• Published 16th Jan 2014
  • 2,374 Views, 20 Comments

Fun with Shipping - JusSonic

When a certain love spell by the princess gets out of hoof, almost everyone in Equestria, including the Royal Sisters, falls in love with certain ponies in their lives

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Chapter 3: Getting Out of Hoof

Chapter 3: Getting Out of Hoof

Pinkie blinks a bit then cleans her ears out. Then the pink pony says, "Uhhhh...I got to make sure my ears weren't dirty. Because it seems to me that you say that you're in love with Diamond Tiara."

"Ain't no mistake, Ah am in love wit' her." Apple Bloom explains.

"'De same bully who make fun o' yew an' yer friends?" Applejack asks Apple Bloom in surprise and disbelief, "Really?"

"Eeyup. Ah don't know why but there's something about her 'dat done feels right. She says 'dat she herself was bullied before Diamond got her own Cutie Mark. An' 'dat's good enough fer me!"

"You sure that she isn't lying, trying to deceive you or playing your feelings," Rarity ask Apple Bloom in concern. "You got to admit, she has played mean tricks on you before."

"Oh, there's no reason to be paranoid." Fluttershy said with a slight grin. "Why, if there's love between these two ponies, well, that's nice, very nice."

"Yeah, come on! Don't you and your unicorn lover be so paranoida-annoying," Pinkie giggled while bouncing a bit.

"Welll...okay, Ah guess 'dat's fair." Applejack said with a sigh before turning to her sister. "Listen, if yew love Diamond, just tell her how yew feel. Who knows? Yew may be surprised."

"Right, but if it turns out to be the opposite...well, don't be too bad." Rarity insists while patting Apple Bloom on the back. "I'm sure that you will find somepony else."

"Geez; thanks; Now Ah gotta go," Apple Bloom said in determination as she heads out on her mission: to tell her love how she feels. The Mane Four watch her leave, some does so in concern.

"I'm worried. Apple Bloom could be hurt if it turns out that Diamond Tiara could be playing on her feelings...or pretending to be her friend at least."

"Yeah...and if 'dat turn out 'ta be 'de case, Diamond Tiara will answer 'ta me!" Applejack remarks with a stern frown.


"Geez, the press turns out to be slow today." One reporter groans to the other as the two stallions trot through Canterlot. They are looking for a story and the paper is due out today. "We need a story that is interesting."

"Yeah, yeah, I know...but what can we even use?" His pal asks with a sigh of concern. "Our editor is going to have our flanks if we don't find a story."

"Same...wait, what's that?"

The two reporters saw something that caught their interest, causing them to hide in some bushes. As the two stallions peeks out, they saw a surprising sight: Twilight hanging with Celestia, who appears to be small.

"Say it, Twiley, come on; come on." Celestia giggles as she nipples on Twilight's ear, making the unicorn blush.

"Okay, okay. I love you, I love you, I always love you." Twilight said with a smile. "Now it's your turn."

"Oooh, Twiley. I love you more than the stars above."

"Yes. But how about we take it easy? We don't want to overdo it"

Celestia smiles, she nuzzles her love a bit while saying, "Now, now, my faithful suitor. No one else is here but us."

"Is that...the princess and her student?" The first reporter whispers as he quickly took photos of what's happening.

"Yes...and they are...dating! This is amusing since they are now in-laws due to Cadance's marriage to Shining Armor." The other reporter whispers eagerly while using his magic (he's a unicorn BTW) to write this up.

"Ooooh, this is going to be great...we should check out Princess Luna. See what she's up to."

"Oh yeah, if she's hiding a secret, all of Equestria must know before the end of the day!"

The reporters head out, not seeing a cloaked figure arriving, whose has saw what happened so far. This of course is Lorcan, the brother of Spike who was once enemy of Equestria. The dragon decides on going out for a walk, when he saw what's happening so far today.

"What the buck; Am I the only one who's noticing lesbian ponies around there?" Lorcan asks with a frown. He pauses then spots Twilight and Celestia, being more than just student and teacher, "Sweet! I am so telling Discord!"


Diamond Tiara breathes in and out as she sat near Scootaloo and Sweetie who are discussing how to get Cutie Marks. The Pegasus pony say, "I don't know. It could involve tree sap...as usual!"

"We could at least. What do you think, Diamond Tiara?" Sweetie Belle asks Diamond Tiara who is nearby.

