• Published 9th Apr 2014
  • 2,070 Views, 37 Comments

Gundam UC: Distant Crossing - Gundamdragon

Humans have lived in peace with other alien species, but some other being didn't know of peace or understanding.

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Saturn's Fall The White Devil's Return

Amuro couldn't help but see the irony in this. He was using everything from his experience in one battle. He was commanding troops in suits ranging from old GMs and Zakus to to the more modern heavyguns and gearadoga units.... most are still way out classed if those gundams they seen where any hint at the enemy's power and technical skills. His ships where just as bad he was lunching from a Grawzine, in a Gundam 'Mk2 with a sycumo system and a ball pack with upgraded weapons. He even had a gundam hammer as his fall back. He sat in the suit and checked the setting, and the progress on the bombs in the base.

A screen pops up with a soldier in a normal suit. "General Ray the last bomb is set and all linked to your suits signal. If anything happens to your IFF the timer starts 3 minutes till the bombs and the base generator all blow silent countdown."

"Good work. Get to a escape ship." The soldier saluted and the screen closed. Amuro opened a channel to all ships, suits and the base. "Finale call to all hands. This is General Amuro Ray. All suits lunch is 78 seconds and take defensive line evacuation fleet will form on the Gwazine, and head back to the Jupiter lines. The flag for defence forces is now the Pegasus class ship Gray phantom, all ships of the defense line take staggered line behind the base and commence a constant missile attack on sight of the enemy. All suits take up position in the base entirely bays and lunch your attack when the enemy forces are at 200 meters. We want to draw them in to the base before I blow it. Gray phantom you have gun control on the megapartical cannon set up in the mane hanger. It's a strait shot with no adjustment so wait as long as you can to fire it. You get one shot. Every one understand?"

Over the radio came shouts of "Yes General." Or "Right Amuro." And other confirmations. Amuro know this is the last time he will hear many of there voices.

Chris was in Amuros cquters on the Gwazine, 3 boxes in front of him one was the general's personal effects.... the ship's captain said this was on Amuros, orders. Now he knew why. This is most likely to be the grate hero's last battle... Chris cried as he looked out to space. His fists clenched, these aliens have took his friends, his suit, and now he might lose a true hero, one he looked up to. He would have his revenge.

Princess Celestia in Solarwind

"Luna can you here me sister?" Asked Celestia

"Yes Sister I take it your going to observe the battle or stop it if you can?"Asked Luna

"Yes Luna, do watch over our ponies while I'm away." Said Celestia

"Of course sister. They will have nothing to fear beyond me throttling our nefue during court. But that would probably raise our approval among our subjects." Said Luna

"Oh Luna. Solarwind activating FTL drive." Said Celestia with a sigh.

The ship glowed like a star then vanished in a flash.

Red claw battle starts

The ship appeared in a flash of light. Gilda looked out the bridge view port. They had managed to arrive with in sight of the base a few seconds later the ship came under fire tons of missiles and beam shots pounded the ship. Gilda grabbed the railing to keep from be shaken off her paws.

"What the Feather. They set up a ambush this heavy after one skirmish? Well there defiantly not as dumb as ponies are! Launch the suits, and take evasive action!" Shouted Gilda.

Amuro Ray

Amuro smiled. "Even with faster and more advanced ships and suits. You can still walk right in to a trap if you under estimate your foe." Amuro couldn't count the number of time he walked in to traps in the one year war. Or how close he came to death. He watched as the ship started to dodge and deploy its suits.


The suits of the N.E.N.U. where divide in to 3 set models.

The minotaur troops are the heavy infantry their suits are bulkier and more heavier armed and armored. (To gundam fans they are serpent suits form endless waltz in red and blue.) They have heavy cannon and and twin gatlings, as well as magic missile launchers on its shoulder.

The mane force was the dogs and other gangly suits lightly armed and armored carrying machine guns or bazookas. (Ther suits at DT-6800A Duaghtress from gundam X. In a dark brown with red chest and head.) These suits are most common in the ranks.

