Star Tracker of the Ship Harmony:

by Ponyess

First published

It all started on what was expected to be a routine patrol, but routine is never there, not when Captain Picard is commanding the Enterprise. That's the case, and a strange, previously unseen ship appears in orbit. A landing party is chosen, a

A routine patrol commanded by Captain Picard turning into something more, a first contact. What was to follow is a landing party, since a confrontation seems inevitable.

The small ship in orbit is warranting the contact. What was a shock, maybe not so much for the captain as for the ruling Princess by the name of Celestia, but how was she to take the news?

Some pony had to deliver a message, but the pony isn't who you had expected him to be, the guard isn't even a pony by birth. Is it time to accuse Discord, who was known to have had this kind of tricks in the past.

Insertion: 1

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“Captain's log, Stardate 525376.34, Equus System!” Picard declared.

”Apparently, there is a small ship in orbit, and it is clearly warp capable!” Tactical pointed out with a small smile on her face, from her position.

“That is a rather odd design, yet a familiar form!” Commander Jean-Luc Picard responded.

“Captain, the vessel apparently to be crewed by an Equine race, previously unknown to us. They seem to have a fairly peaceful civillization. By the looks of it, they're made up by three main races, with their own characteristics, yet they are still both sentient, and working together. I have seen nothing like it!” Data interjected.

“I've just managed to scan their ship, but even though they are Equines, I still can't quite get this quite right. After all the ships and races we've seen, now this. How would one operate a ship, like this?” Engineer la'Forge pointed out.

“It looks vaguely like a Manta Ray, only the outer hull appears to be comprised out of mate carbon fibres, with a distinct rubbery sheen to it. There is also something fluidly organic to the movement of this ship before us!” Doctor Crusher interjected.

“That settles it, you'll go over there, in order to investigate, but hail them before you enter the ship. I'm taking a team down to the surface. We'll just have to check in with Sick bay, before we go!” Picard pointed out.

I filed out of the Command Deck, taking the turbo lift to the deck, just a short walk from Sick bay, where Crusher awaited me, and the rest of the away team.

“How nice of you to come by, I'm just ready with your preparations, my assistants will tend to the rest of your team, they should be ready, just about on time when you're beaming down. I just may need to make a few minor last minute adjustments, before you go.

“Excellent, I expect you, and your assistants to make us into the Ponies we are supposed to pass for. I trust in your abilities!” Picard responded.

--- --- ---

The New Guard: 2

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I had just been beamed down into the royal castle of the Equestrians. Finding myself in a small room, currently unoccupied. As luck had it, it was a room intended for a guard to sleep, when not on duty.

Standing on all fours, like any guard Pony in the castle, I'm wearing the shiny silver armour, going with my rank. A mid level rank had been chosen, since we felt it was the easiest to slip in, and still have a chance to actually see the princess within reasonable time. What's the point of hiding away, without ever seeing her.

I had to allow my long training and practice guide me, since I knew nothing of how they were to react, or what arrangements they had, but at least, I do have a few updates on the location, from time to time. Just hoping they wouldn't come in inconveniently. Just the same, I had the sound level set on as low as I dared, in hope to hear them, without being heard in return.

After a while, I managed to find, not just the armoury, but the mess hall. Figuring they were serving the guards throughout the day, but was dumbfounded by my luck, it is apparently lunch just as I entered.

Entering the large room, moving towards the line of highly expectant Pony guards. It is lunchtime, so everyone is hungry. Oh gee, what a shock.

After a few minutes, I found myself at the end of the line, another Pony in his armour standing idly before me, slowly moving forwards, step by step.

What could they have served me for lunch, on a day such as this. Not as if there was anything special, so there would just be a regular lunch, whatever it may be.

“Have you heard of that large ship, just entering orbit, an hour ago?” the Pony before me asked his friend before him.

I tried to fain oblivious, not looking too curious, as to what was discussed, just a few feet before me.

“I never heard of a ship, as large as this one. The configuration so bizarre, our engineers can make neither heads, nor tails out of it. What kind of Ponies would fly a ship such as that?” the other Pony guard pointed out.

“I heard that the Harmony was hailed by a shuttle of the new ship!” Gleaming Shield pointed out.

“The shuttle was apparently piloted by a lone black Pony, a stallion and apparently an engineer. I was told he had been interested in looking over our ship!” Blue Daggers responded.

I tried to make out any distinct features on the Ponies around me, but could see only the one detail, a pictogram on the flank turned towards me. All wearing a grey armour, but they themselves are just white Ponies with a Mohawk for mane.

“What was the Engineer calling himself?” I interjected.

“Gleaming Engines!” the guard named Blue Daggers responded.

“He was wearing a strange device over his eyes!” Gleaming added.

“I hope he is good. With a name like that, it would be a running joke if he wasn't, right?” I pondered.

The line finally had moved up to the food, and I noticed a salad had been the choice of the day, even if I didn't know the name, but it does look delicious, nonetheless. There is also a dessert, Cup-Cakes, as it turned out. I could at least guess part of what they ate, just by looking at the lunch served.

“Yummy!” I pronounced.

After Lunch: 3

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I had apparently learned a great deal, during my lunch break. Much more than I had dared to hope, as it turned out.

Not just what they enjoy for lunch, and in general, the dietary needs, but also how my friends were doing. They had told me a few things about the ship we had encountered as well. Now would be the time to pass on what I had heard. I just had to make sure, none saw me as I transmitted my findings.

I figured, my room would be the best placed, since no Pony was expecting anything. None had given me a reason to think anyone was on to me. I'm just another guard to them. I had pulled my questions off fairly well, but the looks of it.

Moving back to my room wasn't that hard, I wasn't on the list for any duty today, but I was still expected to have my lunch, since none protested.

Once in my room, I activated my communicator, hearing the regular chime, as it promptly activated, just as it should.

“I just heard Engineer Gleaming Engines were greeted on the Harmony. Furthermore, I just enjoyed my lunch, a salad, with a Cup-Cake for dessert, I'd might add!” I spoke, as if I had been reading out my personal log, or writing a diary entry.

Of course, I don't know if a guard of my rank would commonly make log entries, or if I'm supposed not to make any entries at all. Though I guess I could have a diary, and just reading out aloud, what I wrote, and explain it away as a bad habit of speaking out, what I'm writing? Then it hit me, I can't speak while writing, so I would have to change that cover story, if anyone actually mentioned this.

Maybe I could ask around, but it isn't something that would pass unnoticed, and ponies would start to suspect I'm not quite who I was trying to pass for. I couldn't have that.

I had noticed the cook, she has a horn in her forehead, I think the worked is 'Unicorn', even if it was merely legends and fables, back home. Yet, I could clearly see the effects of what was said. It isn't the tradition of what a Unicorn was said to be, but she does posse 'Magic', and it may be explaining quite a few things we had been baffled about.

--- --- ---

Enter the Harmony: 4

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Just a small note, handling a shuttle in this form, is hard. I guess I'm happy for the panels, the way we have them set up, even with these hooves, I still can do make a few adjustments, but the best part right now still is the vocal interface.

Then I'll have to make adjustment, I need to react to my undercover name, I'm Gleaming Engines, not la'Forge. At least the new name does have a nice ring to it, from my current perspective.

I have numerous other words to adjust, like it is anypony, not anyone, now. All the little details, things that would be dead give-aways, if I was to make a single slip.

“Open bay doors!” I pronounced, trying to keep my voice calm and clear, considering all the changes made to my body, in order to pass me off as a Pony, one that could manoeuvre a star ship, nonetheless, not to mention, converse rationally with other Ponies just like me.

It is mind-boggling to see, just how far our surgery had gone, just to help me pass for yet another of all the life forms we've encountered in this quadrant of our galaxy.

The bay door soon slide open, and I get a green sign, allowing me to initiate take off.

“Initiate thrusters, then take me to three feet above the floor. Steady, and out the shuttle bad!” I pronounced clearly, slowly guiding the shuttle out of the bay.

Right now, I'm happy I have several minutes to practice and rehearse, the words are not coming as easy to me, as I would have preferred. Speaking Equestrian was a challenge, as it turned out, despite the fact that it apparently is almost identical to our standard English. Maybe part of the problem is it is too much alike, but still just enough to make it difficult.

“Slowly, bring us about. Take us to the small ship named 'the Harmony'. Slow, we don't want them to get any ideas, we're not hostile. Besides, our main defence is the Enterprise behind us, even if we do have shields!” I continued, the last part more for myself, and to practice speaking Equestrian, than actual instructions to the shuttle.

I had the words coming up on a monitor before me, and the voice pronouncing them for me, and I repeated them, one by one. I hope I'll get them just right in time for the docking. However they were to handle these things. I had no idea, since we hadn't managed to figure the details out. What means would they have, old time docking ports, a shuttle bay, and if so, would they have room for even my small shuttle. There is always the chance they were beaming me over, with whatever device they could have created for the purpose.

The seconds and minutes passed me by as I worked on practising the Equestrian pronunciations. Then I found myself face-to-face with the ship. It sure wasn't a big ship, but it's the only ship we had detected. If it is for good or bad, this is a part of what my mission would be. I hope they are as friendly as we had made them out to be, going over the reports.

“Shuttle to the Harmony, I would like to request to board, or if it is impossible, to dock!” I spoke with a fairly confident voice, trying to hide my original self behind the authority I was to have.

“This is Commander Twilight Sparkle of the Harmony. Please identify yourself. I'm afraid I can't recognise you, or your ship. I may have missed something!” she responded.

“I'm Engineer Gleaming Engines, and the ship I'm from is 'the Enterprise'. I hope I can clear up any further confusion, and answer any questions you may have, in a few minutes, or so!” I replied.

