• Published 21st Feb 2014
  • 1,682 Views, 35 Comments

Persona: Innocent Wish - Trismegistus

Shin Megami Tensei's 'Persona' series meets My Little Pony. Follow the story of Arata, an original character, as he arrives in Foalsdale for a year abroad, and soon discovers the untapped power of Persona.

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Chapter 6: Honesty

Author's Note:

" " = spoken
' '= thoughts

Blaze wasted no time getting back to the camp. The pair had awakened floating in the lake, after they grabbed their bags, headed towards camps. Blaze practically ignored Arata as the pair sprinted down the trail. Of all the questions on Blaze’s mind only one was important. Was Vox still alive? He now understood how Arata felt after he had fallen in the lake the first time.

When the pair arrived at the camp Blaze wasted no time tracking down Vox. It didn’t matter that Arata was still following him, he just needed to know that she was safe. He weaved through the crowds of ponies scattered throughout the camp, and through the line of tents until Vox’s finally came into view.

He burst through the flaps startling Vox, who was currently tinkering with a radio on her desk. She leapt out of her chair, and was quickly caught in Blaze’s embrace.

“Well that was unexpected,” She returned the embrace and continued. “Pleasant, but unexpected.”

“I’m so glad you’re alive,” Blaze whispered.

“Uhhh, can you run that one by me one more time?” She recoiled. “Glad I’m alive? Why wouldn’t I be alive!?”

“It’s a long story,” Blaze sighed. “Once Arata catches up I’ll fill you in.” He kissed her on the forehead and tossed his pack on the ground.

It didn’t take Arata long to catch up, and judging by the look of relief on his face, he must have been worried about Vox as well.

“Arata you know what this means right?” Blaze called as he entered the tent. “You didn’t kill anypony, it was all fake!”

“Yeah, that’s kind of what I was relieved of… No offense Vox,” he added.

“None taken… I think. Now can somepony tell me what in the name of Celestia is going on?” she demanded.

“Right, I suppose I’ll start with everything that happened to me, and then Arata can fill us in on his side of the story.” Blaze started. “We went out to the lake again, this time to see what would happen if I fell in. Once I fell in there was the same mist filled antechamber, but I wasn’t greeted by an Alicorn, there was just a door. I went through it and then I was in Canterlot again, except younger me and Penzance were also there.”

“You mean you were watching yourself from the past?” Vox interjected, her head cocked slightly to the left.

“Exactly,” Blaze replied.

“Huh, nothing like that happened for me, guess that rules out any kind of trend.” Arata chimed in.

“Right, good thinking Arata,” This was the first time Blaze had actually complimented Arata. “I essentially watched myself agree to join the E.W.E.F. and I remembered how afraid I was about whether or not I had made the right choice. Then I was in the Everfree forest; and that’s when you showed up, Vox.” Blaze paused for a second and tried to reach out to Vox telepathically.

Seeing his glowing horn, Vox took the hint, and started to share thoughts with him. ‘I think Arata will notice our horns, Blaze,’ she thought.

‘I know, I think it’s time we told him the truth about everything. He is part of the team now; we shouldn’t leave him in the dark,’ he replied.

‘Alright, if you think it’s for the best, go ahead.’

“Arata, there’s something we need to tell you.” Blaze said shifting the tone of the conversation.

“What is it?” Arata looked noticeably confused.

“Vox is telepathic, she can hear thoughts, and to an extent she can communicate to people this way.” Blaze’s stare showed Arata he was serious, but this was just so unheard of he wasn’t sure what to make of it.

“It’s true. They say every unicorn has their own specialty when it comes to magic, I guess this is mine.” Vox paused for a moment, “I think it will be easier if I just showed you.” Her horn lit up and suddenly Arata felt another presence in his mind. ‘Can you hear me Arata?’ She asked. Her lips didn’t move but he still heard her voice.

“I didn’t even know that was possible,” Arata replied still confused.

“Try not to tell anypony. You, Blaze, and Penzance, are the only ponies who know.” She warned.

“I won’t… but how do I know you aren’t just reading my thoughts?” Arata pressed.

“My horn will glow; it’s like any other magic,” she tried to be as sincere as possible, but it didn’t seem to be working.

“Have you ever read my thoughts before?” Arata looked uncomfortable, as if he didn’t really want an answer.

“Only once, when Blaze and I questioned you about the lake,” Vox’s voice softened with guilt. “Neither of us really wanted to, but we didn’t know how much we could trust you. I really am sorry; I never use this power unless I absolutely have to.”

