• Published 20th Dec 2013
  • 3,768 Views, 189 Comments

Lady Octavia - Cyber Clash

Octavia finds herself a new servant.

  • ...

Let's Have Lunch Together

Octavia inhaled deeply, a subconscious habit, before slowly opening her eyes. The smell that filled her nostrils was not the usual morning scent of fresh sheets. Rather, the mare could smell a faint scent of another pony, and she could see nothing more than a wall of white fur. Furthermore, she felt a set of hooves around her.

Startled, the cellist tried to squirm out of the embrace, but stopped when she remembered everything about last night.

Mother… she thought, I’m not sure what astonishes me more—mother’s passing, or the way that Aunt Pearl told me about it as if it were something trivial. At least the twins and Lyrica were concerned about me. I should let them know I’m alright when I get the chance. Right now, however…

Octavia buried her face into Vinyl’s chest with a sigh of satisfaction. Just as she made herself comfortable, the other pony began to shift. The grey mare moved away from her servant, and got to a position where she could see her at eye level.

“You’re awake?” Vinyl asked the obvious. Receiving a nod, Vinyl fell back into the bed “Shit, I must’ve fallen asleep again.”

“Were you awake earlier?”

“Yeah,” the servant said, “I was going to leave you here to sleep in while I made breakfast, but I guess I just couldn’t get up and leave you.” She removed her hooves from her mistress and began to get up, “I’m so sorry about that, my lady. I’ll just—“

Octavia grabbed her hoof, “Stay.”

The servant looked out the window, and then at Octavia, “But it’s already elev—“

“Please, just stay,” the mare begged in a small voice. “I don’t want you to do anything but lie here with me right now.”

“Okay,” the blue-maned pony whispered. She lied back down next to the mistress, and wrapped her forearms around her again.

This is nice, Octavia thought. I wonder if she would be mine if I requested her to do so—no wait, what am I thinking!? That would be abusing my authority over her. Maybe if I just…asked her to dinner sometime, and then I could see how that turns out…yes. I think that would be nice. She buried her snout into Vinyl’s chest.

“Tavi,” Vinyl spoke, interrupting the mare’s thoughts, “Do we have anything to do today?”

“I don’t…believe so. The last time I checked my schedule, I didn’t see anything planned for today,” she answered, her voice muffled by the fur covering her face.

“Okay. I just wanted to make sure you’re not working when all…of this is going on,” Vinyl said slowly, making Octavia cringe at the memory of Aunt Pearl Posh’s news.

“I guess so. If I’m honest, I really don’t feel like doing anything at all. I just want to lie here in my bed until I die too,” the cellist whispered.

The servant propped herself up on one elbow and stroked the musician’s mane, “Don’t say that.”

“Well, what else do you want me to do?” Octavia retorted in a weak voice, “You said yourself that I shouldn’t work right now. And there’s really nothing left for me to do.”

The servant stayed quiet for a moment, ceasing her caressing motions to concentrate on her thoughts, “Hmm…how about tonight, we go watch a play or something? I know an awesome place we can go to.”

Octavia shook her head, “No, thank you. I appreciate the offer, but I don’t think I want to get out of the house today.”

“Yeah, I understand,” the unicorn nodded, imagining Octavia breaking down in the middle of a restaurant. “Okay, in that case, let’s just stay in and I’ll—“ The doorbell chimed, interrupting Vinyl Scratch and forcing her to get out of the bed, “Excuse me. I’ll be right back.”

The unicorn trotted downstairs and got to the door after the third ring. She opened it and was immediately greeted by the mailmare, “Good morning, Miss Octavia’s butler.”

“Derpy, my name is Vinyl,” she giggled.

“Oh yeah, I forgot,” Then the pegasus leaned in close to the white-coated mare, scrutinizing her and then whispering, “Don’t be alarmed, Vinyl, but I think your shades ran away.”

“My wh—“ the unicorn touched her snout, but didn’t feel her adorning spectacles. Aw, son of a b— “Oh don’t worry, I just left them upstairs. Anyway, what’ve you got for me?”

“Umm…Oh! A lot, actually, since your deliveries were delayed.” Derpy reached into her satchel and pulled out a myriad of cards and letters addressed to Octavia. “And you also have a package.”

Vinyl looked around once she had all the mail in her magic grip, “Where?”