“Engineer Gleaming Engines of the Enterprise, prepare to board momentarily. Do you require guidance? I'll be arranging an escort for you, in order to avoid any further confusion and problems. Though I never heard of either your ship, or your name, but that will be cleared shortly after your arrival!” she pointed out.

I could clearly see the face of the Commander before me, but to my surprise, not only does she have wings on her back, but also a horn in her forehead. Is this what an Alicorn is like?

As I look at her, I'd have to admit, she is looking attractive to me, if it is because I had become changed in order to pass for a Pony, or if I had seen the same signs before I changed, I had no idea, but I put forth an effort, pushing this confusion to the side.

I clearly had not come here and put up all the effort, just to make out with this Commander. I knew as much. I have a job to do, answers to the questions had to be pulled out of the hat.

Guiding my shuttle in, with hooves where my hands used to be, that isn't as easy as it may have seemed. Now I just had to manage it, or I would have made a complete fool out of myself, and everything I stood for.

This is when it happened and I should have known it would, even if I didn't know how they were to pull of the trick for me, but the gigantic maw as in a shark, or rather a Manta Ray opened up and abruptly swallowed my shuttle whole before I had realised it. Then it wasn't such a hard thing to go the few more yards, before I found myself on the floor of the shuttle bay. Just like back at the Enterprise, the air is apparently fully breathable.

After I had quietly powered down the shuttle, I moved to the back, opened the hatch and slipped out, jumping the foot down onto the floor. Then I noticed a door opening, and two Ponies in guard uniforms entering, approaching me in crisp motion.

“We're here to escort you to our Commander, Twilight!” the white Pony to the right announced.

“Right this way, Gleaming Engines!” the guard to the left informed me, as she motioned towards the door she had just come through.

--- --- ---

A Hut in the Forest: 5

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I had managed to go through the procedures of the conversion into a Pony, which all of its own wasn't all that bad. I guess I may have been the one most likely to make this trip, and now I had been beamed down to the planet.

I had found myself on the border of a rather dark place, apparently refereed to, as the 'Everfree forest', I could clearly feel darkness emanate from it, as if it had been a candle emanating light and a creepy scent.

The scent coming to mind is not too dissimilar to a crematorium, even if it also had the feel of an electric chair, I think it would be, the place where people were executed, back in Earth’s history.

Now I follow the chosen path leading me into the forest itself. I still feel the darkness, but I have a job to do, and a Zebra by the name of Zecora to meet up with. Apparently it had been falling on my shoulders. I expect to see why, once I meet her.

If it isn't the fact that I had trodden such dark paths, my guess is that the Captain trust in me, or that there is something similar to the Zebra I'm to find at the edge of the path chosen. He never told me, just that I was to see a Zebra, living in a hut, midst the dark and forsaken trees of this forest. I do as he commanded me, only because I know and trust him. I know he has an even harder path ahead of him, as he set off, infiltrating the Royal Castle.

Shadows haunting my path, darkness dancing all around me, as if there were lost spirits calling out to me. Words spoken, but lost in the sea of time, distorted by dark magic. I carefully hasten my steps, trying not to hit a full gallop, which is a sure sign of fear, which isn't what I would like right now.

As I finally do find the hut I had been sent to, the door is closed, so I give it a good knock, as to signal my arrival, to see if she is indeed at home. I couldn't know, since she could have left since the latest scan had been performed, and I couldn't be informed right away.

A moment later, I hear a sound from within the simple hut, and hoof-steps moving towards the door. She apparently is at home, or it is whoever was looting her home, and if so had just murdered her. Only this wasn't feeling very likely to me. It is in how it feels, the spirit of things. Maybe this is why I had been sent. Even if he may have been able to take this on, but he is away on another mission.

The speculations soon proved futile and pointless, as the face of a Zebra entered my field of vision.

“Greetings, what would you want to see me about?” she simply enquired in a curious voice, although her take on the Equestrian was strange and odd, as everything about her, I could still clearly make out what she was saying, and not just because it was a fairly simple phrase, now it finally dawned upon me, why he chose me, of all available members of his crew.

“You're Zecora, right? I was sent to see you!” I offered lightly, with a slight smile of coy amusement on my lips.

This was starting to prove very interesting a meeting, one I wouldn't have foreseen in a hundred years, not even on the Enterprise, with Picard at the helm. I guess the mood was shining through, a Pony can only hide so much.

I hadn't cast a glance at my flanks. Why would I? Even if they had explained the strange occurring detail among Ponies in Equestria.

Considering what I had been doing back at the ship, would there appear a mark with a drink, or something of that nature. What I had been missing out on, is that the mark is showing something more than a mere pastime or how to make a living, it is apparently about acceptance too. I know I'm accepted as the bartender in ten forward, but would it count here. Right now, I did hope not.

“That would be me. I guess my reputation has reached farther than could have been expected!” Zecora mused in a more delighted tone than her regular sombre voice.

“I guess you could put it that way. That would be part of the reason, why I came in the first place. If I'm to be blunt, I was sent here!” I pointed out, and thus confirming her initial impression.

“Just how much further away are you hailing from? Even though I see your coat, there is something more, and something very different behind it, something a mere Pony couldn't see. Is there a Stallion behind your quest? He sent you here, knowing you are the only one he could trust speaking with me, while his quest is elsewhere!” She pronounced with a deep truth hidden under her breath, but the amusement gone, and a seriousness in its place, as she looked at me.

“How far, several days' flight, at top speed. From your perspective, I guess I'm just as different, as a Dragon would be. He is a stallion, and my superior. He trusted me to connect with you. He is special to me, and a dear friends in manners my words can't quite cover. There is a history between us, far too long to recite!” I responded gently and truthfully.

“Flight, you say, but you are an earth Pony. I sensed you trot through the forest, as if the dangers you felt are all real. Yet, I can see clearly, you're not of Equestria. Just like my origin isn't Equestrian either, I fled my homeland long ago, in order to escape the prosecution that had just started up at the time, I was barely a mare at the time. I wandered off, and eventually found myself here, the spirits led me to the place where I now call my home. Sadly, I could bring with me precious little, aside from the knowledge I had already picked up, then expanding upon it throughout the gears in this very forest. The decorations are just the remnants of my culture, such as it was before I left for what now is my exile here, among the Ponies of the land. In part, I earned their trust, being kind and sharing what I could with them, my knowledge and experience. From time to time, I help them, with what little I can. I didn't create the magic of the forest surrounding me, but I guess I do make good use of it. It's a living fortress for me, in a sense. It is as strong and reliable as the castle of Canterlot, but isn't that where your Stallion headed off to, in his part of the quest?” Zecora explained, her voice becoming more dreamy and thoughtful as she prodded the vistas of her past.

“Yes, that is true, I'm an earth Pony, but I'm not quite of this world. I sense more than the eye could possibly see, and thus I feel a sympathy for and with you. In some ways, I live a life of a similar exile, serving the Ponies around me. My place appears humble, but the trust from my stallion is as deep as the ocean, and thus I can serve him. He would currently trotting the halls of Canterlot, but I can not know where, or how he is doing. His quest is noble and important. He is a stallion of peace, thus I hope he will find what he is seeking.

“In this case, your secrets are safe with me, I have little to no contact, directly or indirectly with the Ponies of Canterlot. The only once I interact with, are the Ponies of Ponyville, you may have seen the village, it isn't all that far from here, after all. I'm mainly giving them advice, when they ask me, and preparing potions, when required. Then I may ask them to help me gathering the herbs, Flutter Shy has been very valuable in this quest of mine!” Zecora explained.

“When you said potion, you don't merely mean herbal medicine, right? Some plants does after all have very potent effects. I just have little to no experience with how this would affect Equestrian Ponies, with the herbs at hoof!” I responded truthfully.

“No, it is no mere medicine, not of the traditional type, anyway. It laces the potion with the spirit, the magic of the intent, making it far more potent, then merely mixing chemicals together!” Zecora continued.

Then she stood still, for what seems to be an eternity, yet it could never have been more than a few minutes. She just looked at me, as if she had seen me for the very first time, as if something had changed. Since it wasn't Zecora, it had to be me.

Then I looked about, casting a glance back at my flank, only to find something actually had changed, there is an image, a pictogram there. What it is, or what it represented, is still beyond me.

“Apparently I had ignored your blank flank, but it is blank no longer!” she just stated in a confused and amused manner.

“What does it mean?” I pondered.

“It means that you've found your talent, it is a very important moment to Ponies of Equestria!” she informed me, in an unusually sombre tone of voice.

The cutie mark, such as I had been gifted with looks like a green leaf in a heart shape, and with a blue border, a yellow star on top, a red star bottom right, and finally silver star bottom left.

“To my knowledge, this would be a very rare mark, but I don't know enough of Ponies and their marks, so I couldn't say with certainty. Though he significance of it is powerful!” she pronounced.

--- --- ---

The Captain's Office: 6

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I had ordered to have the Engineer by the name Gleaming Engines escorted to my office, in order to have him debriefed. It is a fairly regular event.

I had summoned my own chief engineer, as well as two other engineers and the head of security, but kept the guards escorting him. Something told me this is more than the common engineer coming on a friendly visit. He wasn't just here to share a cup of tea over a chat with me, or any of my engineers. That much was obvious, not so much, just because neither his ship, not his name was known to me.

My security officer sit by my side as the engineers moved into my office. They had arrived just in time, just before my priced engineer was due to arrive, with his escort. If everypony come in the proper order, this is bound to line up nicely. Most of it may be mere formality, but I like to stick to it in times like this.

As my guest engineer finally did arrive, all the crew I wanted by my side are firmly in place, which is convenient. I didn't want them to slip in after the engineer. Not so much because I didn't trust him, it's just a matter of tact and protocol. I want it to go by the book, from page one and forth.

“Welcome to the Harmony! I hope it will be a pleasant stay, and that you will not be disappointed!” I greeted him, standing up for forms sake, before he had entered the room.

