• Published 20th Dec 2013
  • 3,768 Views, 189 Comments

Lady Octavia - Cyber Clash

Octavia finds herself a new servant.

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Wisdom of an Old Friend

Vinyl Scratch and Octavia were making their way to Piano Forte’s house, walking very closely and not minding if anyone perceived them as a couple. After all, according to the media, Octavia only had eyes for Fine Bit. There was no possible way she could fall for the beautiful, loveable, talented delinquent that is her servant.

However, any recluse who had not heard of such stories from the media would think otherwise with how their tails brushed against one another and the way one mare would nuzzle the other’s cheek now and then. In fact, it is inaccurate to say that they were “walking” down the pavement. No, these two were clearly cuddling their way to their destination. But of course, all those who had read the papers only saw them as close, affectionate friends and nothing more.

“Tavi, I think we’re being too obvious…” Vinyl mused aloud.

Octavia simply gave her a peck on the cheek, “No one has given us any dirty looks or asked about Fine Bit. I think we are alright.” They ventured on a little further, “Ah, we have arrived.”

The pair turned towards a giant manor, about the same size as Octavia’s. The gates were made of iron and gold and had the family insignia on it: a bit coin with a treble cleft and a bass cleft around it.

Behind the gates was a unicorn wearing a black suit with the same symbol as that of the gate. She noticed the two mares approaching, “May I help you, ladies?”

“Yes,” the aristocrat spoke, “My name is Octavia, the daughter of Piano Forte. And this is my servant Vinyl Scratch. I am sorry for coming here so suddenly, but this is urgent.”

“I see. Please wait for a moment.” The mare turned to a pegasus stallion behind her and hollered, “Arrow, tell Mister Piano Forte that he has some unexpected visitors.”

Arrow nodded and flew inside the manor at incredible speeds. “Whoa. That guy’s fast. Like a…like…” Vinyl couldn’t think of anything to describe the incredible speed.

“Like an arrow?” the female guard suggested, chuckling at the familiar sight of awe.

“Y-yeah,” Vinyl nodded.

The guard chuckled, “So, what’s so urgent that you just had to come today?”

“I am hoping my father can explain something to me. There is something very strange happening with our family and I don’t know what is going to happen to me…or him, for that matter,” Octavia answered.

The guard furrowed her brow, “I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I suppose that’s why you came to talk to Mister Piano Forte in the first place.”

Arrow came back as quickly as he had gone. He reported, “Mister Piano Forte is waiting for you inside.”

As he said that, the female guard pulled a necklace with a key tied to it from her uniform and unlocked the gates. Arrow pulled them open as the other pony led them to the house, “Right this way, ladies.”

The DJ had been amazed the first time she had seen Octavia’s home, but just looking at the garden in front of the house made her gasp softly in awe. Her eyes went wide as she admired the different sculptures made of bushes, crystal, or stone.

Finally, they arrived at the door. The female guard opened it and let them inside first. She then led the pair to the living room, “Mister Piano Forte, I brought the visitors.”

“Thank you, Platinum Shield,” said the older stallion who was swirling a whiskey in his hooves, his voice empty and emotionless. “Please leave us. I can take care of this from here.”

Platinum Shield bowed and went back to her post.

The cellist looked at what had become of her father. His mane was unkempt and there were bags under his eyes. He refused to look anywhere but his half-empty glass. Octavia greeted from afar, “Hello, Father. Are you feeling alright?”


She looked at the two empty whiskey bottles on the coffee table in front of him. There was a third one he seemed to have just started working through. Oh dear…has he sunk down this low so quickly? “I’m sorry to hear that… Do you know why I’m here?”

He took a swig of his drink, “You want to know why Fine Bit took you to dine with him the other day.”

“That’s right,” the grey mare nodded. “And I also want to know about that will. I’m not sure if mother told you, but I told her I was not interested in marrying Fine Bit. I told her I wish to marry a mare and she supported my decision.”

Her father was not fazed by the new information, “I know.”

“You…You know?” the cellist repeated in confusion.

“Yes. Pearl Posh told me. That is why she told you that your mother had died a week after it had actually happened. Then while the funeral was being held, she paid Fine Bit to dine with you. She also informed the media ponies that you and he shall marry this year, which is why they are so excited right now,” he explained quickly.

Octavia stared at her father with a blank expression. Her pale face full of shock was noticed only by the DJ, who moved closer to her side. Octavia shook her head, “Wait, you mean…Fine Bit and I are marrying this year!? No, this can’t be!”

The cellist collapsed on the floor, hyperventilating. “Tavi!” Vinyl yelled out, pulling her mistress back to her hooves.

“Yes, Pearl Posh wants to speed up the process of your betrothal so that no one ever knows that you are a fillyfooler. There is nothing I can do.”

