• Published 24th Mar 2012
  • 1,091 Views, 2 Comments

Intentions - Heesman

My Pony-sona is tackling springtime in Ponyville

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Saturating Sunday

The next day Shine had been able up early thanks to a long wanted good nights sleep. He had an important appointment set for today, an appointment he had been looking forward to the whole week. He put on the fanciest clothes he had, clothes he had special ordered from Rarity. It had taken them forever to get every little detail the way Shine wanted it, without them looking too scruffy nor too fancy as one might expect clothes coming from Raritys boutique.

He looked at himself in his mirror equally tall as himself, he saw a handsome orange unicorn stallion dressed in a suit looking like a mix between a regular sweater and a snobby tuxedo. He grinned at himself as he began his regular self-praise phrases;
- Lookin' good. Oh yeah, gonna score high today.
He smiled in the mirror before getting a disturbed look in his eyes while still looking at himself.
- Hey, who's that handsome dude?
He pretended to hold something to his ear.
- Police? There's a handsome stallion in my house! Oh wait, cancel that, it was only me.
Shine heartily laughed at how silly he must have sounded. He began his normal thorough look-sweep of his face he always did whenever he looked in a mirror. But this time he was interrupted as he began feeling the ground shaking much like a stampede but in a much smaller scale.

He opened up the front door and saw that all of his six closest friends in Ponyville all at once was charging towards his house. Even at such a distance, Shine could see that their intentions was just the same he had to reject this whole week.

He quickly shut the door and locked it. He hurried to take off his special tuxedo and put it inside his wardrobe as he knew that this wouldn't go smoothly. Just as he closed the door to the wardrobe, intense pounding on his front door made him almost jump out of his skin.
- Shine! Open up, we saw you just a minute ago.
It was Twilight who was shouting from the outer side of the door.
- No can do, I already know what all of you want and the answer will forever be a solid NO. So you can all now turn around and leave.
Shine replied with a shout of his own.
He quietly walked up to the door to listen if they still were there, nothing could be heard whatsoever. He thought that they had left and he began walking back to the wardrobe. But as he opened up the large door, he heard the loud click from his front door being unlocked.

He turned around and saw that Pinkie Pie had snuck into his house through the same window as the day before.
- PINKIE! You gotta stop sneaking into others houses. Besides, I thought you had lost all your interest of me from what happened yesterday.
Shine yelled at the pink pony opening up his front door, revealing his other five friends all standing there with a very familiar grin he almost began being afraid of.
- Oh, I know what we talked about yesterday, but Twilight said she wanted my help in having some fun, and everypony knows that I can't say no to fun.
- Ladies, lets see if we can take this wild bull here down and have our little fun, just like we all wanted.
Applejack stepped forward with a wide grin on her face.
- Certainly, I got very upset seeing you so rudely barge out of my boutique the other day darling.
Rarity groomed her mane slightly with her hoof.
- I-i, uhm... Shine... why don't you just play along? For us?
Fluttershy was poking on the ground with her hoof, carefully peaking from behind her mane covering her face.
- Enough shit-chat! Let's get on with it!
Rainbow Dash flew into Shines house and up, close to the ceiling.
- Now, now girls, no need to be ruffians we can do this the easy way if you insist but... HOLY- what is Celestia doing in Ponyville?
Shine pointed his hoof behind the group of friends which by instinct turned around, looking after their princess. But all they saw was a confused cyan unicorn pony with an equally colored mane who was looking around herself for the ostensible princess as well. After a while she yelled back to the house of friends.
- Shine! Shame on you, I though you didn't like to lie!
As the six friends realized it all was just a trick, they turned back to find that Shine had quietly snuck out of the wide open window.
- He's gettin' away, after him!
Applejack shouted and led the chase after Shine YellowSoul throughout Ponyville.