“Thanks, I feel honour. That is exactly how I feel. Since you had me escorted to your office, I take it you wanted more than just an official greeting. I'm afraid my protocols may be a bit on the rusty side. On the other hoof, my captain runs a loose ship on trust and respect. I keep the ship at her very best, without stepping on any hooves, and he let me do my job. I guess this is why I love my work so highly!” Gleaming practically blurted out.

“Trust and respect, these are admirable traits, both in a captain, and her crew. If you can live up to these, and perform your job, you could have a very promising future and career on my ship. I would imagine you're eager to see more of my ship. A tour seems to be in order, once we're clear here!” I pointed out, looking curiously at the stallion before me, and the strange device resting on his head.

“Ma'am, it pleases me no end to hear you're valuing these characteristics. It's okey to address you 'Ma'am', is it? A tour of your ship would be great. I expect to build some understanding of your people along the way. We can as well clear the business at hoof, before the tour!” he pondered.

“Either 'Ma'am' or Captain would work here. I was foreseeing the tour, my Chief Engineer will follow you around, once you're there. By then, I'm not needed following you around. She will be much better at explaining anything you may ask at that point, at any rate!” I pointed out, nodding to my Engineer to take over.

“Since I don't have any part of your service record, I have very little to go on. For now, I'm going with the assumption that you did pilot your shuttle on your own, and that you're the Chief Engineer of the ship you came from, which both do speak highly of you. Naturally, we do have the information from our navigator scans, but these doesn't seem to be very clear on anything useful at this point!” my engineer opened up.

“These problems will be taken care of soon, I would imagine. As an engineer, I'm required to be fully capable of piloting any shuttle available, at the very least, since it may be required on occasion. I'm mainly stationed in the Engineering section of the ship, where most of the critical systems are. I would expect them to have these scans, as a function of operations. You're a Unicorn, just for the record?” Gleaming responded, and looked curiously at the Engineer, without giving much any emotional signs.

“I would expect as much. Makes sense. Then your ship would have the same type of scans telling you about our ship. Yes, but you're an Earth Type, yet you're an Engineer. I'm curious to see you perform on the ship, but I didn't need to wait all that long to see this, the tour is mere minutes away, you see!” she pointed out.

“It's these scans had led us to taking the detour. We're explorers, finding a 'first contact' is always exciting to us. I certainly am looking forwards to it, but I could wait a few minutes, as you suggested. See? Not really, I'm actually blind, but I've learned to adapt to my situation. That's why I'm wearing this!” he pointed out, pointing a hoof towards the grey metal device on his head.

“That would explain a great deal. I've never seen a ship quite like the Enterprise you came with. Nothing of her class have ever been sighted anywhere in our space. Explorers? You must have seen more than I dare dream of, then? Blind? Now, that's a surprise to say the least. Your device replaces any kind of hoof held scanners, I take it!” she pondered with a shocked expression at the end, trailing off.

“She's actually an 'Ambassador' class ship, and our flagship, as it were. We've certainly seen more than our fair share, in part due to our Captain, I'd dare suggest. He's a stallion well beyond his years in experience. Yes, I'm afraid so, and from birth. I never needed a hoof held scanner, no. The only real downside is that I never saw the beauty of a 'Sunset', or a 'Dawn' in its true glory, the way it is supposed to be experienced.

“That sounds impressive, and by the looks of her, I'm inclined to find it very fitting. Though I'm curious as to why the ship was designed like this. For an Earth Pony, I can see a convenience, never to be bound to the scanners. I would nonetheless like to show you one of ours, just for the sake of comparison, since I'm sure you're familiar with the workings and use of them!” she put forth with an unsure smile on her face, floating the sample out of her saddle bag, leaving a glowing trace of magic from her horn, and a thin string all the way to the scanner.

“That's interesting. I can see your horn glow as you manipulate the scanner. I see the light, but that's not all there is to it. Am I correctly assuming an earth Pony shouldn't see the rest of it?” He proposed in a curious tone of voice, without any further details.

“You're supposed to see the light, but that's about as much as you should see. By the look on your face, you could pinpoint the exact frequency? If your vision is anywhere near what you just let on, you could tell any Unicorn, just by said frequency. You could hold a clue to something greater than we dare speculate about, right there!” she pondered.

“My ears are bleeding from the assault of mere technicalities of your words!” the chief of Security groaned.

“I guess we had better go and see the more interesting parts of our ship, before she put you in the brig!” the Engineer suggested in a teasing manner, trying her best to hide her smile under a hoof.

--- --- ---

Engineering: 7

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From inside of the ship, it wasn't feeling quite as extreme a design as it had, when viewed from outside.

I soon realised the bridge had been up front, just the way we had placed ours. Halls lining within the inside of the ship, just as I'm used to, lined with numerous doors to the right and left. This had started to make me feel right at home, and I guess it is showing on my bearing. Not that I actually tried to hide it. Why bother.

It isn't as if it is my first visit in an alien ship, even if I didn't count the common designs from our long time allies. When you get down to business, you'd soon realise, they're mainly all one and the same. It is at least how I see it.

The colours are different, as are the writing. I couldn't allow such small details make me trip. Not now, moving forth on all fourth, but at the time it had already grown on me, guessing it wouldn't even look as if I had ever been walking on two legs, manipulating fine tools by hand.

I had pushed these thoughts out of my head, making my best impression of speaking Equestrian. Maybe I could have slipped a Translator in, into my uniform, but we had simply decided against it.

Just as back home, the walls are merely smooth metal, lights coming from overhead, and the doors seem to slip aside for us, each and every time a door is before us. Some of the times, it is automated, other times it is my guide who pulls them open for the two of us. Her magic proving very convenient. In another time, and another life, I would have been envious, to the point of jealousy, just by looking at how easy it was to her. Only now, I knew she would have felt the same way, had she seen the ease with which I could manipulate my ship, back where I came from.

I had enjoyed to just trot behind her on our way, but eventually the inevitable came to pass, and the next pair of sliding doors opened up, only to reveal what we were here to see. Engineering, that is. I knew it was coming, but this is when it hit home, I'm here.

What came before my eyes is utterly different from what I had expected, yet much of what I see is exactly what I'm used to. The one unavoidable difference, the Ponies.

I had known they would be here, I shouldn't have expected anything but Ponies. They are all Unicorns, just like the chief Engineer, maybe that should have been expected as well. There are no earth Ponies, or Pegasi in the room.

I walked into the several stories tall room, looking right and left, trying to make sense out of what I saw. Promenades lining the walls unevenly but strategically spaced along all four walls. I immediately recognised the care, standing dead centre in the room. There are panels lining the rim of the construct of their core, just as there are more panels along the walls. The look of their panels is surprisingly like the looks of ours, even if I could see signs of numerous differences all over the room, most of which are connected to the changes in anatomy, compared with us.

Hooved Ponies naturally use no buttons of levers, or anything the like, it is too impractical to them. We had left them behind, despite the ease of use in the old days. It is just so much easier to configure the system with panels, at least it is how I saw it.

My experience as Pony may be short and brief, which is the only way it could be, unless they chosen to place me in the brig for an indefinite period of time. Even then, it would require for them to be capable of preventing my friends to beam me back home. I did not foresee any the like in the near future. Maybe I'm mistaken, but it isn't how I view the Ponies of this ship. In particular, the captain by the name of Twilight Sparkle.

Since my visor is entirely passive in nature, I can't access anything, just see everything around me, even though, I guess I still could interact with the engineers in the room. I could do a few things they can't, even as an Earth Type Pony. My hooves wouldn't do much good for direct control of the equipment, but I still could help them with a few things.

“Would you mind if I have a look around? I know I can't do all that much, since the equipment is attuned to Unicorns, as opposed to Earth Ponies, but I may be able to direct some of them towards how to improve the running of your ship!” I stated, feeling secure in my experience and expertise, aside from what I could see, that they may miss, for all I knew.

“There is a good point if I ever heard one. You can't really do all that much on your own, but if you're the chief Engineer of a ship like the one you're from, I'd put a great deal on that you'd be experienced enough to give a few good pointers. I'd be curious to see you at work, even if it's not your own ship, at least not this time!” she responded, thus telling me to proceed.

I started by simply looking over the room, starting out with the core, since it is the most obvious of all there could ever be. Then moving from station to station, instrument by instrument, looking into everything I could make out from where I stand, mere yards from the door.

Once I had scanned the room casually, I moved forwards towards the core, walking slowly around it, scanning each and every panel, as well as looking directly into the systems at hand. From what I could see, everything is in order, which would have been expected, or we wouldn't be here at all. All I could make out are a few minor anomalies.

“This is interesting. I may be new to your ship, but everything seems to be exactly where I had expected it to be. I'm not saying I'm disappointed, but I guess I should be just a little bit surprised?” I pointed out with more nonchalance to the words than I had initially intended.

--- --- ---

The Bridge: 8

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Since Picard had left the ship on the away mission, I'm bound to stay on the ship as the first officer. Good thing I have Data by my side, if there is a voice of reason, that would be him.

I sure would have enjoyed to be on the team, but both Captain and First Officer can't leave the ship on a mission like this, it is clearly stated by the protocol.

Something told me this would not be brief, so I will have to stay on the ship for quite a while. This is one of the times I am very happy to have Data by my side. I know him to guard the deck from the moment our Captain left, until he is ordered to, and at this point, that would be me, unless Picard is back.

Several key members of the crew is on this mission, including chief engineer and Guinan, as it were. I can only guess he had a good re4ason for sending her out on this mission.

I was getting sporadic messages and information, details describing the progress of the respective members on their missions. I had been told they had been transformed into some Equine form, referred to as Ponies, something not too different from the Horse Picard loves riding. If they are not just sentient, but also have reached the level of culture, including Warp Drive, I guess this would be a mission to remember, even if I'm not going down to the planet in order to see them.

