• Published 16th Jan 2014
  • 2,374 Views, 20 Comments

Fun with Shipping - JusSonic

When a certain love spell by the princess gets out of hoof, almost everyone in Equestria, including the Royal Sisters, falls in love with certain ponies in their lives

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Chapter 2: Interesting Dates

Chapter 2: Interesting Dates

Pinkamena has found her big brother, luckily for her, the love spell didn't affect him as Golden Heart has long ago put a spell over himself to keep that from happening. The pink pony took a while to explain the situation to her brother.

"Hmmm...ponies falling in love like this...sounds like something the princess is doing." Golden Heart said to Pinkamena thoughtfully.

"So why is she doing this, huh?" Pinkamena ask her big brother in a bit of concern.

"Probably being a prankster or on a dare or something. Either way, we should go to Canterlot and ask her...although if this spell is what I think it is, she may be affected too."

"What do you mean?"

As the two ponies head on off on a trip to Canterlot, the alicorn explains, "Well, sometimes the spell can affect the caster too. If that's the case, the princess may be falling in love herself; Interesting."


A while or so later, Twilight, Rainbow and Spike got off the train, heading on their way to the castle. Both mares are anxious to see the princesses for their love reason. The baby dragon wants to see how this would end up.

At the castle gates, a Royal Guard (with a female one interesting) spoke up, "Name your business, Twilight Sparkle."

"Yes, can we see the princesses please?" Twilight ask while blushing a bit. "I mean, it's not a mission or something big...just wanted to see her."

"That depends. Is it...important?"

"Come on, let us through! I wanna see the hot Lu...err, I mean the awesome Lu...I mean, let us in." Rainbow said, blushing like mad.

"Come on, just let them." The mare Royal Guard teases the stallion one, purring while nuzzling a bit. "I think their business is important like our new relationship?"

"Well...oh, all right, go on in." The stallion said blushing as he motions the visitors to come on in.

"Well, that was interesting. Seems like the love bug has struck here too," Spike remarks with a light chuckle. "Soooo, are you wanting a date with your love princesses?"

"Spike," Twilight and Spike exclaims while blushing a bit.


The Royal Sisters are in the throne room, discussing some important business when the doors open. To their surprise, they see Twilight entering with Rainbow and Spike. Celestia's heart pounds rapidly and happily upon seeing the purple mare. She looks so...beautiful and wonderful today. The teacher is seeing her student in a better light than usual.

Luna on the other hoof couldn't help but sighs upon seeing Rainbow arriving. That daredevil is getting more wonderful and beautiful. When the night alicorn first met her, she was amused and amazed by both her egotistical behavior and dare deviling. And now...Luna feels more alive.

"Why, Twilight, my faithful student." Celestia said with a blush while going over to nuzzle Twilight. "This is a surprise. What brings you here? I didn't have a test or a task for you."

"Does a student need a good reason to see her favorite and beloved teacher?" Twilight ask Celestia gently while blushing a bit. The mare motions to Rainbow, "Uh, Luna; You remember Rainbow, right?"

"I sure do." Luna said, grinning as she shakes hooves, almost melting by the feel of Rainbow's hoof. "It's a pleasure and a wonderful sight to see you, Miss Dash."

"Same here, so you busy?" Rainbow ask Luna eagerly, making the alicorn blush a bit.

"Rainbow Dash," Twilight laughs a bit, making Spike shakes her head.

"Don't ask me. The mares just wanted to come up here!" Spike explains to the Royal Sisters with a laugh. "Personally, I think there's a good reason..."


"But I won't say a word out of respect for them."

"Still, I'm glad that you came, Twilight. I was wondering about what message to send to you my wonderful student." Celestia chuckles a bit, making Twilight blush redder. Her teacher is wanting to send her a message earlier? "Well, if you want to hang out or something, my schedule is clear up after my sister and I are done here."

"Really; oh, that's wonderful!" Twilight squeals as she bounces around her love, making the princess blush at this. "Oh, I cannot wait for us to spend time...err, I don't mean it as a date or anything. If you want this to be a student and teacher hanging out, I..."

"Oh, that's okay. I don't mind calling it a date."

