• Published 20th Dec 2013
  • 3,767 Views, 189 Comments

Lady Octavia - Cyber Clash

Octavia finds herself a new servant.

  • ...

To Us

For a quick, single moment, everything was completely quiet while everyone’s minds processed the word. Not a single facial expression had changed yet, there was no reaction just yet. Everything was pure silence and the only sound Vinyl could hear was her own mind and even it spoke in a whisper.

'No?' Did Octavia just turn him down? Her jaw hung ajar and her eyes were beginning to widen just as the world continued to spin and finally, everyone reacted.

There were gasps, murmurs, glasses dropping and breaking on the floor, flashes of cameras, the scribbling of pens, and one single voice cackling haughtily, as if entertained, to hush everything else. That voice was none other than Pearl Posh's. Vinyl turned to see her come out of the crowd and say, “Oh my! What a hilarious sense of humour you have, dearest Octavia. However, the media ponies are simply dying to hear your actual response.”

A second chance, Vinyl thought. She wouldn’t turn something like this down…would she? Vinyl gulped as Fine Bit held the ring a little closer to Octavia, as if asking again. His eyes shone with an infinitesimal glimmer of hope.

Octavia shook her head and answered again, “No, I won’t marry you, Fine Bit.” Then she turned to the media ponies. “I can’t marry him…because I don’t love him. I don’t love him at all!”

Vinyl’s mouth widened even more as she said that and fresh tears poured out of her eyes. Light Eye turned to her and whispered, “Did you two plan this?” All the unicorn could do was shake her head.

Immediately, the journalists bombarded her with questions.

“Miss Octavia, is this true? Does this mean that your entire relationship with Fine Bit was a lie? How could you lie when—“

“Did Fine Bit do something? Why did—“

“Oh! Miss Octavia, are you leaving him for one of the orchestra members? If so—“

“Miss Octavia, is this because you are still upset about your mother’s—“

“Are you leaving Fine Bit for someone else?”

The last question seemed to have picked Octavia’s interest. She turned her back to all of the journalists and photographers to face Vinyl Scratch. “I am in love with someone else.”

“With whom!?” the media ponies all asked in unison, shouting their best guesses afterward.

Vinyl closed her mouth and gulped. Octavia’s violet eyes had never seemed so determined. “I’m in love with Vinyl Scratch.”

Light Eye nudged her and said, “Well, what are you waiting for? Go to her.”

The unicorn did as was told. Her appearance was followed by more gasps and even screams, either from delight, horror, or fright from more glasses of champagne hitting the ground in shock. Vinyl trotted and threw herself into Octavia, wrapping her in a massive hug. She buried her face into Octavia’s neck and mane.

Vinyl pulled away and expected the worst—yelling, discrimination, food being thrown, but instead she heard a slow clap. She turned to see that it was Fine Bit, who had put the ring away and stood up. He had a tear in his eye and Light Eye was by his side, clapping along with him. The small ensemble joined in and the clapping became louder and faster. It spread until half of the guests, even Octavia’s father, were clapping.

Octavia held her hoof up, and the clapping slowly died down. When it was once again quiet, she announced, “I would like to have this soiree be a celebration, not of what would have been a dishonest proposal, but of the truth between two couples. Please, do carry on with the music.” She looked at the ensemble, who immediately began to play upbeat songs.

The crowds of guests went back to enjoying themselves and the media ponies approached the two couples. A young male journalist stepped forward, “So, was the whole relationship fake, or was there a spark at some point?”

Fine Bit, much to everyone’s surprise, gave a genuine laugh, “Believe me, Octavia and I detested each other. There was never a spark. It was all for the fame and fortune.”

“Miss Octavia, what made you change your mind?” he asked, scribbling down on his notepad.

Octavia nuzzled Vinyl before responding, “I realised some things are worth much more than fame and fortune.”

“Mister Fine Bit, does this not bother you at all? Your family would have received a lot of money by collaborating with Miss Octavia’s.”