Picard is a Guard, trying his best to mingle with them, infiltrating their ranks, working his way to the Princess. 'She apparently is a Pony, or an Alicorn to be more exact, according to the reports. Aside from being incredibly old, more than a Millennia, she had been ruling these Ponies, maybe this could explain why he picked this part for himself, recalling his exploits. He seems to have a knack for both infiltration, and is doing well with the older ladies.

Why Geordi la'Forge went is no question, he is after all our best Engineer, hands down, and speaking of hands, Ponies has none of these.

Guinan had the most curious of all, the Zebra known as Zecora. She apparently is just as mysterious as our Bar-tender. That would make for a good match, I could see as much.

Only with Guinsn out, I chose to have my meals in my quarters. I can replicate what I feel like eating on my room, just as well as have the next in line for tending the bar.

I had seen Geordi fly to the ship known as 'the Harmony', and read all of the reports. He had made it there safely, which was expected. Even if the ship could have shot him, by the readings. They had then proceeded in the cause, and he is still on the ship. They must have accepted him for what he told them, or they were merely playing along in order to ask demands later.

The reports on Guinan is as cryptic as her person, though I had managed to read that she had not only made it to the ground, but was now talking to the Zebra, just as had been planned. Exactly how it is going, I have no idea, but I expect further reports to come in. If it failed, or succeeded, I would be informed as well. So she is simply doing her best in order to carry out the mission.

I could do little more than wait, then read the reports as they came in. There is very little to do at this point. I perform my duty from the bridge, just in case. Something unexpected could come up. I could be required.

Aside from a restful sleep, I try to make the day go, so I enjoy a few hours on Holo-deck, talk to Data and Crusher. The bar is as good as closed without Guinan there, it isn't just serving drinks, it is all the rest of her skills and talents we're missing.

I could see Data standing before the screen as I entered the bridge, just looking at the planet below, and the small ship right before us.

“Hi, Data. Anything new since I left?” I asked.

“Hi, Will. Nothing has happened. I'm just contemplating the ship we have before us. It is clearly the reason why we had bothered stopping by in the first place. I'm just trying to imagine a culture, entirely made up by these Equines inhabiting this world!” Data responded in his usual flat voice, though I may have imagined the curious tone at the end of his statement, as he mentioned these Ponies.

“I guess that's just as good, at least nothing went wrong. Yes, this is the ship that brought us here, just like when Cochran made his first flight, causing the Vulcan’s going to Earth in order to see who we were, back when we followed the Borg to Earth, at the 'First Contact', we only red about in history class. We do have Equines back home, maybe that image is getting in the way. I can't see them building as much as a sailing ship, yet here these Equines clearly built a ship worthy of space flight!” I responded.

“If anything went wrong, you would know, or you would probably have been quite dead. You are not, so here we are. Ah yes, that was quite the adventure, but we did make it through, and history is in our favour. I have seen a few, but these clearly are quadruped, just like the once I've seen. Something is setting these once apart. There is something more to them. I guess I can see what, just as little as I could see the difference in feeling the ship Cochran had built out of the old missile, back then. This is quite the fine ship, and it looks just as well put together as ours is. They just made a very different design!” Data responded.

“The exterior does remind me of something from home. Just not what I had expected to see out in space, and nothing the likes of this size!” I pointed out.

“A Manta Ray, I've seen them on an Aquarium!” Data responded, as he called forth an image on the large screen, demonstrating the point.

“Do they even have this verity of 'Shark', on their world, or is it just a convenient construct for their design?” he suggested.

“Going by what I recall, integrating systems according to the original, this just may be a superior design!” I grumbled.

“There is a natural shuttle bay, you have your weapons as well as defences. Did they manage to integrate Warp Drive in this design, I am impressed. I guess this could be humiliating!” Data mused.

“I guess the maw could be the Shuttle bay, and the eyes the missile tubes, and Phaser array, then. If the wings would contain the Warp Drive. If this truly is a Manta Ray, does the common electric shield translate into the shield holding a hostile attack at bay too. If this is the case, we do have an ingenious design before us!” I pointed out, barely picking up on his voice.

--- --- ---

Celestia: 9

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I sit on my throne as Luna enter the room, with an Astronomer in tow. There had to be a reason for her to enter the room at this hour, and to pull an Astronomer with her.

“Hi, Sis. You can't believe what I was just told!” Luna put forth.

“If you put it like that, it is not Discord, or Crystalis, since an Astronomer wouldn't be involved in that case. No, I have no idea!” I pondered, with a curious smile on my face.

“This report is connected to our 'Space Program'. Which I think you were pushing hard to put out there!” Luna continued, and her smile changed curiously.

“You have gotten the Harmony up and running, but what about it?” I enquired.

“Yes, the Harmony is up and running alright. It just got back from the Maiden Voyage, as it were. It isn't just the 'Passenger', but the large ship we've been tracking for about a day, now!” Luna pointed out.

“The ship works, and there is something out there? It isn't just empty space, I take it. Good thing we found them, before something worse found us? On the other hoof, what is so special about the guest, aside from not being one of our ponies? Since we have only one crew, and they were on the ship, from launch!” I continued, now my curiosity was peaked.

“Oh, the ship works alright. All my instruments confirm it!” the Astronomer Twinkling Stars pronounced.

“The new ship appeared, practically out of nowhere, or as it dropped out of Warp, just an hour after the Harmony had returned. Then the small shuttle requested to dock. Apparently, it was piloted by a lone Earth type Pony. He is currently on a tour of the ship, and has been debriefed by now!” Luna interjected.

“The Engineer Stallion does have a name, does he not? This Earth type, and how could be possibly be an Engineer, if he is an Earth Pony? What is his Rank, by the way?” I then enquired.

“The Name of the Chief Engineer is apparently Gleaming Engines, and he apparently do have very special tools, but the only one reported, is a 'Visor', which he uses to see more than our regular scanners can scry. The accuracy of this device has not yet been compared or measured, but he demonstrated more than enough of what it did for him, and he merely made a sweep of his head!” Luna claimed.

“A Chief Engineer by the name 'Gleaming Engines', who can basically see what even our scanners would not pick up on, just by a brief glance? I guess I just have got to see this. I take it Captain Twilight Sparkle is on top of this situation. It could prove mighty embarrassing, if she wasn't!” I responded.

“That would be only too easy to arrange. By the latest report, she is managing the situation. I'm expecting a new report from her shortly!” Luna pointed out.

Pinkie Pie is, and will remain Pinkie Pie. Pinkie pie does, what Pinkie Pie does, and this is one of the times it is at the most convenient. No pony can buck the fourth wall, just like no Pony can make a Rainboom, that had been Rainbow Dashes special talent, and it still is.

All of a sudden, a Pink Pony appears before Luna, which happened to be in the middle of our group meeting.

“That is just in the right time, Pinkie Pie!” Luna pointed out with a particularly curious smile on her face.

“Yes, Luna. I'm here with the latest report. The Engineer sure does look like a Pony, but this would be the strangest pony I ever saw. Even Discord would look like a regular pony, beside him. Though he clearly do know his Engineering, like no pony I've seen before. I guess we should have an Emissary sent over to his ship, since I dare say, not only is it big, but the outlook of the design is new and radical. On the other hoof, I would be looking for a pony coming your way, and he is to be here soon. I think it may be a Guard, but he is so much more than a mere guard. There is even the chance, you may actually enjoy his presence, like you've enjoyed no pony before him, but I'm not holding out. Oh, one final detail, there's another pony by Zecoras hut, for what little relevance it may have, but she is another strange pony!” Pinkie Pie rambled in her usually incoherent manners.

“I always found Pinkie Pie the most strange of Ponies. How does she know anything? Yet, when I check up on her words, it has proven true to the letter. The more unrealistic or unlikely, the more it is true. Oh, and Discord, he isn't even a Pony, and I can understand more of him, even as the Element of Chaos, then I see through her riddles!” the Astronomer pointed out with a snide grin on his muzzle.

“Pinkie Pie is from a line of Rock Farmers, but that looks more like a cover-up, then an explanation of her personality and antics!” Luna pointed out.

“We are Rock Farmers, it just wasn't my place in life. Rainbow Dash showed me a better life, as she shared the Rainboom with me, and any ever Pony who could open her eyes wide enough to see throughout the entire Equestria. She united us, now we are prepared for the future. You of all Ponies know that, after the time we met you at what was your old castle, when you were a much darker Pony!” Pinkie Pie lectured her younger Princess.

“By Celestia, I certainly know that part. It's a humiliating blot on my life, but now I'm glad you did make the effort, I'm happy now!” Luna responded.

“If you're happy, then I'm happy!” Pinkie Pie pointed out with her usual hyper squealing.

“I'm also very glad you managed to pull it of, and not just for myself and my sister, but for what you've done for the entire of Equestria!” I acknowledged, with a nostalgic smile on my face.

Flutters Crew: 10

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I had studied the approach of the shuttle from the newly arrived ship, known as 'The Enterprise'. The shuttle sure isn't made for ponies, I had managed to figure as much. What, or whom it had been made for escaped me at this point, though.

I had not looked into it just yet, but since it is looking as if it was their main mode of transport to and from their main ship, it is an integral part.

“Flutter Shy!” my first wing pony exclaimed, as she approached me.

“Yes, first wing Pony Golden Wings!” I responded.

“Your first Squadron is ready for your instructions, the fighters are all prepared to launch for a standard practice exercise!” Golden Wings stated proudly with an exhilarated smile on her muzzle.

“Excellent, have the wings up within five, and I will be right there with you. This will be the first chance to fly by another ship!” I responded.

About a Minute later, I rose to my hooves, wearing the lead suit, as I flew to the hangar bay. As instructed, they had indeed prepared all five ships. True to the style, these fighters are just smaller versions of our main ship. As a one pony fighter, they are pretty small, but otherwise, they would look identical to the Harmony.

