• Published 21st Feb 2014
  • 1,681 Views, 35 Comments

Persona: Innocent Wish - Trismegistus

Shin Megami Tensei's 'Persona' series meets My Little Pony. Follow the story of Arata, an original character, as he arrives in Foalsdale for a year abroad, and soon discovers the untapped power of Persona.

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Chapter 21: Nightmare Night

Only a few days had passed since the group had returned from their vacation. Much to Arata’s relief, Penzance informed them that nothing had happened while the team was away, and it appeared that Blaze’s speculation was correct. This is not to say that Arata was not surprised upon returning home. He found the town being decorated for some kind of festival, which was unfamiliar to him.

Ivory Shield had summoned the group for a brief meeting. Arata was walking back from the library, where he was retrieving a book for Blaze, and was taking in the decorations around the town. Carved pumpkins were showing up outside of everypony’s homes, along with some decorative spider webs. It felt like Equestria was always celebrating something, not that he minded this, it was a welcomed shift from Nippony. These festivals helped remind him how much he had to celebrate.

As Arata entered the camp, he noticed that a few tents had carved pumpkins set outside as well. Given all of the perpetrations that were going on, it seemed odd that no pony had told him about it yet. He walked to Ivory Shield’s tent to find that everypony had already gathered inside. Arata approached Blaze and gave him the book.

“Thanks Arata,” Blaze said levitating the book into his saddle bag.

Ivory Shield, who had been talking to Camphor ended her conversation and turned to face the group as a whole. “I don’t really know how I’m supposed to say this, so I’ll be blunt. A while ago I received a letter from Canterlot requesting I attend the Grand Galloping Gala to serve as part of the guard. Before we left on the trip I sent another letter back asking if I could invite a few,” Ivory Shield trailed off while she tried to find the right word, “friends.” She pulled opened a letter that was resting on a table in the corner of the tent. “Shining Armor agreed saying, ‘It’s about time you made some of those outside the guard,’ and sent five tickets. That is if you all want to attend. There is absolutely no pressure.”

“Are you serious!?” Vox shouted, “It’s every filly in Canterlot’s dream to go to the Gala! I can’t believe that I’m actually getting a chance to go! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Vox excitedly ran up and hugged Ivory Shield, who didn’t know how to respond.

“I’m with Vox!” Compass Rose said joining the hug, “Why would we possibly say no to that?!”

Even Camphor moved in to join the growing group hug, “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwww mmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!” Was all he emoted, but his excitement was clear.

“They serve some of the finest aged cider in all of Equestria at the Gala!” Blaze finally joined the group huddled around Ivory Shield.

“Um…. Guys. What’s the Grand Galloping Gala?” Arata asked over the excitement.

The group separated and they all looked at Arata.

“Right, sorry,” Vox apologized. “It’s the most elegant party in all of Equestria! It’s hosted by Princess Celestia at the castle in Canterlot! And we get to go!”

Although it wasn’t the best explanation, it was enough to convey the point to Arata. “Oh, wow! That actually sounds really exciting!”

“Oooooff course it does maaaaannn!” Camphor said.

“Rose, Ivory, we need to get dresses for this. I don’t have anything nearly fancy enough for the Gala.” Vox said, turning towards her friends.

“Well I’ll be wearing my armor,” Ivory Shield commented, “But I’d be happy to go with you two.”

“We could go to a dress shop in Canterl-” Vox cut herself off, “No, everypony will be wearing something form there. I know we could make a trip to Fillydelphia!”

“That’s a great idea!” Compass Rose nodded eagerly.

“Camphor, Arata, I have a feeling you two don’t have the attire appropriate for this event either.” Blaze added. “I think we should join them.”

“Yeah, I don’t own anything remotely formal,” Arata admitted.

“Mee neiiittheeerrr,” Camphor said, “looookkss liikeee my daaad will finaaaallly see me in a suuuiit.”

“Blaze, you should get something new for yourself too.” Vox chimed in. “No, wait we should match!” Her eyes eagerly widened.

“I’m glad all of you are excited,” Ivory Shield said putting the envelope in a safe place. “I’m sorry for being all business but you’ll have to excuse me. I have some work to take care of.” Ivory Shield left the tent leaving the rest of the group.

The excitement was starting to simmer down, although Vox and Compass Rose were now deciding what style of dress they wanted.

“Iiii shoullddd goooo too guys, I need to collect some mushrooms while they’re still in season.” Camphor said also excusing himself.

“I have a question while you guys are still here,” Arata began “Why is the town getting all decorated?”

“Nightmare Night,” Blaze answered, “It’s mostly for the kids. They get to go around in costume and ask everypony for candy, and then they offer it to Nightmare Moon.”

“Oh, okay. Why are they in costumes?” Arata asked.

“The story is if Nightmare Moon passed by and there were no ponies walking around she wouldn’t stop and terrorize them, so they dressed up, and that led to costumes. I’m surprised you didn’t hear about it earlier, it is tomorrow night after all.” Blaze finished.

