• Published 16th Jan 2014
  • 2,374 Views, 20 Comments

Fun with Shipping - JusSonic

When a certain love spell by the princess gets out of hoof, almost everyone in Equestria, including the Royal Sisters, falls in love with certain ponies in their lives

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Chapter 1: Let the Mating Begin!

Chapter 1: Let the Mating Begin!

It was a clear day in Equestria, things are going smoothly...at first. Something will happen today that will change the lives of the world...for the better. And it all started with a conversion between two of the Royal Sisters. Let's listen in, shall we?

''Forget it, Luna. It won't happen.'' Celestia said with a frown as he trots through the garden with Luna following her in persistent.

''Áwww, Celly, come on! It will be so much fun.'' Luna said to Celestia with a grin. ''I mean, you may like it eventually.''

''Luna, look, I won't go through it. You can make...ponies fall in love with one another! Have you forgotten the lesson that the Cutie Mark Crusader made in making their teacher and Applejack's brother fall in love?''

''Cadance didn't have a problem in doing that.''

''That isn't how her magic works, sister. It quells arguments between ponies, making them remember the love for each other...as well as freed those under a brainwashing spell.'' Celestia said to Luna with a sigh. ''Anyway, it wouldn't be right to force love onto the ponies...''

''Yes, but it appears that some of the ponies down there need some love every now and again. Plus, you are getting bored lately, Celly.'' Luna explains with a mischievous smile. ''Besides, when we're done, you can lift the spell and no one will be the wiser. Come on, come on!''

''Forget it, Luna! I won't do it!''

''Oh...I guess they're right. You aren't so powerful after all if you can't...'''

Celestia interrupts Luna, looking annoyed as she snaps, ''All right, all right, fine! I will do it...just to prove you wrong and remember, this is only a dare!'' Celestia snaps as she and Luna flies up to the highest balcony which connects to their rooms. ''Now then...to avoid any madness, this spell will not affect married couples or ponies whose are in love with each other already.''

''Well, I've heard that Spike got himself a dragon girlfriend named Barbara lately.'' Luna said with a slight chuckle. ''Is this one of those spells the one that makes you fall in love with anyone they see?''

''No, just loving for the pony that felt right for him or her. Okay, stand back, Luna. I don't know what effect this will take!''

Celestia's horn glows brightly and rapidly. Luna watch as the alicorn then the princess send a huge beam into the sky. No one else seems to notice. Just then a flash appear, nearing blinding the two Royal Sisters. Soon all is clear.

''Sooo, how will we know if the spell will work?'' Luna asks Celestia who goes inside the castle.

''We will wait and see.'' Celestia said, then looks puzzled as she trots on. ''Strange...I feel odd...why do I feel the urge to wait anxious for Twilight to send another letter to me?'' The Goddess of the Sun isn't the only one who feels funny.

''Odd, why do I feel the urge to look at the sky for a certain speeding pony?''

Looks like Celestia's spell appears to have affect herself and her sister as well! And thus, the 'fun' begins.


It all started at Sweet Apple Acre as Applejack was hitting the trees, sighing a bit while sweating.

''Dang, Ah was working on a sweat.'' Applejack mumbles to herself. ''Perhaps Ah should take a quick break before going back 'ta work, Ah reckon.''

Applejack trots on to the barn, but notice someone there setting a picnic. Must be Big Mac...no, wait, the mare remembers that her brother went to town to get some supplies. And Apple Bloom is at school and Granny Smith is on her pills again. So who could it be setting up?

What Applejack saw as she got closer, made her both surprised...and blushing at the same time. There's Rarity, setting up the Apple Cider...and in interesting Farm dress that a stallion or mare could die her. It takes the Earth pony control to keep her from fainting from happiness.

Rarity looks up, smiling in an interesting way as she say, ''Ah, Applejack, darling. Oh, I do hope you don't mind but I can't fight the urge to come over to have a little picnic today. I made some Apple Pie for the both of us to share.''