Twilight and Celestia blush, giving one another lovingly looks. Spike chuckles while saying, "Well, I think I will head down to Joe's Donut Shop. Something tells me that this is going to be a private one."

"Y-y-yeah, private...so Luna; Wanna hang out or something," Rainbow asks Luna, blushing a bit. "I mean...if that's cool with you. I know you aren't a morning pony..."

"I would love to. I got nothing to do until night comes anyway." Luna said to Rainbow, making her smile happily at this.


Scootaloo lies on Sweetie's lap as the filly unicorn feeds her grapes. Apple Bloom pauses a bit while saying, "All right, Cutie Mark Crusaders...so far, what we done ain't got us our Cutie Marks yet. What do yew think we should try?"

"Hmmm; oh sorry, I wasn't listening." Scootaloo said while blushing. "I was staring into Sweetie's eyes."

"Shame here...and feeding my Scooter some grapes." Sweetie chuckles making Scootaloo blush.

"Don't call me that, Sweetie."

"Shucks, yew two got together faster than some ponies Ah know. Why, Ah saw Cheerilee hanging wit' Big Mac again." Apple Bloom laughs to her friends in delight. "If Ah don't know any better..."

"Apple Bloom," A familiar voice exclaims, making Apple Bloom turns to see Diamond Tiara frowning while coming up to her. "We need to talk."

"Oh, shucks. What now? Can yer attitude be saved fer later?"

"No, talk now! I wanna talk! I got a bone to pick with you."

"Oh, horny toads. What do yew want? What bone is it?" Apple Bloom asks Diamond Tiara who is blushing like mad. "Well?"

"I want...I want..." Diamond Tiara said, trembling a bit. "I want..."

"Well, spit it out, already!"

"I want to be friends with you and your friends!!!"

Diamond Tiara blush as the CMC stares in shock and disbelief, though Apple Bloom is blushing. Did they hear what they themselves heard right from Diamond Tiara? Has Tartarus frozen over at last?

"You... want to... be friends?" Apple Bloom asked in shock and disbelief while blushing.

"Well...err...if that's all right...I mean, I can't be a jerk forever and..." Diamond Tiara said blushing.

"Okay, what game you're pulling?" Scootaloo ask Diamond Tiara suspiciously. "I mean, everything you are like this, you're always up to something."

"Oh, sure, just because I'm the bully and I'm often up to something...besides, I never told anypony this...the reason why I picked on blank f...err, I mean, those without Cutie Marks is because I was once like Babs Seed." Diamond Tiara explains to the CMC.

"Wait, really?" Sweetie asks Diamond Tiara while blinking her eyes. Come to think of it, Babs Seed only bullied before because she was bullied for her own Cutie Mark. Maybe that's the case with Diamond Tiara. She was bullied when the filly has no Cutie Mark and ever since having it, the bully did the same thing.

"Well, yeah...something I don't like to admit to others...look, give me a chance to prove myself, please please?" Diamond Tiara asks gently while pleading to Apple Bloom.

"Hmmm, well, girls, whatcha think?" Apple Bloom asks her fellow CMC members with a grin. "Wanna have Miss Tiara join us so 'dat she can prove 'dat she's on 'de level?"

"Well...okay, fine...but as long as she doesn't interrupt me and Sweetie during our...privacy time." Scootaloo said with a blush while hugging Sweetie Belle.

"Yeah, privacy time," Sweetie said with a giggle.

"Thanks." Diamond Tiara said with a blush while turning to Apple Bloom. "Well, err...Apple...you look...good today..."

"Thanks, Diamond." Apple Bloom said as she started blushing.

"Yeah, yeah..." Diamond Tiara said while blushing some more. She will find a way to admit her feelings to her love, one way or another.


"Picnic, picnic; we're going on a picnic!" Pinkie sang as she bounces alongside Fluttershy to a spot.

"There's a spot." Fluttershy said as she points to a spot. Pinkie, quicker than you can say 'Twilight's an alicorn', set the picnic up in a blink of an eye. "Wow...that was fast."

"Thanks! Want some jellybeans?" Pinkie giggles as she took out a jar of jellybeans, "Brought them just for this, lovey filly!"

"Oh, I'd love to." Fluttershy replied with a smile.

