• Published 16th Jan 2014
  • 2,375 Views, 20 Comments

Fun with Shipping - JusSonic

When a certain love spell by the princess gets out of hoof, almost everyone in Equestria, including the Royal Sisters, falls in love with certain ponies in their lives

  • ...

Chapter 4: Then Comes Discord

Chapter 4: Then Comes Discord

Diamond Tiara heads to Sweet Apple Acres, the filly must talk to Apple Bloom. She must tell her what happened, explaining that the kissing thing with Sweetie was a misunderstanding. Unfortunately, the former bully ran into two familiar siblings of her love...who won't let her by.

"Come on, please!' Diamond pleads to the angry Applejack and Big Macintosh. "I got to talk to Apple Bloom. Tell her that I'm here so we can talk about..."

"Nnope," Applejack snaps sternly to Diamond Tiara while Big Macintosh glares at her.

"Awww; is this going to be like the Gabby Gums incident?"


"You must be ashamed of yourself! How dare you playing on my little sister's feelings and try to steal one of her friend's filly-friend like that?!" Big Macintosh snarls angrily at Diamond Tiara as he points a hoof at the sadden Diamond Tiara. "Well, we ain't going to let you hurt her feelings no more! So you can pack up your bullying or whatever and go away!"

"What..." Diamond Tiara begins to protest, tears in her eyes.

"Come on, scram! We ain't letting lying heartbreakers like yew on our properta!" Applejack snaps furiously as she waves off Diamond Tiara. The filly looks hurt. Apple Bloom's siblings believe that the worst.

Diamond Tiara turns around and trots sadly away.


"Are you sure this game is safe, Pinkie?" Fluttershy ask Pinkie curiously as the two lovers bounce on tampolines.

"Yep, nope, who knows? Bouncy, bouncy," Pinkie giggles as the two lovers bounce around, "Now air dance!"

The two lovers bounce into the air and grab each other, dancing as if in thin air before letting go, bouncing and doing this.

"You know, perhaps some flying could make things easier." Fluttershy said slyly as she grabs Pinkie, flying in the air with her. "I'll lead."

"Yay! You are one super duper lovey dovey dancer!" Pinkie exclaims happily as she kiss Fluttershy on the lips. "Marry me!"

"Oooh, well...let's just...wait...I'm not ready...."

"Awww; you're no fun. Well, we will get married someday...this week...now; How about now?"

Fluttershy giggles as she continues dancing; both lovers are unaware that the love spell is making them a bit wild. It may not take long before the marriage thing may be considered.


The Royal Sisters, Twilight and Rainbow look at the Press waiting in front of the castle from the balcony. Ever since news spread about their new relationships, the reporters have wanted to see more.

"Sooooo...what now," Rainbow ask Luna in concern. "Those guys won't leave us alone...if ever."

"I do not know. I haven't seen a press this big since the wedding with Shining and Cadance." Luna said with a sigh.

"Hey, what's going on?" Spike asks as he arrives at the balcony. "Man, is it hard for me to get into the castle with those reporters. Let me guess: the pony's out of the stable, right?"

"Afraid so," Twilight said with a sad sigh. "And worst yet, my brother and Cadance has gotten a copy of me with Celestia, sending us a letter. Cadance seems to take the relationship well...my brother..."

"Is freaked out by the fact that his sister is now dating her aunt-in-law?"

"Weird-out, my brother claims that he always thought I have it big for the prin...wait. My brother is still with Cadance. How come he didn't fallen for another filly or colt yet?"

"My spell only affects those without loved ones. Those who are married, like Shining Armor and Princess Cadance, and those with lovers already, like Spike and Barbara, are immune." Celestia explains as she nuzzles her love a bit. "That way, no marriages or such can be broken."

"Yeah, I figure out." Spike said as he eats a donut that the dragon has brought at the local shop. "Soooo, what now?"

"We shall do the inevitable: come out with our relationship. It may be hard and a bit...awkward. Maybe even scandalous; But I cannot deny my love for my student any longer!"

"And neither am I with Rainbow Dash!" Luna exclaims in determination as she puts one hoof around Rainbow. "We shall deal with this problem together if need be."

Spike looks at the reporters then at the ponies, wondering how these lovers can explain their new relationships to the press and all of Equestria...and how will the country will take it? And why is it that lovers are going wild especially on the way over here?


More colts are laughing while chasing fillies, even Lyra and Bon-Bon are making out more than usual. Yes, the spell is getting way out of hand that some couples in love are thinking about marriage.

Diamond Tiara meanwhile is at her house with her new friends Sweetie and Scootaloo. Since the former bully won't be welcomed at the Carousel Baroque as Rarity is Applejack's new lover and she doesn't know where the filly Pegasus pony lives, her house will do.

"Oh, what am I going to do?" Diamond Tiara asks with a sad groan. "Apple Bloom won't let me talk to her and neither will her siblings."

"I'm really sorry, Diamond. I didn't mean to ruin your relationship." Sweetie said to Diamond in regret. "I just hope it doesn't ruin mine with Scoots."

"Not a thing, honey." Scootaloo remarks as she nuzzles Sweetie Belle a bit. "But we got to get Diamond Tiara back with Apple Bloom. Why not talk to her, Sweetie? Explain the misunderstanding."

