• Published 21st Feb 2014
  • 1,807 Views, 69 Comments

Star Tracker of the Ship Harmony: - Ponyess

It all started on what was expected to be a routine patrol, but routine is never there, not when Captain Picard is commanding the Enterprise. That's the case, and a strange, previously unseen ship appears in orbit. A landing party is chosen, a

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On Board: 11

”These pilots are our guests, I want you to see to that they feel as welcome as possible. Escort them to my ready-room!” I instructed Will.

“Yes sir. I will see to them right away, Sir!” Will responded, as he left for the turbo lift.

Just as the doors to the lift closed behind the first officer William Thomas Riker, commonly known as Will Riker, I punched in the commands to set up force fields to guide them directly to the Captains ready room. With that, I had cleared a path for them from the shuttle bay and all the way up to the office where I was to wait for them.

This would be the most curious of all emissaries I had ever greeted in all of my life, as long as it had already been. I may have seen the Horse my Captain was enjoying to ride on a few occasions, but this would be a far cr5y from the equines I was about to see in what essentially was his office.

I had followed Rikers progress down to the bay, seen him greet them and lead them up. I had been standing just outside of the room in which I had intended to see them, thus leading them there personally. There is a small question as to how they were to see me.

“Greetings, honoured guests of the Enterprise!” I merely spoke.

“Greeting. I'm most curious. Who and what are you?” Fluttershy pronounced.

“I am Lieutenant Commander Data, an Android I take it you have never seen any such as I? I am greeting you in the name of the United Federation of Planets. This is our Flag Ship, the USS 1701 Enterprise!” I stated.

“Just call him Data. He is much more comfortable with that anyway!” Riker pointed out.

“I greet you in the Name of Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Twilight Sparkle, the Princesses of Equestria. They are most curious, eagerly awaiting the word of our meeting!” the yellow Pegasus mare stated.

“This way!” first Officer Riker put forth, pointing to the room, indicating for all to be seated.

“Since you are already here, you have seen us as we are. I could as well give you a heads up. Not only is our Engineer at your ship as we speak, but my Captain is heeding for your Princess Celestia. You may or may not have seen the Engineer, he looks like you, only lacking wings!” I spoke as I walked from the door and to the seat, taking my place at the short end, while Riker found his place to my right.

“Gleaming Engines is your engineer, then. Yes, he is on our ship. I haven't heard of your other people, though it is hardly a surprise, I'm merely a Pegasi Pilot, after all. This is indeed an interesting development. I'm curious, what made you choose to stop by our world of Equus?” Flutter Shy enquired.

“It is standard practice to try to fit in among the once we meet, in order not to cause panic or mistrust. Your ship may be small in our standards, but it is still large enough to be space worthy. The Name seems to fit him, by your name traditions. He is born a first rate Engineer. Your friends would have seen that by now. Jean-Luc chose to see your Princess first hand, or hoof by himself, based on prior experiences. He had extensive experience with vastly powerful entities, neigh mortals and equines as well, aside from negotiations, infiltrations and a few other fields that may or may not come into play here. I may offer another interesting side note; he has been dealing with an entity not too different from the one you refer to as 'Discord', to!” I offered.

“Avoiding panic is a noble ideal. Compared with yours, I could see your point. We could probably enter your shuttle bay, with little to no problem? As an Engineer, he should have been a Unicorn, which I take it he isn't. Yet, if he is like you, hat wouldn't be a problem here. You all have very strange names to us, but our names would be equally strange to you. If your Captain is as experienced as you give me reason to think, Celestia will be most impressed by him, once he approaches her. You know that much of us?” she pronounced.

“We chose to stop by, due to your ship, or we would never have come. We strive for peace and progress. By the looks of you, we may have struck richer than we had expected. He would be an Earth Pony by your standards. Neither wings nor horn, no such magic. Trade and exchange on fair terms is the highest6 purpose. Sadly, one may be forced to stand up, to fight for what is right. To protect oneself and one's allies. If you choose to join us in the pursuit, I would predict a new era of prosperity for all of us. Once a friendly agreement is signed, I would love to have my shore-leave here. Furthermore, some of you may join us on the voyage among the stars and see what lay beyond the horizon!” Riker pointed out with a small grin playing on his face.

“But, how could this insignificant little ship change anything? It may be our bravest, but it nothing compared with this ship you command!” Flutter Shy pondered.

“Here's the big secret. We ourselves started with a ship, just as humble as this. You are harrowing a new era. The ship is merely the final part of the puzzle falling into place.”Riker pointed out.

“If it isn't the ship, then what is it? We are merely peace loving Ponies. We don't conquer other nations, or anything!” the wing Pony expressed.