"What? Oh, well...that sounds fun...but you should at least try to do what you're good at, like singing or aero bats." Diamond Tiara said, not sounding like herself more so than usual. The bully is waiting so much for Apple Bloom to come back. The former bully groans, "Ugh, to be honest, I'm used to me being a bully than what I'm doing."

"Well, come on! It's not so bad being a nice pony. I mean, just hang with us and you will get the hang of it."

Diamond Tiara sighs a bit then saw Apple Bloom coming up. The non-Cutie Mark filly smiles while saying, "Oh hey, girls. Sorry Ah don't kept yew waiting."

"No deal, where did you go?" Scootaloo ask Apple Bloom curiously.

"Just a talk wit' mah sister an' y'all 'dat. Diamond Tiara...listen, Ah done got something 'ta tell yew. Promise yew won't be mad?"

Diamond Tiara, blushing, say, "Well, that depends...is it good; Bad; something freaky? I mean...I can take it...it's just...Oh! I may as well put my actions in words!" The filly did something unexpected. She pulls Apple Bloom over and kiss her on the lips, making the others gasp in surprise. Diamond Tiara lets go, blushing while saying, "Sorry...err, wait, I mean...oh, I don't know what I mean anymore. I..."

"Diamond Tiara..." Apple Bloom said slowly then grins. "Ah done wonder when yew was going 'ta do 'dat." She kisses Diamond Tiara on the cheek, making her eyes widen then she smiles.

"You aren't angry at me?"

"Hay no! Ah done have feelings fer yew too!"

Diamond Tiara smiles as she hugs Apple Bloom a bit. Sweetie hugs her own love, saying, "Awwww! Isn't it sweet?"

"Yeah, kinda weird...but at least things will turn out fine, right?" Scootaloo ask, feeling a bit worried for some reason.


Twilight and Celestia, back to her big size, laughs as they arrive at the castle. The Goddess of the Sun comments, "I must say. You are soooo much, fun. I haven't have this much fun in years."

"Really; aren't you worry about not having a special somepony of your own over the years?" Twilight ask Celestia with a grin.

"Normally over the years, any pony I love would be dead...but not to worry, Twilight. That may change with you."

Twilight looks puzzled, wondering what her new found love means. Just then, the mare saw Luna and Rainbow on the throne while cuddling. The cyan Pegasus pony spots her then say sheepishly, "Oh. Hey. Your date went well?"

"Sure did." Twilight said with a smile. "Soooo, I take it you and Luna..."

"A pony doesn't kiss and tell!"

"Not what you told me, Dashie." Luna said while kissing Rainbow, causing this mare to blush. "Come on, you can tell them."

"All right, all right...yeah, it's all true. Luna and I are together." Rainbow said as she got off the throne, trotting over to her friend and the princess, "So how about you two? Did you have an awesome time?"

"We sure did." Celestia said, wrapping one wing around her student/suitor. "Since we're alone, I think it's safe this. Twilight and I are together."

"That's wonderful!" Luna exclaims happily, holding one hoof. "The fun has been doubled! Oh! Nothing can ruin our day now."

"Don't be so sure." Golden Heart said in concern as he trots into the room, using his magic to bring up a newspaper.

"Golden Heart," Rainbow asks the alicorn puzzled. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I went to get the newspaper for my sibling...can't say who it is...so that she can read the funnies. The newest edition just came out and...oh, just read!"

Golden Heart shows the front page to the four who looks at it. Their eyes widen as they saw photos, one of them shows Twilight and Celestia's date and the other shows Rainbow and Luna kissing. And the title of the story is: 'Royal Sisters Mating with An In-Law and Future Wonderbolt!'

"Oh, horse apples. I jinxed it." Luna said with a groan of concern.

Twilight reads a part of the article, "'Reporters has caught Princess Celestia hanging out with her niece in-law Twilight Sparkle who some say could most likely be a new princess. If they are dating, this could lead to something due to Princess Cadance's marriage to Twilight's brother Shining Armor a few months ago.'"

Rainbow reads another, "'Also, Luna appears to take a fancy to Twilight Sparkle's friend Rainbow Dash. Could romance be truly in the works'? Man, how did those guys catch us so fast?"

"Must be fast photographers," Twilight said with a shrug.