"I don't think it's a good idea. Apple Bloom probably thinks that I'm too-timing ya. I'm scared of what she will do to me if I try to talk to her."

"Awww, you're sooooo cute when you're scared."

Sweetie, lying in a cute position, giggles to her love, "Tee-hee; 'Top it! Not true!"

"Girls, enough! Listen, I need your help...one of us has got to talk to her...but at the same time, I must prove that I really truly love her." Diamond Tiara said with a sigh while looking down. The Earth pony has found her true love and is going to lose her.

"Listen, I will talk to her. She needs some toughening up big time." Scootaloo said to Diamond Tiara in determination. "And luckily for me, I know of a way you can get back with her. Remember seeing that movie about that Little Seapony?"


The scene opens up to Froggy Bottom Bogg, where a flaming emerald color portal appeared. And who should come out from it then those that have come to help fix the problem in Equestria; Golden Heart, Pinkamena and Lorcan. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes, but none as strange as this lot.

"Where to now," Golden Heart questioned to Lorcan in wondering as to what they do from here.

"Last I recall, it was within a cavern furthest to the middle of this atrocious place." Lorcan held his chin in recalling what last happened around this area when he was working on the dark side of his life. "I thought it was the most befitting for hiding Discord's soul away for all times to suffer." He responded a simple statement in what he was doing at the time he was evil with his former career.

"Boy, you had some issues, didn't you?" Pinkamena rolled her eyes in hearing this story; Lorcan had some problems in the past.

"You have no idea." Lorcan dryly responded with a sign from his voice, knowing how much of this was his own fault.

"Wait, did you hear that?" Golden Heart yelped from his sharp senses going off in hearing something nearby. "We're not alone here." He stated with much caution, something else was here besides them, question was; is it friend....or foe?

"Sussupvhmm...." Something was slithering up from the swamps as it towered over the group that suddenly felt a large shadow overlapping them.

"Hmm, if my senses are right, the danger should be....right behind us!" Pinkamena slowly spoke from having a guess in where their 'extra' person was. And when they turned to see what it was, many were surprised to recognize the serpent of this swamp territory; the Hydra.

"ROARRRUGH.../ROOAARRGHHH," The Hydra roared off its three heads while the other in the center right didn't respond quickly enough before finally joining what the others were doing.

"Oh great, the Hydra; Everyone get ready," Golden Heart issued off in not liking this as he got his horn ready with magic.

"Don't need to tell me twice!" Lorcan responded from almost about to summon his beam sabers, but...

"No wait you guys! I'll handle this guy, you find Discord's soul!" Pinkamena interrupted her friends to stop them while issuing that she'll handle this problem herself. "It's time for us to play!" She looked to the Hydra with her creepy sly smile in wanting to fight this beast.

"Is she serious?" Lorcan asked with disbelief that one single Earth Pony is facing the terrifying beast known as the Hydra.

"Knowing her, she's not someone you wanna make angry." Golden Heart shrugs off his shoulders in knowing more than anything, that his 'sister' will be fine here. "We leave this to you Pinkamena!" As the Golden pony stated this, he dragged Lorcan with him away from the battle.

"Bye!" Pinkamena waved happily to see the others leave before...showing a very creepy expression on her face. "Now, where should we begin?" She crack her neck in looking up at the Hydra as he only hissed before diving to attack the target, which Pinkamena responded with her eyes starting to...take effect in preparing her special talent.

Meanwhile, Lorcan and Golden Heart reached a certain hidden behind moss and other swampy grass lands that was like a cavern cave opening in a mountain area.

"Wait! This is it!" Lorcan spoke from inspecting the terrain here as he believes they found it. "This is the place where I vaguely recall wanting to seal away Discord's soul!" He spoke in remembering that no questions asked, this was where Discord's soul is hidden.

"Then let's get in!" Golden Heart spoke from preparing to step in to find what they seek. "Thruspvhm...Povhmm...." But then something flashed before him, and by the time Golden Heart noticed, something almost hit him; a hidden spear.

"Did I forget to mention that when I hid him away I magically performed countless defensive traps to stop intruders?" Lorcan spoke sheepishly in forgetting that he set this place up with lots of traps.

"Until now, you didn't. So just UN-Set the traps," Golden Heart narrowed his eyes at the guy while also asking that this teen dragon undo all of this.

"Problem with that; I set this up so that it be practically impossible for someone like me to pass." Lorcan shrugs off his shoulders in stating a problem to that plan. "Can't say what I was thinking then." He rubbed the back of his head in feeling that the idea for such an act, was a bit much in his evil days.

"Hugh, this will be a long day. But Equestria is counting on us, come on!" Golden Heart signed in how things have to go now, nothing to do now but move through the traps.

Now things ended up beginning evasively more intense for the moment they carefully watched their first step of entry of where to step and watch out for spear holes. But that was nothing when from out of nowhere, a background theme was heard called 'Tai Ma Gekisen' by an Artist named Takanashi Yasuharu was playing without a word.

"What's with the music?" Golden Heart asked off puzzled in what they are hearing out of nowhere now.

"Oh boy; I forgot that I set that up to make intruders that 'do' make it through this, to face all the peril set traps at once without a break." Lorcan slapped his forehead in not believing this, of all the times for this to happen, he forgot this setup.

Then a crack noise was heard that made the two look back, only to stare in shock for what came was....A GIANT ROLLING SPIKE BALL!

