• Published 21st Feb 2014
  • 1,681 Views, 35 Comments

Persona: Innocent Wish - Trismegistus

Shin Megami Tensei's 'Persona' series meets My Little Pony. Follow the story of Arata, an original character, as he arrives in Foalsdale for a year abroad, and soon discovers the untapped power of Persona.

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Chapter 15: I Had No Idea He Was Actually Competent

“So what’s our plan now?” Arata asked. The team plus Camphor had met at the local diner to discuss how exactly they were going to get Camphor into the E.W.E.F.

“We get Camphor into the E.W.E.F.” Blaze took a sip of his drink, and turned to Camphor, “We just need to know how to sell this to the Major General.”

“Can’t we just be honest with him?” Arata inquired.

“Have you talked to him lately, Arata?” Vox asked, “He’s still pretty shaken up about everything that happened. The last thing we need is for him to think that more ponies are in danger.”

Although he didn’t like the idea of hiding things from his own team, Arata agreed that Penzance hadn’t been in the best state since Autumn Tail’s death.

“Camphor, what are your talents?” Vox asked.

“Hmmm let’s see,” Camphor paused, “I can make medicine from local plants.”

“That seems like something the E.W.E.F. could use- but why did you pause in the middle?” Vox asked hesitantly.

“Well my dad says that herbal medicine is useless,” Camphor frowned.

“That drink you gave me when my throat was burned seemed to work,” Arata assured him.

“Thanks man,” Camphor smiled, “If you guys are down to trust me I’ll be your herbal doctor.”

“I think it’s a good cover,” Blaze was jotting something down in his notebook, “You wouldn’t happen to have any books on herbal medicine would you?”

“Yeah, I’ve got a hooffull back home. I’ve got a few on local plants too. I can go get ‘em if it would be helpful.”

“Yeah, go get those and meet us at the camp. Then we’ll introduce you to Penzance.” Blaze watched as Camphor left the diner and headed home. “I don’t like this,” he said eyeing Arata. “If anything Camphor described about last night is true, we have a lot to worry about. I don’t like the idea of the lake calling ponies to it.”

“Yeah, that does seem to be what happened,” Arata sighed, “But nothing like this has happened before, why would this just start happening?”

“Maybe it’s because before this point we’ve been going in the lake willingly.” Blaze added.

“You think it can tell?” Arata considered this for a moment.

“I have no idea. We know so little about what is actually going on.” Blaze frowned.

“Actually,” Vox said, “I don’t think this is the first time the lake has done something like this. When Autumn Tail fell in I saw something grab her leg for an instant coming from the lake. I thought I was just seeing things in all of the panic.”

“What?” Arata gasped, “Why wouldn’t you tell us something like that?”

“Relax Arata,” Blaze stared at him for a moment, “That piece of information wouldn’t have changed how we’ve handled anything.”

“Wait so you knew too?” Arata asked.

“No, I didn’t, but it didn’t take me much thinking to come to that conclusion.” Blaze took another sip of his drink.

“But if the Lake does want ponies to fall into it, do you think it wants them to die?” Vox put her hooves against her head.

“There’s no way of knowing short of finding the Alicorn that granted Arata his wish.” Blaze gently put a leg around Vox to comfort her. “Arata, did you think about what else your wish could have been?”

“I have actually,” Arata took a deep breath, “Maybe getting a cutie mark was too specific of a wish, it could have just been to fit in with everypony else.”

Blaze considered this for a moment, “That seems possible.”

“I don’t know how it would relate to any of this though.” Vox added.

“Maybe there’s more information about this in Canterlot…” Blaze said. “I could make a trip out this weekend and see what I find.”

“I could probably make some more adjustments to the sensor grid too,” Vox signaled for the group to get up and head toward camp.

“I guess I can get Camphor accustomed to life around camp then,” Arata got up, and after the group paid they headed back to meet Camphor.

The team had just enough time when they got back to camp to inform Penzance that they may have found a new pony to join the E.W.E.F. Penzance was hesitant at first, saying that “he didn’t want to drag more ponies into the mess he created,” but with some prodding from Vox he seemed to become more open to the idea.

“This is Camphor,” Arata announced as he led his companion into the command tent.

“Heeeeyyyy, leeaaadeerrr maan,” He smiled.