“As she said, love comes first. Besides, both of our families have more money than they know what to do with. I’m positive they can live without a larger surplus,” he responded.

“Understandable. One last question: What are you planning to do now?”

All four ponies blinked and looked at one another. Truth be told, they weren’t sure of what was to come. Sometimes, however, it is better to let the future handle things on its own.

“Again, we’re sorry we couldn’t be there with you two. The concerts popped up so suddenly, it almost seemed like Pearl Posh’s doing,” Melody joked, causing all four of them to laugh.

“Yeah, but it looks like you definitely managed to handle everything perfectly,” Harmony smiled.

Octavia nodded, “Sometimes you just need to have a little drink before making an important decision.”

“Ah yes, let’s all promote alcoholism,” Vinyl supported sarcastically. “Because that’s always the way to go.”

“I am quite concerned, however. Octavia, you do realise your aunt is going to demolish your reputation now, right?” Harmony asked slowly.

The cellist sighed and leaned in, “That is what I wanted to talk to you all about.” The twins came in closer. “Vinyl and I are packing our things and leaving Canterlot.”

“What!?” the twins yelled simultaneously, Melody in an excited tone and Harmony in a depressed one.

“Hey, calm down, you two!” Vinyl warned. “The entire café is looking at us like we’re crazy.”

The twins looked around to confirm what Vinyl had said. They apologised in sync before sitting upright. Harmony spoke first, “But won’t you guys miss everyone and everything?”

“Believe me, I am going to have a terrible time not chilling at Drycker. And we’re really going to miss you guys…” Vinyl began.

“But it really is the only option. I fear my aunt might drag Vinyl down to hell with me,” Octavia finished in a sombre tone.

Melody lightly smacked her sister, “Aw, don’t listen to this depressing sack of flesh. I think it’s great you guys are moving to..?”

“Ponyville,” Vinyl answered.

Melody scrunched her face, “Ugh…a rural town? That does not sound like my cup of tea. I hear weird shit goes on in that town. Must have something to do with the fact that all the Elements of Harmony all live in that place.”

“Actually, it is the perfect place for us,” Octavia smiled. “The town is like a big, happy family. All the food comes straight from the farms, no one is gossiping behind your back, no media ponies on your tail, and a nice bit of excitement every day.”

“Hmm…yeah, I guess it sounds like a cool place to start fresh,” Melody shrugged. “But you better not start using any small town lingo!”

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” the cellist giggled.

“So, when are you two planning to leave?” Melody asked.

“In just a few days. We've already bought a house there.” Octavia responded. “The sooner we take a train out of here, the sooner I can stop thinking about this mess.”

“And what of Fine Bit and Light Eye?” Melody wondered.

Vinyl shrugged, “Light Eye mentioned he was friends with some confectioner named ‘Bunny-Bun’ or something, who also happens to live in Ponyville. We might get the same train together if they’re quick enough.”

“Oh, that’s great! I mean, Fine Bit might be a prick, but at least you won’t be alone, right?” Harmony said.

“Actually, we’ve become pretty good friends. After the party, Fine Bit broke down and thanked Octavia maybe a thousand times for rejecting the proposal.” Vinyl explained, laughing at the twins’ blank expressions. “That was my reaction as well.”

Melody smiled, “I think it’s lovely that after all the catastrophe, you were all able to become friends and have a happy ending. Seriously, Octavia, I haven’t seen you this happy in years!”

Octavia couple just as the waitress came by. “Can I get you four anything else?” she asked.

“Just the cheque,” Harmony nodded.

After a week, Vinyl and Octavia were running around the train station with their luggage floating behind in Vinyl’s magic. They had been completely lost for awhile, but the cellist was now convinced that they were on the right path.

“Vinyl, hurry! We might miss the train at your pace!”