"RUUUUUUN," Lorcan screamed out before dashing ahead.

"YIIIIKES," Golden Heart yelped out before quickly following Lorcan's lead advice.

Soon the two were running across a down path to avoid being crushed by the large boulder. They continued this way for what seemed like five minutes.

"Get ready to jump!" Lorcan quickly issued an order in what they gotta do now here.

"Why?" Golden Heart asked puzzled, why jump when they are running downwards.

"Just do it! Ready...NOW!" Lorcan snapped off to not argue, but to do as he said which was...right at this minute.

"Waaaaahhh," Golden Heart screamed when he was seen jumping along with Lorcan....OVER A LONG EDGE!

"CRUSHEDVHMM...." The boulder smashed against the lower wall that was below another entry spot that the two explorers made it safely. The boulder deceased downwards without being seen again.

"Hugh, that's cleared!" Golden Heart sighed with some relief; that was a close call there.

"Don't relax yet, that was only the welcome mat!" Lorcan exclaimed in seeing that they are far from being out of the woods yet.

Soon the scene changed to a room with columns popping out of places with bladed edges to almost likely cut any that come across them.

"Your idea," Golden Heart raised an eyebrow in seeing this was a trap Lorcan made to slice any careless intruders.

"Can't say it's not effective," Lorcan shrug off his shoulders in seeing that this was something he found effective in some ways.

So without delay, the two jumped to charge across the trap, Lorcan used his beam sabers to counter the trap's edges by blocking or slicing in half. Golden Heart used his wings to maneuver through or blast the blades with his magic. After a while, they’ve gotten through the next trap that would have stopped them, if not prepared.

But then after going through a entrance after passing through this area came a room filled with lava with only a single bridge to walk across.

"Lava; really; in the swamp," Golden Heart asked off in not believing this, what's red-hot lava doing underneath the swamps?

"Hey, they never said trying to keep intruders out was easily done." Lorcan shrug off to say that this was just something that just went with security measures.

"Then lets teleport across," Golden Heart spoke before beginning to focus his magic here. "Hmm...What? My magic isn't working." True to words, his horn couldn't glow, why was that?

"That's cause of those Cancel Stones imbedded in the walls." Lorcan pointed to weird looking hexagon glass stones in the walls that shimmer a bit. "They were design to cancel any magic if a spell caster were to simply teleport across." He explained that this was a trap set for anyone, even unicorns to have their magic useless.

"Then I'll fly!" Golden Heart spoke from taking off, and was about to move forward when....

"Thou-thou-thou-thou!/Hsisiisisivhmm...." Out of the strange hole structure parts of the walls, strange nugget-like creatures with bit-size chomping teeth chattered. But the pony duck to dodge them while they went into the other holes for them to slip in.

"What in Equestria was that?" Golden Heart asked in not believing what happened as he landed near Lorcan.

"Unlimited Bitters; they build their nest in those walls. Think of them like termites." Lorcan explained the basic introduction to some strange creatures here. "When they come in contact with any flier, they'll bit and bit to cause such an annoyance, you'll stop flying to drop in hot magma." He pointed his finger down in stating what this other trap was used for, to stop anyone even Pegasus ponies with wings from crossing this path.

"Then is crossing a magma pit pool our only choice?" Golden Heart harshly asked off in not believing they have the most dangerous choice left to go with.

"Prsuvhmmm...." Suddenly, a disbursed of a bubble from the magma shot something across the bridge like a creature jumping to dive in. After seeing that action, that looked just as dangerous as the others were.

"Yeah, it's pretty much the only choice left as long as we avoid them shooting disburse bubbles." Lorcan nodded off with a dry casual tone in not being as uptight worried as the pony was.

Now things really got hairy here as both explorers were carefully walking across the bridge while watching out for any disburse activities. By the time they were halfway, some explosive bubble popping lava actions happened that made both of these guys yelp to duck, dodge, take cover, anything as long as they not jump or fly too high in the air to set another trap and stay on the bridge to not fall off it. You can guess that much times, most of the hot debris landed on either's body or clothing to almost burn a mark on them. But after a few minutes, they managed to make it through that treacherous trap with their heads, arms, legs, and much of everything else intact.

"If this keeps up Lorcan, even I doubt I have much lives like a cat to spare." Golden Heart sighed from wiping the sweat off his forehead; this much was getting out of hand; any more deadly traps like this one and even he might find it impossible to escape from.

"Then you can relax, we've made it." Lorcan spoke off in pointing at something from looking through a hallway to see; the final ending point to their journey.

Hearing those words almost made Golden Heart drop there, but he had to remain strong before Lorcan. As both contenders walked into the room, it was shaped like any temple of holding forth the very well hidden treasure that was kept sealed and hidden in such a way that one would think this whole getting through countless traps was a piece of cake. And there on an altar was a small crystalized sphere the size of a baseball. It was glowing with an eerie emerald, yellow and blacken coloring, like the inside was a swirling cloud of mist. Lorcan gazed at the subject itself in recognizing that, it was Discord's soul.

"We found it, hugh, now to get it and go!" Golden Heart spoke with relief as he soon used his wings to approach the altar.

"Hmm….something about this makes me think I've forgotten a very important reminder. But what," Lorcan rubbed his chin in recalling a very important subject here, but what was it now?