“So that’s it, then? There’s no way out of this?” Vinyl asked, frustration leaking through her words. “Octavia’s gonna spend the rest of her days with some arrogant bastard who doesn’t care about her! You’re going to let that happen?”

“As I said, Miss Vinyl Scratch, there is nothing I can do,” he spat. Octavia’s father cleared his throat and calmed himself, “There is more, however. It is not your mother’s wishes to marry Fine Bit, but Pearl Posh modified her will. And because she thinks we didn’t raise you properly, she has taken
control of all we own so that we do not inflict anymore damage on the family than we already have with you..”

“N-no!” Octavia gasped, “That’s—That’s illegal!”

“I hear Fine Bit is going to propose to you very soon too,” he said, pouring more whiskey into his glass.

“Do you…not care at all, Father?” Octavia inquired in a voice that was barely audible.

The stallion was silent for a while, “It isn’t that I do not care. I simply have no hope left. All I wanted was for you to be happy, but it seems that is not what the stars above have in mind for you. I am sorry.” His last three words were said in an insincere tone.

Vinyl Scratch placed her shades on top of her head, “Is that all you have to say?”

“You know everything I know, now. I’m not quite sure why you wanted all this information anyway. There isn’t anything you can do. Even if you report her, Pearl Posh can pay the police off so they don’t investigate the situation,” he said. “Unless you have more questions, I suggest you leave me.”

The cellist wiped away her tears and nodded to her servant. “We have no more questions. We’ll just go now,” Vinyl said.

Right as they were about to leave the room, Octavia spoke once more. “I love you, Father.” Then they both walked out of the mansion without another word.

They were led back to the gate by a random guard and Platinum Shield opened the gates for them again, giving them both a polite smile. The pair walked out of the estate and made their way back home.


As they walked down the pavement, Vinyl would occasionally nuzzle the grey mare’s cheek. Octavia didn’t pay any mind to the gesture until they reached a park. “Vinyl, could you stop that for a minute? I really need to rest my hooves.”

“Of course,” she said, spotting the nearest bench. “Here, let’s sit down for a moment.” Vinyl led her mistress to the bench and sat her down, taking a seat next to her afterward.

Octavia leaned her head on Vinyl’s shoulder and sighed, “I can’t believe this is happening. The stranger thing is that I’m not extremely upset about the situation anymore. …Maybe I’ve lost hope the way my father did.”

“I still think we should report Pearl Posh to the Canterlot Police,” Vinyl suggested.

The grey mare rolled her eyes, “We have already established that that will not work. Face it, Vinyl. There is no possible way to escape fate. And don’t you dare suggest I come out publicly. I might as well sever my limbs while I’m at it.”

“No, you’ve already made it clear that coming out is not an option.” She embraced Octavia in a hug. Vinyl felt the other mare remove her head and smiled at her. Suddenly, the cellist smashed her lips into her own, but Vinyl quickly pulled away, “Octavia, no! Didn’t we just say that coming out isn’t a smart idea?”

“I might as well show all my affection towards you while I can. Unless somepony asks us questions, I don’t care who sees us right now,” the violet-eyed mare responded. She kissed the unicorn once more before asking, “So, how about we go eat something. I know it’s a tad early, but we might as well.”

“Really? Well, how does Drycker sound?” the servant offered.

Octavia licked her lips comically, “Mmm, fancy greasy food. Yes, why not have a heart attack tonight. After all, we have nothing else to look forward to.”

“Hey it was just a suggestion. Besides, it’s the one place around here with no media ponies, no one blackmailing ponies into marriages, and it's the only place we can safely call each other marefriends in public. Besides, I haven’t seen Salt Rim in ages,” Vinyl said.

“Really? Drycker is that accepting?” Octavia asked.

“Everypony who goes there doesn’t give a shit about starting scandals. They all live simple lives and have no other intentions than to help each other out. It’s like a peaceful little family, I guess,” the unicorn explained.

“Alright then. Let’s go there.”


Vinyl held the door open for her mistress and followed behind her afterwards, reminiscing the wonderful scent of alcohol and flowers. The DJ waved at Salt Rim, who smiled from behind the bar and gestured toward two open seats in front of him.

As soon as both mares were seated Salt Rim chuckled, “Well, well, look a’ you two! Haven’t seen ya in a while, how’ve things been? I see ya finally moved in with someone, Vi.”

Vinyl Scratch smiled, “Not just that, but we’re kind of dating now!” She sensed Octavia’s shocked face, but held her hoof to reassure her.

“Ah, congratulations, you two!” he clapped, and was joined by a few other customers. “How ‘bout I give ya any drink on the house to celebrate? Sound good?”

“Thank you,” Octavia smiled, “I’ll have a glass of buttonwood rose wine.”

