• Published 21st Feb 2014
  • 1,681 Views, 35 Comments

Persona: Innocent Wish - Trismegistus

Shin Megami Tensei's 'Persona' series meets My Little Pony. Follow the story of Arata, an original character, as he arrives in Foalsdale for a year abroad, and soon discovers the untapped power of Persona.

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Chapter 26: Hearts Warming Eve

Author's Note:

This chapter and the next are meant to be read together.

Blaze woke up later than he usually did. ‘It’s a weekend,’ he thought, ‘it’s okay if I take a bit of a personal day every now and then.’ He looked over to his clock, it was already 10; he was usually up and busy four hours earlier. He lazily rolled out of bed and walked over to where the E.W.E.F. explorers bathed. To his surprise there weren’t any ponies moving around the camp. He didn’t recall anything about this being mentioned at the morning briefing, and he always paid attention at the morning briefing.

He took a quick shower and headed off to the mess tent to grab a late breakfast before he started on his duties for the day. There wasn’t too much that needed to be done today, mostly just the routine research requests he received from the southern team. This time they found a few types of plants that shouldn’t be native to the area. Blaze was supposed to go through all of the records he had gathered and determine if anypony had attempted to settle the region in the past. Then he would go to Camphor to see if he had any knowledge of the plant itself.

Lazily he entered the tent, and looked around to see that all of the tables had been flipped on their sides.

‘Oh no,’ he thought to himself knowing exactly what was happening.

“Surprise!” A chorus of voices cried out in unison. “Happy birthday Blaze!”

Initially Blaze was more surprised by the sheer number of ponies that were able to hide behind the six over turned tables. Most of the ponies around camp had assembled here to surprise him. Before he had fully taken in the scene Vox leapt out from the table and wrapped herself around Blaze.

“Happy birthday,” She said softly kissing his cheek.

“I thought I asked you not to do anything like this,” he said returning the kiss.

“Yeah, but this isn’t the real surprise,” She said releasing him as Arata and Camphor walked up.

“What do you mean, ‘not the real surprise’?” He asked with a hint of a smile.

“You’ll see this evening,” Vox playfully teased.

“Blaze why didn’t you tell us it was your birthday?!” Arata asked excitedly. “We wouldn’t have had any idea if it wasn’t for Vox.”

He looked at Vox, surprise parties weren’t really his ‘thing’ but something about knowing she was behind it made it special. “I knew that she would have everything taken care of.”

“Haaaaaapppyyyy birthdaaayy maaaann,” Camphor gave Blaze a small box wrapped and tied with a ribbon. “I heard that you smoke a pipe sometimes, so I picked and dried some local plants that fancy ponies smoke. They’re usually super hard to come by, but I knew where to look.”

Blaze took the box and politely set it aside, “Thanks Camphor, you really didn’t have to do this.”

Ivory Shield and Compass Rose both walked over to the team carrying a large cake. “This is your gift from me, Ivory Shield, and Compass Rose.” Arata said. “You like strawberry cake right?”

“Of course,” Blaze said looking at the cake. It was decorated humbly, but impressive none the less.

“I hope you like it; we were up all night at Camphor’s making it.” Compass Rose said carefully setting it down on a table that was just flipped back into place.

Penzance walked forward carrying plates and set them down on the table. “I know this was not what you were expecting for breakfast, we’ll get you some real food after the cake is gone.” He lit the candles on the cake and turned to Blaze, “Make a wish Blaze.”

Blaze walked up to the candles. Less than a year ago he would have just blown them out without even stopping to think of a wish. Now things were different. Everything that had happened to the team had been because of one wish.

‘I wish this could all just be wrapped up, once and for all,’ he thought as he blew out the candles. He then lifted the knife, one of the other ponies had produced, and cut the first slice of cake.

Blaze had spent the entire day with Arata, Camphor, Compass Rose, Vox, and Ivory Shield. Although they didn’t do much, being in the company of his friends was rewarding enough. Penzance had given him the next day off as well so he could “imbibe” during the night. Although from what Blaze could gather he wouldn’t have the chance to do that. Vox had made some plan for the next few days.