"And…gotcha," Golden Heart responded from touching the sphere crystal in his hooves off the altar.

"QRsuvhmgrugruvhmm…" Just then without warning, the entire temple was shaking.

"Oh no…I just remembered! This whole place is gonna crumble beneath our heads when you touch that sphere!" Lorcan yelped from looking up in just now remembering something he also did if someone succeeded in getting Discord's soul from this place.

"Really; you even went so far?" Golden Heart asked off rhetorically in not believing this guy went to such off-lengths here.

"What can I say, I wasn't thinking so clearly!" Lorcan easily shrug off his shoulders in a lazily response that he just wasn't caring much for thought of the idea.

"We have to escape! Is there any way out of here besides retracing our steps?" Golden Heart responded from seeing the ceiling was starting to come down on them?

"I ask for time, but with no magic to work in this area, we're as good as done!" Lorcan responded in seeing some Cancel Gems in the room, and their time is cutting short, they have to escape, but how? It seems all but impossible to be buried alive at this point.

"Hay you guys!" A sudden voice called out from a hidden secret passage that was opened to reveal; the pink pony friend. "There you are!" Pinkamena smiled to wave in greeting her friends at such a place without noticing the place coming down.

"Pinkamena; How'd you get here," Golden Heart asked in disbelief, how his sister managed to get here so suddenly?

"Silly brother of mine; I happen to discover a secret switch thing that showed a hidden flank of stairs, and by the time I reached the end, I found you guys here!" Pinkamena waved off in seeing how her brother was being silly, her answer was very simple, maybe almost too simple to believe it's true.

"Oh that's right! How silly of me! I set that up to let myself get by those traps to come and tease Discord!" Lorcan slapped his forehead in suddenly remembering that secret passage to bypass all the traps to get to this place. "Boy, my memory really needs to work out in what I've remembered, but forgotten to remember!" He exclaimed off in not believing how he could have left such an important fact like that slip his mind so easily.

"I'll say! To the point of getting us killed! But we'll discuss this later, let's get out!" Golden Heart rolled his eyes in thinking how possible it was for Lorcan, but now is the time to run than argue.

Then no later did the music finally reach its verdict of an ending when the group finally ran through their exit before everything got buried. And out of the cavern was a secret passage into the mountain, which Pinkamena came out first, followed by Lorcan and Golden Heart holding the crystal sphere object holding Discord's soul.

"Tell me Pinkamena, how did you defeat that Hydra so quickly to try finding us?" Lorcan asked with a raised curious eye in seeing the Hydra nowhere in sight.

"Silly, I gave it the 'Brrrrs' that ended our fight." Pinkamena waved off to happily explain how she managed to easily defeat the beast, with the move to freeze him. "Then afterwards, I wanted to find you guys and you know the rest." Hearing this was enough to understand how this pink pony does things almost like Pinkie Pie, almost since she was a copy with a disfigured facial work. "Ooooh, so is that Discord's soul?" She asked from looking in Goldie's hooves of the item in question they came for.

"Doesn't look like much. You sure it's him?" Golden Heart asked off to Lorcan in wondering if they got the right item.

"Ugh…would you keep it down, I'm resting here." Spoke a strange unrecognizable voice in the air.

"Who said that?" Golden Heart asked form looking around but saw no one.

"Not me or Lorcan." Pinkamena stated in not knowing that voice was her or the cloaked dragon teen.

"I believe it's the person you have in question. Hmph-hmph…" Lorcan exclaimed in stating where the voice originated from while he let loose a chuckle under his breath.

"What in all of Chaos-Glory is all the racket? I'm resting here!" By the time Golden Heart and Pinkamena heard the voice again, they saw it came from…the crystal sphere the stallion held. "Wait a second, where am I now? And who are all of you? Wait…I remember you. I KNOW YOU!" The crystal showed a little faded bare-yellow light in the center of its form, but it sounded a bit squeaky like a chipmunk.

"Wooh; who's in this thing that sounds so cute with that funny voice," Pinkamena asked with a smile in looking the crystal sphere with interest.

"Wait Lorcan, you said we found Discord, so are you saying this is…" Golden Heart asked with much disbelief, this thing couldn't be Discord they hear talking…could it?

"Yep, the Lord of Chaos and Disharmony himself," Lorcan proudly pointed to the crystal sphere Goldie held was the one that held Discord alright. "Or rather, himself in the humorist of teasy tortures I've given him back in my former evil line of work!" He smiled to make a sly tease remark in what he did to the guy, last time the two were together during the Invasion of Equestia's conquest.

"TEASY! YOU CHANGED MY VOICE TO SOUND LIKE THIS! A CHIPMUNK," The chipmunk voice of Discord retorted that remark that he heard by his own claim of the matter.

"Bwuffvhmm…/Bwahahahahaha," Suddenly, both ponies couldn't fight the urge, and let out crazy laughter; Discord's new voice was so cute, it was funny to hear the great enemy sound so funny.

"Oh, he sounds so cute! I like him this way a lot better!" Pinkamena smiled to say while the sphere lit up its yellow light in making some grumbling sounds under breath.

"Hugh-hugh….for once Lorcan, I'm not against this idea you used." Golden Heart took a moment to catch his breath; this was finally something he likes from Lorcan's work.