“Tavi, darling, I don’t think you understand that while my magic makes things more comfortable to carry for ponies without eight separate hooves, it doesn’t make our baggage weightless!” She wheezed, “Besides, we’re like, three hours early.”

“Yes and one full hour of that was spent trying to figure out where we need to go,” Octavia explained with a scowl, which soon faded at the sight of her panting, perspiring, exhausted lover. “Here, give me the two heaviest ones you’re carrying.”

Vinyl separated two big bags, one being Octavia’s cello, away from the clump of eight other ones. She dropped them in front of the cellist, who began to push them forward. The DJ sighed, “That’s a little better… Hey Tavi?”


“Didn’t you and the ensemble go to tours around Equestria?”

“Yes. I could tell you a few stories on the train. Why do you ask?” The cellist looked back at her.

“Well, don’t take this the wrong way, but shouldn’t you know the train station by heart?”

Octavia rolled her eyes, “No, we took private pegasus carriages for touring. They’re much faster and more…well, private.”

Vinyl nodded, “Oh alright.” Vinyl looked around, “Uh-oh…”

“What is it?”

“A few ponies are looking at us… I think they recognise you.”

Octavia looked around and spotted the crowd. She arched an eyebrow, “…I don’t think they recognise me, Vinyl… I think they’re looking at you.”

“Huh!?” Vinyl’s eyes widened behind her shades. She blinked when the posse of three fans trotted toward the twosome.

“Hey!” One colt grinned. “You’re DJ Pon-3, right?”

“Uh…” the unicorn cleared her throat. “Yeah, I am.”

“Awesome!” another colt yelled. “Hey, think my siblings and I could get your autograph?” He pulled out a sketchpad from a pouch he was carrying and held it in front of the DJ with a pen.

“Sure.” Vinyl grabbed the pen with her mouth, but the action caused her magic to fail, and the luggage dropped on the floor. “Damn it… Alright, give me names really quick!”

A mare answered, “Strike, Astro, and Peridot.”

Vinyl signed her name and gave the pen back. Then she turned and started picking up her bags. “Umm…Miss Pon-3?” One of the colts called.

“Did I misspell something?” Vinyl asked.

“No, this is perfect. We were just wondering if you needed any help with your bags.”

“Oh?” Vinyl looked up at Octavia, who smiled and shrugged. “You know, that would be awesome. I could really use your help with these three bags,” She pointed toward three small bags. While the DJ appreciated the gesture, she didn’t want to abuse their generosity either. After all, they were only a trio of foals.

“We’ve ways to go, I think…” Octavia simpered.

“Oh, where do you need to go?” the mare asked.

“Terminal seven.”

“Okay. Just take a left and we’ll get there. It’s not far at all.”

“Awesome!” Vinyl cheered as she picked up the other five bags, “My hooves are killing me.”

While they made their journey, one of the colts asked, “So if you don’t mind me asking, where are you headed to? It looks like you’re moving with all these bags.”

“We are,” Vinyl answered.

“Aww, what’s wrong with Canterlot?” the other colt asked.

“Long story short, we were having issues with my family, so we’re sort of starting fresh,” Octavia explained. “Fret not, however, you’ll see Vi—DJ Pon-3 around soon.”

“Yeah, and I’ll even see about getting you backstage passes when I'm touring for doing this,” she chuckled.

“Really!?” The three yelled at once.

Vinyl nodded, “Yep. I really appreciate this, so it’s the least I could do.”

“Wow, thanks…” The mare said in disbelief. “Oh, we’re here. There’s no train, though…”

“Oh, we know,” Vinyl rolled her eyes, “But somepony thought we should arrive extra early for no reason.”

“Oh hush,” Octavia countered. She turned toward the three foals, “Again, thank you for doing this. We really appreciate it.”

“No problem,” one colt said. “Aww man! We need to go, guys…” he announced as he looked at the time.

“Aww, can’t we stay awhile longer?” the mare asked.

