• Published 17th Jan 2014
  • 1,639 Views, 29 Comments

Time lords in Equestria - Mddocta122

Have you ever had a perfect day? Well if the doctor appears then that can change for the better or worst!

  • ...

A Couple Thousand Down, Three More To Go

The group appears inside the walls of Canterlot with a flash of purple. Twilight gasps for air before dropping to the ground. "Twilight!" Rainbow Dash yells as she runs to her friend. "Twilight! Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine." Twilight assures. "It's just that, teleporting that many beings so far away takes quite a bit out of you, but i'll be back on my hooves in no time."

Applejack looks up in the sky. "Doctor, when that ship explodes ain't all them little pieces gonna come back down on us?" Applejack questions." Ponies are gonna get hurt now!" She says.

The Doctor stares up into the starry night, seemingly paying no attention to Applejacks words of concern. "Wait for it." He says with a smile before turning back to the sky. "3. 2. 1." The ship leaves the sky without so much as a sound.

Twilight gets back to her hooves and stumbles over to the Doctor. "Wha- what? Where did it go?" She asks.

"Back to where it came from." The Doctor explains. "Back in the control room I changed the ships systems to send it back to space. Cool huh?" He boasts.

"So then." Rainbow Dash starts. "Is it over?" She asks. "The Cybermen I mean, are they all gone, did we win?"

"I suppose. When that ship left it took the other Cybermen with it." The Doctor says.

Fluttershy tugs on the Doctor's coat. "Um. what about them?" She says as she points to three Ponies standing behind them.

Pinkie Pie bounces towards the three ponies. "Hey there!" Pinkie taps on one of their shoulders. The pony rings with a metallic clang, as it stares at Pinkie. "Woah what are you? Hollow or something? Thats weird. No pony else that I know is hollow, unless." Pinkie turns to the Doctor. "Hey! Are you hollow." She looks at the pony once more. "Whatever. Hey so who are you again?" The pony's horn glows as a gray hue surrounds Pinkie as she's lifted into the air. The party pony is thrown across the air and lands on the ground next to Twilight. "Ugh. That wasn't very fun." She moans.

Rainbow Dash flies towards the unicorn. "Hey jerk. What's your problem?" She yells and flies above them.

"We are Cyber-infiltrator pony units. I am pony unit 001." All three of the pony's horn begin to glow. "You will now be deleted from existence."

The Doctor steps from behind the other's. "Hold just a minute! How where you not returned to the ship when it went back to space like all the other's?"

Their horns dim slightly. We are infiltrators, designed to stay on planets without the need of a ship nearby." Their horns begin to glow again. "Doctor, you shall be the first on this planet to parish, then the rest of it's inhabitents will follow your footsteps to their demise."

"See now, you keep on saying that but not once has that ever really happened \. The odds are against you ya know." The Doctor taunts. "But it doesn't matter really now does it? Because i'll stop you this time but then in a week's time you'll try again. But i'll stop you again." He boasts." So go ahead. Try to kill me but you know you'll just fail."

"You may believe this, but you will be deleted." The Cyber-infiltrator assures.

"Really?" The Doctor asks as he looks above the Cyber-infiltrators. "Well then you might consider doing something about that."

On cue Rainbow Dash swoops down from behind the Cyber-infiltrators and kicks one right in the head. The robot flies forward, it's head dented and cybernetic horn destroyed. "Now Twilight!" Rainbow Dash calls out. Twilight shoots a beam of condensed magic into the Cyber-infiltrator. Shorting out it's systems.

The final infiltrator catches Rainbow Dash from mid air with it's magic and tosses her into her friends. The group of companions tumble down a small hill behind them and hit the ground hard. The infiltrator hurls large rocks at them. Applejack quickly rises to her hooves and bucks the rocks to tiny pieces. As she recovers a final boulder is hurled at her. "Applejack watch out!" Twilight warns as she attempts to stop the rock with her advanced magic.

"Why, thank ya Twilight. Now hurl that rock right back at that crazed robot!" She commands.

The boulder goes flying towards the final infiltrator but it's own magic stops it from smashing it. The boulder remains still in mid-air. Twilight groans. "I can't hold onto this to much longer. guy's help me out here!" She pleads

Rainbow Dash speeds towards the boulder. " I gotcha Twilight!" Rainbow Dash pushes the boulder with as much speed and force as she can as it slowly gets closer to the infiltrator but still the infiltrator remains stronger.

Suddenly a green aura surrounds the rock, and it slowly goes towards the infiltrator,as it gets quicker and quicker it hurls at the final Cyber-infiltrator and at last finishes it off.

"Sweetie Bell?" Rarity asks as she sees a small filly standing next to where the Cyber-infiltrator was.

"Sis?" The figure asks. "Rarity!" The filly slides down the mountain revealing Sweetie Bell as she wraps her hooves around her sister.

"Sweetie Bell?" Scootaloo questions. "That was awesome! You stood by the robot and were all like, pow, and he was done for!"

"Yeah that was pretty great Sweetie Bell but, how did you even find us?" Twilight asks.

"I woke up in the Tardis, I stumbled out and heard yelling, and magic. So I galloped over here and found you guys." She explains.

The Doctor moves through the ponies surrounding Sweetie Bell. "Hello Sweetie Bell, how do you feel? You shouldn't be up and about so quickly."

Sweetie Bell gives the Doctor a smile to assure she's fine.


"Doctor? Do you really have to go? I'm sure Princess Celestia would love to speak with you, what with you saving us and everything." Twilight asks.

The Doctor opens the doors to the Tardis and steps inside. "Ah well, next time I suppose."

Pinkie Pie hops in front of the Doctor. "Ohhh, does that mean you're gonna come back?" She asks.

Rainbow Dash overs in the air. "Yeah I mean." She shy's away a bit. "Not like i'm gonna miss you or anything like that but, you should visit you know?" She puts her hoof up in the air. "Hoof bump?" The Doctor matches her hoof with his fist.

"Well than Doctor, s'pose that's that then. Thank ya for all ya did. We might not be standin' 'ere if y'all hadn't come 'round." Apple Jack thanks.

"Twilight, let me give you something!" The Doctor says as he rushes into the Tardis. He returns with a small black box with flashing lights and a blue button on top. "If you need me, just use this, i'll, probably be able to hear it." He says as he hands it to Twilight. He begins to close the Tardis doors, well than girls. I'll be off." The doors shut as the sound of the Tardis rings throughout Equestria one last time.

Author's Note:

So then, that wraps up my first fan fiction. Thank you to everyone who read and commented and rated the story. I hope that you'll all stick around to read what I post next, because I will be posting more in the future, that you can bet on.

Comments ( 1 )

Why can't people break text into paragraphs? It's a simple press of ONE button for luna's sake. And I'm not reading this for that simple fact. I'm sick or reading block wall text. I don't see why the READER has to be the one to put so much effort into reading the bloody thing, trying not keep losing their place, every time they scroll down or something. And to me, it also show laziness.

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