Pinkie and Fluttershy sat down, with the yellow mare helping herself to the jellybeans. The two friends became lovers very fast. It's as if destiny has brought them together.

"No it's not, Mr. Narrator. This is an alternative universe fic!" Pinkie explains to me happily. "If this is a regular story, it would've been awkward since we get together with two colts later on."

Oh, right, good point, Miss Pie.

"Who are you talking to, Pinkie?" Fluttershy ask her lover puzzled.

"The narrator, of course," Pinkie replied.

Ooooookay, moving on; Pinkie and Fluttershy begins having their picnic, making sure nothing goes wrong...of course, nothing would've gone wrong sooner if some stupid ape at a certain website haven't gotten 'Quest for Cartoonelot' removed! I mean, all because of the song lyrics?! What, they're worried that the writers would sue them! I mean...

"Get on with it, Jus!!!!" Pinkie calls out to me in annoyance. "I mean, this is a romance story, not a complaint forum! Save it for deviantART; I mean, geez!!!"

Okay, right, sorry. Back to the story; Fluttershy never understood why her love speaks to somepony who isn't there but decides to not push it. The mare has some lunch.

"Pinkie Pie, what is it like...uh...being kinda you?" Fluttershy ask Pinkie with a blush.

"It's like going to a carnival, except I do it all the time even in reality!" Pinkie exclaims as she put one upper foreleg around her filly friend. "Kinda like how you hang with animals."

"Oh, I wouldn't call it a 'carnival', more like a foster's home for animals." Fluttershy admits to Pinkie with a smile.

"Foster's Home! You're cute when you do that!" Pinkie giggles while licking Fluttershy on the nose.

"Pinkie Pie," Fluttershy said while giggling a bit...then kiss Pinkie Pie right on the forehead, making her blush.


"Okay, Applejack darling, let's try out the first outfit." Rarity said as Applejack came out in a cute farmer's overalls. "Oh yes, you look so smashing in that."

"Okay, Applejack, darling, let's try out the first outfit." Rarity said as Applejack came out in a cute farmer's overalls. "Oh, yes, you look so smashing in that."

"Shucks, thanks yew. Yew isn't so bad if yew wear 'dis either." Applejack said then blush a bit. "Err, well...what Ah meant was..."

"Oh, that's okay, AJ. I know what you mean." Rarity giggles as she did some measurements. "All right, try the next outfit on."

Applejack went behind the dressing thing and put on a new outfit. She came out, wearing a dress with short sleeves, shorts with spots on them and a farmer like hat.

"Now that's what I called 'Miss McDonald'." Rarity said with a smile.

"Shucks, looks kinda good, yew must've worked hard on 'dis." Applejack comments to Rarity with a grin. As the unicorn did a bit of a drawing, the Earth pony pauses a bit. Well, it's now or over. "Say, Rare?"

"Yes, AJ; what is it?" Rarity asked, looking through a book. Applejack pauses then blush a bit.

"Err, listen, please don't take 'dis 'de wrong way...Ah mean...shucks! Oh, Ah don't know!" Applejack groans a bit as Rarity turns to her in curiosity. "De fact o' de' matter is 'dat sometimes yew are a bit fussy fer yer age...or maybe too fussy, heck Ah don't know! But when yew ain't, yew can be very nice."

Rarity blinks a bit as Applejack continues on, "An' yer're...'de most beautiful unicorn Ah have ever lay mah eyes on; an' 'dat's 'de honest truth. Listen, if yew get upset, Ah will understand. Ah also got one more thing but..."

Without warning, Rarity kisses Applejack right on the lips deeply. The Southern filly looks dumbstruck as the unicorn part lips, blushing while saying, "Forgive me. You sounded so cute when you talk like that, darling."

Applejack blushed at this remark as she started to say, "Shucks...thanks, Ah was going 'ta tell yew..." But then, Rarity cut her off as she spike.

"If you're going to say love me, skip it...I already know and therefore feel the same way." Rarity giggles as she nuzzles against Applejack, making her blush some more.

"Oh yes, more so than one." Rarity remarks with a giggle as she moves from Applejack. "Oh yes, which reminds me, time for some more modeling, darling."

"Righty-O, Miss Rarity," Applejack said in a polite way, making Rarity giggles a bit. For a messy cowpony, she does show some matters or so.