“Oh, the delivery stallion has it. He’ll be here shortly.”

“Delivery stallion, huh?” the unicorn mused, “Do you have any idea of what the package has inside?”

“Nope,” the pegasus responded with a smile.

The sound of grunting and heavy hoofsteps took Derpy’s attention away from Vinyl and to the stallion walking up to the house. He was a large, well-built earth pony carrying a large box on his back. Derpy stepped aside to let him past, and he gently slid the package onto the floor, asking Vinyl, “Is there a certain room you want this in, miss?”

The garnet-eyed mare squinted at the box with confusion before responding, “No, I think I can handle it on my own. Thank you very much.”

“It’s no problem,” he bowed his head and went out the door.

“Oh wait, sir!” Derpy called out, searching through her satchel, “Please have one of Derpy Hooves Postal Service’s special muffins. I made an extra batch of banana-nut today.”

“Thank you, Miss Derpy Hooves,” he smiled, accepting the pastry from her hooves. “Oh, and uh…excuse me, miss?” He turned to Vinyl.

“My manager just wanted to make sure that you did want this package delivered by today and not last week, correct? I know that the delivery time was changed, so I we just want to be sure.”

“Uh…well, I don’t really know. I think this is for my employer. Don’t worry about it, though. It’s all good.”

“Alright then, thank you.” the stallion shrugged and walked away.

“Oh, and this one for you,” Derpy said, turning back to Vinyl with a muffin.

Vinyl took the baked good in her magical grip and thanked the mare before waving goodbye and shutting the door.

The unicorn trotted upstairs to her mistress’s room and knocked before entering, “Hey, I got you a banana-nut muffin.”

Octavia sat up on the bed and smiled as the muffin magically set itself in front of her, “Oh, thank you. I’m assuming the mail came in, finally?”

“Yes. You have mountain of letters waiting for you downstairs…and a package.”

“A…package?” the grey mare asked suspiciously, hoping that Vinyl hadn’t opened it yet. “Would you happen to know what it is?”

“No, but I could go check right—“

“No!” she yelled, startling her servant, “No,” she repeated in a calmer voice. “I…um, I will take care of it later. It’s that…violin I ordered at the music shop.” And it’s a bit late… I wonder why that is.

“Oh, okay."

“Anyway, I should just check all those letters you were talking about earlier,” Octavia bolted past Vinyl and trotted downstairs.

“Is there something about that box that I should know about?” The other mare shouted. Receiving no response, she grabbed her shades from the nightstand and put them on before following her mistress.

Upon entering the living room, the servant found Octavia sitting in front of the cobblestone fireplace searching through the letters. “They’re all from ponies that my mother knew. One of them even spelt my name incorrectly.” She sighed, “I should just throw these all away…”

Vinyl Scratch leafed through the pile and found an envelope with a golden wax seal on it. “Wait, this one’s from your dad.” She opened the letter and peaked at its contents. “I think it’s a copy of your mother’s will.”

The earth pony grabbed the envelope and laid it out on the coffee table. “There’s another note from my father. Could you take a look at the will while I read my father’s note?”

Vinyl shrugged and took the will, while Octavia began to read:

Dearest Octavia,

I hope you read this before Pearl Posh tells you. This is very hard for me to say, but your mother passed away this morning. I’m so sorry that you have to go through this, but just remember that she loved you very much, and so do I. If you would like to talk more about this, then feel free to visit me at any time.

Anyway, the hospital was able to make copies of your mother’s will. I figured you should have one so you know what is going on.

Take care and stay strong, sweetheart.

Your father.

Octavia reread a few bits of the letter. She wiped away the tears that formed as she was reading and sighed.

“Umm…Octavia, you told your mother you weren’t into stallions, right?” Vinyl Scratch asked.

“Yes, I did. It was the same day that you came with me to the hospital,” she responded.

"How long ago do you think this will was written, then?”

“Why are you asking that?” the mistress inquired with a tone of worry.

The unicorn handed her the will, “It says there that you’re supposed to marry some guy named Fine Bit. Third paragraph.”

“What!?” all feelings of sorrow were replaced with disgust. Octavia read quickly through the will and then shouted, “Are you fucking joking!? …And what’s this part that all of her possessions and money will go to the members of the family who ‘deserve it?’ My father should be the one looking after her things! This is just…so absurd!” Octavia slammed the paper on the coffee table and sat back on her haunches.