“All suited up? Hit your fighters!” I just pointed out, as I set hoof on the deck, before I moved towards my lead ship.

“Aye aye, sir!” came the reply from all four wing ponies.

“It's a joyous sight to see young ponies at attention!” I then observed as I slipped into my lead fighter.

The next moment, I had entered, knowing they all are in place.

“Ready pre-launch preparations, in order to take off!” I ordered.

“Aye, sir!” came the lead wing pony.

As I followed my own preparations, I could see how they were preparing step-by-step, right alongside me. A few minutes later, I knew they had all completed their individual preparations.

“Ready when you are!” the lead wing pony announced, at just four minutes from my initial order.

I giggle, as I thought of getting out, and how well they had followed my orders. They sure knew how to make me shine, and with me, the entire squadron.

My fighter is clearly powered up and fully charged, just as I had expected out of them. All the five ships are fully changed, ready for the launch, this is such a promising adventure.

“Ready for Launch, eye in ten seconds!” I announced, as I made the final clearance.

The shield was now securely holding air inside, while we could leave safely, the maw slowly opening up. At exactly nine seconds, launch is initiated, the maw fully open, a second later I clear the ship at minimum speed.

Looking at my screen, all five ships passing, once by one, clearing the ship in mere five seconds.

“Launch optimal!” I announce.

“Aye aye, sir!” they responded in turn.

“Form on me, and we're starting out slow, just circling out ship. I don't want to make them worried. I don't know who they are, or what their orders are!” I pointed out firmly.

A moment later, I could see indication they had all locked on the diamond formation. It's a compact formation that works well for a five ships group. We simply fly lazily around our ship, then continue further as we've reached the aft section of the ship.

Once clear of our ship, we can manoeuvre more freely, as well as take more interesting readings, though we're more limited in observations.

In orbit, there are very few obstacles, so they just stay in position. This leaves them with plenty of time, observing, though.

“Record your telemetry and general observations!” I instructed them, before any of them had had the time to actually speak a word on the line.

After several minutes, I made a ninety degree turn, and started out more interesting manoeuvres. Just turning this way or that, seemingly on random, only to take me closer to the new ship. Since I had no intent on docking, but merely observing the ship manually, by the regular visual means, I would maintain radio silence.

As I finally did bring us in, closer to the ship, I could finally see the general design. I had to admit, it is a curious, yet radical design, from my perspective. Whatever the reason behind it.

Just like us, they have a Warp Drive, and it is fairly easily pointed out, even now as it is not active. They also have a shield, which wouldn't directly surprise me. Just as I had expected it to be of line, since no hostiles are present.

What shocked me is that they seem not to be equines ate all. If they had been dragons, it would at least have explained the size, I would have imagined. The bipedal crew is no larger than us, yet the ship is huge.

Then it hit me, something is missing in the ship, the design of it. They couldn't be compensating it with blunt force of mass, could they? Even if it was possible, it just couldn't make sense to me.

The aliens on the ship are made up by numerous different types, just like us ponies. Each with their specific advantages and weaknesses.

Some of the members of this crew just stick out so much more than all the rest. Like the Captain, who by chance isn't on the ship, where ever he could possibly be. A few others of the crew obviously are missing too. Though one in particular is maintaining bridge presence on an overly high level, if he ever left.

A comparison struck me, it is like the one time when Princess Cadence was maintaining the shield in order to protect the Crystal Empire against King Sombra. Where others sleeping in his stead, helping him stay awake, or was there yet a greater secret behind him and his presence? What is conflicting is that he seems to lack all magic. His strength lie in physical strength and power, yet he apparently was choosing loyalty to his ship and Captain. Nothing is holding him up, and nothing is pinning him down, he simply chose Loyalty. What ever could compel him to this degree of loyalty was baffling me.

The commander of the ship, the embodiment of never flagging attention, focus and loyalty, it was as if he was the ship, not merely holding it in his hoof, or in this case, hand.

Suddenly it struck me, he knew I was here and exactly how much I had gathered about him and the ship, yet he allowed me to continue, as if he didn't fear us finding out his secrets.

Had I seen a smile on his face, would it have scared me? There was no grin, smile or even emotions on his face.

Half of the time, he sat alone in the Captains chair, looking before him. For four hours at a time, one of the crew entered the large bridge. The man holding the chair greeted them in a formal manner, almost as if the crew was ranking above him. There is the one man known as Will Riker, the Fi5rst Officer, he was frequently with the man named Data, which apparently was the name of the man. How curious, what strange names they had.

Only one female ever came, a Doctor Crusher, was it. From time to time, there was an Engineer with him too.

The main part of the ship is a disk, holding not just the bridge, but the crew's quarters and most other facilities, short of the Engineering. I had located Sick-Bay, Ten-Forwards and even the Shuttle Bay.

There was another strange room, apparently named Holo-Deck. The room was huge and appeared empty. The one feature is the panel by the door, where they teased out commands by hoof, or rather their fingers.

Only as I got closer to the ship, I passed the Shuttle Bay. I noticed the doors open, and some kind of shield holding the air within. The next moment I noticed a light stabbing out from the hull of the hip, on six corners of the bay doors, only too late to avoid any of them.

My ship was physically pulled in, into the bay, there was nothing I could do to prevent it, had I tried. Maybe it was better to just accept what is inevitable. I had not been assaulted yet, maybe they were merely curious about me and wanted to see me face-to-face?

I had my entire squadron with me inside. I did not even need to look back, my instruments had already told me as much. What I found next is a large group of small shuttles, e4xactly like the once the Engineer by the name of Gleaming Engines had shuttled to our ship the Harmony. These could hold a small group, or an entire ship like the one I was flying.

Once the doors had closed behind me, I saw a man entering the large space referred to as the Shuttle Bay. He wore nothing but a thin uniform. I could clearly see that he was breathing, so I opened the hatch and stepped out. The air is quite breathable by any standards. That my instruments had told me and it is true.

On Board: 11

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”These pilots are our guests, I want you to see to that they feel as welcome as possible. Escort them to my ready-room!” I instructed Will.

“Yes sir. I will see to them right away, Sir!” Will responded, as he left for the turbo lift.

Just as the doors to the lift closed behind the first officer William Thomas Riker, commonly known as Will Riker, I punched in the commands to set up force fields to guide them directly to the Captains ready room. With that, I had cleared a path for them from the shuttle bay and all the way up to the office where I was to wait for them.

This would be the most curious of all emissaries I had ever greeted in all of my life, as long as it had already been. I may have seen the Horse my Captain was enjoying to ride on a few occasions, but this would be a far cr5y from the equines I was about to see in what essentially was his office.

I had followed Rikers progress down to the bay, seen him greet them and lead them up. I had been standing just outside of the room in which I had intended to see them, thus leading them there personally. There is a small question as to how they were to see me.

“Greetings, honoured guests of the Enterprise!” I merely spoke.

“Greeting. I'm most curious. Who and what are you?” Fluttershy pronounced.

“I am Lieutenant Commander Data, an Android I take it you have never seen any such as I? I am greeting you in the name of the United Federation of Planets. This is our Flag Ship, the USS 1701 Enterprise!” I stated.

“Just call him Data. He is much more comfortable with that anyway!” Riker pointed out.

“I greet you in the Name of Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Twilight Sparkle, the Princesses of Equestria. They are most curious, eagerly awaiting the word of our meeting!” the yellow Pegasus mare stated.

“This way!” first Officer Riker put forth, pointing to the room, indicating for all to be seated.

“Since you are already here, you have seen us as we are. I could as well give you a heads up. Not only is our Engineer at your ship as we speak, but my Captain is heeding for your Princess Celestia. You may or may not have seen the Engineer, he looks like you, only lacking wings!” I spoke as I walked from the door and to the seat, taking my place at the short end, while Riker found his place to my right.

“Gleaming Engines is your engineer, then. Yes, he is on our ship. I haven't heard of your other people, though it is hardly a surprise, I'm merely a Pegasi Pilot, after all. This is indeed an interesting development. I'm curious, what made you choose to stop by our world of Equus?” Flutter Shy enquired.

“It is standard practice to try to fit in among the once we meet, in order not to cause panic or mistrust. Your ship may be small in our standards, but it is still large enough to be space worthy. The Name seems to fit him, by your name traditions. He is born a first rate Engineer. Your friends would have seen that by now. Jean-Luc chose to see your Princess first hand, or hoof by himself, based on prior experiences. He had extensive experience with vastly powerful entities, neigh mortals and equines as well, aside from negotiations, infiltrations and a few other fields that may or may not come into play here. I may offer another interesting side note; he has been dealing with an entity not too different from the one you refer to as 'Discord', to!” I offered.

“Avoiding panic is a noble ideal. Compared with yours, I could see your point. We could probably enter your shuttle bay, with little to no problem? As an Engineer, he should have been a Unicorn, which I take it he isn't. Yet, if he is like you, hat wouldn't be a problem here. You all have very strange names to us, but our names would be equally strange to you. If your Captain is as experienced as you give me reason to think, Celestia will be most impressed by him, once he approaches her. You know that much of us?” she pronounced.

“We chose to stop by, due to your ship, or we would never have come. We strive for peace and progress. By the looks of you, we may have struck richer than we had expected. He would be an Earth Pony by your standards. Neither wings nor horn, no such magic. Trade and exchange on fair terms is the highest6 purpose. Sadly, one may be forced to stand up, to fight for what is right. To protect oneself and one's allies. If you choose to join us in the pursuit, I would predict a new era of prosperity for all of us. Once a friendly agreement is signed, I would love to have my shore-leave here. Furthermore, some of you may join us on the voyage among the stars and see what lay beyond the horizon!” Riker pointed out with a small grin playing on his face.

