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Rondell Sheridan approves of this Fiction!

The ropes were too tight. The kaleidoscopic mane, now invaded by the brackish mud of which the pegasus was submerged in, crippled her vision along with her own creations of which blocked off Luna’s luminescent orb. The panicked mare struggled onto her back, receiving no avail from the practically frictionless ooze.


The hoovesteps that leisurely drew closer to the defenseless equine made her heart skip a beat with each…


As a silhouetted figure came into the hysterical filly’s line of sight, she gave out a brief yelp. The pegasus, now adjusted onto her back began flailing about, attempting to somehow break free of the harnesses that constricted her wings.

A sweet, yet psychotic, giggle sent shivers down the winded pony’s flank. The victimized mare’s attempt to pull a Horsey Houdini and escape from her bindings turned futile as the stalking shadow trotted near enough for the pegasus to lick her hoof.

“Dashie,” the menacing character nonchalantly began. “Why’d you leave the party so early?” Her voice, her composure, her pacing! It was also so… relaxed. “I didn’t even get to finish your last leg!”

Rainbow Dash, unable to angle her face to see her legs, could only adjust one leg without a burst of agony coursing her body. What happened to me? The victim mare pondered, incapable to recall any events before her little smooching session with Mr. Mud.

The rain previous downpour devolved into a drizzle as the clouds gradually thinned. “Aww!” The intimidating figure depressingly groaned, realizing the shift of the weather. “The party’s ending!? We didn’t even get to play pin-the-tail-on-the-pony yet…”

The hyperventilating flier remained motionless at the hoof of her offender. That voice… Whose was it? Rainbow Dash thought. Maybe if I tried breaking these ropes again… Contrary to her inner voice, she laid still, her muscles unable to function. Dash felt herself fading out of her body; finding herself only able to see, her body became a quiescent ragdoll.

Slapping an overzealous grin on their face, the perpetrator spoke. “I got a wonderful new idea! You know how I was bummed ‘cause we didn’t play pin-the-tail-on-the-pony which is like the funnest most amazingly spectacularspendous game in world? Well I came up with an even more funtastic superific EXTRA FANTABULOUS new game we could play! Wanna know what it is, Dashie!? Doyoudoyoudoyou!?” The chipper pony stared into the eyes of the multicolored mare, awaiting a response. Rainbow Dash over quivered. “Oh, Dashie,” the giddy character laughed. “I wasn’t talking about the quiet game!” The laughter vigorously continued until concluding with a brief snort. “The game I was thinking of was… pin-the-pony-under-the-boulder!”

Rainbow Dash, currently gazing at a massive rock the size of a cloud she would usually rest upon, felt her stomach drop. When the hay did that boulder get there! Has it been there this whole time…?

The wounded pegasus’ thoughts ceased as the bubbly figure prepared to launch the boulder into the air. “Here it comes, Dashie,” the shadow exclaimed, only using her nose to fling the colossal stone above the speedster pony.

Rainbow Dash, cringing as the rock dive-bombed towards her, shouted “PINKIE NO!” And then…



Rainbow Dash's eyelids rocketed open as she hyperventilated. The refreshing feels of air flowing into her lungs gave Rainbow Dash the common sense to realize that it was just a dream. Rainbow Dash began to collect her bearings by taking in her surroundings. She saw that she had been asleep on a lone cloud, and recalled taking a nap there proceeding her afternoon flight. Rainbow Dash also found a newspaper on her stomach. She looked up to discover Derpy floating above her.

"Darn it!" Derpy scolded herself as she watched Rainbow Dash.

"Did you drop something, Derpy?"

"Yeah, sorry. I didn't mean to wake you."

"No biggie," Rainbow Dash said causally, while on the inside, Rainbow Dash was thanking Derpy to no ends from waking her from her terrifying slumber.

"I'm also sorry for waking you from your dream Rainbow Dash!"

"You already said that?"

"Well yes, but I'm sorry if somepony had been viewing your dream and was expecting something macabre or scary to ensue, but was let down by the whole situation being a dream, and then quit viewing because I woke you up."

"What in Equestria are you talking about, Derpy!?"

"Bye Rainbow Dash!"

As Derpy flew away, Rainbow Dash decided to shake off the curiosity of what Derpy had said because Derpy said a lot of weird thing. Dash looked at her hoof to check the time, but she wasn't wearing her portable sundial, so she couldn't.