"This may get out of hoof, princess." Golden Heart said seriously to the princess. "Reporters will come soon, demanding answers. Yes, I know that you and Twilight being an item won't be a problem since you aren't blood related...but you know reporters and their stories."

"Yes, yes, I see what you mean." Celestia said in agreement. "How shall we deal with this?"

"What I told Luna before! Lift your spell before this could get too far!" Golden Heart answers, much to Twilight and Rainbow's notice.

"Lift the spell?" Twilight asked.

"What spell? Whatcha hiding, Loony," Rainbow asked her love Luna, making her a bit nervous.

Celestia's eyes dart back and forth the she sighs, "All right, I got a confession. Earlier today, my sister dares me into casting a spell to cause love throughout Equestria for ponies without loved ones...you and Rainbow got affected."

"But so did we, and I must confess, I have never saw just a beautiful mare like you before, Rainbow." Luna said to Rainbow gently.

"Didn't remember how it isn't a good idea to force ponies into love?" Twilight ask Celestia and Luna dryly.

"Hey, Luna pushed me into it!" Celestia protests while Luna giggles a bit.

"Still...for once, I don't mind." Twilight sighs as she nuzzles Celestia. "For the first time ever...my feelings for you, Celly, are 10 times fold."

"Yeeeeeah and for once, I'm hanging with a flyer who isn't a jerk or a reckless pony." Rainbow remarks while smiling to Celestia and Luna.

"Princess, I asked you, lift the spell before it's too late. You know what happened when it does in the past." Golden Heart pleads to his friend.

"I...I can't." Celestia said as she nuzzles Twilight. "I do not want to lose the special feelings for the one I love."

"As do I," Luna said with a nod.

"Princesses, I understand your feelings...but we don't know if these feelings are true or not." Golden Heart said grimly. "And you aren't the only ones affected, ponies in Ponyville are too."

"I understand, but I just can't bring myself to do it." Celestia said while sighing. "Twilight and I will come out and face the impact when the time comes."

Golden Heart hesitates then saw Luna and Rainbow holding hooves. Apparently neither princess would agree to lift the spell, out of fear of losing their special affections for the ponies that they say that they love.

"Very well...but try to consider my words," Golden Heart said seriously as he leaves the room, leaving the couples.

"Man, you think this could get out of hoof?" Rainbow asks Luna in concern.

"I hope not." Luna said with a sigh. "It took me centuries to find my special somepony. I hate to lose you because of madness."

"And I you, Luna." Rainbow said.


"Wow, can you believe this?" Pinkie Pie asks her friends as she shows a paper to her friends. "The Royal Sisters are in love with Twilight and Dashie!"

"Unbelievable!" Rarity exclaimed in amazement.

"Wow...who knew?" Fluttershy asked meekly while reading the newspaper. "I guess they found their special somepony."

"'Dat may be, but dese are 'de princesses we're talking about. ‘De Press eats 'dis kind of thing fer breakfast." Applejack said in concern. "Not 'ta mention 'dat Twilight has 'de Sun princess fer an aunt in law."

"Oh, don't sound so worry, AJ." Pinkie said with a smile. "They aren't blood related. Their relationship could work!"

"Maybe...but yew know about those kind o' celebrity marriages." Applejack said in concern.

"Awww, you are so cute when you're worry like that." Rarity giggles as she tickles Applejack a bit, making her blush. "Don't worry. Our friends and the princesses can make it work. They rise above problems like this before so they can again."

"Well..I guess there's one other thing to deal: Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara." Fluttershy said. "I mean, those two seem to love one another...I saw them hugging near a tree; Cute."

"Yeah, but Ah am worried 'dat Diamond Tiara is taking advantage o' mah sister's feelings 'ta bully her or hurt her emotionally." Applejack said with a frown. "It ain't right if mah sister gets betrayed."

"You're right on that, darling." Rarity said.

"Well, not to worry. Love will find a way." Pinkie said while giving some cherry pie to Fluttershy. "I'm sure your sister made the right choice in filly friend."

"Ah hope so fer Apple Bloom's sake." Applejack said with a nod. She also hopes for Diamond Tiara's sake that the bully is playing on Apple Bloom's feelings...or else.


"Soooo, Diamond? How did yew get yer cutie mark?" Apple Bloom ask her new filly friend with a smile.

"Well, I don't know. I guess it involves being shiny or something. Bullying isn't truly my thing." Diamond Tiara said with a blush.