After being able to cause a major derivation he managed to run out of the bustling little town, all the way out to the Sweet Apple Acres where he found Big Macintosh standing by an apple tree, picking up bruised apples.
- Hey, Big Mac, you gotta help me!
Shine was panting heavily as he ran up to the red stallion of the Sweet Apple Acres.
- Woah, hold it right there, boy. What's the rush?
Big Macintosh looked confused at the stressed orange unicorn in front of him.
- I-it's AJ, she's gotten crazy, all along with her friends.
Shine was stomping his hooves indicating great panic.
- You gotta help me, quick!
Applejacks regular ''Yee-haw'' could be heard from far away. Big Macintosh looked in the direction from where the call came from.
- Wha month's there, son?
Big Macintosh looked very serious, still not moving his head.
- What? Oh, uhm... May, I think. Why does that matter, are you gonna help me or not?
Shine began looking a bit angry.
- Oh, horseapples! Is it already May?
Big Macintosh' eyes narrowed as he turned his attention to Shine.
- Sorry, Shine, but yer on yer own now. Ah ain't interfering when mah sis' in this mood.
- What do you mean? What mood?
Trees began rustling not too far away from the Sweet Apple Acres where Shine and Big Macintosh were discussing.
- Ah'm sorry, but mah back's not recovered from last year just yet. Ah reckon ya can hide in the barn.
Big Macintosh pointed his hoof at the freshly red painted barn located a fair distance away from the two stallions. Shine ran as fast as he could despite being very tired from the previous run from his house.

Shortly after, Applejack and her friends could be seen running along the road leading up to the entrance of the Sweet Apple Acres. They ran up to Big Macintosh and asked if he had seen Shine recently. But before he could answer, Rainbow Dash made an exclamation spotting Shine peek out from the red barn door.

All six of them barged into the barn, making a major mess of the interior of the barn. The mayhem only stopped as Shine appeared from a yellow sphere of light just outside the door to the barn as he began running again, this time away from the Sweet Apple Acres. The six furious friends soon after barged out from the barn only to continue to chase Shine.

Big Macintosh slowly shook his head at the sight and said to himself;
- Oh Shine, ya can run, but ya can never hide from a member of the Apple family.


The chase ended as Shine ran into his house and locked the door behind him. The six ponies left outside the house began beating and bucking on the door with all their might. When they stopped to catch their breaths a faint voice could be heard from the other side.
- Ha! You'll never break down an iron reinforced door. And the window is locked too this time!
- Allow me!
Twilight stepped up and began channeling magic in her horn for a split second only to vanish in a purple flash. Loud noises could be hear coming from inside the house. Shortly after, the door unlocked and out comes Shine too busy avoiding Twilight he didn't see that he ran straight into Applejack who stopped the orange stallion in his tracks. To avoid further running, Rainbow Dash tackled Shine from above, causing him to fall to the ground. Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were now the ones holding the struggling orange unicorn stallion down.

Shine was too worn out to struggle anymore. He panted heavily as he looked up on the six ponies which had been chasing him for so long.
- I told you, all of you, that I already have a special somepony. NOW LET GO OF ME!
Shine roared as he used his magic to lift off the three ponies sitting on him along with the other three of his friends to prevent them from doing anything he might disagree with. He slowly got up to his hooves and wiped off the worst of the dirt stuck in his coat.
- Then who is this special somepony you've been talking about all this time?
Rainbow Dash looked very frustrated.
Shine looked around the sky. After a short while he stopped his head as he pointed his hoof to the right of him, slightly upwards to the sky.
- There she is!
Shines eyes widened slightly as he locked his focus on the sky. All six of the ponies coated by Shines yellow magic turned their heads to their left. Their jaws dropped as they watched a gray pegasus mare with a blonde mane slowly fly towards the group. She had her eyes closed while joyfully humming on random songs. She opened her eyes for a short moment, but long enough for all of them to see that the gray pegasus mares eyes were looking in two directions at the same time. Judging by how her head was turned, she seemed to look at Shine before she closed her eyes and set her course straight towards Shine, this time flying faster than before.