“Only if you want to miss a chance at meeting up with Mum,” he answered.

She sighed and hung her head, “Oh alright… Let’s go.”

“Yo, nice meeting ya, Pon-3!” the other colt said, leaving the three bags in front of her before taking off with his siblings.

“Take care!” she waved. “Man, I missed that.”

“What? The attention?”

“Yeah! I had an awesome fan base…or I have an awesome fan base. It looks like the ponies haven’t changed a bit.”

“I’m glad to see you so happy with what you’re doing,” Octavia said, kissing her lover on the cheek.

“Me too…”

For the next hour, Vinyl and Octavia waited around on the benches before the train finally arrived.

When the doors opened, Vinyl formed a neat queue with the luggage, and allowed it to go in before the pair. Then the unicorn quickly found their designated carriage and stepped into one of the secluded rooms. She neatly organised all of the bags in the shelves before hopping on her seat and massaging her forehead, “Finally! Rest!”

Octavia stepped in afterwards, seeming a little disappointed, “I didn’t see neither Light Eye nor Fine Bit. I suppose they chose to take a later ride.”

“Why didn’t we do that?” Vinyl panted, sprawling herself out on the seats.

“Because now we have one more day in Ponyville.”

“Octavia, we’re moving to Ponyville, not taking a vacation. We don’t need another day. We have plenty to spare,” Vinyl explained.

“Well, maybe I want to get to know the area before officially starting my daily routine. I need to know how close the house is to the market, where the nearest music shop is, and organise my day before starting it,” Octavia said.

Vinyl bemusedly scrunched her face before standing on all fours, “I…I’ll just go get us some champagne.”

The unicorn stepped out, leaving Octavia to sit on the cushions with her thoughts. I’m going to miss living in Canterlot… The idea of not waking up in a gigantic house…well, maybe that won’t be so bad. If anything, I should worry about whether or not Ponyville has any high-class restaurants! How will I go on without aged wine and exemplary cheese!? …And starting over with my career…with life… This is going to be a strange experience.

Minutes later, Vinyl returned with a bottle and two glasses. Octavia snapped out of her stupor and pulled out a table from the wall of the room. Vinyl set down the two glasses and braced herself as she popped the cork off. Quickly, the mare trapped the escaping alcohol into one of the two glasses and then filled the other.

Vinyl set the bottle aside and smiled at her lover, “To a new start.” She raised her glass.

“To a new start,” Octavia clinked her glass against the unicorn’s and took a sip. Already, she was missing her favourite liquor store.

“Octavia, can I ask you something?” Vinyl spoke, also furrowing her brow in slight disgust at the drink.

“Go ahead.”

The blue-maned DJ looked into her glass, trying to find the right words. “…We were so set on having you marry Fine Bit to save your career. What made you change your mind at the last second?”

“You did,” she answered. “Seeing you be so hopeless…and we were crying so often…I didn’t want such a sadness consuming neither my life, nor yours.”

“Tavi, you were so far into your career. You could’ve made it into the Royal Symphony or something! It was your dream, wasn’t it?” Vinyl persisted.

Octavia shrugged and took another sip of the cheap champagne. “You’re starting to sound like one of those journalists. ’There’s no resolution you won’t have to make sacrifices for,’ remember?” she quoted.

Vinyl took off her shades and looked at her, “…You gave up everything for me.”

Octavia wrapped her forelegs around the unicorn’s withers, “On the contrary, I gave up my career for everything.”

Vinyl blinked and backed out of the hug, “You wanted to move to Ponyville all along?”

It was a deep and romantic moment while it lasted. Octavia rolled her eyes, “No, you imbecile. You! You’re my everything.”

“Oh!” Vinyl blinked again and smiled, “Aww, Tavi!” she pressed her lips against the cellist’s and wrapped her in a tight embrace once more as the train started to move, leading the way towards their new life together.

Author's Note:

Well, that was expected, wasn't it?