"Can I open my eyes now?" Twilight ask as she got her eyes closed the whole time. Celestia wants her student to keep her eyes closed as she got a surprise for her.

"Not yet, my faithful student...now you may open them." Celestia said with a lovingly smile. Twilight opens her eyes to find that the princess has taken her to a lovely spot near a waterfall.

"This is wonderful. How did you know of this place?" Twilight squeals while blushing a bit.

"Oh, if you were around for centuries like I was like I did, you know a few things." Celestia said blushing while nuzzling a bit. "So, tell me: how are your studies so far?"

"Oh, they were great...I have learned a lot since I last saw you, princess." Twilight said to Celestia with a smile.

"Please, call me Celestia or Celly. You don't have to call me princess again if you don't feel obligate too." Celestia said to Twilight, making her blush redder.

"Okay, Celestia." Twilight said while blushing.

The two lies down, with Twilight sitting next to the big Celestia. Her teacher feels so warm.

"Twilight...have I ever told you a certain magic trick called 'Growth Shrink'?" Celestia ask Twilight with a smile.

"No, can't say you did, Celly." Twilight said to Celestia curiously.

"Check this out." Celestia said as she begins to glow. Twilight looks startled as her teacher shrank until she is at her student's size. "Pretty neat, eh? It allows me to be small or big at any time, something I've learned over the years. I learnt it in case my size intimidates my subjects...or friends like you."

"Wow!" Twilight exclaimed in amazement.

"I know." Celestia giggles as she and Twilight nuzzle together. "Someday, I could teach you the trick myself."

"For now, I just like being small, Celestia," Twilight said with a slight giggle. "If you don't mind me by asking, have you...I mean...ever thought of having a special somepony?"

"Well...not in the past, no. But recently..." Celestia said to Twilight, blushing. "I got to admit, you are turning into a beautiful young mare."

"Thank you." Twilight said with a blush.

"Twilight; Do you...love me?" Celestia ask Twilight hopefully.

"Of course, I do. I always do." Twilight said, then notices her teacher blushing, making her realizes, "Wait, hang on; as in...you do remember that Shining and Cadance are married, right? I mean, we are supposed to be in-laws. It would be awkward if..."

"True...but it's only awkward if blood relatives were to date." Celestia said, giving her student a wink. "But you and I aren't related through blood, are we my faithful student?"

"Well, now that you think of it...I guess not." Twilight said with a slight smile. Plus, the whole in-law doesn't matter since she is with her love, right?

"Well, then..." Celestia said, leaning forward to kiss Twilight on the lips. "I think you know what to do."

Twilight giggles as she tackles Celestia, the two lovers hug while kissing one another.


Pinkamena and Golden Heart lands right in the center of Canterlot, the pink pony rode her brother the whole way. As she got off the alicorn, Pinkamena giggles, "That was fun!"

"Yes, but we're here on business, not fun." Golden Heart explains to his sister. "We got to speak to the Royal Sister and find out what Celestia is up to."

"Ooooh, I think I saw Loony Luna flying with Rainbow Dashie!"

The siblings looks startled as they see Rainbow and Luna flying past them as if in a race. Golden Heart looks astounded as both lands on some grass. Rainbow laughs, "I beat ya again, Loony!"

"Nonsense! I land on the grass first!" Luna insists while nuzzling Rainbow a bit, giggling a bit. "Okay, I will let you have this one."

"See; because I am soooo awesome, right."

Golden Heart blinks a bit. From the looks of things, it looks like Luna is getting friendly with Rainbow. The male alicorn trots up while saying, "Ahem, Princess Luna?"

"Oh yes, Golden Heart. For what brings you here on this fine day?" Luna ask Golden Heart with a smile.

"Well, it concerns something that happens. May we speak in private?"

"Of course! Rainbow?"

"Sure, fine. I will get us cupcakes and be back in a sonic rainboom minute." Rainbow chuckles as she kisses Luna on the cheek, making the Goddess of the Night blush a bit as her friend zips off.

"Now then, you were saying?" Luna asks Golden Heart with an arch of the eyebrow.