''Shucks, Ah don't mind. Ah am surprised 'dat yew want 'ta be doing 'dis...especially wit' yew an' yer paranoidia wit' dirt.'' Applejack said Rarity with a sigh...of happiness. ''An' what's wit' 'de dress; Looks good on yew!''

"Thank you, Applejack sugarcube. Why not has a little picnic with yours truly? You have been working so hard and deserve a break.''

Applejack didn't hesitate especially since this is the first time that her friend used the words 'sugar cube', she sat on the picnic blanket with Rarity; both of them are eating while smiling to each other. For some reason...they felt right around each other.

''Sooooo...if yer're here, who's watching 'de shop,'' Applejack ask Rarity curiously.

''Oh, I decided to close for lunch. I planned on coming back whenever I can, sugar cube.'' Rarity said as she uses her magic to held some apples to her friend, ''Apples?''

''Yes, please.''

Rarity feeds the apples to Applejack, both of them are blushing. The unicorn doesn't seem worried about getting dirty, especially with crumbs on her own. Heck, Rarity doesn't seem to mind that Applejack is chewing her food like a pig. The Earth pony wonders why.

Applejack on the other hoof doesn't seem to mind as she decides to be a big polite...just to impress Rarity...for some reason...


Twilight sighs happily as she looks out a window in the library, glancing at Canterlot in the usual place. The unicorn for some reason is waiting for a letter from Celestia to come...or for the princess herself to make an appearance...or maybe late at night...

''Yo, Twilight,'' Spike calls as he come out with some lists. ''What shall I do with these lists of lists of lists?''

''Oh...just leave it in the corner...I will sort them out later.'' Twilight said with a happy sigh while turning her attention to the castle, making Spike blink a bit. Odd.

''Uh, whatcha looking at?''

''Canterlot...ever notice how beautifu the princess has made it; and more? Also, ever notice how beautiful the sun is when Celestia made it? You think she would be visiting or...''

''Okay, okay, okay! Cool it!'' Spike said with a slight chuckle to Twilight. ''I swear, the way you're ranting, it's like you're obsessed with the princess more so.''

''Oh, I can't help it, Spike. The princess is the wisest ruler in Celestia...and greatest, powerful and...'' Twilight sighs lovingly while adding this, ''Beautiful. I wonder why she didn't have a special somepony of her own just yet.''

''Ooooh, I know that talk. It's like I said about Barbara before I got together with her. You're in love with the princess!''

"What? No, no, no, no, no! I just...making some small talk...that's all...besides, the princess is too busy to even go out on dates...let alone with me and...''

Spike scoffs a bit; the dragon knows denial when he hears it. Spike remarks, ''Twi girl, face it, you're loving the princess. Just send a letter, tell her how you feel...''

"I don't know...she may not feel the same way and...'' Twilight said as she looks concerned. The purple unicorn is getting some newfound feelings for her teacher, ones that the mare never felt before. Could it be that...

Suddenly the door to the library slams open as Rainbow comes in, looking anxiously as she ask, ''Hey, egghead?! Is it night yet? Come on, is it night?''

''No, it's still the afternoon. Why would you want to know if it's night yet? You got some plans or something?''

''Wellll...I want to see if Princess Luna would come out. I want to see her, I do I do!''

''Geez and I thought Twilight have it bad for the princess.'' Spike said with a chuckle making the mares glare at him. ''What?''


''Okay, Fluttershy, you can do this.'' Fluttershy mumbles as she goes into Sugarcube Corner. ''Tell Pinkie Pie this and...oh, I'm in. Hello? Pinkie Pie,'' The mare turns around, puzzled, ''Pinkie Pie?"'

Suddenly a familiar pink blur pounces to Fluttershy, knocking her down. The mare looks up to see a smiling Pinkie Pie who exclaims, "'Heeeeeeellllo, beautiful; How are you today?!''

Fluttershy blush a bit while saying, "Oh...I'm fine, yes, I'm fine...you're doing...fine today."