She reached her front hooves out, just as if she was about to give a hug. But instead, she crashed into Shine, causing them both to tumble a fair distance on the ground. Eventually they stopped rolling, Shine laying on his back, the gray mare on top of him. Both of them were laughing heartily. The impact had broken the spell Shine had cast on his six friends, only to change his focus to the mare on top of him. The six previously levitating ponies fell to the ground, being stunned by the discovery of Shines ''special somepony'', none of them reacted to the impact as they fell to the ground with six separate thuds.
- Shiny! I finally found you!
The gray mare smiled widely.
- Sorry Derpies, I know we agreed to meet at the cafe, but I got held up.
Shine quickly tilted his head towards the awestruck group, still sitting with gaping mouths unflinchingly.
- Oh it's alright Shiny. I knew you wouldn't let me down. I just knew something prevented you to come to our date.
The gray mare rubbed her snout against Shines who returned the gesture along with a wide smile. The gray mare quickly hugged Shine before she helped him get up to his hooves. Shine looked over at the group of silent friends.
- Well, does this explain why I was trying so hard to resist all of you?
- Resist? What did they do to you Shiny?
The gray mare leaned at Shine while giving him a worried look.
- Nah, they didn't to anything to me, they tried, but they got denied, more or less.
Shine pat the gray mare on her head with the hoof closes to her.
- Had to get rough with a few of them for them to understand though.
Shine sort of drilled Rainbow Dash with his eyes.
Realizing Shine talked to her, Rainbow Dash snapped out of her trance.
Rainbow Dash flew up to Shines face.
Shine gave Rainbow Dash a fierce look.
- What? Do you actually mean to tell the lie that you didn't try to subdue me, make me succumb to my primal instincts?
As Shine said this he swung his left hoof around the gray mare, holding her tight against his side.
Rainbow Dash backed off slightly as she landed.
- Not that. What I'm talking about is; Do you actually mean so say that you prefer Derpy, the clumsiest pegasus to come out of Cloudsdale before me, the fastest flier in Equestria?
- That'd be a solid yes.
Shine leaned his head slightly to Derpys.
- What has she got that I don't?
Rainbow Dash looked furious.
- Charisma and a wonderful personality. Not to mention that special something that both I and Derpies have in common. Come in closer, Dash.
Shine used his magic to drag the struggling Rainbow Dash and force her to look into his eyes.
- Quit your struggling, you are not strong enough to break my spell. Calm down and look into my eyes.
Shine was standing above Rainbow Dash with his face barely a hoof length from hers. But Rainbow Dash kept struggling.
- Hnnggghh! Let go of me!
By now, Shine lost his temper and slapped Rainbow Dash as hard as he could. The blue pegasus stopped moving completely from the sharp pain spreading through her face from her left cheek.
Still in shock, Rainbow Dash did as she was told and saw what Shine wanted her to see. Slowly, Shines left eye wandered off, no longer looking at the same spot as his right eye. Both his eyes tried to look at each other, but as the pupils got close to each other, they bounced back, much like two positively charged magnets. Shine closed his eyelids for a split second. As he opened his eyes again his eyes had returned to normal. Shine gave Rainbow Dash a final determined look before he stepped away from her. Very soft whimpers could be heard coming from Rainbow Dash.
- I-i'm sorry Shine... I'm so sorry I tried to force myself onto you.
Tears were streaming down Rainbow Dash' cheeks who by now had gotten up to her hooves and stood in front of Shine with her head bent down. Before Shine could reply Rainbow Dash had already taken off to her home in Cloudsdale.
- Apology accepted!
Shine shouted at Rainbow Dash who already had flown out of sight.
- Sorreh to interrupt, but ah wanna apologize too.
Applejack walked up to Shine, followed by the rest of their friends.
- Me too, I-i kinda just lost it the other day.
Fluttershys nose almost touched the ground from keeping her head so low. The rest of them all had facial expressions loudly asking for Shines apology. Shine let out a huge sigh of relief for finally getting his friends to understand.
- I accept all of your apologies. Also, Fluttershy, could you please fly after Rainbow Dash and tell her I accept her apology too? I don't think she heard me.
Fluttershy nodded and took off, slowly flying towards Cloudsdale.
- I'm feeling very bad for what I tried, even if it wasn't much.
Twilight Sparkle walked up to Shine with her head still somewhat lowered.
- Somehow, I really want to make up for what I did and I...
Shine put a hoof to Twilights mouth with a warm forgiving smile, silencing her speech.
- You don't have to do anything. But for now, I just want to be alone and spend some time with my little Derpies.
Shine gave a big hug to Derpy who in return gave Shine a smooch on his left cheek.

All of the friends nodded and parted ways in their own direction. Shine and Derpy still standing there, just outside Shines house, very slowly began walking towards the door taking turns in giving each other soft kisses.

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