• Published 20th Dec 2013
  • 3,764 Views, 189 Comments

Lady Octavia - Cyber Clash

Octavia finds herself a new servant.

  • ...

An Announcement

Octavia was sleeping soundly in her bed, no dreams, no thoughts, only sweet respite in her soft, warm bed. She felt a soft nudge on her side, gently requesting her to wake up.

Violet orbs fluttered open, squinting as they were no longer protected by the shelter of their eyelids. The grey mare groaned as she stretched, relishing the sounds of her limbs popping. Her family had always told her it was unruly of her to do so as a child, though they eventually stopped scolding her for it as she grew older. In a way, she takes even more pleasure in popping her joints since it reminds her of her minor rebellion against her parents’ expectations.

“Tavi, hey,” a voice called, interrupting her thoughts, “Guess what today is?”

Octavia turned toward the source of the soft voice, “What day is it?”

Vinyl chuckled and whispered into her ear, “Your show at the twins’ theatre is tonight, remember?”

The sleepy pony bolted upward, almost hitting her servant with her head in the process, “Oh my, that is true. I have a show tonight! Oh, I should get ready!”

The aristocrat jumped out of her bed in the most ceremonious way possible and headed toward her closet. The unicorn used her magic to hold her down by the tail, “Whoa, Tavi, the show’s at night. It’s only seven.”

The earth pony took a deep breath as her tail was released, “Right, I know. I’m sorry, I just got really excited for a moment.”

“It’s fine. Anyway, I’ve already got some pancakes ready in the kitchen.”

“Wonderful, I’ll just freshen myself up and head down when I am ready,” Octavia planned before heading toward her bathroom, leaving Vinyl to head to the kitchen.

After a few minutes, Octavia entered into the kitchen with an overly gracious walk, the way she did whenever she was nervous. It was a way for the cellist to put herself above fear, as if to show that fear was only for the hoi polloi, and not for the upper crust.

The servant noticed this and rolled her eyes behind her shades. She chuckled, “What’s with the princess-walk you’re doing there?”

Octavia blinked, “I beg your pardon?”

“Nothing. Don’t worry about it. Pancake?” she offered.

“Yes, I would like mine with bananas, strawberries, and whipped cream,” the cellist requested with a posh tone.

The blue-maned unicorn giggled, “Tavi, are you nervous?”

The earth pony gasped lightly and put a hoof on her chest, as if hurt, “Why, I haven’t the faintest idea what you are talking about.”

“Hey, it’s alright if you’re a little anxious. Performing does that to you. There’s no shame in it.”

Octavia smacked her lips in defeat, “Well, maybe I am a little nervous, not a whole lot, though. After all, it’s the twins’ theatre. All will be fine.”

“I’m glad you’re thinking positively. You’re comfortable with all the songs, right?” Vinyl asked.

“Oh, I practically know them by heart. I just have a tad bit of stage fright is all,” she admitted with her ears down in shame.

“Hey, it’s totally fine,” Vinyl reassured. “Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Those who admit they’re afraid, though, are stronger than those who deny it,” she winked.

The cellist giggled lightly before she softly said, “Thank you, Vinyl.”

“No problem. Now, how about we go over those songs one last time and then relax until night comes?” the unicorn suggested.

“That sounds like a wonderful idea.”

And so, the two mares spent the first hours of the day preparing for the impending show. Eventually, night covered the sky with its queen, a large white pearl, governing her small, glittering, diamond subjects with strict order, yet still managing to seem the most appealing. Maybe there was some sort of subliminal message Princess Luna was trying to get across when she made the night. Or maybe it was just coincidental and it was simply Octavia’s mind changing the meaning of the night’s masterpiece.

However, Octavia did not believe in coincidences.

The cellist was clothed in a fair purple draped dress, something that would not distract her from her playing, but would not seem so tawdry that the media would get anything out of it. As for Vinyl Scratch, she was wearing a light blue secretary-esque coatdress with a ruby necklace adorning her neck. There was a soft silence between the two as they rode in the carriage. It was one of the fancy kinds that could make anypony seem like royalty.