"Easy for you to say; YOU'RE NOT IN THIS STATE LIKE I AM!" Discord snapped off to say in protesting that Golden Heart isn't in his shoes. Course, being trapped in a sphere made of crystal, and as a spirit, he doesn't have shoes at all.

"Discord, as much as we wanna catch up on old times, I'm not the evil dragon you once believed me to being." Lorcan spoke in trying to make a conversation to the spirit that was the lord of Chaos. "I am now a reformed evil dragon. You can trust me to no longer being the evil guy you last saw me as." He tried to explain that he's no longer evil, but that he's a good dragon from now on.

"HAH! I may be stuck in this prison, with this IRRITATING sounding voice, but I'm not so STUPID to believe your lying words!" Discord's sphere lit up much yellow light in sarcastically remarking such a claim if he's ever heard of one. "This must be something to catch my guard down, make me have hoped that I'll FINALLY return! Only for you to ruin it and then THROW ME BACK IN ANOTHER Confounded Temple," The spirit trapped within was in a very aggressive mood, that'll do when one has no body, and no one to talk to, at least when a statue, he could see most of the time.

"As much as I love to see how this argument goes on and how it'll all end, I'm gonna have to cut it short." Golden Heart interrupted the argument between two former Brotherhood members with their mission.

"Right, Equestria needs your help Discord!" Pinkamena pointed out that they came to get Discord, cause they want his help.

"My help; did you say my help? MY HEEEEEELP," Discord slowly responded at first, surprised, but then lash out loudly on the last bit. "Where was my help in getting out of such a state that I'm still stuck in?" The chipmunk voice snapped off in asking about him not being all free.

"Just now; we got you out of the cavern when it collapsed, which we could have left you buried." Lorcan remarked off to state what they could have done to save their own skins if not coming to retrieve the contained spirit.

"Uuuuuuugh," Discord's voice dropped like a hat, he hates to admit it, but Lorcan made a valid point. "As if I got much a choice, for whoever has my prison, I can't do anything to stop them anyhow." He remarked off that he can't fight against whoever holds him, which is how Lorcan made his prison to be.

"Alright Lorcan, get us back to Canterlot. I fear we're not too late." Golden Heart declared off in readying himself and the rest to return home.

"Right, before the chaos ends up messing up everyone's love life," Pinkamena stated off with worry, they've been gone for a while, who knows what happened?

"Okay, now THIS is something that has 'perked' my curiosity. If Chaos is involved, then this might be the cheering up for me after everything I've been through!" Discord's voice spoke off from his prison, finding the conversation he's hearing very fetching to his curious interest.

"Believe me Discord, I'll explain in the beginning what happened after I banished your soul. Times have changed." Lorcan exclaimed that in short of everything that happened from his betraying the Brotherhood of Tadaka to the point of his defeat of his own Dragon Army. "And right now, more things begin to shift. Here goes," He declared off that now things are shifting, and they must make quick haste to fix what is broken.

"Thruspvhmmm…/Gruspvhmm…" Soon Lorcan summoned his emerald flame portal for him, Pinkamena and Golden Heart to travel through, with Discord's crystal sphere container prison in hand, or hoof, before the portal vanished. As they left the Frog Bottom Bogg, Hydra was making some 'Brrr' noises while shivering; the pink pony gave him something that'll last for a while. Now for things happening in Equestria from the strong love spell by Celestia, questions remain if with Discord's help, can he even undo such a spell with his disharmony & chaos powers? It all remains to be seen, we're afraid to say.


Inside the Carousel Baroque, Applejack and Rarity are wedding dresses, both of them are smiling.

"Yew look so good, Rare." Applejack said to her love teasingly.

"Awww, same to you, darling," Rarity said to Applejack slyly. "Say, I got a wonderful idea for a game."

"Like what?" Applejack asks Rarity curiously.

"Just pretending to do our vows; so if one day we do get married, we will be...prepared." Rarity said to Applejack with an interesting smile.

"Okay, Rarity. Anyt'ing fer yew," Applejack said with a wink.

"Okay, I will start." Rarity said, clearing her throat then pretend to be practicing vows. "My dear Applejack, ever since I first met you, I thought you were rude and dirty...and your manners need perfecting. But then I got to know you as a friend...and more. I would be happy to live my life with you and do my best to love you despite of what flaws you have."

"Mah turn." Applejack remarks with a slight giggle. "Anywho, Rare, Ah am done glad 'ta have met ya. Even though yew were persnickety an' fussy...an' bossy, yew were generous 'ta ponies an' 'ta those who needed help. Hay, Ah love yew so much 'dat 'dat wish 'ta be wit' yew...always mah beautiful darling."

Rarity blush a bit, then say, "Do you take me to be your wife?"

"Ah do. An' do yew take me 'ta be yer wife?" Applejack asks Rarity lovingly.

"I do." Rarity said with a loving sigh.

"Shucks, then we're wife and wife! Let's kiss!" Applejack remarks as the two lovers kiss.

"Oh, my cupcakes," A familiar voice squeals in delight. The lover yelps as they saw Pinkie, the one who spoke, coming in with Fluttershy. "Are you practicing vows?! Did any of you propose yet?!"

"Shucks, no. We were just playing, Pinkie." Applejack said with a blush, "Ain't planning on marrying...yet."

"Yes...so what brings you two darlings in here?" Rarity asks Pinkie and Fluttershy with a smile.

