• Published 21st Feb 2014
  • 1,681 Views, 35 Comments

Persona: Innocent Wish - Trismegistus

Shin Megami Tensei's 'Persona' series meets My Little Pony. Follow the story of Arata, an original character, as he arrives in Foalsdale for a year abroad, and soon discovers the untapped power of Persona.

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Chapter 24: The Empress

The morning after the incident, Ivory Shield flew directly to Canterlot to revise her report with Shining Armor. She had departed before anypony else had woken up, and had left a brief note for Penzance explaining what exactly she intended to say. Since then, four days had passed. During the morning briefing, Penzance announced that he needed to speak to the team in his tent. Arata had spent most of previous days with Compass Rose trying to help her understand the lake and putting more of her worries to rest; this time the anxiety was focused on whether or not they would be punished for keeping the lake’s powers a secret. Camphor had spent most of his time in the swamps collecting plants with Blaze, who had recently taken an interest in natural remedies. Vox had kept to herself more than usual, spending most of her time packing equipment and reorganizing her tent. She seemed nervous and would dodge the question when asked about it.

An hour after the morning briefing, the team gathered inside the command tent. Penzance was waiting inside wearing his full guard regalia.

“Ah, excellent, I am glad you are all here,” Although barely visible through his helmet, the group could see a faint smile on his face. “Ivory Shield will be with us momentarily.”

Arata wondered why Penzance was wearing his armor, and what exactly was about to happen to them. Although before he had a chance to sate his curiosity, Ivory Shield entered the tent.

“Attention!” Penzance shouted, snapping into perfect posture.

The team spared brief glances at one another before following his lead. Blaze and Vox were the most comfortable in the position, Arata and Compass rose were passable at best, and Camphor didn’t have any noticeable change in posture.

“Thank you sir,” Ivory Shield began in in her most proper tone. She slowly paced her way in front of the group taking wide and measured steps. “Upon reviewing my revised report, Shining Armor concluded that the best course of action was to have me take a direct part in ensuring the safety of those in Foalsdale. Your intervention to this point has been commendable, and upon review of the information gathered by Blaze, he decided that you are not to blame for Autumn Tail’s death. Although because this power you-” Ivory Shield broke off for a moment, “We possess. He determined we have no choice but to induct you all into the EUP Guard. That is why you have all been called here today.”

She turned to look at Penzance and with his nod continued, “I hereby enact the Writ of Conscription. Your service has been deemed necessary for the safety of Equestria. Penzance, if you will.” She nodded to Penzance who promptly stepped forward and handed each pony a rolled scroll.

Arata was the first to receive the scroll. He didn’t know what to make of the whole situation. On one hoof he was relieved that the situation had worked out so well, on the other he was now being brought into the Guard with no say in the matter.

Next was Blaze. Penzance let out a small sigh when he gave Blaze his scroll. After all, years ago he had rejected Blaze’s application into the guard. It had seemed that now everything had come full circle. Blaze accepted the scroll feeling as melancholic as the old guard captain.

Vox took the Writ from her adoptive father, looking at him with traces of tears forming in her eyes. Regardless of the situation, being inducted into the guard was an honor, and having your father administer the ceremony, made it all the more emotional.

Compass Rose accepted the scroll, with a sigh of relief. Of all the things that could have happened, this was certainly not the worst possible thing. She still felt as if she had been swept up into something that she wasn’t ready for, but it was her duty to use this power to protect everypony. And if this is what it took, she would do it.

Camphor looked at the Writ being offered to him, unsure if he should accept it given his pacifist nature. Penzance met Camphor’s uncertain eyes and with a firm nod, which gave him some encouragement. After a small internal struggle, he extended his hoof and accepted the scroll.

“Welcome to the Guard everypony,” Ivory Shield said with the same formal voice. She then relaxed, removed her helmet, and addressed the group as she normally did. “I was just going to tell you that you had been conscripted, but Penzance insisted we have a more formal ceremony. Given the short notice, this was the best we could put together.”

“Although this may not be what all of you wanted; I can assure each of you that you will not regret this.” Penzance said firmly, trying his best to ease the tensions in the room.

“So, do we need to be trained now?” Arata asked. He had signed up to be an adventurer, not a soldier, and after hearing Penzance’s war story, he’d like to keep it that way.

“No, you’re conscripts, not traditional Guardsponies.” Ivory Shield explained, “You were recruited to help me with this problem specifically, and because you only have powers in the lake, if this ends you should be free to go.”

“That’s aaaaa relieeff,” Camphor sighed. “Iii didn’t really like the idea of being sooooo involved with viiiolencee.”

“Before anypony asks, this also doesn’t mean I’m in charge here. I have, by far, the least experience with this so you will function as you have to this point.” Ivory Shield added, “That’s part of the reason you were all conscripted. All that this really changes is that you now answer to the guard instead of, well, nopony.”

After thanking Ivory Shield and Penzance, the team left the tent and went back to their business. Camphor decided that he needed to go home and ‘mellow out’ for the rest of the day. Blaze went to write a letter to send to his mom in Canterlot. Compass Rose informed the group that the last rain of the season was scheduled for this evening, and after that it would be nothing but snow until Winter Wrap Up.

“Arata, would you mind coming by my tent? I have something that I’d like to give you.” Vox said softer than she usually spoke.

“Sure,” Arata agreed following Vox’s lead.

They entered the tent and Vox walked over to her desk. It was less cluttered than usual, only one radio rested on the table.

Vox walked over to it and silently held it at eye level for a moment. In a somewhat timid voice she began to speak, “I’ve been thinking about what we talked about, about giving up control, and well, you’re right. What just happened would have driven me crazy a few months ago. Being thrust into the guard without any say in the matter, but lately, I’ve been trying to let go, just a little bit.” She set the radio down and turned to face Arata. “I’ve come to realize that I really can’t control everything, and after looking back on everything, sometimes it’s just made things worse.”