Pinkie giggles as she got off Fluttershy, bouncing around the room while saying, "Thanks! So what brings you in today?"

"Oh, well..." Fluttershy said blushing as she got back up. "Uh...well...this is going to be a bit...shy for me and..."

"Oh, go on! Tell your Auntie Pinkie Pie! I won't bite!" Pinkie said slyly while rubbing her tail in her face.

"I am a year older than you." Fluttershy reminds Pinkie with a frown.

"Oh, sorry; My bad, my bad," Pinkie said with a smile. "Soooooo, what's up?"

"I was wondering...if you're going to be off later...I'm going to have a little...picnic later and..." Fluttershy said with a meekly voice. "Oh! Is there a place where we can talk in private and not here?"

"Sure, no problem! Let's talk upstairs!" Pinkie giggles as she takes Fluttershy upstairs to her home upstairs. Upon arrival, the pink pony turns to her friend. "So, what's..."

Before she could start asking, Fluttershy grabs Pinkie and kiss her on the lips. Then the yellow mare lets go, blushing in embarrassment while saying, "Oh, sorry, sorry! I didn't know what's...err, to be honest, I..."

Pinkie grins as she hugs Fluttershy, saying, "Miss Shy...I was wondering when you are going to feel your true feelings to me!"

"Really; Err, I thought you would be angry at me for being...some sort of...filly who likes fillies." Fluttershy said a bit sheepishly to her friend, now lover.

"Nah; to be honest, I think you're kinda cute..." Pinkie said with a giggle, making Fluttershy smile at this. Her friend loves her right back! "So in other words, I love ya, Flutter!"

"Oh, thank you, same here...well, with me to you." Fluttershy said with a giggle, "So how about that picnic?"

"I got a break in an hour. Give me time and I will be ready than you are with animals!" Pinkie exclaims happily to her new filly friend.

Fluttershy saw no reason to argue with that statement.


"Boy, howdy, Rarity, yew made 'de best pies in Equestria," Applejack said to Rarity with a grin as the two friends is packing up the supplies once the picnic is done.

"Why, thank you, Darling." Rarity said with a smile. "At least for once, you didn't use poor manners. May I ask why?"

"Shucks, Miss Rarity, yew went through all 'dat trouble in setting 'dis up. I just didn't have 'de heart 'ta act like a pig." Applejack said to Rarity with a blush while tipping her hat. "No offense 'ta 'de pigs o' course."

The pigs hearing this snorted in reply, as if to say, 'None taken'.

"Glad to hear that." Rarity giggles as she moves around in her dress. "So do you like my dress?"

"Sure do." Applejack remarks to Rarity with a smile, "Looks fancy an' appropriate fer being on a farm."

"Thank you. Listen, I don't normally ask this but...I am planning on making some farm clothes at the Carousel Baroque later on." Rarity said slyly while batting her eyelashes at Applejack, making her blush. "I was wondering if you can stop by later to model."

"Well....Ah don't normally do 'dis since Ah ain't into 'dat froufrou stuff." Applejack remarks then sighs to Rarity. "But fer yew, Ah can make an exception, darling."

"Thanks, you are a princess!" Rarity giggles as she kisses Applejack on the cheek, making her blush. "I will see you at the appropriate time. Try not to be late, darling!"

"Don't ya worry, Rarity, Ah won't!" Applejack said with a grin.

Rarity trots off while Applejack sighs lovingly a bit. Could this mare be in love? Maybe...


It is recess at the Ponyville School. Apple Bloom is looking around for her usual CMC pals. The mare scratches her mane, mumbling, "Now where is Scootaloo an' Sweetie Belle at? We are supposed 'ta meet out here."

Apple Bloom goes around the school and saw a surprising sight: there's her friends, kissing and hugging each other.

"Great horny toads," Apple Bloom exclaims in surprise, making her friends stop. Both look guilty as if being caught in a crime.

"Oh, Apple Bloom...uh, we can explain." Scootaloo said nervously.