“And I’ll have a Pantiripa,” the DJ requested. “Also, could we get some loaded potatoes and some daffodil sliders?”

“Certainly, just one second,” the bartender smiled and peaked his head into the kitchen to place the order. When he came back to make the drinks, he asked, “Now tell me, what else has been gon’ on? You got your DJ-ing back on, Vinyl?”

The unicorn shook her head, “Not quite, but I’m almost there. Tavi here bought me everything I needed to get back on stage!”

“That’s amazing!” he yelled in delight, “And how ‘bout you, darling? I assume the cello work’s goin’ lovely?”

“I haven’t been to practice in a while, but yes, I’m still playing,” Octavia answered.

Salt Rim nodded and put on a serious look, “Ey, and I’m sorry ‘bout your ma. I know it must be hard.”

“Thank you. I’ve been so stressed out about her death and the wedding and—“

“Whoa, hold on!” suddenly, the stallion’s cheery demeanour came back, “You two are getting married!? I didn’t realise you been datin’ for so long!”

“No, we started dating yesterday and we’re not getting married… At least, I’m not,” Vinyl explained. “Tavi’s family arranged a marriage between her and some asshole named Fine Bit. This relationship we have is a secret. In fact, Tavi’s sexuality is a secret too. And if she refuses to marry the prick, her life will be ruined by terrible rumours!”

“Yikes!” he commented, giving them their drinks. “That sounds like a mess. What’re you gonna do?”

“I don’t know. I’ll just have to marry Fine Bit and get over it. Vinyl will have to…stand back as it all happens, I suppose,” Octavia sombrely took a sip of her wine.

A waitress smiled at Vinyl and brought the pair what she had ordered. As soon as she left, the DJ turned to Salt Rim, “What do you think, Salty? Is there any hope in avoiding this at all?”

Salt Rim scratched his chin in thought, “You know, my ma always said, ‘There will never be a situation where you can’t find a resolution, and there’s no resolution ya won’t have t’make sacrifices for.’ Do you get the idea?”

“Yes, but I don’t want to sacrifice Vinyl to keep my career…” Octavia said.

“Nah, y’don’t have to! In fact, you could go the other way around,” he waved off, grabbing the pair’s attention. “Say you…’mysteriously disappeared’ from Canterlot. Ya’d be leavin’ behind your past, your money, and maybe a few friends, but that’s all trivial compared t’your happiness!”

Octavia took one of the sliders, “I’m not sure that will work…”

“Wait,” Vinyl swallowed a potato, “Let’s hear him out.”

Salt Rim smiled, “I hear Ponyville's great for second chances. The citizens there are very friendly and try to lead simple lives. Plus, they love newcomers. It doesn’t take much t'make a livin' there either.”

The cellist shook her head, “I don’t think we should just run off to Ponyville. It doesn’t seem like a good idea.”

Salt Rim shrugged, “Well, it’s either that or have a secret affair with Vinyl.”

Octavia looked at Vinyl, who reminded, “You would still have to bear Fine’s children, wouldn’t you?”

The cellist scrunched her face in disgust, “You’re right…but it’s the only way to stay together and stay here, isn’t it?”

Salt Rim noticed someone waving an empty glass at him, “Choose wisely and remember what I said. Now if you’ll excuse me…” he left them to attend to his other customers.

Vinyl took a cautious sip of her exotic drink and turned to her marefriend, “It would be cool if we could escape to Ponyville, start a new life and meet new ponies. Of course, it would be easier for me to leave than for you.”

Octavia nodded and clenched her servant’s hoof. “I know you don’t want me to marry him and I know that you don’t want to be some secret lover nopony will ever know about, but this is the only way for us to be together…”

“I know,” Vinyl whispered, feeling crestfallen.

“I’m going to give you a choice,” the cellist said, rubbing her companion’s foreleg. “To make things easier for you, I can give you enough money to get back on your hooves, and then you can finally start spinning records again. It will be difficult for me to survive without you, but…”

Vinyl shook her head, “No, I want to stay with you. I don’t care if that means keeping us a secret. I don’t want to abandon you, not when we just started this relationship.” The unicorn proceeded to kiss the mare’s lips lightly.

Octavia smiled at her servant and took another sip of her drink, thankful to have a committed marefriend by her side. Perhaps their relationship is worth all the sacrifices, after all.

Author's Note:

Finally, it's out! I wasted a ton of time with pointless tweaking, un-tweaking, then re-tweaking, and repeating. But I'm done now. Here you go!

Also, for anyone unfamiliar with the drink Pantiripa, it's an alcoholic drink made from pineapple juice and coconut rum--a lot of coconut rum. (Also, it's pronounced "panty ripper," in case you're wondering. :twistnerd: )

By the way, thanks to Twilight_Scratch for editing this thing. It helps. And thanks to any readers out there for reading.

And now I sleep.