The Griffin suits look ungangly and are clearly not built for space. The also carry lighter weaponry. (29H-A-MS Murphy is what the Griffin use and the suits are from gundam fighter. The suits are brown and red.) They were the lest deployed but they where circling around to the sides to by pass the mane battle.

The minotaur and dog suits closed in to the base. Then all of sudden the base erupted with fire. As the republic forces opened fire from the asteroid. The fact that it caught the N.E.N.U. forces by surprise mattered little as the number of troops they sent kept pushing and the fire though relentless was only hitting so many as the reaction of the N.E.N.U. forces are much higher then that of the Republic ones.

Gilda watched from the bridge of her ship. "I have to say the tactics there using is impressive That's two ambushes seance the battle begain. I hope there leader servies the battle. Who ever they are would be a great assets to capture." Said Gilda to her bridge crew a smile on her beak. This was not as bad she thought it be. This was not just roll in and take the base as she expected this was a real battle there would be honor that could be won.

"General! The Solarwind just dropped out of FTL and is moving towards the battle!" Shouted a crew dog.

"What she want?" Said Gilda under her breath.


Celestia in the Solarwind

She looked out on the battle with a heavy heart. Knowing that this attack will only make things worse. "Why can't the N.E.N.U. git that aggression only causes more problems. This battle will make negotiations harder with a nation, that by Megan's account, is prone to having wars with there own race over pointless things. She thought as she watched. Her suit trans formed the bridge forming the suits head as the thrusters turned into wing like things on its back, the suit bays formed a second pair in a U shape, the body of the ship twisted and turned forming 2 legs, arms and body. The suit had a over all rounded and smoothly curved build. It's paint matched Celestia well the body was mostly white with gold feet, hands, chest, and V crest. From the head a arterial mane flowed like Celestia's own. The eyes glowed magenta as it floated their watching the battle.

Then she felt it. A faint magic trace then the human fired a massive beam that nearly hit the Red Talon but did hit the center of the N.E.N.U.s lines vaporizing a 3rd of their troops. Celestia felt the surge of magic again then N.E.N.U. suits started blowing up rapidly.

Then in her mind she heard a voice in her mind. Her suit. "Mistress, the one called Megan, did she say her race had magic?"

Celestia never could get her suit to stop calling her that. "No, but she mentioned the base commander was something called a newtype. That magic might be him." Celestia told her suit.

The battle

Amuro had played his hand perfectly so far the beam shot had even nicked the enemy ship. "Amuro Ray! Gundam MK II Ball, Engageing! All units free fire! Stay as long as you feel you can then pull back to evacuation point these are my final orders I'll stay till the end!" Shouted Amuro over the com.

Across the ranks the shout of "Yes General Ray" was heard as all the remaining suits jet out to meet the enemy force the Gundam MKII ball took the enemy reforming center.

The suits white armor glitters in the flash of the battle his hyper bazooka reported again and again. His gun ball pods beam guns flashed and danced around him. N.E.N.U. units seemed to blow up around him by his will. His suit was slower it's weapons old but strong. His skill unseen before by most. He saw the minds of the enemy he felt their raising fear. The troops engaging him where soon running. The Red Tallon fired its mane guns at his suit. He dogged it easily and perused the enemy forces ignoring the ship.


Celestia reached out with her mind to find the one using magic....

"That's It fire. Behind me twist ball 2 fire. Ball 1 fire." she found it a almost subconsciously controlled magic.

"You have a great gift there, young man." she said with her mind to is.

"This feeling? Warmth? Love? Sadness.... Who are you?" Asked Amuro as he let his body act on its own fighting automatically his subconscious working the balls.

"I am Princess Celestia. I had come to apologize for the incident my little ponies caused. And to try and prevent this battle. But I am too late it seems...." said the Princess

"I see. So the attack before was not intended... And this is the actions of another you know. Well it's nice to know not all the aliens out there are out to kill us. But knowing my people they arnt going to care. They will see all aliens as the enemy. So you won't be able to reach them." said Amuro as he blew up 7 suits in a few seconds.

"I see would they lessen to a human? Or perhaps 2?" asked Celestia.

