• Published 24th Mar 2012
  • 1,091 Views, 2 Comments

Intentions - Heesman

My Pony-sona is tackling springtime in Ponyville

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Throbbing Thursday

After yet another of Shines friends acting all weird he had built up an enormous amount of compressed feelings which he knew he would have to get out before he hurts somepony he cared for. That's why number four on the list made Shine so excited since he and Rainbow Dash had agreed to spend their day working out and doing other physical activities down at the local gym in Ponyville.
- 21, 22, 23,
Shine was sitting on a bench, working out with three different weights. One in each of his front hooves and one wrapped in his tail.
24... 25... 26...
Shine was looking fully focused, completely ignoring the presence of Rainbow Dash just a few meters away form him, making sit-ups.
27..... 28..... 29.....
Shine began sounding very strained as beads of sweat began appearing on his forehead.
With a loud grunt Shine lifted all three weights as high as he could. He was panting heavily from all the exercise. After a few moments he lowered the weights and began working on them again.
- Woah, Shine!Why are you overdoing it like that?
Rainbow Dash shouted at Shine but he didn't seem to react at first, focusing on the weights.
- 31... because, 32... I have so much, 33... pent up energy I, 34... that I need to get rid of, 35...
- Pent up energy? What have you done this week? Or should I say, what have you NOT done if you got so much spare gas in the tank, so to speak.
Rainbow Dash switched from sit-ups to doing push-ups. Ignoring his friend, Shine continued working the weights.
- 48!
Shine was beginning to drool slightly due to the heavy workout.
Blood veins were clearly visible throughout Shines face, pumping so hard one would think one of them could burst at any moment.
Shine once again raised the weights as high as he could, this time with an even louder and longer moan than last time. Shine froze for a few seconds, still with his front hooves and tail in the air. He then lowered the weights as much as he could without them touching the floor. Shine then used his last bit of strength to as quickly as possible raise the weights a final time into the air.
Aaand one more for the sake of it.
Shine let go of the three weights at the same time, making each of them fall to the floor with three separate loud bangs. Drained of energy, Shine lay down on the sweat covered bench he sat on.
- Yeah... like I said, why do you have so much spare energy, Shine?
Rainbow Dash hovered above Shines head. Shine wiped the sweat from his forehead and the drool from his mouth, still panting.
- Ah... whew... that's some workout.
Shine sat up and began stretching his forelegs. Ignoring Dash' question, Shine stood up on slightly shaky legs.
Dash, how 'bout we go for a jog? It'd be prefect to wrap up this workout.
A small spark could be seen in Rainbow Dash' eye at the mentioning of a speedy activity. She immediately landed next to Shine and got into a sprint-ready position.
- A race? Sure, where to?
- Calm down speedy. I said a JOG, not a race. Which means, faster than walking, slower than running.
Shine put his left hoof to Rainbow Dash' wing, making her completely withdraw it. Shine could feel the muscles in Rainbow Dash' wing still being tense.
Heh, why so tense? Got some pent up energy?
Shine had a smug face and a teasing tone. Rainbow Dash blushed and took a step to the side, making Shine get too far away to hold her wing down.
- N-no... it's just...
Rainbow Dash turned her face away for a moment. Eventually she turned her head back with her usual competitive face and looked at Shine.
...forget about that, now, where to?
Shine couldn't help but laugh at how obviously Rainbow Dash tried to hide something.
- Hahaha! How 'bout to the Sweet Apple Acres and then to the clearing just outside the Everfree forest?
- Got it!
Rainbow Dash quickly ran ahead of Shine a great distance. Shine just laughed and shook his head.
- Hey! I said SLOWER than running, Dash!
Eventually Shine caught up to Rainbow Dash and they ran all the way to the Sweet Apple Acres just as they agreed. As they approached the farm, Shine could see Applejack and Big Macintosh being busy bucking apples. Shine also saw that Applejack noticed them as he looked straight at Applejacks slightly sad face. They made a sharp turn and ran towards the Everfree forest.


