• Published 6th Mar 2014
  • 2,595 Views, 143 Comments

Equestria Noir Season 2 Case 11 "On a Cross and Bullet" - Jacoboby1

A mysterious killer named Black Widow, known for targeting abusive husbands, has come to town. The killing has caused a divide between genders. As if things weren't bad enough, Cadence, in order to stop a fight, genderswaps Private and Twilight.

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Chapter 2 "Mayflower"

Chapter 2


The green coated mare continued to shout into her megaphone as more ponies gathered to see what the commotion was. “Our noble, wonderful ruler Princess Celestia is the leader of our country, our people! Yet, who are the ones that rule in society at large!? The stallions that’s who! Judge Gavel had an affair, was a scum at home and he got away with it! But there was one mare who had enough! One mare who finally said enough was enough! Back after nearly a quarter decade is the Black Widow!”

It, can’t be...no it’s impossible.

“Private, do you know who the Black Widow is?” Twilight asked me.

“She was active way before my time,” I replied. “She was a serial killer who targeted abusive husbands way back in the day. Fenlock told me they never caught her.”

“But how could she be active again?” Twilight said, shaking her head. “She’d have to be at least in her late fifties by now.”

“They never figured out who she was,” I said, “For all we know she could’ve been a teenager.”

“Who she is,” The mare yelled to interupt me. “Is a mare who stands by justice and true equality! She was tired of some old stallions in Canterlot deciding what to do! So she took action! As should every mare worth her salt! When was the last time you truly had a say in your relationships with stallions! The answer is never! All stallions would have us be are housewives, servants, or whores!”

“That’s not true!” I heard Thunderlane yell. “You’re crazy lady! We don’t treat our mares like slaves!”

“Oh typical stallion back talk,” The mare said with a roll of her eyes. “But you can’t ignore what I’m saying that society needs to change. We mares should be the ones on top, not a bunch of close-minded stallions who always think with their nethers!”

“What kind of crap is that!” Caramel shouted. “Get off the stand lady!”

“Another stallion trying to close off the voice of truth I see! I’m sure you’d love to go running back to your little hole to gaze at that disgusting porn that sees mares treated like objects! Or better yet, go to the nearest movie theatre!”

Some of the mares I could tell were giving looks towards the stallions, for all her babbling about mares being on top...she did have some good arguments against how many would treat wives, daughters and friends.

She had the right to protest, but she didn’t have the right to stand there and insult ponies left and right. I pushed my way through the crowd and used my magic to part the protestors to get at the mare. “Ma’am, I’m Detective Private Eye, the one in charge of Gavel’s case at the moment.”

She stuck her nose up in front of me. “Mayflower, head of the Mares for True Justice organization. I trust you can agree that Gavel’s death was perfectly justified.”

“How did you learn about the murder so quickly?” I asked. “He was only discovered this morning.”

“You’d be surprised what mares hear when stallions think they don’t have ears,” She spat at me.

I narrowed my silver eyes. “I’m also going to have to ask you and your posse here to clear out. Everypony here has business to do and I’m sure they don’t appreciate you harassing them all day.”

She knew better than to argue with the local law it seemed. “Fine, but after you answer a question oh so great detective. You agree with us that the Black Widow was right to slay that abominable stallion Gavel, correct?”

I answered probably quicker than I should, “No, she was not right to kill him. Gavel was scum, sure. But murder is never justifiable unless under extreme circumstances.”

She yelled back into her megaphone. “Spoken like a true stallion that believes that so long as a stallion doesn’t break the law he’s more than right to do as he pleases to his wife! Including beat and abuse her!”

This caused a shock and a stir throughout the crowd. I can’t believe I walked right into this one! She used my own words as a trap! The crowd started to disperse, several inhabitants outright arguing with one another. She shouted into her megaphone again, “Any who wish to aid in the Mares for True Justice is more then welcome to stop by the community center!”

At least I know where to find her later…

What a mess…


Perspective: Cadence

Oh this is going to be so exciting! Twilight has no idea I’m coming for a surprise visit! It’s one of the few days I get to truly be off from royal duties. Especially with the Equestria Games coming up. I hope Shiny can handle things.

Of course he can, Twilight is his sister after all. Plus Ran’sea is looking after Skyla, oh they adore each other it’s so wonderful! I wish I could’ve brought her with me, Spike would’ve been happy to see her again. But, she also has her duties as ambassador to deal with.

I was on the usual train to Ponyville, with it’s pastel colored cars, and pink engine. The whole thing looked like it was some kind of confection. The car right after the engine looked like either a cupcake or a muffin, and the rest of the cars looked like they were created with pastel fondant… Great. Now I’ve got to stop by Sugarcube Corner, when I get to Ponyville... Much… quieter than the Crystal Train, to be honest, despite difference in speed, the Crystal Train being much faster but dear stars the noise that thing made. There was no need to scare everypony within a three mile radius.

I looked on as Ponyville came into view. I smiled, there was so much to love about here. The clean air, the small town atmosphere, the lovely po…

Wait...why do I feel so woozy...who turned off all the love…?