Vinyl Scratch glanced at the envelope and frowned before embracing the grey mare as she started to cry, “Maybe she just wrote it a while ago and never got to rewrite it.”

“But that still means that I have to marry that arrogant bastard!” she sobbed.

The unicorn nuzzled her cheek, “I’m sorry. But…maybe he’s not that bad and he’ll let you see other ponies or something.”

“Don’t be dense. I'm still expected to have foals with him.”

With nothing left to say, Vinyl simply held Octavia closely. I can’t believe all of this is happening to her. I should really do something for her, but…what? It’s not like I could take her out somewhere because she might break down and cry. Maybe I could distract her with something like her music… “Hey, Tavi.”

The earth pony looked up at her servant, “Yes?”

“How about we go up to the music room and you can play your cello?” she suggested.

Octavia sniffed before letting go of the other mare. “I don’t really feel like playing…”

“Then…what if I played something for you?” Vinyl tried again.

The mistress sighed and shrugged, “Okay. I kind of want to hear you play.”

“Let’s go then!” the unicorn said before leading Octavia to the music room.

Once inside, Octavia closed the door and watched the other mare browse through all the instruments. She seemed to be taking each and every single one into deep consideration. Finally, Vinyl looked at a tuba and gasped with excitement. She showed it to the earth pony with pleading eyes, begging her to say yes.

The grey mare rolled her eyes playfully at Vinyl’s antics and approved, “Alright, but only if you clean the mouthpiece extremely thoroughly once you finish.”

Vinyl squealed in delight and blew into the massive instrument to test it. Satisfied with the deep, loud result, she began to play the Pony Pokey. The unicorn tried her hardest to play the instrument while holding it, but since she was unaccustomed to playing the tuba, her cheeks began to turn red from exhaustion.

With one last long note, Vinyl Scratch finished the song, her face purple and her breaths short and desperate for air. Once she recovered, she looked at Octavia and struck a pose, panting, “…Ta-da!”

The earth pony stared blankly for a small moment before she threw a tremendous laughing fit, “You-you should have seen your face! Ha-ha, that was absolutely hilarious!”

The unicorn put down the tuba and started to chuckle herself, gratified that she was able to make Octavia feel better. The servant brushed her mane out of her face and regained her composure, “Heh, I’m just getting started…”

They spent the next few hours together playing random songs on instruments, laughing with each other, and forgetting the reason why they started doing this in the first place.

When Vinyl was about to try out the accordion, the doorbell rang. Both of them stared at each other in confusion before Vinyl went down to answer.

The unicorn poked the bridge of her snout to make sure her shades were there this time before opening the door. “Umm…hello?” she asked, confused at the sight of a scrawny, orange stallion next to another more handsome indigo stallion in a suit. “Can I help you?”

“Yes, you can,” responded the indigo stallion. “I am looking for a mare named Octavia. Is she here?”

“She is,” the servant said. “Pardon me for asking, but…who are you, exactly?”

“I am Fine Bit, and this,” he pointed toward the other pony, “Is Light Eye, my servant.”

“Oh, I see. Well then, come in and I’ll go fetch her for you,” she said, leaving the door open for them.

The cellist was already half way down the stairs. She had been able to hear what was taking place on her doorstep and felt irritated, “Vinyl, what are they doing here?”

“I don’t know. I’ll make sure to make them leave as soon as possible, though,” she promised, noticing her mistress’s anger.

“Oh please do. I really do not want to deal with him today,” the cellist sighed as she trudged the rest of the way downstairs. “Hello Fine Bit.”

Fine Bit noticed Octavia, acknowledging her arrival only with a look. “I am taking you to dine.”

“Pardon me?” Is there some sort of family event today I overlooked? “I didn’t realize there was a special occasion today. If that is the case, there is no need to escort me.”

“No,” he said. “Just simple courtship matters between you and me. We are going to have lunch together.”

“What!?” Vinyl and Octavia yelled simultaneously.

“I said we are going to lunch together,” he repeated, oblivious to their astonishment.

The cellist regained her composure, “Listen, Fine Bit, I appreciate the offer, but I am going to have to decline. I am just not feeling well today.”

“No excuses,” he retorted. “I came here all this way because Pearl Posh is paying me to have lunch with you. I refuse to take no for an answer.”

