• Published 21st Feb 2014
  • 1,807 Views, 69 Comments

Star Tracker of the Ship Harmony: - Ponyess

It all started on what was expected to be a routine patrol, but routine is never there, not when Captain Picard is commanding the Enterprise. That's the case, and a strange, previously unseen ship appears in orbit. A landing party is chosen, a

  • ...

Appreciation: 15

Author's Note:

Princess Celestia's POV

”Hi kissed you, Sister?” Luna empathized, in something of her old fillyish tone from a time long since passed.

“Not only that, he knows how to handle himself in ways I never thought I would see in another millennia!” I responded.

“How is that, he certainly looks like any other young Earth type stallion you see on the streets, doesn't he?” she pointed out.

“Maybe that is just his inner colt we see? It isn't as if he merely acts in an elderly manner. Something told me, he has been around others not too unlike us. There just is something not quite of this world over him!” I proposed.

“Like us, how? In what way? He certainly does look like the next Earth Pony stallion and not even one of Canterlot!”she put forth.

“Even the guards show a certain awe in our presence, you know. If it had been mere ignorance, but it isn't the case. He knows we are nigh immortal and timeless, yet it doesn't bother him, it is rather as if it attracted him. Besides, he is intimately acquainted with a being not too dislike Discord. Yet, the experience hasn't done anything than lifted his spirits even further. It is as if he was on the brink of ascension towards Alicorn status? Yet, his hooves are firmly on the floor along his fellow guards!” I pondered.

“There is a dissonance in your statement, he can't both be an Alicorn and an Earth Pony and be a friend of anyone like our Discord!” she expressed.

“No, of course not. I know it is a multiple contradiction of terms, such as we know them!” I pointed out.

“Exactly. How ever can a Pony navigate the infinites between the impossible in such a tight minefield? She returned.

“This is something I would love for you to help me with. Both in the upcoming meetings and in the dreams I know are bound to occur. Maybe his dreams will explain what we need to know. If only you could have realised the importance and power, entrusted upon you there, at the time before I was forced to exile you. Your power is just as great as mine, as is their reverence towards you. The night is the realm of dreams, where you rule, you do know that, right?” I proposed.

“Sadly, I had neglected the import of this realm, at the time, only seeing the reverence they bestowed upon you in the light of day. At least, now I have learned of it. Now I can reach out and help young and old, weak or powerful alike. To a point, I have you to thank for who I am now growing into. If it had not been for your former pupil, now Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends, I would never have left the scornful existence, thus never discovered this part of me. Then again, I guess the same goes for Discord!” she responded with a crooked grin.

“We have little to no time, going over the past and the mistakes we can't fix. You are back from your long exile and I am thankful to have you back at my side, I missed you greatly. When you see your fellow ponies die right and left, your sister could have helped grounding you, where no others could. Sometimes, longevity is more of the curse than a blessing. Together, we can protect our charges against what may threaten them, but only together. Enigmas can be a strain, particularly when they come from the direction you thought safe!” I pondered.

“Not even we can change the past, as much as one may dream of it. I was just as lonely as you, with none to comfort me, but that cut my losses short on the one point, I did not have to see any Pony die, even if it robbed me of the one chance to take a farewell of the once I can never again see. He certainly is an Enigma, but how could he threaten us, he is as you said a mere Earth Pony!” she put forth.

“The past, that is the one thing we are chance-less against. Yet, let us leave it in the past, we still do have this one situation before us. Who and what is he? Or can we even be certain that he is in fact male?” I proposed.

“Since you brought it up, maybe I could visit him in his dreams? I doubt he is expecting or prepared for my arrival. Besides, it would give me a chance to see him, and what he is!” she offered.

“You know your way around in dreams, better than any other Pony. Not just because you are older than all other Ponies in Equestria, except me, but you have the power to visit dreams of every Pony at your own discretion. If you can help me in there, you are bound to be able to help others as well!” I pointed out.

“I have come to realise that, just as I have realised, just how much I enjoy helping other Ponies with and within their dreams. Of course, even as an Alicorn, I am only one single Pony, I can only help so many Ponies in a single night, as much as it may pain me, if there is one I couldn't help. From the line of reasoning, the stallion of your interest is bound to sleep and have his dreams, like all other Ponies, correct? Once he does, I could visit him, too!” she pondered.

I am glad you have found a place and a purpose. Yes, during the night, he is yours. I hope he is worth your time and effort now. I know I am going to enjoy to see him, next time he has his duties where I can see him. There is something to him!” I put forth.

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Comments ( 2 )

another good chapter

5654293 Sorry, I started to write the story before I adopted sitecanon.
Thanks for reminding me of Data's little problem.
I think this is the E version, the latest of the Enterprises, which was specially built with certain features.
Not sure if they commonly pronounce the E when they present themselves. While they do every time they present the ship, while initiating contact. I hope I included this at the earlier presentation, when they did make the first contact.

5654321 If memory serves me, that would be the later. I have vague memories of this particular ship from a book I read.

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