• Published 24th Mar 2012
  • 1,091 Views, 2 Comments

Intentions - Heesman

My Pony-sona is tackling springtime in Ponyville

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Wobbly Wednesday

Shaken but not stirred from the unexpected events of two of his friends acting so strange, Shine continues his list with number three, the elegant white unicorn Rarity. As he arrives to the Carrousel Boutique he opens up the front door and calls out;
- Rarity? Hello? Are you home?
Shine shouted as he walked into Raritys boutique.
- Oh, Shine. You are early. Please, have a seat while I make myself ready.
Rarity shouted from a room far from the entrance. Shine looked around the room for something to sit on. After a short while he saw a pile of cushions laying bellow a shelf with many different kinds of fabric in varying colors. The minutes passed and Shine began feeling restless. Just as he was about to get up and approach the half open door Rarity shouted from, the door quickly swung open as Rarity walked out and into the entrance room. Her coat was sparkling more than ever since she had put on slightly more make-up than usual. Shine gave Rarity a quick scanning look before he shrugged as he stood up from the cushions.
- You seem to have liked the cushions I made for a client.
Rarity giggled a little as she looked at the purple cushions now lightly stained with dirt.
But uhm... didn't you wash up before you got here?
Rarity sounded a little uncomfortable. Shine gave Rarity an awkward smile as he scratched the back of his head.
- Whoops, sorry. I guess I must've forgotten to wash up after my work at the Sweet Apple Acres, but I worked so hard yesterday I guess I was so tired I instantly fell asleep when I got home.
- Oh, don't worry about it, I can always clean them... OH MY GOODNESS!
Rarity shouted as she looked at a clock hanging on a wall.
- What now? Have I stepped in something.
Shine quickly began checking his hooves. Nothing there besides a thin layer of dirt.
- No, not that. I am late for my luxury treatment at the spa, you have to book a month ahead to get a treatment like this.
Rarity began running around the shop, putting back small scraps of fabric to their intended place that was laying here and there.
I'm so sorry, but I think we have to move our plans to another day, I simply can't miss this opportunity.
Shine stood in the way of Rarity, looking into her eyes.
- Well, if it's that important to you. Well... uhm...
Shine sounded a little nervous.
Perhaps... I-i could... come along with you and have a treatment myself. I'll pay for my own treatment, of course. Just... what I had in mind what we should do today wasn't any specific activity, just that we should get to know each other a bit better. This might be the perfect opportunity since I surely would need a bath anyway.
Shine laughed a little. Rarity was chocked at Shines request since she never could imagine that Shine, out of all ponies in Ponyville, would want to follow her to the spa and have a treatment along with her.
- Whu-well. I guess that would work out for both of us. I-i would be glad if you would come along with me.
Rarity blushed slightly since a stallion had never before asked to go with her to a place that she wanted to go to.
- Well then, it's settled.
Shine walked up to the doors of the entrance and held them up with a chivalric expression and pose.
After you m'lady.
- Why, thank you good sir.
Rarity couldn't help but giggle once more. The two ponies went outside the boutique and walked into Ponyville and passed the town square in order for them to get to the spa building. Once they arrived they were greeted by an pink mare with a blue mane.
- Oh, miss Rarity, it's an honor to have you here. The usual?
The pink mare slightly bowed her head.
- Not this time, I'm here for my special treatment, I've been waiting forever for it.
Rarity gave the pink mare a gentle smile.
Oh, let me introduce you to Shine, he wanted to have a treatment himself.
- A pleasure meeting a new acquaintance.
Shine reached out his hoof and waited for the pink mare to do the same, then he looked at his hoof and quickly withdrew it.
Darn! Sorry, I quickly forget that others might be bothered by stuff I ain't bothered by.
Shine scratched the back off his head, making a very faint cloud of dust lift off from his mane.
- My name is Aloe, don't worry, we are used to having quite a few dirty customers.
The pink mare looked back at Shine with a professional grin on her face.
- Well then, now that you two know each other, why don't you go to the counter over there and order whatever treatment you want. I'll pay for it this time.
Rarity gave Shine a little wink.
- Super! I can't wait to get spoiled away.
Shine quickly walked up to the counter and rung a bell standing on it. Shortly after, a blue mare with pink mane showed up from a doorway that led to an other room not visible from the entrance.
- How can I be of service?
The blue mare asked with a smile on her face.
- I'd like one of your luxury spa treatments.
Shine couldn't help but have great excitement in his voice.