“You know, my family is going to be at the show,” Octavia stated, never looking away from the night sky.

The unicorn looked at her with confusion, “Really? Even your parents?”

“No, my father said he was tired and my mother is not allowed out of the hospital. Only a few family members will be attending. Two aunts and two uncles, maybe even my cousin. They’re usually very nice to me, though.”

“Awesome. I might meet them at the show, then,” Vinyl said as the carriage came to a stop.

“Miss, we have arrived,” one of the stallions announced.

The white mare stepped out first before and then held out her hoof to help Octavia out. She then gave the stallions the amount of bits owed and took Octavia’s cello out of the carriage.

The cellist led her servant to the front entrance, where two royal guards were standing. Upon seeing her face, they nodded to each other and opened the door. Vinyl Scratch stepped inside after the aristocrat, looking around the magnificent theatre.

The hall was made of alabaster blocks of polished stone and the chandeliers hanging overhead were made of diamonds. There were replicas of famous paintings and sculptures around the hall. Vinyl felt slightly out of place, but her thoughts were washed away when a sort of weight seemed to have been lifted from her back.

“Hello. Equestria to Vinyl Scratch,” Harmony said, tapping the unicorn’s horn.

The blue-maned pony snapped out of her trance, turning to see that an employee was taking the cello backstage. She turned back, “Oh, hey Harmony. Sorry, I was just…looking around. This is the first time I’ve been to your theatre.”

“Oh, you’re right!” the earth pony perceived, “Well, what do you think?”

“It’s really…fancy.”

“Mm-hmm, but you know what isn’t fancy?” Melody chimed in, hoof ready to yank off her friend’s shades, “These.”

“Hey, no!” Vinyl smacked away the lavender mare’s hoof away. “I’m keeping these on. You know how I feel about my shades.”

“Vinyl, Octavia’s family will be attending, and believe me,” Harmony said, “They’re not the type of ponies who approve of tinted shades.”

“Well, it’s not like I give a shit about what they think. I’m not here to impress them; I’m here for Octy,” she argued.

“Please, it’s just for one night,” Harmony coaxed.

Unaware of the whole situation, Octavia cantered right in front of her servant and took off her sunglasses, “My apologies, Vinyl, but you must understand that my family believes it is inappropriate for a pony to be wearing these indoors. I promise, though, I will give these back to you as soon as possible. I understand how much these mean to you.”

The unicorn squinted while adjusting to the light. She looked at the aristocrat with large garnet eyes and smiled sheepishly, “Yeah, I get what you mean. It’s fine. My eyes match the necklace anyway, so I guess I’ll survive.”

The cellist thanked her servant for understanding and walked backstage. The twins exchanged looks and then looked at Vinyl with suspicion.

“What?” she asked.

Both of them shrugged before Harmony walked off to help Octavia set up. Melody made sure no one was around and asked in the softest voice she could manage, “Can I ask you a few things?”


“Is Octavia nice to you?” the lavender mare began, hoping to ease her way through her plan.

“Yeah,” the unicorn casually answered, “I mean, she used to be a bitch, but she was just worried about her mother. We’re all good now.”

“Huh, I see,” Melody commented, placing a hoof on her chin in a thoughtful manner, “And…when did she stop being a pain?”

Vinyl shrugged, “Umm…I guess it was when I told her that I’d always be there for her?”

“Okay, well, what do you think of her now?” the earth pony asked eagerly.

Instead of answering, the blue-maned pony asked, “Hold on, where are all these questions coming from?”

“I’m just curious,” she said honestly. “So, once more, what do you think of her?”

“Umm, she works really hard, she’s really generous, and I kind of owe my life to her, even though she won’t let me do anything to repay her.”