"We wanna try on wedding dresses...just got in our minds." Fluttershy said meekly.

"Oh why not; I got more, go ahead and pick on." Rarity said to her friends playfully.

"Thank you, Rarity!" Pinkie said happily, and she and Fluttershy then went to pick out their wedding dresses.

"Soooo...how is your sister doing, Applejack?" Fluttershy ask Applejack as she puts on a dress.

"Ugh! She's miserable!" Applejack exclaims angrily. "Diamond broke her heart!"

"Really," Pinkie asks Applejack in surprise, "But what?"

"Well, Applejack told me that Apple Bloom caught her kissing Sweetie Belle. Can you believe it?! My little sister of all ponies," Rarity exclaims in disgust. "We knew Diamond Tiara was bad but enough to steal my sister from her true love?!"

"Well, did Apple Bloom give Diamond a chance to explain herself?" Fluttershy ask her friends curiously.

"Well, no." Applejack admits. It's true; Diamond Tiara didn't get a chance to explain what happened. "But it doesn't matter, right?"

"Right, we can see right through that ruffian!" Rarity remarks in agreement.

"Fluttershy got something. We don't know if it's real or it was an accident!" Pinkie chirps while in a wedding dress, admiring herself in a mirror.

"Well, unless Apple Bloom has a good reason 'ta see her again, Ah don't want 'dat heartbreaker near mah sister." Applejack remarks with a deep frown.

"Right, it's all up to Apple Bloom now." Rarity said in agreement.


Apple Bloom sobs a bit as she sat on her bed. The poor filly tries to forget it but it's no use. Apple Bloom misses Diamond Tiara. Oh, why can't she get that 'traitor' out of her head?

Just then a knock came at the door, Apple Bloom sniffs while saying, "Come in."

"Hey, Apple Bloom." Scootaloo comments as she came into the room. "Listen, your big brother went off to see Cheerilee for a mad reason...so I let myself in. Hope you don't mind."

"Okay." Apple Bloom sniffled.

Scootaloo came to Apple Bloom as she spoke, "Listen, it's about what happened with Sweetie and Diamond..."

"Yeah, yew must be traumatized 'dat she stole yer filly." Apple Bloom said sniffing some more. "Ah done understand yer anger. We must be in 'dat time where love means nothing 'ta either one o' us yet."

"No! What happened was a misunderstanding! First off, it wasn't Diamond who kissed Sweetie, it was her. And second, that was an accident!" Scootaloo explains to Apple Bloom over what happened.

"It... it was?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yeah, Sweetie and I were playing a game with us wearing blind folds and kissing one another." Scootaloo explains some more. "Then a solar eclipse happened."

"Huh. Come 'ta think o' it, everything did gone dark fer a few seconds." Apple Bloom said, recalling that it went dark for a few seconds. "Maybe there was a solar eclipse."

"Yeah. Anyway, it was Sweetie's turn to play...and she kisses Diamond, thinking she was me!" Scootaloo explains to Apple Bloom.

"It was?! Oh, what was Ah thinkin'?" Apple Bloom asked in shock and guilt.

"Yeah, kinda a shocker, huh," Scootaloo ask with a shrug. "Listen, Diamond and Sweetie wanted me to tell you the truth since you are too heartbroken to hear it from them. Just come with me so you can talk this out."

"Ah can't. Diamond must be angry at me fer accusing her." Apple Bloom said in sadness and guilt. At least what happened was a mistake, but does it matter? Diamond Tiara is probably angry at her and would never forgive her.

"Diamond still loves you, she even regrets what happens! Just talk to her, give her another chance!" Scootaloo insists to her friend some more.

"Well, okay...Ah guess...but if nothing good comes out o' 'dis, then it's over..." Apple Bloom said with a sad sigh. The filly hopes that things between her and Diamond Tiara will work out again.


The Press is out in front of the castle, all of them are eager and waiting. The Royal Sisters are preparing to make a statement involving them, Twilight and Rainbow.

During this, not one of them saw a familiar portal arriving with three figures and a soul. Discord's voice said, "All right, Lorcan. What's going on? Where are we?"

"We're in Canterlot and something's happening." Lorcan said, noting the reporters.

"Looks like the princesses are making a press statement." Golden Heart said then he saw something coming out of the doors. "There they are now!"

"I wanna see...I wanna see!" Pinkamena exclaims as she jumps up and down, wanting to see.

Celestia and Luna were in front, leaving the castle with Twilight and Rainbow behind them. The two princesses nod as Celestia spoke, "Everypony, may I have your attention please?"

Everypony kept on chatting until Luna spoke in the Royal Canterlot Voice, "EVERYPONY SILENCE!!!"

Hearing this got the ponies to stop chatting instantly on hearing Luna yelling out in the Royal Canterlot Voice.

"Thank you, Luna. Ahem...ponies, you heard rumors and stories of my sister and I being involved with my student and her friend Rainbow Dash." Celestia said, she blush while holding hooves with Twilight with Rainbow holding Luna's. "We will put the rumors to rest...yes, it is true."

The crowd gasps in surprise and photographers took pictures. Golden Heart's group listen in as Discord's voice ask in surprise, "Did I hear right? Is Celly and Luna in love?"

"Yeah, Celestia is in love with Twilight while Luna is in love with Rainbow." Pinkamena explains to Discord making Lorcan sigh a bit.