Oh boy…


Perspective: Private Eye

I sat at my desk as Twilight stood beside me. I opened the file on the Black Widow. I had to call in a few favors to get my hooves on it from the detention center. I opened the file to showcase numerous profiles, possible suspects and leads that ultimately led nowhere. “Black Widow, her first killing was almost three decades ago. Her first victim was a noble named Stock Exchange, his wife, Trade Exchange had recently divorced him on accounts of obsession and several counts of abuse.”

Twilight looked over the file more, “He was found dead, in the same way that Gavel was, stabbed in the chest several times, and then made into a gelding post mortem.”

“Can I just say how insanely disgusting that is,” I said.

“Yes, it is, it was definitely cruel and, very gross,” Twilight said, shaking her head.

“Of course the police suspected his wife for the murder,” I added, “She had lost her normal lifestyle thanks to the pre nup. But, they couldn’t find evidence to directly point to her.”

“Two years later, another victim,” Twilight said. “This time a common husband named Grease Wheel. He was a former mechanic who lost his job after his boss caught him drinking. He took his anger out on his wife and kids.”

“Then, two weeks after his wife was ready to sign divorce papers, he was found dead in the same fashion,” I said. “Same circumstances, two vastly different victims.”

“Victim number three,” Twilight went on, “was another noble, a stallion named Transport, the head of a shipping industry who as it turns out, was, oh my gosh he was keeping mares in a dungeon beneath his home, torturing and abusing them.”

“It is sick,” I said. “The Black Widow had her next victim, the dungeon was discovered after his death.”

“These murders were spread all over the five years she was active,” Twilight said. “And you’re saying that after ten killings she was never caught?”

“What’s stranger is that she’s active now, twenty five years after she suddenly vanished off the map,” I said, closing the file.

“But all these victims were total scumbags.” Twilight said, looking out the window. “Part of me wonders if, maybe they really deserved it.”

“Don’t try to put things in narrow scope Twilight.” I said, “Otherwise you end up like Mayflower-”


Both of us looked out the window suddenly Outside Derpy’s home was Caramel, the teenager looking up as Sparkler began throwing things out of the second floor.

Twilight and I went outside just as a collection of records crashed onto the ground below. Caramel glared angrily up at Sparkler. “Those were collectables!”

“Well maybe next time you shouldn’t think of asking me if we should see other ponies!” Sparkler shouted down at him. “I knew you were a ladies colt, Caramel! I didn’t know you were a pig!”

“You can’t seriously be listening to that bitch, Mayflower, now are you!” Caramel shouted upwords.

“Whatever she says, it doesn’t matter!” Sparkler said, chucking out the record player. “I’m doing this because I hate even the very idea that we were dating! So take your crap and get out!” the record player subsequently crashed onto the records, shutting them to pieces.

Sparkler slammed her window shut as Caramel grumbled, “Lousy no good bitch, making Sparkler doubt me…”

Twilight and I looked around, almost all across town, couples were arguing. Mayflower has definitely caused a stir here.

“I’m just saying Thunderlane!” Cloudchaser yelled above me. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t always oggle my flank every single time we fly together!”

“How can you ask me not too?!” Thunderlane yelled back. “Your the one who’s putting it up in the air!”

I couldn’t believe it when I saw Spike running after Rarity. “Come on Rarity! Talk to me! I promise not to track mud into the store again!”

Rarity just stood her nose in the air and trotted onwards.

My jaw dropped when Fluttershy had her back to Big Mac. “I’m not talking to you until you say we can put up bird houses in the trees.”

“We can’t shy! Cuz Ah’ll buck im!” Big Mac implored.

“Well maybe you and the rest of your family shouldn’t be so cruel to animals!” Fluttershy said, crossing her hooves.

Big Mac face hoofed, “Not tha Fruit Bats again…”

The area was practically exploding with stallions arguing with mares.

Though, Lyra and Bon Bon were still sitting on the bench, not a care in the world. I guess they don’t have much to argue…

“You know, you could stop going into the woods for human hunting,” Bon Bon said.

Damn it…

Twilight whispered in my ear, “We probably should check up on Forceps before things get really ugly.”

I agreed with Twilight and we made our way to the morgue.


“Well there’s not much I can tell you, sonny,” Forceps said, looking over the body of Gavel. “Did get an accurate time of death. He was killed at midnight.”

“I figured as much.” I said, whilst Twilight stood beside me. “Anything you can tell us about what the weapon could be?”

“The incisions of this stab wound,” He gestured with a pointer held by his magic. “Indicate that the weapon was about as long as your average kitchen knife. You know, the big ones.”

“Did you get hair off him?” Twilight asked.

“I did manage to snag this little beauty.” He said, holding up a long strand of brown hair in a plastic bag. “Found some on his chest, probably from our killer.”

I took the bag and pocketed it. “We’ll take it back to Twilight’s lab and analyze it. Thankfully we managed to get some gear moved there to help analyze DNA finally.”