Celebrating a birthday with any level of fanfare was unusual for Blaze. Normally he just let the day be eclipsed for Hearts Warming Eve which occurred two days later. He wasn’t entirely sure what Vox had planned, but he was sure that it was related to the holiday.

That evening, Vox had run off to the supply tent and had asked for Blaze to meet her again by the main road. It was supposed to snow that night and Blaze made sure to dress appropriately. His coat complimented his collared shirt quite well, on top of being exceptionally warm.

After waiting for ten minutes Vox arrived carrying two suitcases and wearing a coat as elegant as the one Blaze had on. “Sorry for the delay, I forgot to pack the gift I picked up for your mom.”

“For my mom?” Blaze said realizing for the second time today what Vox’s plan was. “You planned a trip to Canterlot?” an enormous grin overtook his face as he snatched up Vox in an embrace.

“I thought you’d like that,” Vox said returning the hug.

The snow started to fall gently.

“Thanks for everything today Vox, I love you,” Blaze whispered.

“I love you too,” she replied.

They held each other for a minute that seemed endless, before they were interrupted by the taxi driver.

“I take it you two lovebirds are goin’ train station?” He asked sardonically.

“Yeah, that’s us,” Vox said picking up the suitcases and placing them in the back of the cart.

The ride to the station in Baltimare took about three hours. The driver kept to himself until it was time to ask for payment. As the snow fall increased Blaze and Vox huddled together in the back and enjoyed just being together.

They arrived in Canterlot late at night, and made their way through the familiar streets to Blaze’s home. The front door was already unlocked when they arrived and they quietly slipped in. The house was different than either had remembered it. Blaze’s mother would often rearrange and redecorate the house whenever she felt bored. It was a habit Blaze first noticed when his father passed away.

They walked into Blaze’s old room and found a note on the bed.

‘Happy birthday Blaze! I tried to stay up to see you two but I guess I’m older than I used to be. There are cookies and some cider in the kitchen if you two are hungry or thirsty. I’ll be up early to make you some breakfast tomorrow, but please sleep in as much as you like.

“Your mom is so sweet,” Vox said skimming the letter along with Blaze.

“Yeah, she really loves it when the two of us swing by,” Blaze added, “So what do you say, cookies and cider?”

Vox chuckled, “Only you would want cider at three in the morning. I think I’m just going to go to sleep for the night.”

“Yeah, I guess the cider can wait,” Blaze said in feigned disappointment.

Blaze and Vox fumbled into the kitchen early the next morning. They had been woken up by the sound of Blaze’s mother moving about and couldn’t fall back to sleep. Plates had been scattered all over the kitchen, containing everything from pancakes, to an array of bite size sandwiches.

It wouldn’t take an observer long to realize that Blaze and his mother were related. The two shared nearly identical coat and mane colors. His mom had always said that Blaze had his father’s eyes and build. Her cutiemark was of a book with a quill resting on top of it.

“Oh good, you two are finally awake!” She said, excitedly setting down the bowl she had been mixing and hugged both of them.

Blaze looked at the full spread of food, “You didn’t have to make all of this, mom; I’m not even sure if Vox and I can eat all of it.”

“Nonsense,” She scolded him, “Firstly I didn’t get to make you anything yesterday, so I’m doing it now. Second, you’ve always had your father’s apatite. And finally I like to cook so don’t feel bad.”

Blaze looked over at Vox, “Well, we’d better dig in then.”

The three enjoyed their meal and caught up with each other. Blaze tried to visit home whenever he was in Canterlot. She appreciated the effort he made, even though she wasn’t always at home when he dropped by. Once Blaze had left to join the E.W.E.F. she had started writing fiction novels, and they were getting quite popular with the critics in Canterlot. She would often spend her days out in the fields surrounding the city working on her writing.

“Oh Vox, how is Penzance doing? It’s been ages since I’ve spoken to him.” She asked.

