mare couples are safe But you prefer to remain ignorant, and stay in your rosy little world where things would be all fine and wonderful when mares are the rulers of the roost. Thing is what prevents any abuse cases from being reported is the a torrid combination of power and, believe it or not, love. True it’s a love gone horribly wrong, but it’s still there, dearheart. The abusee feels that the abuser has power over them, and that they are powerless to prevent it or leave. Then there’s the love factor of the abusee hoping to change their once-beloved back into the kind, loving, sweet pony they were once before, even though it is quite possible that the sweetness and light was a trap to lure them into the clutches. Also, the poor abusee could also be taking the abuse for any children that has come from the relationship. And true, a lot of the abusees are female, but we are a species that the females can be just as strong as the males, if we put our minds to it. So, no, the whole spousal abuse problem isn’t divided along gender line, you woefully, willfully ignorant mare,” Grapes uttered.

I blinked, there were no words that could follow that level of snark.

Grape subsequently trotted away, smiling at her victory.

Mayflower simply huffed, “She, like so many others have fallen prey to the lies of stallions. Ignore her.”

Yeah, that’s not gonna happen lady…

“Dearheart,” Grapes said in an uncharacteristically sweet voice, looking over her shoulder, “I’m not the one who’s lying, nor have I fallen victim to lies…” She then came back. “I, for one, can see right through you. You don’t want ‘true equality’. You want complete and utter subjugation of the male of the species. Should that happen, honey, I would not trust any male to your tender mercies. You’ve got a desire for revenge written all over you. Never mind the idea is a recipe for wendigos. Subjugation is not harmonious, it is not right, and I, for one, will never stand with anypony who calls for the enslavement of their fellow equine,” she added with a lot more steel in her voice.

“I will have to ask you to leave before I call the police!” Mayflower yelled.

Technically I am the police but I didn’t want to cause a scene.

“I’m being perfectly civil, but… If that’s the way you want to play it…” Grapes subsequently left after that, seems she didn’t want a scene either.

I was next in line and Mayflower looked up at me,”You look awfully familiar.” She said, tilting her head.

Is everypony going to say that?

“Uh,” I said, smiling. “I’m Pruena Oculia, a freelance journalist.”

“A journalist you say?” She asked. “Come to ask about our righteous cause?”

“Possibly,” I lied through my teeth. “I was hoping I could pull you away for a small interview.”

“I suppose I can spare a few moments, if it saves me from dealing with fools such as that bespeckled unicorn,” She said, getting up from her seat.

I forced down my own snarky comments and pulled my notebook out of my pocket. Even with my trench coat gone there are some things I never leave behind.

We came to a corner out of the way of the crowd and May asked, “So, where should we start?”

“How about some background?” I asked. “How did this whole thing start up?”

“In truth I wasn’t the one who started this movement,” Mayflower said, smiling proudly. “It was my aunt, Celestia rest her soul, she started it up around the time Black Widow’s first killings began. To make sure that her cause for justice was heard.”

Uggh, five minutes in and I already want to strangle her.

“But, the killings eventually stopped didn’t they?” I asked, jotting down some notes. “Why start things up again?”

“In truth I wanted to start things up again ever since I was a filly.” Mayflower said. “After my father left our family I realized just how much Black Widow’s cause needed to happen. I tried to get things started but my fellow mares who believed in me were few and far between.”

“This killing is the kindling you needed then?” I asked.

“I guess you could say that. But in all honesty Gavel had it coming. Horrible stallions like him are the reason mares should be in charge.”

Deep breaths Pru, deep breaths….

Just because she’s an ignorant bitch doesn’t mean you have to strangle her.

Because that would be break-


Course I do silly, I read the script! I know everything!



“You have a brother correct?” I asked. “I heard from the grapevine about him.”

“Yes, August Wind.” She replied. “He’s a factory worker up at Manehatten. He’s not, as dedicated to the cause for justice. But, he’s a good stallion, one of the few…”

Okay, something else to check up on once I get up to Manehatten.

“Thank you for your time,” I said, “I’ll run this by some editor buddies of mine and see what gets through.”

“Anything to make sure our cause is heard.” She said with a smile.

I walked out of the community center with a sigh. That mare was something else.

At least now I had a lead, something seemed fishy about all this. If I talk to August maybe I can get more out of him than self righteous drivel.

Now to get on the...train..

I really should talk to him. He’s probably feeling terrible…

Oh Dusk…

I walked towards the library. I used my key to get inside.

Dusk was busy, going from case files to a map of what looked like Manehatten, pushpins were on the map, and there were colored circles on it. Dusk himself, was reading through a psychology book, a book on… geographic profiling? On the map there was also a pushpin at a specific address, labeled “Mayflower”. Apparently there was a conclusion there he wasn’t liking.

“None of it makes sense,” he said, shaking his head, then, he saw me standing there. His eyes grew wide and traces of red started appearing on his face.

Oh my gosh he was blushing he’s so cute!

I, right, I mean, I should talk to him.

“Dusk, listen,” I said, “I’m sorry I yelled at you, I was out of line.”

Dusk snapped out of his stupor and walked up to me, “Pruena, I... I was wrong being a nag. I was just trying to keep you from running off on your own. I just can’t bear the thought of you being hurt.”

“It’s just,” I sighed, “You, know I hate being helpless. I didn’t want the fact that I’m a mare stop me from solving this case. I, was also trying to protect you. By keeping you here, it would’ve drawn less attention…”

“That was why?” Dusk said, putting a hoof to his head. “Why didn’t I think of that?”

“Because you’re a stallion now, we are all dense.” I said with a smile.

An awkward silence fell after some chuckles. Dusk spoke up next, “I hate it when we fight.”

I felt a, tear inside as I thought about how much we did fight. I walked up to Dusk and said, my lips quivering, “I, I don’t want us fighting like that again. I don’t want you to leave me Dusk...I couldn’t bear to live without you…”

“Pru..?” Dusk said, surprised that I was so, vulnerable.

I felt vulnerable, scared at the idea of Dusk leaving me. I slowly reached up and put my hooves around his neck. I pressed my muzzle into his neck, trying to hide tears. “Dusk, you are still the smartest, most amazing pony I know. I, I was a fool to think I could leave you behind.”

“Hey, it’s okay,” He said, putting his hooves around me. “I’m not mad, I was just concerned. I’m not going to leave you, not ever. I love you too much to do a thing like that.”

I smiled at him, I felt, warm and safe in his forelegs. Wow, I could, just fall asleep right here…

But, we had a case to solve, at least I know…

That I wouldn’t be alone...