‘Did they really have to do that…’ Arata thought, failing to answer Vox. ‘How do I even know she’s telling me the truth about her horn. She could be listening to everything I am thinking right now… She could know everything about me, and I know nothing about her…’

“Arata, are you okay?” Vox looked concerned. Arata hadn’t answered her, or given any sign of acknowledgement. “I want you to be able to trust me…”

“As do I, but I think we have more important things to discuss at the moment,” Blaze continued to explain the events that happened in the lake. He told Vox and Arata every detail he could remember. From the words the shadow had spoken to him, to the vision of his mother that had brought him back to consciousness. “And that is when I felt a new power inside me. I heard a voice callout ‘Thou art I, and I am thou,’ and I knew I had a new power. I realized that everything I experienced were just my fears made manifest. I think that’s what this lake does; it shows you what you are hiding from.”

“I think that works for what I saw too, except the Alicorn. I’ve always been afraid that even if I got a cutie mark it wouldn’t help, and nopony would accept me. That’s exactly what happened, nopony accepted me.” Arata continued to explain his fear from home. The conversation extended well into the evening with Arata explaining the butterfly that had led him into the lake, and the strange second persona he could use.

“I guess this leaves us with one last thing to discuss,” Blaze added as the group was getting ready to end the discussion. “Do we tell Penzance?”

The tent was silent for a moment before Vox spoke. “I think we should, this is exactly what the E.W.E.F is trying to protect ponies from.”

“I agree,” Arata said with a yawn.

“Alright then, we can find him in the morning, and explain everything.” Blaze concluded. “Arata you should go get some rest...”Blaze paused briefly. “And I know this is probably no consolation, but I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have been so hard on you, and I shouldn’t have had Vox read your mind. I hope that we can put this all behind us.”

Arata was still hesitant, but they both seemed sincere. “I do too, I’ll see you two in the morning to talk with Penzance then.” Arata walked out of the tent as Vox and Blaze issued their farewells.

As he walked away, his thoughts focused on his partners. ‘They lied to me… but I did lie to them too. If we’re going to get anywhere we all need to trust each other.’ Arata felt a faint bond forming between the E.W.E.F team, and heard a faint voice call out ‘Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona of the Fool Arcana.’

Vox was standing in the corner of her tent refusing to turn and face Blaze. “Are you really afraid of me Blaze?” Her voice was a whimper and she was on the brink of tears. “I know you don’t like my magic, but is it really that bad?”

“No, it isn’t. Yes, there was a part of me that was afraid but it was nothing like the lake showed.” Blaze was trying to be soothing but it didn’t seem to be working. “I can’t control everything my subconscious does.”

“I know, but just look at it from my perspective. There are so many ponies that would treat me like a pariah if they found out about my magic. The fact that I had you to confide in, and even use my magic with has been so relieving, but if you’ve been afraid this whole time, it’s like no one trusts me.”

“If you really want to know, read my mind: right now,” Vox continued to stare into the wall. “You will be able to see all of my thoughts, and all of my feelings. This is the best way to get rid of doubts you have.”

“But Blaze,” Vox muttered.

“Vox, please. Do it for me.” Blaze pleaded.

“Alright,” She turned to face Blaze, her eyes closed, but wet with tears. Her horn lit up and Blaze felt her familiar presence in his head.

They stood together in silence for what seemed like hours. Blaze focused on keeping his mind clear; he wanted Vox to feel exactly what he felt. Eventually Vox’s horn stopped glowing. She slowly walked up to Blaze, and whispered in his ear.

“I’m so sorry,” she lowered her head against his shoulder and wept softly. Blaze placed his leg around her, and waited until she regained composure. “Thank you,” she whispered again, and kissed him on the cheek. She then left the supply tent, leaving Blaze standing alone, and returned to her sleeping quarters.

Blaze collapsed, too tired both physically and mentally to leave Vox’s tent. He closed his eyes, and went to sleep on the floor. He hoped that Vox would wake him up in time for the morning briefing.

“Blaze, wake up,” Vox called out softly.

Blaze slowly opened his eyes, and saw Vox standing a few hoofs away from him. It was clear from the amount of light pouring into the tent that it was morning.

“Time for the briefing?” he muttered.

“Yes, you’ve got just enough time to get cleaned up before we have to go, and remember we agreed to catch Penzance afterward.” She offered him a hoof up, and Blaze quickly darted back to his tent to prepare for the meeting.

Arata bumped into the pair on his way to the meeting. He was still a little uneasy around Vox, but tried his best to hide it.

“How are you feelin’ kid?” Blaze asked somewhat playfully.

“I’m a bit tired, but I’ll be fine.” No pony was looking forward to their discussion with Penzance; the tension was palpable.

The trio walked into the command tent, to discover that almost every other pony had beaten them there.

“We aren’t late,” Vox said. “I made sure of that.”