"Ho ho ho ho; I can't believe what I'm hearing. Oh, I wish I was out so I can see the look on their faces." Discord's voice laughs a bit, making the other hush him.

"Yes, I am with Rainbow Dash. And even though my sister is Twilight's aunt-in-law, they aren't blood related so it doesn't matter." Luna said with a wing wrapped around Rainbow who blushes. "Love will find a way."

"Love has been going around Equestria and it happens here at the castle." Celestia said while grinning to Twilight. "Which is why, as of today, Twilight Sparkle is now...my faithful suitor."

Golden Heart, Pinkamena, Lorcan Discord gasps in concern as Luna said, "And Rainbow Dash is my own suitor. Now be good reporters and leave us to our loves for the next few minutes or so. We don't know if marriage will happen...but we will wait and see."

The Royal Suitors came in with their filly-friends. The crowd disperses. Lorcan then spoke to Discord, "See, what we're dealing with? Luna gave a dare to Celestia to cast a love spell over Equestria and now ponies, except for married couples and those in love already, are falling in love, including the Royal Sisters, Twilight and Rainbow! And…well, this thing is getting out of hoof with the chasing and this."

"Oh, ha ha ha ha! Now that is what I called wonderful chaos!" Discord is heard laughing in amusement. "Didn't think Celly has it in her!"

"Look, we want you to cast some magic of your own, undo this spell and plus change things back to normal." Golden Heart explains to Discord with a sigh. "If this gets out of hand..."

"Come on, this is great chaos. Why should I stop it?" Discord asks his enemies in amusement. To the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, this falling in love craziness sounds like wonderful fun to him.

"Okay, look, Discord...I will make you a deal. I will return your soul to your body." Lorcan explains to Discord sternly. "I will also not mention your embarrassing chipmunk voice as a bonus. But you must undo Celly's little love spell as well."

"Hmm, how tempting...I will think about that, give me time to…" Discord said to Lorcan thoughtfully.

"You got an hour to decide...then I am showing you off!" Lorcan snaps as he shakes Discord's soul a bit, making him yelp in alarm.

"Okay, okay! Give me an hour, an hour!" Discord's voice trembles in worry. Bad enough to be laughed at before, but if more ponies find out about his...condition, his reputation will be ruined!


Scootaloo takes Apple Bloom to the park as the sun is setting. The Earth pony saw her; Diamond Tiara, her love, in a beautiful dress, waiting a bit nervously for her.

"Go on, go ahead." Scootaloo said as she pushes Apple Bloom up ahead.

"Okay, okay, quit shoving." Apple Bloom said to Scootaloo as she trots up to Diamond, "Err, Diamond?"

"Hey, Apple Bloom." Diamond Tiara said, looking away in guilt and sadness, "Fancy...meeting you here."

"Eeyup. Fancy..."

Apple Bloom was interrupted by pony playing. The filly saw her CMC pals and some colts and fillies playing romantic music on instruments. Apparently Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle has decided to do so to help set things right.

Diamond Tiara sighs while saying, "Apple Bloom, about what happened earlier..."

"Shucks, Ah know. Scootaloo told me what happened." Apple Bloom said, looking down in sadness. "Ah done feel like a jerk...a bully fer not believing yew. Ah done thought 'dat yew still hated me...'dat yew were playing on mah lil' old feelings..."

"At one time...I would've...but not anymore. I'm sorry that this misunderstanding gets out of hand, really."

"An' Ah is sorry fer not believing yew."

The two lovers hug one another...then smiles as they begin to dance. Scootaloo and Sweetie grins. It looks to them that Aople Bloom and Diamond Tiara has made up and is back together.

"Wanna dance?" Scootaloo ask Sweetie, motioning her love to dance with her.

"Of course," Sweetie giggles as she and Scootaloo begins dancing as the romantic music begins to play.

Yes, it looks like this one night that will last forever...or will it?


The Mane Four giggles as they sat on the floor in the Carousel Baroque in wedding dresses. Today was so much fun.

"Shucks, Ah have a good time, don't yew Rare?" Applejack asks as she and Rarity are in each other's hooves.

"I sure did! Oh, I cannot wait to do this again sometime!" Rarity giggles as she kisses Applejack.

"Yeah, I'm glad that one day I get married to Fluttershy for real." Fluttershy said with a happy romantic sigh.

The couples look at each other...deep thoughts enter their minds. Could they do it? Will the mares...take the big leap?


Celestia is in her room, smiling as she and Twilight sat on the bedroom. Spike came in, brushing his teeth while asking, "Twilight, any chance we can go home sometime soon?"

"Maybe tomorrow, Spike." Twilight said to Spike with a sigh.

"Come on, Barbara is probably wondering where I am by now!"

"Tomorrow, promise!"

"Sooo...now that you and the princess are together now..." Spike begins to ask the two mares with a mischievous smile. "Any chance you two will pop the big question anytime soon?"

"Spike," Twilight and Celestia exclaims with blushes on their faces.

"What? Twilight is Celestia's suitor now. If not now, when?"

"Well..." Celestia said thoughtfully as she begins to nuzzle her student/suitor. The thought does cross her mind...maybe the time now to take this relationship up a bit...

And when Twilight is ready for the next levels of her study, that reward will be worth it!