“You can’t force me into this,” Octavia said.

“Oh, but I am not forcing you into this,” the stallion countered. “Your mother wanted us to be together. You would not dare go against her wishes, Octavia!”

The grey mare stood silent, unsure of what to say. Vinyl Scratch stepped in, “Miss Octavia said she doesn’t want to go out with you. Leave her be.”

“Do not interfere, you parasite!”

The unicorn was about to lash out, but Octavia stopped her. She smiled and whispered, “Let’s just go along, Vinyl, please. For my mother.” The earth pony cleared her throat, “Alright, Fine Bit. We can go have lunch together as long as Vinyl Scratch is by my side the entire time.”

“Very well. In that case, Light Eye will also be accompanying us,” he complied. “Now, let us take our leave. I am famished.”

Vinyl’s stomach rumbled at the word “famished.” Octavia waited for Fine Bit to step through the door before whispering to her servant, “I’m so sorry we did not have a proper breakfast. You didn’t even eat! I should’ve just let you cook breakfast.”

The unicorn chuckled, “You’re apologizing for that? My only regret is that you’re probably starving, just like me. Other than that, I would have stayed with you all day in that bed.”

The cellist turned away, so that her blush would be hidden. “Thank you for staying by my side, Vinyl.”

The other mare was about to respond, but was interrupted by Fine Bit outside, “Hey! Quit wasting my time!”

Both mares rolled their eyes and caught up with him and Light Eye.


The cellist felt strange to say the least. In most of the romance novels she had read, the mare always wore at least a smidgen of makeup and the stallion was always disarmingly chivalrous whenever they went on dates. Needless to say, the date she was going on made it seem more like a quick run for coffee—informal, no makeup, other ponies coming along, and with that one asshole in the group.

Octavia made sure to avoid walking beside Fine Bit, something he was subliminally encouraging by trotting a bit faster than her. Instead, she walked side by side with Vinyl, something the servant was obviously encouraging by slightly brushing her tail against the cellist’s.

Unfortunately, the violet-eyed mare was oblivious to the innuendo, “My apologies, Vinyl. Am I too close?”

The servant chuckled, “No, Tavi. You’re fine where you are.”

“Oh, alright then. It’s just that our tails were touching, so I just assumed that our proximity was bothering you.”

“No,” the unicorn giggled again, “You really didn’t get that?”

“Get what?”

“Nothing. Don’t worry about it,” she finally dismissed.

A few steps further, Octavia’s thoughts drifted. We should have just taken a taxi. The place is quite far… And having lunch with Fine Bit is absolutely repulsive; I can’t believe Aunt Pearl Posh would do this! I always thought my first date would be with a mare who walks besides me, talks to me and makes me laugh, kisses me, and—Oh! “Hold on, Vinyl. Just now, were you..?”

“Playing tailsies with you? Yeah. I know it’s stupid, but I just wanted to have a bit of fun with you,” she answered, deciding now wasn’t the best time to discuss her feelings.

“Oh…right,” the cellist nodded half-heartedly.

Damn, her mum’s death is really hitting her hard. I wish I could drag her way from here and just comfort her…

“We have arrived,” Light Eye announced. The mares looked up at the sign. “Gyllen Glede,” it read.

Fine Bit led them all past the counter, giving a quick nod to one of the waiters. He sat down at one of the tables, and the rest of them followed suit. The waiter to whom Fine had nodded immediately set down a bottle of rose wine and poured some into a glass for him.

Octavia and Vinyl looked at each other, but said nothing. Then the waiter gave them menus to look through and gave the rest of them water. He bowed and walked away as quickly as he had come.

“So, Mister Fine Bit,” Vinyl began. The aristocrat scrunched his face at the commoner’s attempt to speak, but she persisted. “Would you happen to know why Missus Pearl Posh would want you to invite Octavia to lunch?”

He lashed out, “It is none of your concern. Do not speak to me again unless I ask you to.”

The servant shrugged and leaned into Octavia’s ear. She silently whispered something, which the cellist spoke aloud, “She says that it is of my concern, and that I have the right to know.”

Light Eye chuckled at the Vinyl’s wits. “Silence,” Fine Bit hissed at him before turning to Octavia. “You already know this. Your mother wanted us to get married.”