"Ah bet yew must be in fashion 'ta get a cutie mark like 'dat." Apple Bloom theorized.

"Maybe, I hope so." Diamond Tiara giggles then gave some bits to Apple Bloom. "Listen, can you get us some candy from the store? I'll promise to share them with your friends."

"Sure do! Be right back!" Apple Bloom exclaims as she skips to the candy store nearby. Diamond Tiara sighs happily. It's great to have a filly like her.

Something then caught Diamond Tiara's eye (and you know how painful that can be!). The filly saw Scootaloo wearing a blindfold, trying to catch Sweetie Belle, who is giggling.

"What are you two doing?" Diamond Tiara asks the two as Scootaloo caught her filly friend, kissing Sweetie Belle on the lips.

"Playing Hard to Get, involves us wearing a blind fold and trying to catch the other." Scootaloo explains to Diamond Tiara playfully.

"That's really nice." Diamond said with a smile.

"My turn," Sweetie exclaims as she takes the blind fold from Scootaloo, putting it on now and begins chasing her filly friend

Diamond Tiara chuckles then sighs a bit as she looks towards the candy store, waiting so much for Apple Bloom to come out. Just then, she looks up to see the sun about to go into a solar eclipse (a brief one).

"The princesses must be having a solar eclipse today." Diamond Tiara remarks with a shrug. Then all went dark. "And all went dark."

"I got ya, Scootaloo!" Sweetie is heard saying as she is heard jumping, grabbing something. Kissing noises are heard.

But when the solar eclipse is done, there is a shocking yet awkward sight: Sweetie is kissing Diamond Tiara, thinking she is Scootaloo!

"Ah, I love you." Sweetie said in a French tone. She kissed Diamond a bunch of times before she resumed speaking in the same tone, "Now you set my soul on fire. It is not just a little spark, It is a flame; a big, roaring flame! Ah, I can feel it now."

"Sweetie Belle," Scootaloo chuckled. Sweetie removes the blind fold, yelping as she saw that she was kissing Diamond Tiara, causing the filly to speak in a French tone of voice.

Suddenly, a gasp is heard. Diamond Tiara turns, seeing a shocked Apple Bloom now out of the candy store. The filly looks stunned as she saw what the filly believes to be the worst.

"Apple Bloom...wait, I can explain..." Diamond Tiara said nervously.

"Diamond...how could yew?!" Apple Bloom sobs as she drops the candy that she has brought for every pony. "Mah sister was right! Yew was using me to yer advantage...an' trying 'ta steal Sweetie fro' Scoots...yew jerk!"

Apple Bloom sobs as she runs off. Diamond Tiara protest in horror, "Apple Bloom, wait!"

"Hoo boy; You're in trouble now." Scootaloo said to Diamond Tiara in concern. Apple Bloom thinks that her love has betrayed her.

"Yeah, this may take some time to fix." Sweetie said to Diamond Tiara who looks down in sadness.


Things in Ponyville get a bit...intense. More ponies are kissing and chasing each other like lovers, more are thinking...weird things. Applejack and Rarity hold one another as they watch.

"My, love is really in the air." Rarity said to Applejack with a chuckle.

"Tell me about it. Why, Ah am done surprised no one thought o' marriage just yet." Applejack remarks with a smile.

"Oh! That reminds me. I thought of picking out some wedding dresses for us for the modeling. What do you say?"

"Yew done read mah mind, Rarity!"

The two lovers kiss as they head on back to the Carousel Baroque, both of them can't wait to try on the wedding dresses for...their love reasons.


Apple Bloom sobs while on her bed, feeling hurt and heartbroken. Her sister was right. Diamond Tiara doesn't really love her; she is using her feelings to her advantage; That creep.

"Uh, Apple Bloom?" Big Macintosh asks Apple Bloom in concern as he came into the room. "What's wrong?"

"Diamond Tiara did something bad..." Apple Bloom said sadly. Her big brother came in and nuzzles his sister, wanting to help her deal with her problem.

"Shucks, no worries. We can fix this. So uh...what happened?"

Apple Bloom, sniffing a bit, begins to explain.


We return to Pinkamena & Golden Heart in a chamber with some serious faces in what's going on. Celestia isn't going to lift the spell, and if not done by the caster, it seems almost impossible to reverse this.

"Well this isn't good, we're out of options. Nothing good will come of this love gone WILD!" Golden Heart exclaimed with much doubt, they can't stop this.