“That is exactly the point. We are explorers, not conquerors who desire to find mighty allies. We merely seek friends who dare go boldly, where others dare not. You certainly do look like a promising new friend, what more could we possibly wish for?” I enquired, in my usual rather deadpan voice.

“We are merely Pegasi, or fliers. Pilots if you will. We dream of nothing greater than soaring the blue skies. Aside from friendship, what more could there be?” the second wing Pony expressed with some amusement.

“If my charges are threatened, I am prepared to stare any dragon down, in order to secure them!” Flutter Shy empathised.

“Our Princes Twilight Sparkle taught us; there is nothing greater than Friendship!” the first wing Pony stated firmly.

“Is that by chance the Commander of your ship, the Harmony?”Riker asked in a curious voice.

“That, would be her. Yes. It is an honour to be her friend!” Flutter Shy Pronounced with deep emphasis.

“We are fortunate to have her as our Princess, our Commander!” the third wing Pony expressed.

“I think I know the feeling of that. I've seen what our Captain does, first hand!” Riker expressed.

“I have served under him for quite the while. He just can't seem to give up. He is the reason I stay on this ship, rather than seeking a Command of my own!” I pointed out.

“You had your own command on a few occasions, remember? In the end, you proved yourself cunning and resourceful. If not for you, they would have evaded us. Yet, here you are. I'm glad you're on our side and proud to have you with me!” Riker put forth.

The group of yellow Pegasi just exchanged smiles, while listening to our light banter.

“If your Captain is anywhere nearly as good as I have the impression you're implying, I have the impression you will be invited to our humble ship and to the Royal Palace of the Princesses in Canterlot soon!” Flutter Shy suggested.

“I think I would love to see more of your magnificent ship. From what I have seen and heard this far, that shouldn't be much of a problem?” the first wing Pony enquired.

“I could show you the bridge, in part since it is where I spend my service, as the first Officer!” Riker suggested.

“Under current circumstances, you could do that, Will. You do have the authority and it would look good on our part. It is not as if it could hurt at this point. I could show you most of the ship, even if there are a few more qualified at specific posts!” I interjected with a faint smile.

“Actually, there is another detail, I think this should be interesting, even for our esteemed guests, Data!” Riker suggested.

“You are by any chance hinting at the Holo-Deck, Riker? I guess that could be some fun. It would allow us to interaction a different level, in a more natural environment too. I think I have just the vista for the occasion!” I responded.

“If you prefer us to conclude our discussion in a formal setting, we can always return later. It isn't as if the room will disappear any time soon!” Riker pointed out.

“I guess we could enjoy a break. What ever the suggested location is, it sounds as if it should be more comfortable than these chairs, as soft and padded as they are!” Flutter Shy pointed out with a hopeful smile on her muzzle.

“Very well, then. Right this way. I'll show you the Holo-Deck!” I offered in a more pleasant tone of voice.

I rose to my feet, Riker just one step behind me. The Ponies did not take long to follow suit. The doors opened and I continued through the bridge, only to see the next door open and granting us entrance into the lift. It was a bit cramped, with five Pegasi inside at the same time, but I guess it should be worth it.

“Computer, Holo-Deck!” I merely uttered and noticed the affirmative response, before we fell several floors down before the lift stopped gently and admitted us exit.

“Right this way, we're almost there!” Riker offered as he led us to the Holo-Deck doors.

I quietly put a hand up on the access panel and punched in the commands for a program. Then I added a few more commands to adjust for what I had in mind.

“In about a minute, you will see what a Holo-Deck can do!” I merely stated.

The original program had already been loaded. The doors slide open as the final adjustments had been prepared for us.

“This is one of the more convenient advantages with a large ship, such as this. Just slip in and have a look, shall we? The environment in here is perfectly safe, just in case you like to know. We commonly implement what we call 'Safety Protocalls' that will ensure that no severe damages could ever happen at any Holo-Deck!” Riker pointed out.

The five ponies all cantered into the room with enthusiasm.

“I have never seen such space indoors, not even at the Royal Castle. We are still on board your ship?” the third wing Pony exclaimed.

“We are still onboard the ship, yes. Though it is an outdoors setting. You should be quite capable of flight in here. You are true avians, are you not?” I put forth.

“Pegasi like us are fully capable of flight, if it is what you mean. Thus we are the best pilots for minor crafts too. What I was suggesting is, we haven't been teleported anywhere off of the ship?” Flutter Shy clarified.

“Teleported? Wait, we could have done that. We call the device transporter. It is used for taking us up from, or down to a planet. We can also use it in order to move an injured crew member to Sick-Bay in emergencies. I guess I should have expected it!” I pondered.

“Teleportation is reserved for our best and strongest Unicorns. You have a device that can handle these powers? Most impressive!” Flutter Shy responded with some awe on her voice.