As they were closing in to the entrance of the Everfree forest, both of the running ponies began slowing down until they both were at a walking pace. Shine being the most untrained of them quickly lay down on the ground while panting heavily. Rainbow Dash wasn't even close to tired but even she lay down beside Shine, just for the sake of company.
- Woah! Tired already?
Rainbow Dash looked slightly shocked at Shine who only could respond by giving her a tired glare back.
Sorry, didn't mean to step on your hoof, so to speak.
Rainbow Dash lay her head down on the warm spring grass. The fresh green straws tickled her throat all the way up to her cheeks as she became more and more relaxed by the soothing slightly warm winds. By now, Shine had recovered enough to talk again, looked at Rainbow Dash who looked a little like she was asleep.
- Here I thought I was exhausted. But seeing you fall asleep like that, I guess I was wrong.
Shine had raised his head and was looking down at Rainbow Dash who flung her eyelids open wide at the finishing of the sentence.
- I'm not sleeping...
Rainbow Dash let out a deep sigh as she stretched her limbs out, feeling the light bliss from the gentle tickle of the grass trying to wrap itself around her body.
I'm just.... hah... resting a little. Guess I was more tired than I thought.
Shine shrugged a little as he couldn't help but let out a major yawn, slowly turning to lay on his side with his legs stretched out, facing Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash noticed what Shine did and she soon followed, mirroring his exact pose. They looked into each others eyes for what to Rainbow Dash felt like eternities. Eventually Rainbow Dash broke the silence but still keeping eye contact.
Uhm.. Shine?
Shine responded by blinking his eyes twice in quick succession.
Wanna play a game?
Shine broke the eye focus and raised an eyebrow.
- A... game? What sorta ''game''.
- I can show you, I promise it isn't difficult.
Rainbow Dash moved a little closer to Shine with a slight giggle. Shine instantly reacted to this and quickly backed away as he sat up.
- OH! ''A game''. I can see where this is going. I know what ''game'' you are talking about.
Shine turned around with an angry face.
- Great, then I don't have to show you the ropes.
- But I don't wanna be part of this ''game''
Shine violently shook his head clearly showing his determination despite not looking at the excited Rainbow Dash who once more giggled as she shortly after had walked up to Shines right side. She began muzzle slightly in his brown rugged mane.

Shine did nothing. He didn't urge her to continue, nor did he try to prevent anything. He just sat there, unflinching, like a statue. His heart was beating a mile in a minute and he was breathed heavily. It was a war-zone inside Shines head, a massive conflict between his instincts telling him to mercilessly pounce Rainbow Dash and give her everything he got, facing off against his emotions raging on about sane decisions and rational thinking as well as staying loyal to the one he truly loves. His mind was a zone of utter chaos. But amid all this, Shine managed to keep a straight face, unwilling to do even the slightest thing to minimize or maximize, for that matter, Rainbow Dash' intense tempting.

It took a while for Rainbow Dash to discover Shines passivity. She walked up in front of Shine, giving him a slight thud on his right shoulder with her flank as she passed him. Still no reaction. She looked deeply into Shines blue eyes, looking for some kind of reaction. It was a futile attempt as Shine kept sitting perfectly still, ignoring Rainbow Dash' attempts of seduction as well as to communicate. Rainbow Dash tried an old trick that always used to work on those stallions who were harder to get than the others.

She began walking around Shine very slowly at a fair distance. Each time she passed behind Shine, she walked a little closer to him. On the fifth lap or so, Rainbow Dash was less than a quarter of a hoof length from Shine, slower than ever walking in front of his face, raising and lowering her body so that it would be on a somewhat equal altitude as his nose. As the root of her tail passed the tip of Shines nose, Rainbow Dash purposely swayed her tail so that it softly began rubbing Shine on his nose.

As Rainbow Dash finished her temptation by turning around, she saw that Shine began wrinkling his face as his eyes slightly began filling up. He inhaled quickly and exhaled even quicker with a loud sneeze, resuming his staring contest against the thin air in front of him. Rainbow Dash' anticipatory facial expression crashed into pieces as she let out a loud sigh of defeat as she sat down herself.

After a long moment of almost complete silence for the exception of the wind rustling the treetops, Shine finally opened his mouth.
- Who are you?
Shine kept his head straight forward still with an empty look in his eyes. Raindbow Dash was confused for a moment by this strange sudden question.
- Who I am? C'mon Shine, you know me. I am the fastest flier in Equestria, you know that.
Rainbow Dash stood up and raised her right front hoof in a victorious pose.
And my name is Rainbow Dash the...
Shine interrupted Rainbow Dash
- NO! That's where you are wrong!
Shine yelled straight out just as if Rainbow Dash was standing in front of him. Rainbow Dash lowered her hoof down to the ground and tilted her head, once again confused.
- Excuuuuse me? What did you just say? Of course I am Rainbo...
Shine interrupted once more, this time turning his head towards Rainbow Dash with anger flaming like an inferno in his eyes.
- WRONG! You are not the Rainbow Dash I got to know. The Rainbow Dash I know is tough, awesome, cool, loyal and overall awe-inspiring for anypony looking up to her, including myself. A true pony I like to call my friend.
Shine turned his head back, staring straight ahead again, this time with a sad expression.
You are more or less the opposite. You are desperate, inconsiderate, pathetic... you're a... a... A SLUT for even attempting what you just did. Letting your primitive instincts cloud your mind and judgment, disgusting!
Rainbow Dash' mood crashed as tears began showering her cheeks.
Oh, does it sting? The truth, I mean. Hehe, cry as much as you want, today I won't feel any pity for you.
Shine stood up on his hooves and slowly began walking away from the scene.
Think of what happened here the next time you try to subdue someone with enough brains to resist.
Shine began walking quicker, leaving the sobbing blue pegasus behind in the dim lights of the setting sun.