- Which one would you like?
The blue mare tilted her head slightly.
- Well... uhm... hmm..
Shine blushed slightly as he once again scratched the back of his head making another cloud of dust lift from his mane.
You see... this is sorta my... ehm.... f-first time at a spa and I'm not quite familiar with what kind of treatments that are available.
- Oh, a first-timer, certainly not a problem at all. Let me just get the list.
The blue mare picked up a paper from beneath the counter. On the paper was a long list with lots of different treatments.
Very well, which treatment would you like today, sir?
On the list was all kinds of treatments; mud-masks, hot baths, massage, hoof-and-horn care and many more. Shine scanned the list from top to bottom, bottom to top. But the longer he scanned the list the greater the worried look on his face grew.
Is there a problem, sir?
The blue mare changed the tilt on her head from left to right.
- Uhm... yeah. There are quite a lot of these treatments I'd like to have, but I can't decide for just one.
Shine lifted his focus from the list up to the blue mare on the opposite side of the counter. The blue mare giggled a little and straightened up her head as she looked back at Shine.
- You can always combine a few treatments. But due to our lack of staff today, I'm afraid you would still have to settle for a maximum of five treatments.
Shine shone up and looked down at the list of treatments again.
- Really? Yay! Then I'd like to have treatment number 3, number 7, number 5 and number 19, in that order.
The blue mare cleared her throat as she put on a professional look on her face.
- Then it's decided. One steam-room treatment, a massage treatment, a hoof-and-horn care treatment finished with a hot herb bath.
The blue mare picked up a pencil from a mug standing next to the bell on the counter and made a few notes on a separate paper.
That will be thirty bits please.
Shines excited face shattered as his eyes narrowed and his face turned pale.
- Th-th-thirty? That much? Woah... I-i know Rarity said she would pay for my treatments but I can't ask her to pay THAT much...
- W-wait! Did you just say that you know Lady Rarity?
The blue mare looked shocked but Shine didn't face her, he just looked down in disappointment and nodded.
Wait right there, I-i have to go check something.
Shine sighed as he looked at the blue mare who walked away from behind the counter and towards the pink mare who was giving Rarity a mud-mask. After some time, the blue mare approached Shine again.
You can have your special treatments, it's on the house.
Yet again, Shine shone up.
- Really?
A wide smile went across Shines face.
- Yes, really.
The blue mare tilted her head more than last time with a warm smile.
So, shall we begin with the steam-room treatment, sir?
- Yes, and please call me Shine, everypony else does.
Shine followed the blue mare past the counter and into a large saloon like room. They crossed the large room only to approach a wooden door with a small glass window so that one could peek in, as well as out. The blue mare opened the door and handed Shine a towel which Shine put on his shoulders as he entered the steam-room. Shine passed the heat unit in the center and climbed up to the highest bench furthest from the door.
- Since this is your first time at a spa treatment, perhaps you should consider sitting closer to the door as the temperature can get awfully high in a steam-room.
The blue mare closed the door and sat down on a small stool close to the heat unit in the center. But Shine merely shook his head.
- Nah, I think I can withstand the heat. You could say that's all I've been doing so far this week.
The blue mare was confused by Shines statement but didn't bother to ask as she had learned through the years that she was better off not knowing. Instead she filled a ladle in a bucket next to her with water and poured it on the heat unit in front of her. The heat unit loudly hissed as a huge amount of steam rose to the ceiling and spread out like a flower until it reached the walls and crashed down upon anyone sitting on the highest bench, like in Shines case.
- Ahh! That's the stuff! More please!
Shine sighed at the relaxing hot steam showering his body. The blue mare did as she was told and poured more water onto the heat unit. Another steam cloud built up and crashed down upon Shine who just sat there with a dreaming expression on his face, oblivious to the pain cause by the drastic temperature change. The silence grew as the hissing from the heat unit calmed down and the heat dissipated until a certain level. After a few minutes Shine snapped out of his dreaming and looked at the blue mare with the ladle in her mouth.
I've got an idea. This treatment was on the house, right?
The blue mare nodded slightly in response.
Which means that you are paying for it. So, I was thinking, why aren't you also enjoying this treatment?
The blue mare put down the ladle into the almost fully filled bucket beside her.
- I-i don't think I understand what you are trying to say.
The blue mare looked a little confused.
- Very simple, why don't you get up on one of the higher benches and let me do the pouring.
As Shine said this, he used his magic to levitate the water bucket next to him.