“But, how could this insignificant little ship change anything? It may be our bravest, but it nothing compared with this ship you command!” Flutter Shy pondered.

“Here's the big secret. We ourselves started with a ship, just as humble as this. You are harrowing a new era. The ship is merely the final part of the puzzle falling into place.”Riker pointed out.

“If it isn't the ship, then what is it? We are merely peace loving Ponies. We don't conquer other nations, or anything!” the wing Pony expressed.

“That is exactly the point. We are explorers, not conquerors who desire to find mighty allies. We merely seek friends who dare go boldly, where others dare not. You certainly do look like a promising new friend, what more could we possibly wish for?” I enquired, in my usual rather deadpan voice.

“We are merely Pegasi, or fliers. Pilots if you will. We dream of nothing greater than soaring the blue skies. Aside from friendship, what more could there be?” the second wing Pony expressed with some amusement.

“If my charges are threatened, I am prepared to stare any dragon down, in order to secure them!” Flutter Shy empathised.

“Our Princes Twilight Sparkle taught us; there is nothing greater than Friendship!” the first wing Pony stated firmly.

“Is that by chance the Commander of your ship, the Harmony?”Riker asked in a curious voice.

“That, would be her. Yes. It is an honour to be her friend!” Flutter Shy Pronounced with deep emphasis.

“We are fortunate to have her as our Princess, our Commander!” the third wing Pony expressed.

“I think I know the feeling of that. I've seen what our Captain does, first hand!” Riker expressed.

“I have served under him for quite the while. He just can't seem to give up. He is the reason I stay on this ship, rather than seeking a Command of my own!” I pointed out.

“You had your own command on a few occasions, remember? In the end, you proved yourself cunning and resourceful. If not for you, they would have evaded us. Yet, here you are. I'm glad you're on our side and proud to have you with me!” Riker put forth.

The group of yellow Pegasi just exchanged smiles, while listening to our light banter.

“If your Captain is anywhere nearly as good as I have the impression you're implying, I have the impression you will be invited to our humble ship and to the Royal Palace of the Princesses in Canterlot soon!” Flutter Shy suggested.

“I think I would love to see more of your magnificent ship. From what I have seen and heard this far, that shouldn't be much of a problem?” the first wing Pony enquired.

“I could show you the bridge, in part since it is where I spend my service, as the first Officer!” Riker suggested.

“Under current circumstances, you could do that, Will. You do have the authority and it would look good on our part. It is not as if it could hurt at this point. I could show you most of the ship, even if there are a few more qualified at specific posts!” I interjected with a faint smile.

“Actually, there is another detail, I think this should be interesting, even for our esteemed guests, Data!” Riker suggested.

“You are by any chance hinting at the Holo-Deck, Riker? I guess that could be some fun. It would allow us to interaction a different level, in a more natural environment too. I think I have just the vista for the occasion!” I responded.

“If you prefer us to conclude our discussion in a formal setting, we can always return later. It isn't as if the room will disappear any time soon!” Riker pointed out.

“I guess we could enjoy a break. What ever the suggested location is, it sounds as if it should be more comfortable than these chairs, as soft and padded as they are!” Flutter Shy pointed out with a hopeful smile on her muzzle.

“Very well, then. Right this way. I'll show you the Holo-Deck!” I offered in a more pleasant tone of voice.

I rose to my feet, Riker just one step behind me. The Ponies did not take long to follow suit. The doors opened and I continued through the bridge, only to see the next door open and granting us entrance into the lift. It was a bit cramped, with five Pegasi inside at the same time, but I guess it should be worth it.

“Computer, Holo-Deck!” I merely uttered and noticed the affirmative response, before we fell several floors down before the lift stopped gently and admitted us exit.

“Right this way, we're almost there!” Riker offered as he led us to the Holo-Deck doors.

I quietly put a hand up on the access panel and punched in the commands for a program. Then I added a few more commands to adjust for what I had in mind.

“In about a minute, you will see what a Holo-Deck can do!” I merely stated.

The original program had already been loaded. The doors slide open as the final adjustments had been prepared for us.

“This is one of the more convenient advantages with a large ship, such as this. Just slip in and have a look, shall we? The environment in here is perfectly safe, just in case you like to know. We commonly implement what we call 'Safety Protocalls' that will ensure that no severe damages could ever happen at any Holo-Deck!” Riker pointed out.

The five ponies all cantered into the room with enthusiasm.

“I have never seen such space indoors, not even at the Royal Castle. We are still on board your ship?” the third wing Pony exclaimed.

“We are still onboard the ship, yes. Though it is an outdoors setting. You should be quite capable of flight in here. You are true avians, are you not?” I put forth.

“Pegasi like us are fully capable of flight, if it is what you mean. Thus we are the best pilots for minor crafts too. What I was suggesting is, we haven't been teleported anywhere off of the ship?” Flutter Shy clarified.

“Teleported? Wait, we could have done that. We call the device transporter. It is used for taking us up from, or down to a planet. We can also use it in order to move an injured crew member to Sick-Bay in emergencies. I guess I should have expected it!” I pondered.

“Teleportation is reserved for our best and strongest Unicorns. You have a device that can handle these powers? Most impressive!” Flutter Shy responded with some awe on her voice.

The Beginning of a New Day: 12

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I had found myself in the bed I had chosen the previous day. I am in the room I had chosen for myself, where I hide everything I carried with me. A small room, intended for a guard in her majesty's service here at the castle at Canterlot. I recall everything from the previous day.

I know who and what I am. I am still Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Commander of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701E, currently in orbit of the planet Equus, where I happen to be quartered at this point.

I am here in the form of an Earth Pony, working as a guard for the two royal Princesses Celestia and Luna. I had no problems keeping up my post. I have quite enjoyed my stay. Thank Celestia, we live in peaceful and prosperous times. I may not have a problem with standing my ground and defending my post. Though I much prefer the peaceful times, I am working in order to maintain a peace.

The Ponies are not our enemies, they never were. This isn't even a strategic position. The only value I had found, is a potential ally to have trade and exchange with. I guess this could be a great place for shore leaves as well. The one reason we even stopped by the planet, the ship in orbit, as small as it may be, but it is representing something much greater. Once we realised, they are peaceful, it became a priority to investigate them, in order to have an agreement with them.

I had had the strangest of dreams. There had been this large mare, visiting me in the dreams. Why she was there, or how she could be there, I had no idea, as of yet. Something told me, I was to be the wiser soon enough. This isn't a mare, like any of the Horses I ever had seen before. From the looks, she had to be of the world in which I am right now. What is strange about her, aside from her wings and horn? I knew of both Unicorns and Pegasi, not just because I had seen several of them amongst the guards I was among. The guards I had seen are roughly my built and size. That would most likely count for the majority of the ponies in all of Equestria, not just the Royal castle, in which I had been sleeping all night.

The mare I had encountered in my dreams is neither Pegasus, nor Unicorn. She had actually told me she is an Alicorn. It was apparently the blend of all the common types of Ponies of Equestria, Earth Ponies, Pegasi and Unicorns, all in a single form.

No, the strange thing about her is her mane. Not only is it black as the night shy, it also sports all the stars of the night. She is the Princess of the night. Her name is Luna.

Now I will meet up with her sister, Celestia. To see the Princess of day. If the Princess of the night has the night sky as her mane, would the Princess of the day has the day-sky? The word defied logic, but it still made sense.

Why Luna, the Princess of the night had visited me, if it truly was she who had granted me an appearance, I had no idea. I couldn't recall if she had even told me, she probably never did.

Her form purely equine in nature, yet she was just as sentient and clever as ever any entity I had ever encountered.

Now part of the nightly visions had started to fade, yet the main part of the import, the details is still with me, as if I had been communicating with her.

Curious, I had been greeted as the Pony my form looks like, yet it is as obvious that she knew me deeper than the flesh before her eyes. Is this what is confusing me?

I had never been in this exact form, yet I have been disguised in one form or the other more times than I could count, not counting my 'previous lives', since I knew I had had at least one more. Only the forms had all been bipedal and humanoid once. I guess they shouldn't really count.

Waking up, I only required a short moment to gather myself and my bearing on the situation. To wake up in the form of an Earth Pony isn't something simple, but it seems to be promising something for my future.

Just getting my legs in under me and keeping track of all my four hooves. Slipping the quilt to the side. Slipping down and onto the floor, gathering my thoughts and preparing for the day. My form as a Pony doesn't offer any suggestions, but it did not really prove any hindrance either.

I'm just one more Pony, a guard who serves the Princesses of the castle or Canterlot. I guess this position isn't as strange as I had expected. I have been in this sit6uaion before, even if I was an officer of a ship back at the day. I did not have a particular desire to stick out before and it isn't as if I felt the urge now either.

I had made my bed, the way I had always done, the way any Equestrian Pony would have done it, or it is as I imagined. I'm hungry, so I went off towards the mess hall where all the other hungry guards would be gathered or gathering for breakfast. I knew my way by now. I was just careful to leave the small room the way I expected every guard to leave their rooms before they left for breakfast, clean and in order. Nothing to give away that it was I who lived here, for the duration of my stay.

Strange how vivid the dream is. Or is it a vision and message from the one mare of the night? Maybe it is how to explain why I could still recall as much as a single detail.

The way to the mess is just as long as it was the other day. It will be just as long tomorrow and any other day. It isn't as if there was anything special with this day. I'm just trotting off to the mess for my breakfast, just as every other guard in service for the Royal Princesses of Equestria in Canterlot.

The one difference for me, I'm not aboard my ship in my own room, even if the room had started to feel like it had been mine. I guess I had gotten used to my form and position as well. Trotting to the mess is a breeze, it isn't as if it was all that far and I had gotten used to be me.

As I slipped into the hall, I noticed groups of Ponies scattered about in the large room. Most of them are already busy with the meal, while others are serving or being served as I entered.