“He’s been okay,” Vox answered with a half-truth. Although the events at the E.W.E.F. had been extremely troubling for him, recently it seemed like he was getting back into stride. “Work’s been hectic the past few months, and he has had a lot to deal with.”

“He hasn’t changed much over the years then,” Blaze’s mom chuckled.

They continued to talk for a few more hours before Blaze’s mom needed to go work on her most recent book. Blaze and Vox decided not to do anything that day, taking the time to relax instead. The next day was Hearts Warming Eve, and Vox had already planned out every minute of it.

The next morning Vox and Blaze went out to get an early breakfast at one of the fancier restaurants in Canterlot, following that they walked through Mane Street to see all of the shops and stalls that had been set up selling seasonal wares. Snow had recently fallen and the streets were lined with a thin white veneer. Well before noon there were already hundreds of ponies moving about the city taking part in the holiday spirit.

Blaze and Vox walked down the bustling street stopping to look at almost all of the shops. A pony could buy anything from scarves to rare seasonal spices. With the trip back to Foalsdale in mind, they made sure to get nothing too cumbersome. Vox picked out a scarf with a snowflake pattern, and Blaze a festive tie.

They then made their way to one of the many theaters in Canterlot to view the Hearts Warming Eve Pageant. Seeing it performed in Canterlot was something Blaze and Vox had always planned to do together and they were finally getting the chance.

The theater was grand, like most things in Canterlot, Blaze and Vox didn’t have the best seats, but they would still be able to enjoy the show. Hearts Warming Eve had always been Blaze’s favorite holiday, partly because of its proximity to his birthday, but also because its roots in the founding of Equestria. Some historians debated the accuracy of the story, but Blaze always felt that it captured the spirit of what made Equestria great.

The play finished as the sun set. Everypony there joined in singing the Hearts Warming Carol, and Blaze and Vox left to go to a small park on the edge of the city. The day had been wonderful for both of them, and there was no better way to end it than a walk in the spot where they had first decided to be together.

“Remember the first time we came here?” Blaze asked taking in the scenery.

“Yeah, back when we were still exploring Everfree, those were the days weren’t they?” Vox remembered hours spent wandering the forest with Blaze, with no goals at all.

“Times have really changed,” Blaze said melancholically. “We have so much more responsibility now. But we’ve made a lot of friends, and I think we know ourselves better…” Blaze trailed off. “At the same time, somepony died and we
couldn’t do anything about it. You know I keep letting that slip from my mind.” He admitted guiltily.

“I think we all do,” Vox said, “It’s been a really rough few months hasn’t it?” Vox asked softly as they paced around the park. There were still some flowers in bloom, each one catching a few specks of snow.

“More than my words can describe,” Blaze said picking one of the flowers and placing it in Vox’s mane. “To think, it all started that one little wish Arata made.”

“And we don’t even know what that was for,” Vox said looking off to the side. She spotted tracks from a rabbit and paused. “Blaze… why do you fight?”

“To protect everypony,” his words were as confident as they ever were.

“Me too,” Vox traced the tracks to a hole in the ground, and watched as a white bunny crawled out. “But sometimes I feel like we’re fighting a losing battle.”

Blaze stopped to watch the rabbit, “I know what you mean. We need to find a way to end this, otherwise we’ll be a rescue team forever…. And if that’s the case, it’s only a matter of time until somepony else dies on our watch.”

“But what if we can’t stop it? What if this is the only way that we can protect everypony?” Vox started to cry as she finished her sentence.

Blaze pulled Vox in close to him, “Then we’ll do whatever we can. Because if we don’t, who will?”

With Vox still in tears they walked over to the edge of the park. There was a railing that protected onlookers from the cliff beginning a few yards away. The sky was completely clear, and from the heights of Canterlot anypony could see for miles.

“Just think,” Blaze said, “There is still so much more for us to do here. We will stop this, I know we will, and then we can see everything this world has to offer, together.”

Vox looked Blaze in the eyes and then quickly averted. She slowly took a deep, deep breath, then let it out. “Blaze…” She said the word trembling. “There’s something I need to tell you…”