“Hey Blaze!” Called out a stallion from the crowd. “Did you hear? Compass Rose and her scouting team just got back!”

“Thanks, Bullwhip.” Blaze called back. “Well I guess that answers that.”

“Who’s Compass Rose?” Arata inquired.

“She is one of the pegasi in charge of mapping the swamps. I honestly don’t know a lot about her.” Blaze was trying to wedge his way to the front of the crowd.

“She’s pretty nice. I’ve spoken to her a few times, but I don’t know a ton about her.” Vox added.

“Attention everypony,” Penzance shouted over the murmur in the tent. He entered escorted by three pegasi, one walking beside him, and one on either side. “As many of you are now aware, we have a slight alteration to today’s briefing.” His Canterlot accent seemed especially thick this morning. “Compass Rose will be delivering her report on the mapping of the swamps.”

She looked over to Penzance, nodded, and walked into the center of the tent. Her arrival was met with applause from all sides. “Thanks guys, it’s great to be back. The past two months have been a bit crazy, but our team has managed to chart out sixty percent of the swamps, which puts us three weeks ahead of schedule!” The applause continued. “We have found a hoof full of sites that are worth further investigation, but it will take about two weeks for any pony to trek out that far. Sir.” She nodded at Penzance, and he stepped in to continue the briefing.

“We will be sending out two teams to establish a forward command, closer to these sites. Bullwhip, you are in charge of coordinating this effort. Additionally before they can leave, Blaze will need to review the maps and sites on them.” Penzance looked over at Blaze, and with his affirmation continued. “Other than those changes, it is business as usual around here. Mapping team, you have earned an extended break, enjoy it.”

The meeting disbanded and Blaze, Vox, and Arata, headed back to Blaze’s tent. After about half an hour of waiting, Penzance entered with Compass Rose in tow.

“Blaze, you remember Compass Rose correct?” Penzance inquired.

“It’s been awhile, but yes I do.” He replied. “It’s good to see you again.”

“Likewise,” Compass Rose responded. “Sorry if I seem a bit curt, I haven’t slept in a while. The faster we get this done the better.” She set the maps down on Blaze’s table and then turned to Penzance. “I’m going to go sleep now, if that’s okay with you sir.” Not waiting for Penzance’s response she left the tent.

“Sir, before we discuss the maps, we have something important to report about the lake.” Blaze, Arata, and Vox all walked to the center of the room. Blaze and Arata detailed their experiences in the lake to Penzance who seemed relatively unfazed by everything they described. Vox seemed to shudder a bit when blaze recounted his experience.

“How interesting,” Penzance added at the conclusion. “Do you have any idea if those creatures can leave the lake?”

“We don’t know. They haven’t yet but that doesn’t mean that they can’t.” Blaze answered. “I feel that further exploration into these creatures and ‘Personas’ is probably our best course of action.”

“I agree,” Penzance said grimly, “Just be careful. We do not want this to become any larger than it has to; especially if it as traumatic for everypony as it was for you two. I trust your discretion in this matter, Blaze. Do what you must to figure out what exactly is going on, and Arata, I apologize if you were swept up into something you didn’t want to be a part of.”

“Actually sir, this is the kind of adventure I was hoping to find with the E.W.E.F,” Arata seemed a little too eager for Penaznce’s taste.

“That may be the case, but remember this is no game. Be wary of whatever magic is behind this. Especially if it is tied to a wish you made; there is no telling what may come of it.” Penzance paused for a moment and continued. “Now moving on, Blaze, before you can continue exploring the lake I need you to review the maps and compare the sites to the data you have. Try to keep it quick. Bullwhip needs to have this information in the next four days.” Penzance left after giving the order.

“Well then.” Blaze was the first to break the silence. “It looks like I have my work cut out for me.”

“I think the whole meeting went over relatively well, all things considered,” Vox added.

“Did we really have anything to worry about?” Arata asked.

“Well we didn’t, it was you who made the wish.” Vox teased.

“Oh…” Arata hung his head, and lowered his voice.

“Relax kid, she’s teasing you.” Blaze was hardly paying attention to Arata and Vox. He was lost in the map that lay before him. “Well Arata, it looks like you’re getting the next four days off. There isn’t really anything we can do until I get these maps done. Enjoy.” Arata looked excited to hear he would have a few days to himself. Vox on the other hoof did not.

“Lucky kid, getting work off, and getting to do exciting things with MY very special some pony,” Vox mockingly grumbled as she walked out of the tent.

“I guess I’ll see you in a few days then,” Arata stood waiting for a response for a few seconds before he decided Blaze was paying no attention to him. Arata headed home early, and hoped that this break would give him the relaxation he needed…