"Well, not sure how to explain this." Sweetie Belle said with a giggle while hugging her new filly-friend. "We are..."

"What? Together like filly-friends? Shucks, Ah ain't mind." Apple Bloom assures her friends with a chuckle. "But why do it in private? Yew got nothing 'ta be ashamed about!"

"Well, yeah, true, but we wanted privacy and all that." Sweetie said while tickling Scootaloo with her tail, causing her to blush. "Soooo, if you don't mind..."

"No, n-not at all," Scootaloo replied while blushing.

"Right, Ah done got 'de hint. Ah will leave yew two alone fer a while." Apple Bloom chuckles as she leaves her friends to their privacy. The filly saw some of the foals hanging out, being friendly with one another, etc. "Gosh, 'de love bug appears 'ta be gitting 'ta every pony."

Apple Bloom blinks as she saw a familiar bully glancing at her...then Diamond Tiara blush and heads off.

"Weird, no rude yell or teasing fro' Diamond today," Apple Bloom ask a bit puzzled and a little bit suspicious.

"You wanna know why?" Silver Spoon ask Apple Bloom as she came over. "Diamond Tiara appears to like you...and I don't mean in a friend way."

"Wait, she does? But...all those times...she bullies me an' mah friends and..." Apple Bloom said blushing a bit.

"Yeah, I find it weird but suddenly Diamond Tiara didn't feel like bullying you or calling you names...she just mentions how cute you are." Silver Spoon adds with a shrug.

"Wow..." Apple Bloom said with a happy sigh.

"Well, excuse me, but I gotta go. Snails get nervous if I go away for too long." Silver Spoon chuckles as she trots off.

"Wait, what?" Apple Bloom asks with a blink, "She and Snails???"

In Pinkie's secret dungeon, a Pink pony was minding herself when her senses went off and says, "Someone has cast a spell that made all the ponies that do not have mates forces to be in love. I better find my big brother. Maybe he may know how to fix this and I hope he is not affected by this.

With that she heads out with her cloak and robe on.


Applejack trots up to the Carousel Baroque, blushing a bit. She has no idea why but the mare wants to be with Rarity more so than ever. That white unicorn is beautiful, with her wonderful mane, cute eyes and...

"Shucks, no need 'ta daydream, time 'ta git in." Applejack mumbles as she came into the Carousel Baroque.

There's Rarity, at work on her latest fashion: farm clothing. The unicorn turns and blushes upon seeing Applejack. She say, "Applejack, darling. You are early."

"Shucks, Ah got anxious, Ah guess. Is 'dat okay?"

"Oh, that's very okay. Why don't you sit in that chair right there and I will get us ready."

Applejack nods as she sat in a chair, blushing as Rarity goes into the backroom. There's going to be some modeling going on here...

Not that Applejack minds of course. She is thinking on how to tell the unicorn how she feels now.


Spike came into Twilight's room, spotting her friend packing up. The dragon arch an eyebrow while saying, "You seem to be packing up to go somewhere; any idea where you're going?"

"Oh...to visit the princess of course...on something important," Twilight said, blushing like mad.

"Uh huh; I don't think the princess has sent any messages or announcements telling you to go to Canterlot yet."

"Hey, hey...is there any reason why a student can't visit her favorite teacher in Equestria? The most wonderful, beautiful and..."

Spike smirks a bit as he ask, "You really got it bad for her do you; As in love?"

"L-l-love; that's silly, stupid; She's my teacher and..." Twilight blushes a bit then say, "Okay, okay. I can't deny it any longer. I am in love with her. She was always...not always if you count the Changelings attack at my brother's wedding reception...there for me, cares for me and...oh, she is sooooo beautiful and awesome and nice and..."

"Okay, okay! I get it. I can take a hint. If you want to see her, go ahead! You want me to go along?"

"Well, I suppose I should. Can't make you feel too neglected. Come on; pack up before we can catch the next train."