“Morning, Blue Daggers, Shining Shield!” I greeted my friends from the day before.

“Morning!” Blue Daggers and Shining Shield responded with a nod from the table they were sitting by.

I slowly gathered the food for my breakfast, before I turned towards the table where they sat. Putting the food before my chosen seat. It was still hard to carry the tray by hoof.

“I take it you are always starved in the morning?” Daggers teased.

“Like a Horse. I haven't eaten since yesterday. I need to have a good breakfast, if I am to be trusted to defend the Princesses and the castle, if and when needed?” I merely responded.

“Yes, that's true. Who can be trusted to defend the Princesses, without a decent breakfast?” Shields responded.

“Good thing they haven't moved the ship. They picked up the scouts late last night, I heard!” informed Daggers.

“They did?” I merely grunted with my mouth full of food.

“Who wouldn't be curious about a little Pony, piloting a small ship, if one had a ship like theirs?” Shimmering Armours interjected giggling.

Apparently the guards were well informed, or they were here to see me respond to what they knew? I could add small snippets to the conversation, but never explain anything overall. If I gave anything I didn't know they would reasonably know, or try to act as if I knew nothing, they would know who I was, or. Either way, I kept up my position as a palace guard, just as intended.

“If our scouts were picked up, I hope they learned something useful from the Ponies aboard the ship. I just hope they are well treated and that the ship isn't piloted by vicious Dragons, or anything equally horrid!” I responded.

“They could be friendly Zebras or Deers?” Daggers proposed.

A Step Closer: 13

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They knew we are here, and it is what we had expected. It is merely a sign that we are a step closer to what we originally came for.

The way they speak of it only confirmed what I had hoped for all along, these Ponies are friendly. I have detected no fear amongst the guards I had seen. A ship the size of Enterprise should instil fear among members of a hostile people, at least unless they had something they believed could overpower the enemy. What could they possibly have to be more powerful than my Enterprise?

I had come to realise they have Magic, something we are lacking. Yet, unless they have a larger fleet or ground based weaponry, they could be no match.

If it came to that, we could always try to have an exchange of Hostages, since we currently have our Engineer on their ship, while they have a squadron of their scouts aboard the Enterprise. I hope it will never come to that, there is no point.

Within the timespan of the days I had been here, I had the fortune to see most of the castle. The guards may be vigilant, yet they don't really see another guard, so long as he acts within the boundaries. Maybe it would have been harder for me to blend in, had I been a Unicorn or Pegasus. They all move around freely, both on duty and on their free time. It is at least what I saw.

By now, I had figured the Earth Type Pony was known for the Physical strength and durability. I could stand up for myself, I knew as much from experience. Just need to know when to stand firm and when to slide to a side. Good thing I had all the experience with Equines from before, they feels similar enough. Thanks to the Translator, I know and understand what they say, but I don't relay on it that much.

As it was, I had even had the fortune to see the Princesses of light and dark. Celestia and Luna. Interesting People, these Ponies. Their Monarchy had apparently worked for them for a millennia, with just these two ruling the nation.

Exactly how they managed their longevity had escaped me this far, but maybe I was to be the wiser soon enough. If so, I hope it was interesting. Who they were in person is yet another detail I hope to learn soon, even if I had seen a glimpse of Luna of the night and dark.

I truly had started to enjoy myself here. The Ponies are very nice, I think. Not just that they were nice towards me, since I was so easily taken for a Pony just like any other. A guard in uniform looks just like any other guard in uniform here. Something told me it had been intensional too. It isn't just that Ponies looks the same, or a uniform made you look like anyone else in a uniform. In this case, there was something more to it.

Being a guard in peace time is a fairly lacy job. It is little to no actual work, or hazard to it. You still keep your guards in place, just in case. Better safe then sorry, as the expression went. I would know the truth of it. I had been one of these guards in what is generally peace time too.

I just had never been the Pony before, yet the guard duty feels very much the same, when you scrutinize it deeply enough. I like to think. With that, I have been scrutinizing a few things in my day.

Good thing I had picked up a few friends early on, not just for what they told me, but I realised I really hate not to have friends here. It is more about who I had become as a Pony, they seem to be too nice to be worried about.

Even if I am new here, it isn't as if they would expect me not to know anything. The problem is in what to say and how to explain how I knew of it. On the other hoof, after listening for a while, I think I got this just right. Maybe it is for the better to let them know a few details here and there. Just so long as they don't know who I am, before I needed them to, it may actually be an advantage. I could turn their attention where I wanted it and stir their attention where I wanted it. Just as I could change their opinion by giving details suiting my interests. Mainly denying bad rumours in my case.

Rumours commonly went out on a limb, causing more problems than it could possibly be worth. I had no interest in that, so I gave them details about the ship. They were to know these details son enough, from their friends anyway. I knew as much, since my friends had already invited them and picked them up.

Bit by bit, I had found these Ponies a bit more similar to myself than I had dared to expect, possibly closer then comfort wanted to admit to. Once you see them and understand them, just like I had come to realise, all too many a time as Captain of the Enterprise. Maybe it should no longer shock me, when I found the realisation creeping up upon me?

From what I could see, they are an honest, hard-working People. They just did things very differently in so many places, mainly due to the differences in anatomy. Yet, there are the things I couldn't blame these anatomical differences for. If it is culture or history is still up for debate, if it had any real importance I had to consider.

Funny thing, I think I am about to have my first time as Guard in the Throne room. Knowing where it was and when the Princess was to be there was helpful. From there, the leap to actually having my duty assigned where I wanted to go wasn't that much of an actual leap, as it turned out.

As great an honour as it may be, having the duty in the Throne room, while the Princess is actually there did not mean it was impossible to switch with some other Pony who may like to have the time for other things. These Ponies are after all like People are most. They do have lives too. Knowing that is very helpful to me.

In two days, then I will have my chance to see her on my own. The one private moment with her. In the end, I was slightly nervous, nothing was allowed to go wrong. I know the Ponies, but have seen little to nothing of the actual elite, the ruling class. I had just seen enough to know what they are.

In the end, there was no point in prolonging it. I had to see her. Then I had to fall back on what I knew and my experince from prior assignments.

Early Duty: 14

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Maybe I was given this opportunity because it is so early in the morning. Early isn't a problem for me. What fascinated me, is what she was said to be doing, just before the time I was to see her. Apparently, she was to 'Raise the Sun'. At least, it is what I had been told.

I had a grand opening of my day, I had woken up just in time for breakfast before the moment I had been looking forwards towards was finally upon me. I knew it had to happen, just not that it would be today, now it is almost upon me.

Several of my new friends were apparently having their breakfast, so I had spent some time with them. Casually talking about the day and what was to happen. It is an important day to the Ponies, which is why the ceremony was celebrated in the first place. A new day is merely a day, each and every day. Only today it isn't merely a new day. This was to be the longest day of the year, I had gathered. Personally I couldn't see it as all that grand an event, but it would be proven soon enough.

Just after breakfast, we had filed out in order to see her perform what I had initially thought impossible. She could time her performance to the sun, I guess. That's as far as I could have accepted it. Yet now I had been proven wrong, terribly wrong. She sure did perform what had been promised, how ever she did pull that off. I have no idea, but I guess it would be a hell of a story, having it explained.

I may have been old, as Humans goes, such as I was before I set hoof on this strange land. I know I have died a few times along the way, but apparently that never did stop me before, I am here now, am I not?

Just standing there, seeing her raising the Sun is magnificent. I never dreamt of seeing anything the like. Not once, and I know I never would expect to see it, not until now. Today she performed before my very eyes.

Not only did the Sun rise with her, it followed her step by step as she rose up into the air. I clearly saw her doing, what had been promised me.

Once she was done, she soon got back down to the ground, moving to the door and into the throne room. I followed her closely, just not too close to appear inappropriate. I am merely one of the guards to them. If they had known who I am, would they have allowed me to be this close to their beloved Princess of the light and Day. I never will know, there will never be a chance to know.

I enjoyed the moment for as long as it lasted. She had gotten into the castle and out of sight. I knew where she was going, which made it easy for me to follow her. I did not have to see her, I merely followed the path to where she was going. The throne room, that is. It isn't all that far to go, not for the Pony I am right now. Not that it would have appeared all that long for me before, as the Human Captain I used to be, even though I still am the Captain of the ship known as the Enterprise.

I opened the door to the large, or rather huge room, only to find her sitting on her throne. It had been expected, she was supposed to be here for several more hours. It is quiet, not a sound could be heard, short of breaths and heart beats, but even these are muffled.

The room is awfully silent, no Pony in the room, aside from the large Alicorn on her throne. I quietly move up to the throne and the Princess. I know she sees me, but she barely gives a sign of knowing I am there, little more than a mat on the floor?

“Greetings, Princess Celestia!” I addressed her as I was close enough to speak without raising my voice for her to hear me clearly.

For a moment, I pondered, should I bow, but dispensed of it. I could see no sign of her thinking less of me for not doing it. Besides, I had no idea as to how to, in my current form. I had after all spent lifetimes as a bipedal.

“Greetings, guard. I noticed you were at the ceremony!” she merely greeted me as she cast a glance at my flank.

“I wouldn't miss this for the world. It is one of the perks, with guarding the palace of Canterlot. Aside from a chance to see your Highness in person, rather than merely the high figure from afar!” I responded.

“As grand as it may be, it is still a duty amongst others to me, as much as I may enjoy performing it. Even if the ceremony requires me to concentrate and focus on what I have at hoof, I can still see you there. Besides, I do see more of who is present, both directly before and after. Even with a guards uniform, there is the one detail that sticks out, your Cutie Mark. Each and every Pony has one, but they are distinctly different for each and every one of you. Amongst all the guards I have had serving for and under me, none has ever been exactly like yours. I doubt there ever will be, either. I have been on this throne for the better part of a Millennia, so I have seen guards come and go, trust me!” she pointed out.