“I’m glad you’re able to reflect like that,” Arata tapped into all of his understanding, “I know it can’t be easy.”

“If it weren’t for you, I probably would have never thought to change, so I want you to have this.” Vox levitated the radio over to Arata. “It’s the radio you used to see me working on. I made some modifications to it over the past few days. Its range is a lot longer and it has a direct link with mine. You’ve become one of my closest friends, and I want you to have a way to stay in touch.”

Arata extended his hoof and accepted the gift.

Arata felt a voice calling to him from the distance. ‘Thou art I… And I am thou… Thou hast established a genuine bond… These Genuine bonds… shall light the path that lies before you. We bestow upon thee the ability to create Isis, the ultimate form of the Empress Arcana…’

“Oh, I forgot to ask earlier, but are you free to go out to Fillydelphia this weekend? We’ll need to get out clothes started for the Gala!” Vox said changing her tone slightly, although it still had somber undertones. “We should meet up with the others at the diner after the rain and see if that will work for everypony. I want to try to make the trip soon, because, can you keep a secret?” Vox asked.

“Yeah, what is it?” Arata asked.

“Well, and Blaze can’t hear about this, I’ve been planning him a surprise trip to Canterlot for Hearts Warming Eve, it’s less than a month away, and I want to make sure the Fillydelphia trip doesn’t clash with it.”

“That sounds like fun, I’ll make sure Blaze doesn’t find out.” Arata assured her. “But isn’t that close to when the next pony will fall into the lake?” He asked more than a little concerned.

“It’s eight days before, if the pattern keeps up, we’ll be back in time for sure.”

“Are you sure?” Arata asked just to be safe.

“Of course,” Vox said reassuringly. “I’m sure Blaze would kill me if we weren’t.”

“I should take care of some work before it starts raining,” Arata said excusing himself, “I’ll see the rest of you at the diner around, umm... eight tonight?”

“Yeah, the rain should be clear by then,” Vox agreed.

The rain started just as Arata returned home. It looked like the pegasus ponies were making this last downpour one to remember.

“Arata!” Marigold excitedly squeaked, “A letter came in for you!” She ran up to him and gave him a letter from Nippony.

“Wow, that came quickly,” Arata said, “Thank you.”

Arata went up to his room and opened the letter.


I can’t believe it, you’ve been over there for less than a year, and you’re already rolling in mares, and got to go to Canterlot during Nightmare Moon’s return. I bet you’ve already got your cutie mark in exploration! I do have to say Senpai all of those girls sounded pretty great, except that one Caroline, she seems a bit crazy.

To be honest Senpai, I wish I was having half the luck you have with dealing with ponies. Once you left, I just went back to being my usual self. I’ll go out every now and then, but other than that I don’t really have many friends (and you can forget about a very special somepony). I’m a shut in. How do you do it Senpai? It sounds like you became a totally different pony once you got to Equestria.



Arata spent more than an hour writing his response. When it was finished it was over three pages long. He tried to capture everything he had learned from his social links, and all of the lessons that Caroline had taught him, while removing all of the unbelievable parts about the Velvet Room and Personas. He also explained that his cutiemark was nowhere to be found despite everything he had done since he arrived in Equestria.

His friend’s want for help, and his choice to turn to Arata for it, showed Arata that their bond was growing stronger.

The rain stopped around seven, giving Arata plenty of time to drop the letter at the post office on his way to the diner. Camphor joined him on the errand and then the two met with the rest of the team.

Vox and Compass Rose were clearly the most excited of the group. From the sound of the conversation when Arata walked up to the table they had already done a lot of thinking of the style of dress they each preferred.

“Okay, okay, now that everypony’s here we can get started with the planning!” Vox said excitedly. “So are there any problems with making the trip this weekend?”

“I checked with Penzance, he said I won’t be needed,” Blaze said.

“Me too! The weather is supposed to be clear and I don’t think they need any help with cloudbursting.” Compass Rose added.

“I can make it too,” Camphor smiled.

“So can I,” Arata nodded.

“And I can too, although I won’t be buying a dress. I'll be wearing my armor.” Ivory Shield said.

“Oh c'mon Ivory,” Compass Rose said, “I’m sure at the end of your shift you can change into it. Besides don’t you want to have something pretty to wear?”

“Are you implying that my armor isn’t pretty?” Ivory Shield said menacingly.

“I’m sure there’s a stallion out there into that kind of thing, but yeah that’s what she’s saying,” Vox chuckled and Ivory Shield joined in the laughter.

“I guess adding a dress to my wardrobe couldn’t hurt.” Ivory Shield admitted, “Maybe I’ll even get a chance to wear it.”

“Right,” Blaze began, “The three of us will need to get suits too”

“And yours needs to match my dress,” Vox reminded, “Which is why Rose and I have looked into some of clothiers in Fillydelphia and picked one out! It’s smaller than most of the others, but you should see what they have made. Aaaaand I already made us an appointment to talk about designs and to take our measurements!”

“You’re lucky we were all free,” Ivory Shield commented.

“It all worked out in the end,” Rose said in defense.

“Well then, it sounds like we have a plan,” Arata said eagerly, “An expensive plan… I need to go check I have enough money for this.”

“Meeee toooo,” Camphor said.

“Well then I think that’s everything!” Vox exclaimed, “I can’t wait, this is going to be so much fun.”

The conversation carried on as they ate a lite dinner. Arata could feel the group really starting to come together, and he couldn’t help but wonder how this whole journey would end.