“Hello, I have been told you wish to lend your skills to the E.W.E.F. Would you care to elaborate on what exactly it is that you do?” Penzance seemed harsh, as if he was trying to dissuade Camphor from joining.

“I can make medicine from local plants and fungi. It’s a pretty convenient alternative to expensive medicines you may not have out in the field.” Camphor handed Penzance one of the books from his saddlebag. “This one has a pretty good list of roots and leaves in it, and this one-” He reached into his bag once more. “Shows how to make medicines out of them. This is all just the basics you know? I’ve done a lot more experimentation and research of my own, that’s all in these journals.” He placed the final two books on the table and stepped back to the rest of the team.

Blaze’s and Vox’s jaws both dropped. ‘I had no idea he was actually competent,’ they simultaneously thought to each other.

Arata noticed their surprise, and glowing horns, and knew that they felt the same way he did. Although he had seen Camphor mixing medicines he didn’t expect it to be done in a scientific way. After hearing all of that it made Tonic’s distrust of his medicine seem much more out of place.

“These notes are quite impressive,” Penzance flipped through the journal for a few minutes. “Did you test all of this on yourself?”

“Yeaah, except for the oral pain relief tonic, I tested that one on Arata.” Camphor patiently waited for a response.

“Arata, can you vouch for his medical abilities?” Penzance asked.

“His medicine seemed to work on me.” Arata smiled to Camphor.

“Very well, welcome to the E.W.E.F. Camphor. I’d like it if you spent your time here continuing your research, I can have a small tent set up with your equipment. Also Vox, I’d like you to get him equipped as soon as possible.”

“Aww swood!” Camphor exclaimed extending a hoof to Penzance, “You won’t regret it leeaaderrr maaannn.”

Penzance shook his hoof and smiled. “Swood did you say?... Regardless I have important work to attend to if you’ll excuse me.”

The group exited the tent, and they all went to get Camphor his equipment. Arata noticed that Vox’s tent was neater than usual. Most of the equipment was cleaner as well, which was most likely due to Vox’s compulsive cleaning in the days after Autumn Tail’s death. Vox’s pistol was resting on a cleaning rag on her table, next to it were two rows of small cylinders, each one faintly glowing.

“Hey Vox,” Arata asked examining one of them, “What are these things?”

“Oh, you remember how the pistol fires compressed bolts of magic?” She levitated the gun and opened a small compartment by pulling the slide back. “These are like batteries, I charge them up with my magic, and then it’s slowly discharged when I fire. Each one is a different level if that makes sense.” She pointed to the row on the left, “Those disperse the magic into 20-30 shots, whereas these,” She lifted the two right most shells, “Fire all of it at once.”

“Woahhh, that sound super violent,” Camphor frowned over the device. “Why does anypony need one of these?”

“It’s mostly because I don’t like the idea of fighting off timberwolves up close.” Vox seemed to cringe a bit at the mention of timberwolves.

“I can make a mixture of local plants that should ward off timberwolves,” Camphor offered.

“It’s alright, I feel safer with this.” Vox set the gun down, “Now, let's get you geared up.” Vox moved between various boxes, and assembled a pile of equipment which she placed on the table. “Okay, let’s start off with the uniform.” Throwing Camphor an armband and a jacket she began. “The armband is the only real uniform we have. Most of us are in the habit of always wearing it, although its only required at camp and on missions. The coat is extra padding for if we ever have to go into the lake again.” Next she slid him a small booklet, and a radio. “Keep the radio on you at all times, we will call you if anypony goes near the lake. The book is the rules and regulations for the E.W.E.F.”

“Hey… I never got those,” Arata said. “Could I have a copy? I feel like it would make me more understanding.”

“Sure,” Vox pointed to the box where they were kept and continued with Camphor. “Here is a machete for personal defense-“

“Wwoooooaaaahhhhh, I’m not gonna take up a weapon.” Camphor literally put his hoof down at this suggestion.

“Then how do you expect to fight?” Vox asked. When Camphor had agreed to join the team everypony thought he knew that a weapon would be required.

“I feel like my persona is more healing oriented guys. I won’t fight, but I will make sure you guys can fight on.” Camphor smiled.

“That could be helpful,” Arata added, “I’ve been unconscious a fair amount in the lake.”

