• Published 24th Mar 2012
  • 1,995 Views, 19 Comments

The second string - mareinthemoon

When all of equestria is in peril,its princess lost there's only one team left to call

  • ...

Ponies of fortune

Derpy was delivering the morning mail whilst whistling her favorite tune, she loved her job dearly she was the special pony who delivered good news to everyone ah yes it was amazing especially on days like today where she would make special deliveries for sugar cube corner for which she could always count on getting a delicious muffin or two. Today started normal enough but quickly was very much not the case, as she flew through Pony ville she couldn't help but notice every pony was inside on this beautiful spring morning...Not even the animals were seen...

She flew down with the package to sugar cube corner and knocked on the door. “Special delivery for Pinkie Pie!" She chimed with her beaming smile, Most would say she was a klutzy pony but Pinkie always seemed to understand how she was feeling and knew just how to cheer her up. She stood in silence for a moment. “Hello? Is any pony home?" Something didn't feel right, when was sugar cube corner completely empty. And for that matter since when did pinkie suddenly not pop out from her window with a random song to greet her package?

She sat the package down gently and flew up to the window, gasping when she discovered that it had been broken by force. Inside Pinkie was nowhere to be seen but there were signs of a struggle, the side table overturned and sheets sprawled all over. This could all be chalked up to pinkie being pinkie, but when she spotted the cupcakes on the dresser and a half written pick nick invitation. It proved something wrong was going on.

Derpy flew through the town trying to find any pony, she searched high and she searched low but no pony ever did show. As she began to panic she heard a sweet voice and a sound of a yawn. "Hey there Derpy, I’m so happy I found another pony. I thought it was just me and Bonbon.” The aqua colored unicorn was Lyra, a smile like the spring and a voice like an angel. She and Bonbon lived together on the other side of town, down the street from Rarities boutique.

"Lyra, do you know what’s going on?" Derpy asked out of curiosity as she saw Bonbon galloping towards them. "I found Vinyl and Octavia; they were practicing for a concert. Well more like arguing on how the concert should be." Bonbon giggled which put Derpies worries at ease. “This is too weird though, it doesn’t make since, and I seem to figure out why every pony is gone." Lyra thought on Derpies words for a moment or two. "I’ve got it! Let’s go ask the doctor, he’s super smart and if any pony knows, he would!!" Derpy nodded and led the way to where Octavia and Vinyl are arguing.

Octavia stood with her favorite cello and rolled her eyes, pointing the bow at Vinyl "I swear if you knew any less about REAL music you'd be passing gas and passing it off as Bach!" To this comment Vinyl lowered her sunglasses and smiled. “And here I thought the only thing wounded too tightly were those strings.” Octavia gasped and continued to insult her carefree roommate ad Lyra and the others approached. Lyra walked over to them trying to stop this ridiculous display, Celestia knows it occurred on a weekly basis and was more set in stone than the weather. "Girls we have a real issue on our hooves, every pony is missing!" Octavia and Vinyl continued their bickering as if Lyra had never spoke, which hurt the young unicorn’s feelings.

Derpies smiled faded and she walked in between them. “Stop it! We have a more serious problem! Every pony is missing, and if there are no ponies then there will be no concert!” To this Octavia and Vinyl gave each other a look and nodded before touching hooves together. Derpy spoke up again: “Now, we’re heading towards the doctors house to see if he can explain what’s happening!”

And so Derpy, Lyra, Bonbon, Octavia and Vinyl headed over to a secluded part of town where many dare not go for two main reasons. One it was on the very edge of the ever free forest. And two, you never knew when one of the things the doctor was tinkering with could go haywire. Now, Derpy often visited this location being the mail pony had its responsibilities and in this case...its risks.

They approached the odd home, it was shiny and futuristic. Looking more like a secret lair for a super hero than any old doctor, she raised her hoof to the button which caused a beautiful song to be played, the one she had been whistling all morning. After a moment the door opened slowly and as always she let herself in. "Don't worry guys I come here all the time, there’s absolutely nothing to be afraid of." With those words of encouragement everyone followed Derpy and walked inside. Octavia looked around with a displeased smile." It’s far too dusty in here, what field of medicine does this doctor practice? I must take a note to not get sick.” suddenly the door slammed shut behind them causing Octavia to Jump onto Vinyl’s back.

“What now!?" Lyra shuddered as Derpy smiled wide. “Don’t worry guys this is the fun part!!" she jumped up and grabbed a rope which opened a trap door beneath them, causing them all to comically fall through with a shrill scream, Derpy flying in after them. Under the trap door was a series of massive slides, much like a water park "This is fun guys! WHEE!" Octavia was clinging to Vinyl as they slid around seemingly out of control. “What kind of doctor has water slides and trap holes in his house!? This is INSANE!" Lyra and Bonbon were giggling as they slipped and slid down the slides, it was like Derpy said it was a lot of fun.

Derpy flew in front of Octavia and Vinyl as they slid down, flying upside down to be precise "Oh he’s not THAT kind of doctor silly.” she smiled as her eyes separated out in their traditional fashion. Octavia frantically looked up at Derpy. "WHAT KIND OF DOCTOR IS HE?!" With a final leap into the air they found themselves bounced safely onto very large and comfortable mattresses where a Brown stallion stood. His mane and tail were a darker shade of brown done up in a messy shag, he wore a simple white collar and tie. “Derpy! How many times have I told you not to come inside my home to play with the slides? What would happen if the mattresses weren't there?" Octavia looked him over, noticing the hourglass cutie mark upon his flank." What kind of cutie mark is that for a doctor?" The stallion stopped and looked to Octavia. “Oh, so sorry to confuse you, I'm just a time lord; I do hope that answers your questions. Now, Damage report Derpy, what in the name of all that’s deep fried and chocolate coated is happening up there?"