“Well, yeah, that, but what does she mean—“

Suddenly, Harmony shouted from backstage, “Hey, you two get your flanks over here before I grab Octavia’s cello and beat you with it!”

“Dear Luna, we weren’t even talking for that long,” Melody murmured before both mares followed the voice.

Vinyl eyes widened when she saw a mare with a blonde mane and purple eyes, “Oh, Missus Lyrica Lilac! Hello! I didn’t think you would be here,” she greeted nervously.

“Vinyl, relax,” the older mare said, “You may call me Lyrica.”

“Mum, why are you here?” Harmony inquired, “I thought you would only take care of the show.”

“What? Can’t a mare wish her daughters’ friend good luck?” she looked at Octavia.

“Oh, well, thank you, ma’am,” the cellist responded.

Lyrica sighed in disappointment, “All I want is for you all to not be so formal with me. I really don’t mind you calling me by name. Is it because of my age? Is that it? Well, I can be a fun pony at times. I’ll have you know, one time, when Vinyl was still—“

“So, is Octavia’s family here yet?” Harmony interrupted.

The older mare shook her head, “No, they are yet to arrive. And please, Harmony, do not interrupt me when I am telling a story.”

“Forgive me.”

“So anyway, where was I? Ah, yes! Well, Vinyl came to me once when she was still spinning records and all.” She looked at the unicorn, “Oh, don’t you remember? You were asking for some advice on how to get more publicity and I remember Harmony—“

“Okay, mum,” Melody interjected this time, “Thanks so much for all of your support. We’ll see you at the show, but right now, we need to help Octavia get set up.” The twin pushed her mother out of the room.

“Oh, well. Goodbye and good luck, Octavia!” she said, exiting the area.

Melody closed the door and sighed, “Thank fuck. I can’t deal with that right now.”

“Are you okay, Vinyl?” Harmony asked, placing a hoof on her friend’s shoulder.

The white mare shrugged her off gently, “Don’t worry about it, Hormones. I’m fine.”

“What was she about to say?” Octavia asked.

Melody looked at her, “My mother never really forgave Scratch for disappearing like she did.”

“What? She’s still not over that?” Vinyl asked. “She seemed completely fine.”

“No, Vinyl,” Harmony assured, “That’s exactly how she starts. Mother just brings up the memory and then starts talking about how great you were, and how you just cut us out of your life.”

“I didn’t cut you guys out!” The blue-maned mare yelled, earning her a few looks telling her to be quiet, “I didn’t. I just—I had to think about stuff, okay? I didn’t mean to hurt you guys, but…”

“Vinyl,” Harmony began, “I understand that you were in a very complicated situation and that you were frustrated about it. And I get that you didn’t mean to cause any harm. But, you really hurt me. You hurt all of us, badly. We would have been there to help you out of the situation, and using your pride as an excuse to decline our help was—“ she sobbed before she could finish.

Vinyl’s eyes misted. She walked over and pulled Harmony into a tight embrace, “I’m sorry. I really am.”

“Guys, let’s just forget that ever happened, okay? Vinyl’s back, Octavia’s show is in a few minutes, and we’re supposed to be supporting her,” Melody reminded.

Harmony reluctantly pulled away from the unicorn and looked at the cellist, “I’m sorry you had to see that, Octavia. I really do hope you do your best during the show.”

Octavia tried her best to forget what had just happened, “Thank you. I’ll try.”

And so the theatre filled up. With grace and elegance, aristocrats poured in through the door and sat themselves down in their designated seats. They conversed among themselves as they waited. Diamonds, the latest scandals, and the wealthiest ponies—this was all they ever talked about.

Ten minutes of light chatter passed by and the twins decided it was time. Melody and Harmony came out from backstage with their mother. They looked around, waiting for a few ponies to look at

them and spread silence throughout the theatre. Then Lyrica then tapped the microphone three times to catch the remaining ponies’ attention.