“Alright, that’s it for equipment then. Let’s hope you never need to use it.” Vox said. “Blaze, would you mind helping him get his tent set up?”

“Nope, I’ll even help him carry his equipment from Foalsdale.” Blaze led Camphor out of the tent.

Vox moved her gun off of the table and then turned to Arata. “Hey, can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” Arata pulled a chair out from the table and sat down.

Vox hesitated for a moment before prefacing her thoughts, “I don’t want you to think of this the wrong way okay?”

“What’s the matter?” Arata asked.

“Well, I’ve been thinking about Autumn Tail a fair amount and I realized something. That was the worst thing that could have happened.” Vox looked to Arata for some affirmation.

“I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying.”

“We couldn’t save her and she died, and that was the worst thing that could have happened. It’s kind of relieving. I’m not saying we should let anypony die ever again, that would be awful, and I still feel horrible that we couldn’t save her; but that’s as bad as it will get. We know the pain that we will face if we fail again, and that helps me.”

“Now that you mention it, it is kind of helpful. I hadn’t really looked at it like that,” Arata paused. “But I never want anypony to have to feel that kind of pain again.”

“Yeah, me either, and that’s why I’ll keep fighting. Even if we have no idea what we’re up against.” Vox smiled, and Arata could feel the bond between them becoming stronger.

Having finished with Vox, Camphor, and Blaze, Arata decided to head to the town library to do some research of his own. Although Blaze had thoroughly researched the lake, and to an extent the Alicorn, he hadn’t known anything of Igor or the Velvet Room. Arata had trusted Igor’s advice this whole time without knowing anything about him.

Arata arrived at the library and found that there was nopony inside. He had no idea what he should actually be looking for to start his research.

“Hello, may I help you?” a timid voice caught Arata’s attention. “Oh, I remember you. You were here with that mare a while ago.”

Arata was surprised that the librarian had remembered his brief visit with Caroline. “Yeah, I’m surprised you remembered that, it was such a short visit.”

“Oh, sorry, I hope you’re not offended. You didn’t do anything wrong, I just remember everypony who comes in. The town is pretty small so it isn’t very hard. I also remember what books they were looking for, like you wanted history. I hope they were helpful.” The mare blushed and lowered her head. Arata remembered her blue coat and blond hair, but not her violet eyes.

“They were. Thanks!” Arata smiled. “I don’t mean to be rude, but what was your name again?”

“Lexicon, or Lexi for short.” She paused for a moment looking a bit out of place in conversation. “Can I help you find something Mr..?”

“Just Arata, or I guess Arata Kun if you really want to be formal,” Arata had foregone most of the formality of Nippony, despite how tempting it was to refer to Blaze and Vox as his senpai.

“Is that what they would say in Nippony?” She asked excitedly. “I’ve read a lot about Nippony’s history from some old books, but I know almost nothing about its linguistic customs.”

“Yeah, it’s what you would call somepony your own age if they’re a stallion. You would use chan if they’re a mare, if they’re older its either san or senpai.” Arata paused again, “You’re the first pony who’s really asked me about Nippony.”

“I don’t get many chances to learn about other cultures first hoof, I hope you don’t mind,” She blushed again. “Arata kun.”

The two stood there silently for a moment before Lexi remembered why Arata was here. “Oh I’m sorry, what book are you looking for today?”

“It’s okay,” Arata smiled, “I’m not entirely sure. I need something that would have stories on the supernatural.”

“Hmm, I think I have one book like that. It is written for children though, so I’m not sure if it would help you at all.” She led him to a shelf and pulled out an old book.

“It will have to do for now. I’m not really looking for any specific piece of information,” Arata took the book and slid it into his saddle bag. “Do I need to check it out or anything?”

“Nope! Like I said I remember every pony that comes by.” She smiled.

“Right,” Arata chuckled as he walked to the exit, “Well thanks for the help! I’ll make sure to bring this back soon.”

“Take your time,” She paused again, “and if you ever want to talk about Nippony or anything please come by, Arata Kun!”

Arata could feel a faint bond forming between himself and the librarian. ‘Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona of the High Priestess Arcana,’ a faint voice called out in his mind.

Walking home Arata ran into Camphor, who was heading back from camp carrying the saddle bag full of equipment. He seemed tired, which made sense considering this was probably his fourth trip to and from camp today.

“Hey Camphor,” Arata waved.