Well, what are you waiting for? Get going, there's plenty of steam for both of us.
The blue mare hesitated but eventually she climbed up to the bench in the middle, not too high, not too low.
There you go, now, just sit back and relax.
Shine used his magic to fill the ladle to the brim and pour it all over the heat unit. He repeated the process twice.
- Huff... don't... you think you are pouring... huff... pouring a bit too much, Shine?
The blue mare was panting from the extensive heat. However, Shine only sat there once again dreaming away in his silent bliss. A few minutes passed when Shine finally responded.
- Hahh... such wonderful heat...
Shine wiped the sweat away from his face with both of his front hooves.
I thought that you would be able to withstand more heat than the ''first-timer''.
Shine had a teasing tone in his voice. The blue mare kept panting but still brushed up from the taunt.
- Oh... oh yeah? Well... huff... I bet I can... can stay longer in here than you.
Shine was surprised by this sudden challenge and opened his eyes to look at the blue mare.
- Oh, so you think so. Well, I accept your bet. How much do the winner get?
The blue mare bit her lip and tried to gather her thoughts in the extreme heat.
- H-how about... ten bits?
- Let's say fifteen and we have a bet.
Shine had a self confident expression on his face.
The blue mare rose her head quickly as she screamed, almost loosing her balance due to the lack of focus from the heat.


- Oh my, I don't remember the steam-room treatment taking this long, do you deary?
Rarity looked at the pink mare who was taking care of Raritys hooves.
- No, Lady Rarity. Could you please wait here while I go and check so that nothing bad has happened?
The pink mare looked at the door to the steam-room with a little worry in her eyes.
- Go on, deary. I'm not going anywhere. I would ruin all your effort you just put on my hooves if I did.
Rarity said while glancing at her right front hoof. The pink mare let go of everything she was doing and walked up to the wooden door. But just as she was about to open the door, the door swung open itself. The pink mare jumped back a few hoof lengths. Steam crashed out from the steam-room. The pink mare tried to look into the steam-room but the steam was too thick to even see ones nose in front of yourself. After a few seconds, heavy panting could be heard as well as clopping of hooves on the hard floor followed my a dragging sound. The pink mare got worried and called out into the steam-room.
- Is everything alright? Lotus? Shine? Are you in there?
As the pink mare finished, a gesture could be seen through the steam. It was the blue mare who was crawling out of the steam room.
Oh my goodness! Lotus! What happened?
The blue mare was panting too much to be able to answer.
- You got one stubborn colleague there.
Suddenly, Shine walked out of the cloud of steam. He wasn't panting, more like continually taking deep breaths, far more unaffected by the draining heat.
- Wh-what did you two do in there?
The pink mare looked more worried than ever at her sister laying on the floor, soaked by sweat and water.
- She challenged me to an endurance competition.
Shine pointed his hoof at the blue exhausted pony laying in front of him.
I encouraged her to quit, multiple times. But as I said, she is very stubborn. She insisted to stay and attempt to beat me.
- Thank goodness you finished it in time before something worse happened.
The pink mare was tending to her sister by trying to give her some water to drink. Looking oblivious to what happened, Shine used his magic to levitate the water bucket from the steam-room next to his head.
- Mweh... I could have stayed for a lot longer, but we ran out of water.
Shine put down the now empty bucket next to the pink and the blue mares. The pink mare looked into the empty bucket with huge eyes.
- What!? You mean that you used up, AN ENTIRE BUCKET OF WATER? And still you don't seem that tired at all. I can barely manage to empty half of it before I start feeling dizzy.
Shine began laughing heartily.
- Hahaha. This may be my first spa treatment. But it is really not my first time in a sauna. At my first time I was too young to even walk, so my mother had to carry me into our sauna at home. After that, I have regularly been to our sauna. Each time hotter than the other.
Shine changed his face from the gloating face into a more regretful face.
But I should have known better than to push her so far. I've hear a story of when two others tried beat each other in an endurance competition in a sauna. They had to abort it since one of them almost died while the other fell unconscious due to dehydration. Speaking of which, can I please have something to drink, I'm feeling a bit thirsty.
- Certainly, but please allow me to take care of my sister first. You can have a seat next to Lady Rarity while you wait.
Shine looked around the large room until he spotted Rarity still admiring her shiny hooves. He then quickly trotted over to her.
- What was that all about Shine?
Rarity looked at Shine, still trying to look at her hoof.