The older diva and composer smiled warmly at the crowd and greeted, “Welcome, ladies and gentlecolts, to Thalamos Theatre. Tonight we have a special guest with us.”

Melody joined in, “She’s known all over Equestria as one of the best cellists and is a very special friend of ours.”

“Please put you’re hooves together for Octavia,” Harmony finished before the trio exited the stage.

A few ponies applauded in unison as the mares hurried to join Vinyl Scratch in their reserved balcony. The unicorn smiled at them as they came by.

Harmony sat by her side and whispered to her, “You see those ponies sitting in the balcony across from us?” Vinyl nodded. “That’s ‘Tavia’s family.”

The servant was about to respond, but instead looked to the stage, for the ponies had stopped clapping and the red curtain was rising. She squinted to get a better look at the cellist, but couldn’t see much of her. Lyrica handed her a pair of opera glasses, and Vinyl nodded at her with appreciation.

There was a temporary eternity of silence. Nothing but one’s own breathing could be heard. And then, the first note was played. From it, a beautiful prelude sprouted like a mustard tree from the ground. The melody was slow, easing the crowd into focus, especially Vinyl. She scrutinised the cellist with her utmost absorption.

The introduction was soon over and the next song began. This one was a bit faster. Octavia’s servant was very interested, her focus momentarily broken by Melody sneezing. “Bless you,” Vinyl whispered. She was about to turn back to the stage when she saw something a bit odd; Right across from them, none of Octavia’s kin were paying attention to the music. They were simply conversing amongst themselves. A mare from the group laughed a bit too loudly, the sound perturbed Vinyl and made her clench her jaw.

The blue-maned pony decided to pay them no mind and simply turned back to the musician. She pressed her eyes against the opera glasses and listened closely to the music. There was a particular nocturne that brought a few tears to her eyes. She wiped them away quickly, trying her best to avoid making a scene.

Once the show was over, Octavia bowed, and everypony applauded as loudly as they could. Vinyl smiled and the family of divas made their way back to the stage as the curtain was lowered.

Melody, Harmony, and Lyrica Lilac gave a small speech, thanked their audience and Octavia for coming, and bid everyone a good night.

Octavia stepped into the backstage room and wiped the sweat off of her face with a warm towel, which was ready for her on top of a table. The mare put the massive cello away and lied down on the couch.

After a minute or so of relaxation, her friends came in to congratulate her. They all beamed at her, and she giggled at all of their compliments.

“Octy, that was amazing!” Vinyl squealed in admiration. “Guess all those hours of practice really paid off, huh?”

The cellist blushed at the compliment, “I suppose so.”

“Seriously, though,” Melody said, “The crowd went wild. You were great out there.”

“Indeed she was,” said a mare standing at the entrance, a stallion in a vest standing beside her. Everyone turned to her, all but Vinyl staring in fear as they watched the pony step forward.

Octavia regained her composure and kept a straight face. “Aunt Pearl Posh, how lovely it is to see you. Did you enjoy the show?”

“Oh it was marvellous, my dear. I was completely in a trance with your music.” Vinyl scrunched her face in disgust at the lie.

“I’m glad you liked i—“

“Yes well, Fine Bit and his family were here as well,” she interrupted.

Octavia internally gagged, “How nice. Did he also enjoy my playing?”

“Yes, but he was disappointed by a few flaws in your performance,” the mare said matter-of-factly, “I didn’t exactly notice, but he does have a very keen sense of hearing. Oh, who knows? Maybe once you two are married, he can help you with your music and you will truly be the best in the world.”

Vinyl Scratch gave a snort of anger, which went by unnoticed as Lyrica butted in, “Oh, and where is the rest of the family?”

“I was only able to get myself past the guard. You know how security is in these opera houses.” Pearl cleared her throat, “Enough with the chatter now, I come bearing news.”

“What sort of news?” Melody inquired.