"Well it could be worst; they all could be getting married." Pinkamena spoke off a far-fetched idea, however...

"That's just it! Without stopping the spell, such thoughts will LEAD to such marriages!" Golden Heart exclaimed with much worry, the spell will make all go into marrying the other.

"Oh, I see your point Goldie. So what can be done to fix this?" The pink pony slowly responded in understanding this statement. The spell is out of control, but how can they stop it if Celestia won't do it or try to prevent them.

"I think I have a way." Spoke a new voice that appeared from the open door as came in a hooded figure, but the familiar being was a dragon with a familiar scar on his eye.

"Lorcan," Both ponies responded in recognizing the guest within Canterlot, they forgot that after Lorcan's defeat, he's been staying at the castle which only a few 'select' know that he's alive.

"To stop this chaos from getting out of hand, we'll need someone who's very magic can disturb the very effects of this spell." Lorcan held up his fist to grasp in how to stop the spell once and for all.

"Oh, is that you?" Pinkamena asked with a raised eyebrow, thinking that this guy was the answer.

"No, but I know where we can FIND, 'him'." Lorcan shook his head that he's not the answer, but it was of another that they know.

"Him; who do you mean?" Golden Heart responded puzzled, what was this cloak dragon getting to?

"The master of Chaos and Disharmony; Discord," Lorcan spoke with a serious statement in whose the 'him' that he is referring to is of their old enemy.

"DISCORD," Both ponies responded in utter shock, they know the name and don't like it one bit.

"Have you lost it? Discord is a villain, he can't be trusted! Have you forgotten what he's done?" Golden Heart protest the idea to get Discord to help them, he's nothing but trouble.

"Yes, but his magic, and ONLY his magic, can undo this spell. By dis-harmonizing the strong love spell, that will set the ponies free." Lorcan pointed out the method that to disturb such a strong harmonizing spell gone wrong, it must be discorded.

"Well it's not the best of plans, but it's all we got. So where is he?" Pinkamena shrug off her shoulders in letting Lorcan win the debate here.

"Um, that's the tricky part; I...split him in two." The cloaked dragon struggled to look away in having difficulty saying the answer here. "The body is here in Canterlot, but I...sent his soul elsewhere." Lorcan stated out that he split Discord in two, one is here, but the other...is elsewhere.

"Oh great, where did you send his soul,” Golden Heart groans in hearing this, where did Lorcan put the soul?

"That's...kinda where the problem lies..." Lorcan tap his fingers together in trying to explain this. "I've hidden the soul in the furthest reaches in Froggy Bottom Bogg." He stated the location of the swamp lands within Equestria.

"Ick; Nobody in their right mind would go or even think of looking for someone like him in such a sticky place?" Pinkamena responded in disgust, it's the perfect place to hide someone with that much mess.

"Precisely my point," Lorcan nods in agreement to what the pink pony here spoke. "Thruspvhmm..." He then summoned a portal of his emerald flames to appear before looking to the others. "Follow me through this portal spell; it'll quickly take us directly to the swamps, and from what I last recall of my evil self...where I place Discord's soul." Lorcan has lost much when his evil was removed, so he vaguely remembers the last location where he hid Discord's soul.

"Hugh, well the act of not doing anything while everypony is going crazy isn't helping, so let's get this over with." Golden Heart sighs in seeing that they have no other choice but to go along with this.

"And remember...we're watching you!" Pinkamena spoke in hiding a dagger in threatening Lorcan that if he tries anything sneaky, he'll regret it.

"How could I forget?" Lorcan rolled his eyes in understanding that threat, which he'll not let it slide.

"Gruspvhmm..." Then the group of 'odd' saviors enters the emerald flame portal before it vanished completely? With the only hope to fixing things right, they'll need the power of Chaos, but will things be so easily. And what will happen while no one is watching the ponies still under the love spell? It's all something to be explained...afterwards.

Author's Note:

The love spell appears to be getting out of hoof and it's up to Golden Heart, Pinkamena and Lorcan to fix things but is Discord's the answer? Will the Royal Sisters and their lovers admit the true? How will Diamond Tiara fix things with Apple Bloom? More will be coming so read, review and suggest.

The part where Sweetie Belle kiss Diamond Tiara by accident while speaking French is a reference to a short of 'Tom and Jerry' when Tom did the same thing to Spike.