“Hey, those quills aren’t cheap you know.” Twilight said.

Once again, putting her precious studies over real work….

I shook the thought off and Twilight and I made our way to walk to the library.


Perspective: Cadence

What… happened here? They’re all arguing, even those in long-time established relationships! I’d swear Discord had a claw in this, if I didn’t know he off checking on something out on the edge of Equestria. What he was doing way out there is… a question best left unanswered. This is wrong, though, seriously seriously wrong. Sure arguments broke out between the most loving of couples, but… this is just outrageous! All right. I’m going to break out the big guns, and fix this. Time to get your war face on, Cadence, ‘cause you’re going to be a warrior of love!

I checked in to my hotel, and unpacked my bags for any needed supplies. I tied my hair back with a red head band, marked my face with a pair of black streaks right under my eyes, and hefted a pair of amplification guns I had made for just such an emergency. Let’s do this!


Perspective: Private Eye

Geez, it’s sounds like a war zone up there. And was that a battle cry? I sure hope that the guards don’t have to come down to sort everything out. I could almost swear I was hearing some kind of gunfire… But that’s silly… Or is it? I wasn’t about to go up, and take a bullet, to find out.

In the meantime, I was in Twilight’s laboratory. An odd collection of scientific equipment, including a huge cerebral examination machine she had used on Pinkie while studying Pinkie Sense, took up a good portion of the Library’s basement. Adding to the clutter was the latest in portable DNA testing gear, which was a wonder of magitech in and of itself. And quite expensive, too, from what I hear. I am, however, quite glad we’ve got it, now.

“To think, all this trouble because some stallion thought he could abuse a pony who loved him,” Twilight said as she performed DNA tests.

“I just can’t believe I fell for Mayflower’s trap,” I said, “Using my words like that against me, what a jerk.”

“You know,” Twilight said, looking back at me. “It wouldn't’ have happened if you didn’t feel the need to stand up and put her down like some judge.”

“Don’t tell me you’re agreeing with her.” I said.

“Of course I’m not agreeing with her,” Twilight said. “I’m just saying you sometimes think that you have to a bigger show off than Rainbow.”

“Oh, so now it’s my fault everypony else is fighting?” I say, turning back to her.

“No, but you certainly started putting things to the flame! I was about ready to stop her, and politely tell her to please take her business elsewhere, but nooo! You had to go and get up on your high horse again and prove once again that Private Eye knows all and is still an idiot at times!”

“At least I don’t obsess over every little thing. Or maybe if you’re not satisfied with me you should get that time spell and go back and marry Starswirl! You certainly seem to agree with everything he says!”

“Oh, you did not just diss Starswirl…” Twilight growled. “Tough talk coming from the guy who worships a show that was only on for thirteen episodes and to be honest, I never saw the appeal of it!”

Oh, she did not diss Firebird…

Things...exploded from there.


Perspective: Cadence

I think I did some good… I hope… The love is definitely going back up in town. I hope, the love chain gun wasn’t too excessive. I stood in the town square panting, and looking at the couples recovering from my… slight… rampage. Well, at least they were all too busy making up and out to see my rampage.

Okay, maybe I overdid it, but, I had to do something, and my magic wasn’t going to be enough. I wiped off the war paint, teleported the arsenal back to my room, and ran a brush through my hair using the fountain as a mirror. Now I could enjoy my surprise visit with Twilight… Heh. Some surprise. I practically screamed from the rooftops that I was here.

I trotted happily over to the library door and was about to knock when I heard voices from the inside. Arguing again…? Oh geez, at least it’s just one couple that I can fire my love spell at. I opened the door and found out the voices were coming from the basement. Wow, it’s really intense.

I walked down the stairs and into Twilight’s laboratory to find...Private..and Twilight...fighting...not again…

“What’s so great about Starswirl anyways?! I can grow a beard just fine!” Private yelled.

“It’s more than the beard! And just because a show was taken off the air too early doesn’t automatically make it great!” Twilight yelled back. “Maybe you’d like Larksooong to watch it with you!”

“What does she have anything to do with this?!” Private yelled.

“Oh she told me about how you visited her during cases!” Twilight yelled back.

"Oh like you're so perfect! Let's forget how you and Flash were an item!"

"I was having my memory messed with!"

"Lark and I aren't seeing each other anymore!"

"Well you can't ask me to keep ignoring that somepony else was with you!"

“Figures a mare would freak out for no reason!” Private yelled.

“Figures a stallion would be too stupid to understand!” Twilight fired back.

Alright, that’s it, I’ve had enough of this...time to bring out the biggest gun I had in terms of love fixing….My horn glowed bright blue, and I fired the spell at both of them-



Perspective: ???

Uggh, what was that? It felt like a carriage ran over me twenty times. I feel so...light..

Wait...why does my narration sound like the female version of Commander Armstrong from Mare Effect? And...when did my mane get so long…?

I climbed to my hooves, and walked unsteadily towards a mirror and…