“Sad news, I suppose. Nothing much, however; you’ll be fine.” The older mare turned toward her kin, “Now Octavia, I’m afraid that your mother has passed on.”


Octavia wanted to scream. She wanted to slap her aunt and run off. She wanted to say it wasn’t true, but she knew she couldn’t. Not in front of Pearl Posh. The cellist raised her eyebrows and nodded, “I see.”

Pearl Posh stared at her for a moment. Waiting for one simple thing. And she practically beamed when she saw it—Octavia’s eyes became glassy with tears. Behind her façade that Octavia has built up, she was completely shattered. “Oh my, how late it is! I’m afraid I must go. Grey,” she called to her butler, “let us go now.”

The mare left, shutting the door with a slam. The silence that followed lasted for a few seconds until a certain unicorn yelled, “I’m gonna fucking rip her head off!” and began to run toward the door, only to fall to the ground as Harmony grabbed her tail. The white unicorn looked at her friend, who was giving her a look that begged her to keep calm. She took a deep breath and put a foreleg over Octavia, “Hey, I’m really sorry about…”

The cellist simply sniffed and nudged her off. She walked over to a table where Vinyl’s shades sat and gave them to her, “Here. Thanks for keeping them off for tonight.”

Melody was about to hug her friend, but was stopped by a grey hoof against her chest and the shake of the mare’s head. The diva sighed, “Octavia…”

“No, I’m fine. Worry not. I simply…need to go home,” she looked at her servant, who was already getting her cello.

“Okay, well,” Lyrica began, “If you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to ask.”

“I shall keep that in mind.”

“You ready?” Vinyl asked, and Octavia nodded.

The two said goodbye to the others and went outside, where their carriage was waiting. Vinyl helped Octavia get inside and had the driver help her with the cello. Half way along the silent ride, the unicorn heard soft sobbing from her mistress.

“Octavia,” Vinyl began, “we should talk.”

The grey mare shook her head whilst staring at her hooves, and with a thick, melancholy tone replied, “Not now, please. I want to wait until we are safe at home.”

The blue-maned pony nodded and kept silent until they were finally at the mansion. She opened the door for Octavia, ready to say something, but as she looked at her lifeless eyes, Vinyl decided to keep quiet.

In the end, they didn’t talk that night. Both mares just went straight into their beds, exhausted yet sleepless. Vinyl Scratch tried to close her eyes but couldn’t as she heard muffled sobbing coming from the room next to hers. Deciding that she couldn’t just lie in bed while Octavia was breaking down, she slipped out of her room and gently opened the door to her mistress’s room.

The cellist spoke first, “I—I’m sorry. Did I—Did I wake you?”

Though Vinyl couldn’t see her face, the heavy sobbing in her speaking made it obvious how much of a mess she was. “No, I was already awake. I’m just checking to make sure you’re okay.”

“Vinyl, ple—please…I really do not want to talk about it right now,” Octavia begged.

The unicorn slowly reached out her foreleg, stopping when she felt her hoof come in contact with Octavia’s luscious jet-black hair, and began caressing the locks gently, “We don’t have to talk, but I think I should stay here with you…if you want.”

The cellist responded by grabbing the hoof that was tangling itself in her mane and yanking Vinyl Scratch toward herself, pulling her into a sudden embrace. “Please do.”

The unicorn squirmed out of the tight hug and tucked Octavia into bed, letting herself lie down next to her afterwards. The cellist placed her head under her servant’s chin and sighed in content.

Vinyl Scratch listened to Octavia’s breathing as it went from sobbing, to uneven breaths, to silent snoring. She tenderly nuzzled the top of the grey mare’s head and whispered, “Sweet dreams, Tavi. I love you,” into her ear. Though she was a bit shocked about the last part, Vinyl had no time to discuss it with herself as she sank into a deep sleep.

Author's Note:

This is a relatively sad chapter, so I don't want to say anything stupid and ruin the mood here...

Thanks to Twilight_Scratch for editing yet another chapter.