“I think I know enough of duties, even if I never had one for as long as you, or any as important. Some duties are more enjoyable then others. I have noticed, they are commonly grey looking, though the Cutie Mark still does stand out. I know I haven't been around anywhere as long as you, and I was transferred to your grand castle just a few days ago. I may not be all that remarkable, but I agree, there will never be a Pony like me in your guard. I am proud to be here, and glad I had the chance to actually see you, even if I may be only one guard amongst countless others. A Pony like me, rarely see anypony of any real importance!” I put forth.

“You may look like an average Pony, while you wear that guards uniform, but I can clearly see, you are anything but common. You could have been hiding in my castle for years, even without the uniform, you could have been blending in. You probably have been on infiltration duties more times than I care to know. From the looks of it, the Changelings would have been proud to have you amongst their ranks, which makes it all the more curious, since you are an Earth Pony, and I know you are not a Changeling. Not so much for the boldness of approaching me in my throne room, but also standing midst the crowd of the ceremony. Just the nerve to mix in with so many Ponies, in such an important event with no real value to them, only to stroll right into the throne room, no, it would prove that you are not a Changeling, even if something tells me, you were never born a Pony either!” Celestia pondered in regal tones, a smile playing on her muzzle, like a curious beast.

“It is a fine uniform, that is all it is. Certainly did help me blend in around here. I can give you as much, I never was common, trying to pass for being it could never last. I found what I needed, you are the once, the one I was looking for, from the moment I came here. I certainly have experience in infiltration and older individuals. I have had my share of leaders and Immortal beings along the way. The post and duty I am most known for is Captain, though. Maybe the question is, if you would have been as comfortable in speaking to me, if you had seen me as they know me. I have been along for much longer the most of my kind, but hardly anywhere as long as you!” I responded.

“Yes, it certainly is a fine uniform, it does fit you quite well too. If I may say so. No, I guess you are not a common, I could see that before you entered my throne room. I could see that as well, but that doesn't make you out to be a threat, all by itself, it depends on who you are and who you work for. Had you been working for the Changelings, you would easily have gotten away with all the information they could ever wish for, while performing immeasurable damage where you were. If you were working for me, you could have done just as well for me. As it is, you can still do more good for me, than I had been hoping for in a hundred years. You have dealt with other immortals, like me, or others? Captain? The new ship is yours, then? I should have expected to see you or someone much like you here sooner or later, I guess. From your looks alone, you look like any young guard I have seen, though I do sense something more, something telling me that you truly are much older than that. You are much older than the twenty five yours your appearance is letting on!” she continued, the smile still teasingly present.

“I was hoping you would not see me as a threat, it is part of why I came down alone. A single Earth Pony could never be a threat to you. Technically, the once on the ship work for me, though I represent a much larger civilization. We saw your ship and decided on taking a closer look, just in case, from what I have seen this far, we were right. It certainly was worth the effort of going down here. I have found you the people we would like trading with and share culture with. Though there are a few things I had not expected, thus had no prior experience with. Just as I never heard of Changelings before. Yes, that is my ship, the USS Enterprise NCC 1701E. Commonly referred to as the Enterprise. I think we have a few of your Ponies as guests on our ship right now, just as one of mine is a guest on your ship. Seems a perfect symmetry to it. It should promise both sides a fair exchange. Regardless of the bodily appearance, my actual age is close to ten times of that assessment. I am still merely a yearling in comparison here. Naturally, my appearance was adjusted in order for me to blend in, maybe it isn't too dissimilar to the Changelings you mentioned earlier. Who and what are they?” I responded.

“In your case, I fear I would have to make an exception, but no, you don't present a threat, either in person or in any other form. When you say 'Earth Pony', does this indicate that you possess no 'Magic' at all? Then it makes you the head of a delegation of your people? I am looking forwards to see more of you and your people. The Harmony. She is a fine ship, an excellent representation of who we are. Your engineer, Gleaming Engines are our guest on the ship, which you would know. I take it you would know of our scouts being guests on your Enterprise as well. If you are looking for peaceful civilizations to have trade and cultural exchange, I can assure you, you have found what you were looking for. I have personally overseen a millennia of peace myself. Something I dare be proud of. You truly are a curious Pony. For a mortal, you are taking it with admirable grace. The Changelings. They live in hives. For some reason they choose to infiltrate my castle, in order to spy on us. They feed on love. This far, we have managed to keep them at bay. Sooner or later, something needs to be done about the situation, since it can not last forever as it is now!” she continued.

“Maybe we should have the formal talks set up, from there we can develop relations. After that, we could discuss these matters in a more relaxed manner. I am certain there is much to discuss from that point!” I put forth.

“Formal talks, that would be most appropriate. As boring as it sounds. There would be more than enough for us to discuss after the formal talks. Are you going to stay with me at least over the day?” she enquired.

“Yes, personally I hate formal talks. Though I fear it is required. I hope you look forwards to continue our little discussion after the talks. I will be with you for the duration of my duty, at the very least. It is a special joy to talk to a Pony like you!” I expressed.

“I may be an Alicorn and Princess, but I still don't enjoy formal talks, to dry. Just a formality you have to endure, most of the times. Maybe you could make an exception out of this? I certainly would look forwards to that. Duties first, you do have the heart of a guard. Even if you merely look like a Pony for my benefit? You never did talk to a Pony eye to eye, then?” she responded.

“There is something within the bounds of formality that makes it dry and boring, I guess. Kind of like the Admirals' Convention I was supposed to attend to. Yes, can't forgo duties. To a point, they define you. Yes, to a great part, it was for your benefit, but I could never have walked in, into your throne room, let along unnoticed, in my original form. Sadly, I never had the fortune!” I explained.

Appreciation: 15

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”Hi kissed you, Sister?” Luna empathized, in something of her old fillyish tone from a time long since passed.

“Not only that, he knows how to handle himself in ways I never thought I would see in another millennia!” I responded.

“How is that, he certainly looks like any other young Earth type stallion you see on the streets, doesn't he?” she pointed out.

“Maybe that is just his inner colt we see? It isn't as if he merely acts in an elderly manner. Something told me, he has been around others not too unlike us. There just is something not quite of this world over him!” I proposed.

“Like us, how? In what way? He certainly does look like the next Earth Pony stallion and not even one of Canterlot!”she put forth.

“Even the guards show a certain awe in our presence, you know. If it had been mere ignorance, but it isn't the case. He knows we are nigh immortal and timeless, yet it doesn't bother him, it is rather as if it attracted him. Besides, he is intimately acquainted with a being not too dislike Discord. Yet, the experience hasn't done anything than lifted his spirits even further. It is as if he was on the brink of ascension towards Alicorn status? Yet, his hooves are firmly on the floor along his fellow guards!” I pondered.

“There is a dissonance in your statement, he can't both be an Alicorn and an Earth Pony and be a friend of anyone like our Discord!” she expressed.

“No, of course not. I know it is a multiple contradiction of terms, such as we know them!” I pointed out.

“Exactly. How ever can a Pony navigate the infinites between the impossible in such a tight minefield? She returned.

“This is something I would love for you to help me with. Both in the upcoming meetings and in the dreams I know are bound to occur. Maybe his dreams will explain what we need to know. If only you could have realised the importance and power, entrusted upon you there, at the time before I was forced to exile you. Your power is just as great as mine, as is their reverence towards you. The night is the realm of dreams, where you rule, you do know that, right?” I proposed.

“Sadly, I had neglected the import of this realm, at the time, only seeing the reverence they bestowed upon you in the light of day. At least, now I have learned of it. Now I can reach out and help young and old, weak or powerful alike. To a point, I have you to thank for who I am now growing into. If it had not been for your former pupil, now Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends, I would never have left the scornful existence, thus never discovered this part of me. Then again, I guess the same goes for Discord!” she responded with a crooked grin.

“We have little to no time, going over the past and the mistakes we can't fix. You are back from your long exile and I am thankful to have you back at my side, I missed you greatly. When you see your fellow ponies die right and left, your sister could have helped grounding you, where no others could. Sometimes, longevity is more of the curse than a blessing. Together, we can protect our charges against what may threaten them, but only together. Enigmas can be a strain, particularly when they come from the direction you thought safe!” I pondered.

“Not even we can change the past, as much as one may dream of it. I was just as lonely as you, with none to comfort me, but that cut my losses short on the one point, I did not have to see any Pony die, even if it robbed me of the one chance to take a farewell of the once I can never again see. He certainly is an Enigma, but how could he threaten us, he is as you said a mere Earth Pony!” she put forth.

“The past, that is the one thing we are chance-less against. Yet, let us leave it in the past, we still do have this one situation before us. Who and what is he? Or can we even be certain that he is in fact male?” I proposed.

“Since you brought it up, maybe I could visit him in his dreams? I doubt he is expecting or prepared for my arrival. Besides, it would give me a chance to see him, and what he is!” she offered.

“You know your way around in dreams, better than any other Pony. Not just because you are older than all other Ponies in Equestria, except me, but you have the power to visit dreams of every Pony at your own discretion. If you can help me in there, you are bound to be able to help others as well!” I pointed out.

“I have come to realise that, just as I have realised, just how much I enjoy helping other Ponies with and within their dreams. Of course, even as an Alicorn, I am only one single Pony, I can only help so many Ponies in a single night, as much as it may pain me, if there is one I couldn't help. From the line of reasoning, the stallion of your interest is bound to sleep and have his dreams, like all other Ponies, correct? Once he does, I could visit him, too!” she pondered.

I am glad you have found a place and a purpose. Yes, during the night, he is yours. I hope he is worth your time and effort now. I know I am going to enjoy to see him, next time he has his duties where I can see him. There is something to him!” I put forth.

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