"A spell has been cast on Equestria, causing ponies, except married ones and those with someponies already to fall in love instantly." Golden Heart explains to Luna seriously. "It's already happening, Pinkamena has sense this. I was wondering if your sister has a hoof in this."

"Oh, you mean that dare that I got her to do not so while ago."

"Wait. What?"

Luna chuckles to the surprised Golden Heart while saying, "Yes, it's all true, Golden Heart. I dared my sister into helping ponies find some love every now again, then with plans on lifting the spell later." The alicorn sighs lovingly. "I guess it must've affected us too...my sister is already thinking of Twilight Sparkle and I am falling for that wonderful Rainbow Dash."

Golden Heart breaths in and out, it's true. Luna is indeed in love with Rainbow, but is it true love? The male alicorn said, "Well, I guess this explains a lot, but really, you should lift the spell now because this may get out of hoof…"

"Golden Heart, relax. We just need some time with our new...special someponies. Of course, I haven't confessed yet to Rainbow Dash...but I will. Besides, it's not me and Celestia in love with one another, right?"

"Well...it's true. Fine, but if this gets out of hoof, you must get Celestia to lift the love spell."

Luna chuckles a bit then saw Rainbow returning with some cupcakes. The alicorn said with a nod, "I must go. My future somepony await." The alicorn trots over to the Pegasus pony to do their usual hanging out.

Pinkamena was quiet during this whole time. She asks her brother, "So what do you think will happen?"

"I'm guessing that we must wait...and put a stop to the whole thing before it goes too far." Golden Heart said in concern.

"Awww, come on Goldie. This is a romance story made by JusSonic. I doubt it can go too far unless he wants it too or will get suggestions from the fans."

"Pinkamena, you are random sometimes."


Things in Ponyville are settling down a bit as two familiar couples are meeting up at Sugarcube Corner, laughing and having fun (with Pinkie back at work).

"Well, so you and Pinkie are a couple?" Rarity asks Fluttershy with a grin. "I am so proud of you."

"Thanks." Fluttershy said with a blush as Pinkie kiss her while the pink pony's working. "I heard you got together with Applejack."

"Oh yes. AJ was so a dear to help me with my modeling and clothes...she looks so beautiful and smashing in them."

"Awww, shucks, Rarity; Yew are 'de one 'de talk." Applejack said, blushing a bit to Rarity. "Yew surprised me wit' 'dat there picnic after Ah was done working. It's 'de least Ah come do fer yew going through 'dat trouble."

"Oh now," Rarity said with a blush of her own.

"Say, where's Dashie and Twilight?" Pinkie asks curiously. "I thought they would be here."

"We stop by the library earlier. There was a note saying that Twilight and Rainbow went off to Canterlot to see the princesses. I can't imagine why."

"Ooh! Maybe those two are a couple, right?"

"Ah don't know..." Applejack said to Pinkie with a concerned look. "Ah don't imagine them wit' somepony else..."

"You think...that they are going to see the princesses for another reason?" Fluttershy ask the others curiously.

Before anyone could respond, Apple Bloom rush in. blushing while saying, "Applejack, Applejack!"

"Hey there, Apple Bloom. What's up?" Applejack asks her little sister while rubbing the little filly's mane on top of her head.

"Listen, Ah need some advice fro' yew."

"Well, what is it you need help with?" Rarity ask Apple Bloom curiously, the little filly blush a bit.

"Ah think Ah'm in love." Apple Bloom said with a blush, much to the surprise of the mares.

"Well, I'll be!" Pinkie remarks with a smile. "The little filly here got a crush! How cute! Who's the lucky colt?"

"Well, it ain't a colt...more like...a filly."

"Oh..." Applejack said while blinking her eyes a bit. "Shucks, ain't nothing 'ta be ashamed about. Ah is wit' Rarity now..."

"And Fluttershy is mine!" Pinkie giggles while hugging Fluttershy, making the mare blush.

"R-r-r-right, there's nothing wrong with liking fillies." Fluttershy said to Apple Bloom with a squee.

"There's something wrong." Apple Bloom said, getting freaked out and worried. "Ah am in love...wit' Diamond Tiara!!!"

Author's Note:

Wow! More pairings are happening and Apple Bloom reveals her love for Diamond Tiara. I wonder what will happen now; Read, review and suggest. Until next time!