“Sup…” Camphor panted for a moment, “Sup, little man.”

“Just heading back form the library. You seem exhausted.” Arata commented, trying his best to say everything in a playful manner.

“Yeah brah, I gotta give it to ya, you made this look super easy.” Camphor laughed and two casually talked until they reached the house.

Marigold was outside playing with Koromaru, and opened the front door for her brother. “Dad’s been looking for you Camphor. He doesn’t seem happy.”

“What’s wrong?” Arata asked a bit concerned.

“He doesn’t know I’m joining the E.W.E.F.” Camphor dully responded as he headed up to his room.

Arata decided it was probably best not to follow Camphor, and headed into the dining room. Tonic was sitting at the table reading a newspaper. He didn’t seem at all like Marigold had depicted him, although Arata couldn’t claim to know Tonic better than his own daughter.

“Oh Arata, you’re home,” Tonic set the paper aside and slid Arata a letter. The front was covered with stamps; Arata immediately recognized the name of his friend from Nippony, Hitorikko.

“Thanks, I’m surprised he actually wrote back to me. It’s been so long since I wrote that letter.” Arata slipped the letter into his saddle bag next to the book from the library.

“You’d better respond fast, not telling how long it will take for it to get back to him.” Tonic smiled. Camphor entered the room and sat down at the table with a book of his own. All three of the ponies waited stoically for the silence to be broken.

“Hello Camphor,” Tonic opened, “I didn’t see you at the Pharmacy today, is everything okay?”

“I joined the E.W.E.F.” Camphor stated. He didn’t make eye contact with anypony.

“Oh, why didn’t you talk to me about it first?” Tonic asked with the slightest hint of anger behind his words.

“Because I knew you wouldn’t be okay with me ‘pushing herbal junk’” Camphor kept his head down.

“I’m not upset at that,” Camphor looked up in surprise. “As long as you’re honest with them about what your medicine is, it’s between you and them, and I do trust you to be honest. My real problem with this is that now the pharmacy is under staffed. Your mother and I could really use the extra help, and Marigold is still too young for a lot of the work that needs to be done.”

Camphor was still shocked that Tonic wasn’t upset about the herbal medicine, so Arata decided to step in. “I’m the one who suggested he join the E.W.E.F. Would it help if both of us worked at the pharmacy on weekends?”

“It would. Thank you Arata,” Tonic responded getting up and walking over to Camphor.

He gave him a hug and said one final thing before going to meet Panacea in the next door. “Son, you’re at the age where you need to follow your talent, no matter what anypony says. I may not agree with your ideas on medicine, but I’m glad I’ve raised a son who’ll do what he thinks is right. I’m proud of you.”

Camphor smiled widely as his dad left, and turned to Arata as he started to tear up. “Feels good little man, feels good.” Camphor went up to his room, and Arata followed suit.

After dinner with the family, Arata settled down in his room to read the letter from Nippony. Arata’s first letter had been a brief description of the town and his job, leaving out the personas, he’d also talked about how kind everypony was despite his lack of a cutie mark.

‘Arata Senpai!

It’s so great to hear from you. Equestria sounds so much more fun than dull, old Nippony. Your family is doing well here, if you haven’t already heard from them.

I hate to comment so little on everything you wrote me, but I have a lot of questions to ask.

What was it like in Equestria when the sun didn’t rise? Over here there was panic. No pony had any idea what was going on, and even the government had problems reaching out to Equestria for any actual news. I know it’s only been a week since that happened, but we still don’t know what caused it. (Besides Celestia)

Have you gotten your cutie mark yet?! It takes a while for letters to get back and forth, and I can only imagine that you are now a bad-flank explorer.

And lastly (and most importantly) how are all of the mares. I’ve heard the girls here have nothing on the ones in Equestria.
Hope you stay in touch,

As he finished reading the letter a faint voice rang out in Arata’s mind, ‘Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona of the Hermit Arcana.’

Arata spent a few hours writing a detailed description of what he had done when Nightmare Moon returned. He wasn’t sure if his friend would believe it or not, but it was the truth. He still decided not to mention anything about the lake or personas, although he felt like he had to talk about Autumn Tail’s death and the effect it had on the town. As for the girls in Equestria, Arata felt that a description of each one he met would have to suffice. He made sure to include Caroline, just for fun...