The two pack up their things and head out. Suddenly a familiar voice calls out, "Yo, Twilight!" Rainbow appears, landing near her friends, grinning a bit. "What's up? Going on vacation?"

"No, going to Canterlot to visit the princess. I just want to visit her, getting able to..." Twilight stops as she notes her friend's anxious and hopeful good, "Uh, Rainbow Dash?"

"Any chance I can go with you??? I mean, just to visit? I want to see how Luna is doing...you know, what she does when the alicorn isn't working on the nice and all that; so how about it?"

"Boy, first Twilight anxiously wanting to visit her teacher...now you wanting to visit Luna." Spike said in amusement, making Rainbow blush a bit. "Wanting to visit the Goddess of the Night for some reason?"

"Maybe," Rainbow said with a slight chuckle, "So how about it? Please, Twilight? Come on!"

"Oh, all right. The more, the merrier. Come on, we don't want to miss the train." Twilight said as she, Spike and Rainbow heads off to the train station, all of them are excited to go to Canterlot. The unicorn and her brother didn't notice the loving look on the Pegasus pony's face.

"Luna...it's time for us to meet again..."


Celestia sighs lovingly as she looks to Ponyville, wondering whatever or not she should send a message to Twilight. For some time since the alicorn has cast her spell, the princess couldn't help but think about her. She wanted to tell her faithful student how she feels...but what if Twilight doesn't feel the same way?

Luna trots into the balcony next to her sister, asking, "A bit for your thought, sister?"

Celestia blush a bit while saying, "Oh, I was wondering what to say in my next message to Twilight...I mean, not an announcement or task...I..."

"Yes, I notice how you are anxious for a message from your student...or wanting to visit her and how you can't stop talking about her. You are fancying her, are you?"

"Oh, well...that is...even if I do, I am an alicorn and well...by the time she gets to old age..."

"I understand, but as you know, true love conquers all. Maybe that's the case here." Luna said with a sigh while turning to Ponyville, thinking about a certain speeding pony. "Tell me, if you're sending any messages...can you send one to Rainbow Dash...for me?"

"Why? Are you fancying Rainbow Dash?" Celestia ask her sister slyly, making the alicorn blush. "Well, well, looks like I am not the only one with a true love of sorts."



Diamond Tiara was up to her tricks...except these appear to be new ones. The bully, from some bushes, is spying on Apple Bloom who is playing with her CMC friends. In the past, the bully wouldn't care or would give a reason to make fun of the 'blank flanks' or bully them.

And yet...Diamond Tiara couldn't help but stare at Apple Bloom. For some reason, she looks so cute the way that she herself is. Why is the bully feeling this way? So far, Diamond Tiara only told Silver Spoon what she's feeling. The bully may be wanting a special somepony...

In Apple Bloom, which is kinda embarrassing because the filly has no cutie mark and Diamond Tiara has been making fun of her all her life. But what if the whole thing is a cover up for her true feelings?

Diamond Tiara yelps as she saw Apple Bloom turning to her direction, causing the filly to hide in time. The bully mumbles, "That was a close one...but dang it. Why can't I tell Apple Bloom or approach her? Am I really into this habit or making fun of those without cutie mark? Am I denying who I truly denying who I am?"

"I don't know. Are you?" Snips ask stupidly as he appears behind Diamond Tiara with a smile. The bully frowns and hits the colt, knocking him unconscious.

"I got to get a good hiding place."

Author's Note:

The ponies are falling for one another...and are liking it. Will Diamond Tiara admit her loving Apple Bloom? Will Twilight and Rainbow meet the princesses and will love occur? How will the modeling of Applejack go? What of Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie? And what will Golden Heart and Pinkamena do? Read, review and suggest.

The scene with the Royal Sisters was supposed to be a prologue but as it was least than 1000 words needed, I combined it with the first chapter.

Diamond Tiara hiding her secret love for Apple Bloom and hitting Snips is a reference to Helga G. Pataki in Hey Arnold!.