Derpy saluted the Doctor. “Yes sir, it appears every pony but us has Disappeared! I've searched everywhere and we are the only ponies left!" The Doctor pondered a moment and walked over to his whiteboard where he began to write a furiously mass equation. “It appears a dark miasma has bubbled forth creating a massive disturbance in the nature of every pony. Creating mayhem, disharmony...and discord..." The girls all gasped hearing this, was all this happening?! "And it seems that the princess has been abducted by none other than Nightmare Moon." Derpy paused a moment. “Wait...didn't the elements revert her back into Luna?"

He nodded and continued to write." It seems that the elements are no longer active, meaning there is evil afoot." Bonbon nodded and approached him. “But sir, without the elements how can we ever defeat Nightmare Moon?" To this he sighed. “I’m afraid it’s far larger than that, we six must go forward and rescue Equestria by summoning the elements within ourselves! Vanquish this evil and be home in time for tea." Derpy flew up excited. "Let’s do this; it’s time to save Equestria! Who’s with me?!" To Derpies delight the other five nodded and bowed happily and they all said as one." For Equestria!!"

Comments ( 19 )


*Holds up pre-reader sign*

You need to take off those walls of Text.

Sorry. It's just that the first time I saw that picture, I've been waiting for somebody to write a fanfic for it. Thank you for seeing that happened! :twilightsmile:
My one pet peeve is the numerous grammar mistakes. Sorry. They just piss me off. A few tips, capitilize the i's in the word I and whenever a new pony starts talking, start a new paragraph. Also, I found it kinda weird that the doctor seemed to know exactly what was going on. Then again, he is a timelord. It's to be expected, I guess.
By the by, would you mind checking out my story? Thanks!
Also, I've started a group called Rookies on the Rise, and I'm hoping you'll join? I'm attempting to gather "rookie" authors in this group so they can post their stories in it to get more noticed. Hope you'll consider joining!
Keep on writing! :pinkiehappy:


Im actually in need of a pre reader Ive ben sick as of late and a beta reader would do me wonders >.< if your willing id love to have you on as mine...I write alot so theres alot of stories...I dont notice many of my mistakes when i am writing which makes my story suffer for it...I need an editor lol i was planning on getting my stuff edited before next chapter updates

Ok, I'm going to copy your first chapter, run through it.

Then I'm going to break the wall of texts.

Then I will send it to you Via Private message.

EDIT: Ok I'm taking a closer look.

You are in desperate need of a Pre-reader.

Ok, I can probley get back to you, maybe by 8:46-9:00


you are a heaven sent -hugs- your so getting credited for fixing my story up :D thanks again

Hey, no prob.

Your a Brony, happy to help a fellow herd member.
Now to start working.

Thanks for joining Rookies on the Rise! I'm happy to have you on board! :pinkiehappy:


Im glad you liked it XD and I joined your group, I do write alot so Ill post my stories to your Group wall..my first one here has almost 100 views in just 2 days!!!:heart: I'l get progressively better considering now I have an amazing pre-reader so the stories should be less harmful to the brain now lol

Well, like stated in the last comment, happy to have you on board! :pinkiehappy:

Oh God the text slabs... Do something about it. It may seem like it takes up useless space, but believe me, that's better than a text slab. Especially for ADD like mine.

But actually, good beginning. And it's even better with the A-Team theme playing. :rainbowdetermined2: I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.


Yea dont worry that issues currently being resolved by my proof reader aka my savior and in the long run yours XD

ok for the sanity of all and thanks to the amazing lambrony Chapter 1 is now fixed!!!!! no more bleeding eyes XD

I noticed a problem in the description...
"...these six wayward background girls and..."
The Doctor is a girl?

Anyway, looks good, Tracking! :twilightsmile:

Very well written! Can't wait for more! :rainbowlaugh:

Just a friendly suggestion, make it longer. Add some descriptions, or something like that. Instead of the doctor answering Derpy's question right away, you should say something like "The doctor pondered for a moment" or something along those lines. I can tell this is something that you can see inside your head really clearly, It's just that you don't describe things too well (I admit, I have the same problem)

Also, the dialog went too fast for me. I am a fast reader so that may be why, but it did feel rushed. Try to slow it down a little. Like I said, more descriptions. Also, have the ponies who don't know what's going on (Meaning everyone but Dr. Whooves) ask some questions. Such as "What do you mean by dark miasma?" That way the readers can understand what is going on.


Your getting some suggestions on some things.

Like Upinsmoke.

Try to describe a little more, if you want me too I can try too help.

-nods- Ill take it to heart and make the next chapter even better thamkyou all for your suggestions :pinkiehappy:

" 'This is too weird though, it doesn’t make since, and I seem to figure out why every pony is gone.' " - "Since" should be sense and I'm assuming you forgot to add "can't" before "seem" to make it "I can't seem to figure out why every pony is gone." :scootangel:

Other than that, this is looking to be a pretty interesting story. I look forward to more chapters! :twilightsmile:


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