Rainbow and Luna laughs as they reach the tower of the castle where the Goddess of the Night lives at. The alicorn squeals, "My dear Rainbow Dash, this night has been doubled the fun!"

"And 20% awesome," Rainbow exclaims as the two ponies enter the bedroom. "Oh man, I would love to do this with you forever!"

"Hmmm...maybe you will."

"Wait, what do you mean?"

Luna smiles as she takes Rainbow by the hooves. This is it, the big question. It's time for Luna to tell her love what she wanted to tell her. If Rainbow say yes...then the two will be together forever, no matter what!


Outside in the center of the area above Canterlot, Lorcan, Golden Heart, and Pinkamena had Discord's prison sphere in the cloak dragon's claws. Lorcan explained that he'll be the one to break the spell (for reasons unknown to the rest, but personal to him).

"You sure this spell won't backfire?" Pinkamena questioned the cloak dragon's plan in using the Spirit of Chaos to fix things.

"Trust me, I have it covered." Lorcan stated in letting the others know that he's got this under control here.

"If I had fingers, I cross them for luck." Golden Heart shrugs off his hooves in hoping for the best here.

"Thou that has cast the spell over all, I speak to thee...Unleash the spirit of Chaos imprisoned to Discord the spell controlling all...Let them return and be free from what brings for this act...NOOOW!" Lorcan was slowly performing a spell to be cast to take effect over all as he held the crystal sphere that glowed strongly.

"Thruspvhmmm..." Lightning flashed as the clouds covered all...this was the sign.

"It's working...IT'S WORKING! I'll soon be free and return to my body to seek VENGEANCE!" Discord's voice was heard as he felt himself beginning to slip out of the sphere to have full use of his magic; and once done, he'll get some payback.

"Yeah, about that... you're half right." Lorcan remotely spoke with a dry tone in disagreeing to that topic.

"What?" Discord asked off a bit puzzled in hearing this out of nowhere.

"True, to perform this spell, I must release your soul to scattered to remove the strong love spell over all ponies, but while you return to your body...well, you'll still be in a stiff state like always." Lorcan explained that while Discord does this, he's free to go back to his stone body, but his 'freedom' will be short lived afterwards.

"You mean...Oh No...Noooo..." Discord was suddenly starting to get all panicky, he'll be trapped again in his stone body, and he couldn't stop even if he wanted to. "Thruspvhmmm..." Lightning stroked the crystal sphere, unleashing the spirit to take his neo-imagine form to slither up into the skies.

Soon above the clouds, Discord's spirit energy went it before disbursing itself in a bright flash. Then without warning, rain seems to appear out of nowhere. Only this wasn't rain of water, but sparkles of emerald twilight of glittering stars pouring down. It was happening everywhere and at all the places the spell Celestia cast had performed. Ponyville, Cloudsdale, Canterlot, you name it; it was raining the pretty sparkles outside, and even phased inside the buildings. Every pony that looked up to this was puzzled, yet curious by this development. But without knowing it, a sign of strong love aura was glimmering around the ponies’ bodies before slithering off to fad from existence. This brought many ponies into a sudden puzzlement and of confusion as to what happened between them, as if almost unable to recall anything.

In Canterlot's Garden, Discord's statue body glowed from the sparkle ran, but was trying to move. "NOOWAAAAUUUGHHH..." Discord cried out to stop himself from becoming frozen as he soon posed his state back into what he looked like when the Mane Six stopped him then what Lorcan made him appear when the former dragon villain separated his body and soul. On the scene, Golden Heart and Pinkamena saw the action.

"Wow, guess he's back where he belongs." Golden Heart stated from taking notice of the situation? "Where's Lorcan gone?" He asked in seeing they were missing someone that helped them with the crazy love affair.

"Said he had to help 'fix' the damage of news that slipped out with the whole 'someone loves this pony out of stature, etc.' stuff?" Pinkamena explained off the short version of what Lorcan was doing, with everypony in confusion; he's erasing evidence of such news like Celestia and Twilight together, etc.


In the park, the aura disappears, leavings colts and fillies confused, wondering what happened. The couples stopped their dancing, looking a bit confused. Scootaloo ask, "What are we doing?"

"Were we dancing as if under a love poison or something?" Sweetie asks dumbstruck, not sure what has happened.

"Ugh, get off me." Diamond Tiara snaps as she pushes Apple Bloom away while trotting off. "I don't know what I am doing or what you're doing but I'm splitting this scene."

Apple Bloom looks confused but looks down, then she chases after Diamond Tiara, calling, "Diamond, wait!"


The ones in the Carousel Baroque snaps out of it, all of them are confused, wondering what they are doing here...and in wedding dresses to boot.

"Hey, are we attending another wedding?" Pinkie assk happily, not sure what's going on. "Wait, Mr. Narrator. I know what's going on! We were under that spell thingie and..."

Pinkie Pie!

"Oh, right, sorry!" Pinkie said, much to the confusion of the ponies.


The Royal Sisters were about to do it, pop their big questions to their loves...when the love aura that affected even them disappears...and Celestia and Luna just stood or sat there, looking shocked and awkward to Rainbow and Twilight who are confused as they are.

And yet, although the spell that Celestia has cast is gone, some true feelings remain...

Author's Note:

The spell is over but will the main couples of this AU fic remain? And what of Lorcan; the final chapter is coming up so read, review and suggest!