The unicorn spoke another bunch of susurrate words, and the cellist repeated, “Yes, I know that, but why would we date?" she added her own thoughts, "I thought the wedding was scheduled three years from now. It is not necessary for us to do this, yet she insisted. Why?”

Fine Bit snorted, “Take off those damned shades already, you delinquent.”

Vinyl Scratch did as instructed and glared playfully at the stallion, startling him with the intense colour of her eyes. “We still want an answer,” she said, placing her tinted shades on the table.

“I told you not to speak to me!” The aristocrat was about to jump out of his seat, but stopped himself to avoid causing a scene. He took a sip of wine and calmed himself down, “Again, that is none of your concern, and it is not Octavia’s either.” He took a quick glance toward the window and smiled before taking another sip of wine.

Octavia retorted, “It is of my concern! I’m the one marrying you!”

Fine Bit watched as a crowd of ponies with cameras and journals flooded into the restaurant. He chuckled, “Do calm down, Octavia. I’m sure your mother would have preferred for you to smile in these pictures.”

“Pardon m—“

Octavia was cut off by the wave of media ponies swarming around their table.

“Miss Octavia, is it true that you and Mister Fine Bit will be marrying soon?”

“Well, I wouldn’t call three—“

“Miss Octavia, why haven’t we heard you say anything about your mother’s passing?”

“I’m sorry? Why do you know about th—“

“Miss Octavia, over here! Miss Octavia, was the prelude of your performance from yesterday to commemorate your mother?”

“Pardon me? Why—“

“Miss Octavia, why are you not attending your mother’s funer—“

Fine Bit tried to cut them all off, “Alright, we are done here!”

“Miss Octavia, is your servant an old colleague of yours?”

“Miss Octavia, Are you so entranced by Fine Bit that…”

The cellist could not stand anymore of it. She curled herself into a ball and covered her ears with her hooves. She began to sob quietly, “Please…stop…”

When the journalists and photographers kept going, the unicorn shouted, “Okay, that is enough! Come on, Miss Octavia. We’re going home.” She mustered all the strength she had and transported Octavia and herself outside of the restaurant. They ended up at the back entrance, where no one could see them.

The cellist’s sobs grew into hyperventilation, “What—they…how?” She rubbed her temples in frustration as tears poured heavily out from her eyes.

The white-coated mare placed Octavia’s head on her chest, “It’s okay, Tavi. Just calm down and take deep breaths.”

Octavia tried to breathe deeply, which proved to be difficult with her heavy sobs. Eventually, though, she melted into Vinyl’s embrace, closed her eyes, and relaxed, “W…what were they talking about? Why do they know about Mother?”

“I’m not sure, Tavi. Something is definitely up, though.” She felt the cellist clutch her fur. “Hey, don’t worry,” Vinyl lifted the grey mare’s head. “I promise you we will figure this out, and I’m going to be by your side through it all.”

Octavia felt a small kiss on her forehead, causing her to snap her eyes open in surprise. The cellist stared at the servant, who was looking right back at her. The two locked eyes for what seemed like an eternity until Octavia could finally speak. “You have the most beautiful eyes,” the mare whispered, lost in a sea of crimson.

The unicorn blushed, “Thanks, I—“ she felt the bridge of her snout. “Fuck! I left my shades!”

“Oh dear. Come on,” Octavia stood up and wiped the tears off of her face, “Let’s go back and get them.”

“It’s not worth it, Tavi. I don’t want you to deal with those shitty media ponies. Let’s just go home,” the unicorn uttered, looking downcast.

“Are you certain? It would only take a moment. I’m sure you could go in there alone and grab them,” the violet-eyed cellist insisted.

“No…let’s just go home,” Vinyl repeated, already leading the way to the luxurious mansion.

Octavia followed after her, “Alright then.”

The two mares walked slowly back to their home, exhausted and crestfallen. Nothing really mattered at that moment. All they wanted was to get to the mansion and hide away from the media for a while. All they wanted at that moment was to simply fade away together.

Author's Note:

Was anyone misled by the title and thought Vinyl and Octavia were going to have lunch alone? That was what I had originally planned, but I thought, "Nope. It's too early for these ponies to be happy. Not yet. Soon, but not yet."

Anyway, yes. This chapter did come out soon (I think?), but it was because I'm going to travel for two weeks, so it's best to get this out of the way now instead of letting you all wait so long.

And thanks to Twilight_Scratch for editing this thing. You helped.