A flash in his mind and he was in a castle garden on a ledge of a mountain over looking a valley. He turned around and took a step back standing before him was a large white horse with wings and a horn. Her mane and tail looked like a sunset and waved in atheral wind. She wore gold regalia and crown. He looked at him self and saw he was young again but in his general's uniform. "I take it you are Princess Celestia. I'm General Amuro Ray." He said snapping a salute.

Celestia gave him a warm smile. "Megan said you where oldest pilot alive.... But in your mind in the heat of battle you see your self so young. You must have seen battle most of your life to feel young again when surrounded by such death and destruction." she said as she walked around him.

"I guess I have, and it's good to know she survived and is safe..... It's nice to talk with you but enemy is entering the base... I have a job to do. I hope.... no... I wish we could talk like this again... But I have a duty to my troops to cover their escape. Fair well Princess and remember my final act." He forced the link closed and vanished leaving Celestia puzzled at his words then it downed on her he planed to die here.

Battle's End

The solar republic was now fleeing. Amuro was now signal handedly the whole deffance of the their with draw. The forces that where not poring in to the now empty base where swarming Amuro. His hyper bazooka was empty his ball pods destroyed by the heavy barrage of enemy fire. He still was destroying enemy suits as best he could using only his beam sword and shield. He opened a channel. "Hay, alien ship can you hear me?" He asked. Causing the suits to stop attacking as several looked at there ship.

Gilda grabbed a com device. "This is General Skytalon of the NonEquestrian Nations Union! Are you prepared to surrender your forces have fled and you fought well, but we have your fortress. It's over." She said in pride.

"You have only one a hollow victory. Watch as I close the finale trap." Said Amuro as he sent out a signal and the base doors closed then 30 seconds later the panicked scream of diying came over the com lines as the base started blowing apart.

The whole bridge starred in shock. "You abounded the base and blew it up. You let us have the base? You sacrificed those troops to draw us in to a trap?"screamed Gilda.

Amuro smiled. "Yes and they all valentired to do so. Now come I have live most my life in battle, it only right it ends in one! Come avenge your fallen, and give me the death of a true warrior!" He shouted as he rushed the enemy troops. "I am General Amuro Ray the the White Devil!" He slashed though 3 suits then impaled a 4th with his shield before drawing the gundam hammer and started to smash his way through the N.E.N.U. forces. His suit stared to take more and more damage as he gave up dodging and soully attacked pushing through a shower of beams.

Finally it stoped moving it sparked an twitched. Amuro watched in the cracked screen as the moved in and took aim. "Well it's finally time Lala, Char, Ral, Kai, Hayato, every one. I'm coming.

Lala's Voice "No Amuro some one is calling you."

Char's Voice "Sorry Amuro, but you not done yet.

A third voice came not in his mind but the radio "Amuro!" It shouted.

A shower of beams passed between him and the enemy as 6 white suits took there place around him one in front took hold of his suit and started carrying him away. The head of his gundam looked to where he was going and he saw it. The massive suit bigger then any he seen. The hatch opened and a horse in a flight suit with wings and a horn stood on the hatch. The suit holding his, tore the hatch of his gundam. Amuro pushed out of his suit and floated to her she caught him in her fore hooves and pulled him in to her massive Gundam. "Hello General." Said Princess Celestia in a soft voice as she held him close.

Amuro was feeling his age at the moment. He looked up at her his head resting on her chest below her neck as the hatch closed. "Nice to meet you in person." He said before he passed out from fatigue.

The six suits returned to there docks as the large suit transformed back it to its ship form and vanished in a flash of light.

Comments ( 14 )

his subconscious working the balls.

I know this is really immature but......

7689993 i know i know that just made laugh my ass off

7690163 I understand I'm not editing it out cause its a long standing joke with the old ball packs for Gmsuits.

7690336 i know i know what your referring to but come on!

"Warrant officer Brady send out your Balls!"


"Stop laughing!"

7690502 anyone wanting to kick ass in a gm we need balls of steel.

7690533 titanium aloy actually

7690545 point use someone is putting their balls to use :derpytongue2:

You did an excellent job. Keep up the good work.

7779079 I am it's just slow

working on it have serval stories so I will get around to this.

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