Rainbow Dash needed to check the time because she had promised to help Pinkie Pie bake cupcakes at three o'clock. She raced to the nearest building to find a clock she could read from. When she entered the closest building, she was saddened by the sight of it already being three o'clock.

"Oh no! I'm going to be late!"

"Hey Dashie! You're right on time!"

The pegasus faced where the voice was coming from and saw Pinkie Pie standing there. Upon further inspection, Rainbow Dash realized that her cloud had been right above Sugarcube Corner.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie trotted into the kitchen to begin baking. "So what should we do first Pinkie?"

"Well actually Rainbow Dash, I already baked the cupcakes. I just needed you to taste them for me."

Rainbow Dash suddenly flashed back to dreams she had had before, including the one that just happened, where they always started with a cupcake and ended in death. "NONONONONONONONONO!" Rainbow Dash kept repeating this, distancing herself from her pink friend as much as possible in the kitchen.

"What's wrong, Dashie!?" Pinkie Pie asked, concerned. "If you didn't want to eat my cupcakes, you could have just lied and said you had already eaten!" Pinkie Pie leaned her head back, opened up her mouth, and dropped the cupcake in it, devouring the pastry in one bite.

"Wait... That cupcake wasn't drugged or poisoned or something?"

"No silly! Why would I put drugs or poison in the cupcakes? The recipe doesn't call for them.. Or do they?"

Rainbow Dash moved toward Pinkie, as the party pony wrote out the ingredients list in her head. "Yep there were definitely no drugs or poison, but there was a little bit of something. Why were you so worked up over it in the first place, Dashie?"

"I'm not really sure... Recently I have been having some odd dreams."

"What do you mean by odd?"

"Like dreams where, for some reason, you try to kill me by drugging me with cupcakes."

Pinkie Pie began to whimper. "Why would you only have bad dreams about me, Dashie?"

Rainbow Dash, wanting to keep Pinkie Pie from crying added, "But I've also had some funny-weird dreams about you too!"

"Like what?"

"Like..." Rainbow Dash started giggling a little bit. "Like one time, you and I were dating!" Rainbow Dash, continued her giggling until she noticed Pinkie Pie was still pouting.

"Is us dating really a bad thing, Dashie?"

"What!?" Seeing that her friend was serious, she said, "I guess no--"

Before she could even finish, Pinkie Pie threw herself at Rainbow Dash and the two started to make out. Rainbow Dash loved the feeling of Pinkie's kiss. So warm, so intimate, so... wet?

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes and released her tongue from the kiss, and witness Pinkie Pie with water flowing swiftly out of her mouth, ears, nose, and eyes.

Before Rainbow Dash could even react, the draws and cupboards in the kitchen started to shoot out water. In one swoosh, Rainbow Dash was washed away by the mysterious current.


Dom Cobb inhaled water and realized what had happened. He rose out of the tub of water he was in and gasped for air.

"How'd it go?" Arthur asked, curious about their experiment.

"It worked," Cobb reassured.

"There were no glitches, no holes?"


Arthur recorded this on a chart he had. "So..." He proceeded to question. "What was the dream within a dream like?"

"Nothing special."

The End Maybe.

Comments ( 20 )

...wat :applejackconfused:

If you listen closely you can hear the Trololol song playing in the back of your head.

Cocaine is a hell of a drug.:fluttershbad:



Can't trolls even TRY to troll? This is just...ugh. My head hurts. I feel the need to jump off a cliff now. You make me want to cry. You also make me want to call the mental ward and have the guys in white jackets come and carry you away into that big, white building far, far away from civilization. You clearly need help, and I hope you get it. I'm praying for you. Good luck! :pinkiesmile:

Dafuq did I just read? :rainbowderp::rainbowhuh:


if you concentrate you can hear brain cells dieing while reading your comment

I'd give you an A for effort, but you grammered to good.

A trollfic needs to have more than a few missing commas.

This is serious piece, not a troll fic!:raritydespair::raritydespair::raritydespair::raritydespair::raritydespair::raritydespair::raritydespair::raritydespair::raritydespair::raritydespair::raritydespair::raritydespair::raritydespair:

Still, good work, I found nothing wrong with this piece.

352811 When you start reading the fic, they'll be explosions. No need to concentrate.


I just insulted you

get your ass out of this comments page

Rondell Sheridan?:rainbowderp:

*Instant like*

This was pretty funny xD

And the Inception cameo at the end...wow, I did not expect that lol

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