Later that night, Shine was writhing in his cozy bed as visions of him physically abusing Rainbow Dash in the most gruesome, inhuman ways imaginable. He wakes up with a scream, drenched in sweat.
- NOOO! I DIDN'T MEAN TO DO IT! I'm sorry... I-i'm sorry...
Shine looked around his dark room, feeling wide awake for a short moment. Transformed to his human form, he rubs his tired, blood-shot eyes as he slowly gets up from his bed, scratching his bum. He stumble in the pitch black room to turn on his water boiler, clumsily evading all possible obstacles he knew the exact position of, despite having his eyes shut tight. He sank down on a wooden stool, just like he had done three times this night. He leaned on the table the water boiler was standing on, almost instantly falling asleep.

In his dreams he can see himself in his human form, standing with clenched, bloodied fists above the heavily assaulted Rainbow Dash laying on the ground, crying tears that mix with the blood leaking from her mouth and nose.
- C'mon Shine... give it a chance...
Rainbow Dash coughed between her words. Looking furious, Shine placed his right hand around Rainbow Dash' neck, feeling his victims spine with his fingertips and holding her Adams apple steady with his thumb, holding lightly at first as he looked deeply into his victims small pupils.
- I said no! Why do you never listen? FEEL MY WRATH!
With great anger in his eyes and revealed teeth like a snarling dog, he slowly begun squeezing harder and harder. The harder he squeezed the more Rainbow Dash began struggling. Shine began trying to dig his fingers into the very skin of Rainbow Dash as he squeezed as hard as he could. Rainbow Dash' eyes rolled back into her head and with a small twitch by Shines hand, a loud crack could be heard.

Shine woke up from the sound as he realized it came from the water boiler next to his head which slowly quieted down since it was done boiling the water. He poured the hot water into a white cup standing next to the water boiler and mixed it with some dried herbs he had gotten from Zecora a long time ago. A rhyme he learned from Zecora when he received the herb came to his mind.

''Mix this with water if you ever gain great fatigue,
this is probably what your body need.
It can also help you sleep
as it silences a foal whom constantly weep.''

Shine crushed the rest of the herb he had in his palm and added it to the mixture. As he was blending the two ingredients he gave a loud ''Ouch!'' as he realized he had used his right pointing finger to stir the mix. He sucked on his finger to ease the pain as he picked up the spoon next to the cup with his left hand which he then used to properly mix the herb with the water.

He softly blew away some of the hot steam coming from the cup and took a small sip. The hot liquid made a sharp but quick pain on the tip of his tongue as the temperature quickly lowered to the same as his body. The liquid quickly traversed to the back of his mouth as Shine began swallowing excessively to ensure that each and every drop of the tea he drank would be properly consumed.

His eyelids grew heavier than before and the scenes of his earlier dreams turned into simple images. Images revealing that very last moment of life in Rainbow Dash' eyes before her neck snapped. Shine was stunned by this image and just sat there on his wooden stool, blankly staring into the darkness shrouding his house. The silence seemed to last forever until Shines body forced him to breathe, causing him to snap out of his memories. With a grunt Shine shook his head and drank more of the tea. The long moment he was lost in his memories the tea had been given enough time to cool down to a more lukewarm temperature, enabling Shine to almost empty the cup if it wasn't for his mouth already being filled to the brim, making small drops seep out from the corners of his mouth. He slammed the almost empty cup hard to the table in front of him as he swallowed down the rest of the tea in his mouth. He gasped loudly a few times as he hadn't drawn a breath since he began filling his mouth.

Shine let go of the cup and rose up from the wooden stool he sat on and began zigzagging back to his bed, this time also with his eyes shut. He let his body fall down on his bed without caring if he was turned to lay on the pillow or if his feet was laying on it instead. He was too tired to care of such insignificant things. Hugging whatever he was laying on to form a pillow he shortly after began letting out soft murmurs sounding like deep breathing, indicating he had fallen asleep.