“Does everypony wear a costume?” Arata asked.

“I usually don’t, but then again, Vox says I’m a kill joy,” Blaze smirked.

“Well I better go make one tonight!” Arata said sprinting out towards the town.

Arata spent the entire trek back to the pharmacy thinking of what he could dress up as, or even where he would get a costume in the first place. There were clothing stores in Foaldsale that would probably sell costumes as a last resort, but he wanted to feel like part of the event by doing something different.

While walking back, Arata spotted the faint glow of the door to the Velvet Room, which gave Arata an idea. He entered the room to find Caroline sitting alone.

“Hello Arata,” Caroline greeted him, “I would like to thank you for dancing with me despite your inebriated state. What may I do for you today?”

“I was wondering,” Arata began, “You made this key right?” He extended his hoof holding the contractor’s key. “Do you think you would be able to make me a costume?”

“Make you… a costume?” Caroline asked dully, “I am not your personal tailor Arata. I am a being of great magical energy and power.”

“But it will help me develop my bonds even further!” Arata insisted, “You see there is a festival in town tomorrow, and I need a costume. If I have one I can maximize my time with my bonds and really be a part of the town!” He concluded hoping that his plea had worked.

“Bonds you say?” She stopped to consider his point, “Fine. I will assist you, at a cost, 600 bits.”

“That’s two weeks’ pay…” Arata gasped.

“I am aware. That is the cost of a costume.” Caroline stated.

“Okay…” Arata sighed pulling out his coin pouch and giving her the money.

“Thank you, now what would you like?” She asked.

“Um, how about my persona, Taliesin?” Arata suggested.

“Very well, I hope this suits your needs,” She finished her sentence and Arata snapped back to reality. Lying on the ground in front of him were a pair of fake horns, a green cape, a blue and white striped belt, and scabbard with a fake sword handle coming out of it.

When Arata returned home, he was greeted by Koromaru and Marigold.

“Hi Arata!” Marigold chirped happily, “Is that your costume for tomorrow night?”

“Yeah it is, I just picked it up!” Arata smiled.

“Who are you going with tomorrow night?” She asked eagerly.

“Oh no pony at the moment,” he answered.

“You should come with me and Koromaru!” She excitedly suggested.

“Okay, sure!” Arata agreed and Koromaru let out an excited bark. “What are you two going as?”

“I’m going to go as a scary dragon, and I’m making Koromaru wings so he can be a Pegasus!” Marigold held up a pair of stitched white wings.

Arata chatted for a while before heading up to his room to try on the costume. He found that everything fit perfectly, and as an added bonus when he pulled the hood over his head his face was completely black, except for his now gleaming red eyes.

The next night Arata came home early with Camphor so they could accompany Marigold. They wasted no time changing into their outfits and heading out into the town. Camphor had decided to dress up as one of his favorite local plants, some kind of ornate glowing mushroom. Arata was unsure how he managed to make this outfit.

They went from house to house watching Marigold and Koromaru collect candy. Arata got a lot of stares due to his hood, and more than a few children ran from his glowing red eyes. Whenever this happened he would quickly pull it off and call after them, but it seemed to be a wasted effort.

“Arata,” Marigold asked, “What are you dressed as?”

“I’m Taliesin, herald of the true king.” Arata said.

“Oh… what is that from,” Marigold followed.

“He’s from a story from Nippony?” Arata hesitantly explained.

“Oh! Okay!” the answer seemed to be enough for Marigold, who ran off with Koromaru.

“Maaaaaan, I caaan’t believe youu maaade yourrr persoonaa as a costume sooo quickly.” Camphor laughed.

“I had a little help,” Arata tried to downplay Caroline’s role in the outfit.

“Right on maaaaaan,” Camphor smiled.

A few houses later they found another group of kids going around the town.

“We shouldn’t go near them,” Marigold said inching behind Camphor.

“Whyyyyy nooot siiiis?” Camphor asked.

“They’ll call me a blank flank…” Marigold said.

“So what?” Camphor continued, “You’reee a ferocious draaagonnnn, with a brave pegasus, a deadly and beautiful mushroom, and the herald of the king. You have nothing to worry about, they’re just words.”

“But…” Marigold started.

“Nooo maaaaan, you just gotta go despite what they saaaay.” Camphor firmly said.

Marigold took a deep breath and headed towards the group of ponies.

“Hey, Marigold!” one of them greeted.

“Marigold! Come get candy with us!” another followed.

Marigold and Koromaru joined the larger group without any harassment while Arata and Camphor followed behind.

“How did you know that would work?” Arata asked.

“Because maaaan, as long as she is confident they won’t pick on her. It’s true sheeeee’s beeeen made fun of, buuttt she’s stronger than that. Somtimeeess I just need to remind her of thhhaaaat.” Camphor finished.

Arata felt like he was really starting to understand both the Hanged Man and the Lovers Arcana.

The night continued and Arata joined in with many of the games. Although it took a while, Equestria was finally feeling like home for Arata, and he kept realizing that he had some of the best friends a pony could ask for.