Anyway, I'd like to thank Twilight_Scratch for editing this story. And of course, thank you readers for reading. I probably wouldn't have finished this without an audience.

So yeah. That's all. It took me over a year to finish fourteen chapters. Wow... :twilightoops:

Have a good day, guys... Or night. You know what? Have a good year. :heart: :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 21 )

6080404 You can't stop love. Ever. It's stronger than you. You are defeated. Hate never wins. You lose. Evil never wins. Bye. *kicks Pearl Posh off a cliff*

6080460 oh sweet, i caught the eye of the writer! i just have to say that i love this story, and i'm eager to see more! so, generic fangasm and all that.

Okay I'm loving it nice job, very nice indeed.

Well, No godly forces of love descended from the higher branches of Yggdrasil, but, I think I´ll survive, the ending was sweet enough :pinkiehappy:

Aw great ending :pinkiehappy: Very good story, give yourself a pat on the shoulder from me :derpytongue2:

It would be really cool to see some kind of Slice-of-life sequel. Just to see how their new life in Ponyville turns out.

"It was a deep and romantic moment while it lasted. Octavia rolled her eyes, “No, you imbecile. You! You’re my everything.”"

Hah! That scene was great! Loved it.

This was a very cliche ending, but you wrote this story so perfectly that cliche was the only way to end it. I have to say this is in my top 5 of octa/scratch fanfics. I hope to read more of your writting.

Well that was a fine ending. Hope to see more OctaScratch from you down the line, whether it's a sequel or otherwise.

Also, unless you have a prologue in mind, you probably wanna switch this to 'complete.'

6080498 Aww sweet. :heart: Glad you liked it!

6080851 I've always been one for a soft ending right after a high-energy climax. It's like a nice slap in the face, and then someone patting the swollen cheek. It's just a nice feeling, I think.

6081487 Hmm...I wouldn't get my hopes up, but I'll tell you guys if I think of anything like that. I have considered it once or twice, but again, absolutely no promises.

6084876 Oh dang. Considering all the amazing writers that Octascratch has, that means a lot to me. Thanks. :twilightblush:

6084918 I just did. :twilightoops: I completely forgot about that when I posted the final chapters.

6087581 Lol. Shit happens. Also, you probably gathered it, but I meant "Epilogue" Before. Whoops.

This was one of the first stories I started reading...

Feels weird that it has ended... It was an enjoyable ride though ^_^

Spend months mostly sober, thinking that there was only one way out.
Spend a few minutes drunk enough to find an alternate, better way.


“Ah yes, let’s all promote alcoholism,” Vinyl supported sarcastically. “Because that’s always the way to go.”

The moral of the story.

Thank you for creating a story that couldn't be predicted. It's been a really long time since I've read a story that I was unable to predict. Thank you and keep up the good work!

Amazing story!! I love it!!

Well, now that the story as ended, I must say that it is one good romance fanfiction Vinyl/Octavia.
And those are pretty rare in fact.
So, I decided yours is my second favorite, just behind university days. 👍

Thanks for your writing!

Quite an enjoyable read, loved it

Crazy how these stories keep hitting decades later

Throughout my reading of this, i can't help but get annoyed by the relatively frequent times that the motivations and reasoning for why a character is feeling or acting the way they are at the point in the story are just lacking; I feel it is most prevalent in regards to Octavia's father and fine bit. Most of her father's behavior throughout the latter half especially isn't really given a concrete motivation to be the way they are. A lot of that could have been done through perhaps mentions of past interactions and such between the various characters besides just Vinyl and Octavia. It reads to me like not much attention was paid to fleshing out some of the characters that hold some sway over the story so that they would come across as having more of a life outside of appearing in the story when they need to be used as a plot device sometimes.

Still though, the idea and the general direction of the story I liked; was just the lack of deeper development and understanding of the minds and motivations of the impactful characters beyond a surface or puddle deep level that kept confusing me.

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