- Ah, nothing. So, how has your day been so far?
- Simply divine!
Rarity smiled widely.


- Oh man, I seriously got to got to the spa more often.
Shine was looking very content as he walked beside Rarity who was looking just as content.
- You simply must, I never knew you had so much gossip to share.
Rarity smiled at Shine who in return couldn't help but smile.
- Heh, yeah. One has lived a fair couple of years. Sometime you gotta pick up something interesting.
The two unicorns walked silently next to each other until they arrived at Raritys boutique.
Well then, I guess this is it, thanks again for an awesome day, Rarity.
Shine turned around to begin walking to his own home when Rarity quickly ran in front of Shine, blocking his path.
- Wait! Uhm... well... do you have to go already?
Rarity looked around to come up with some kind of excuse.
Y-you said that we were supposed to spend a day together and there is quite a lot of hours left until midnight. So uhm...
Rarity began to slightly groom her mane with one of her front hooves.
- ...and?
Shine looked at the nervous Rarity with a slightly raised eyebrow.
- A-and why don't... you come inside for a cup of tea. I-i don't have any urgent orders to fill out for a couple of days. I'd like to hear some more of your... gossip.
Rarity tried her best to keep a straight face. Shine hesitated at first but shortly just shrugged and entered Raritys boutique. Shine had a look around before he asked Rarity.
- Hey, I had quite a problem with this earlier today, but exactly where are we gonna sit down?
Before Shine had time to turn around Rarity had tackled him, making Rarity stand with her front hooves on Shines back.
Oof! Hey, Rarity! Why'd you do that for?
Shine grunted slightly. Rarity only giggled as she leaned closer to Shines right ear.
- Oh, I thought we could have a, ''heated'' discussion.
As Shine realized what Rarity was talking about he clenched his hooves to his face as he grunted to himself.
- Oh, for the love of- This AGAIN!?
- What was that darling?
Rarity was now talking normally. Shine removed his hooves from his face and spoke with authority in his voice.
- Rarity? Could you PLEASE get off me? You are messing up my coat with your dirty hooves.
Rarity did as she was told and stepped off Shines back. As Shine was getting up to a standing position, Rarity had walked up to the dirty purple cushions Shine sat on earlier that day. She looked back at Shine with a naughty look in her eyes.
- Oh, so you want it dirty? I'll give you dirty.
Rarity used her magic to rub the cushions in her face which put clear stains on her cheeks and forehead.
- R-rarity? Are you OK?
Shine looked shocked at Raritys actions since he was used to her being careful of being dirty. Rarity didn't answer, instead she ran up to Shine and gave him a huge kiss, putting her right front hoof behind Shines head. Shine forced away the lips of the white unicorn by putting his hoof in between their mouths.
Woah! Hold it right there Rarity, I'd just wanna tell you that I- mmmphh!
Rarity interrupted Shine by giving him yet another kiss, this time making her tongue intrude into Shines mouth.
Shine was struck by shock at how pushy Rarity was acting. He knew that the slightest spark from his brain could make him lose his mind in this battle of instincts. But Shine kept his own territory by preventing their tongues to make contact by keeping his jaw shut. As Rarity realized a direct assault would be futile, she seized the siege by withdrawing her tongue.
- Oh, Shine. I love you too!
Rarity took a step back only to give Shine another tackle, causing the stallion to fall onto his back, hitting his head hard into the floor.
- Ow, that hurt!
Shine saw that Rarity was about to make another attempt for a kiss when he reached out his front hoof to interrupt.
Rarity! Listen to me! There's something I gotta tell you!
Frustration could be clearly visible in Shines eyes.
- Yes? What is it? Speak up, I want to proceed.
Rarity looked very demanding with lust shimmering in her eyes.
- Come in closer, I don't want any passers-by to hear it.
Suddenly, Raritys eyes began shimmering even more as they widened at their maximum capacity. Rarity thought that Shine finally was about to give in. So she leaned her head as close as she could without bending her knees. That was not the case. Shine opened his mouth and swallowed as much air as he could. Shortly after he made a huge belch right at Raritys face, causing her to start coughing and stumble backwards until she hit a shelf.
- I'm not the pony you are looking for!
Shine quickly got up from the floor and rushed out of Raritys boutique. Once Rarity had gathered her thoughts she began thinking to herself.
- ''My, my, playing hard to get, huh? Well, I have played that game before.''
Rarity looked at Shine running away from the boutique with a wide grin on her face.