• Published 15th Dec 2013
  • 1,763 Views, 15 Comments

Nyx and the Night Ponies - Tebbzy7

Nyx finds out she is part of a prophecy.

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Chapter 4

The scene at the Castle was chaos Fluttershy was crying, everyone else as shell-shocked well everyone but Nyx who was stooping and kicking around. “How dare they do this to us? We can’t, we are too young to handle the Sun and moon by ourselves.”

In this scene disorder the castle staff swooped lead by the Quartet and Nurse’s Corner. They set up tea and treats of all types for the ponies.

Medley opened her saddlebag and a white little bunny jumped out. “Ok Angel, you know what to do.”

The bunny nodded and went over to Fluttershy. Then kicked her head. Fluttershy looked up and saw Angel smiling at her.

“Oh Angel.” Fluttershy hugged the bunny and cried. As Angel pet her head.

The maids were giving Rarity ice-cream by the 5 gallon bucket. Twilight was given a stack of books to read. Firefly challenge Rainbow Dash to a race around the castle. Applejack was lead to the kitchen to bake something. The Quartet led the CMC and Crystal to the bathroom to give them a long bath. And Nurse’s corner listened to Nyx’s rant and just waited for the anger to dissipate, because when it fades Nyx will cry her little heart out.

In an open field somewhere Equestria Celestia and Luna was putting on their battle armor.

“Celestia, it is too soon for this.”

“Luna Dear Sister, things never happen when we are ready. All we can do is do what we can and trust in our little ponies to do that rest.”

Luna put on her helmet and stabbed her great sword of the moon in the ground. “I just wished I spent more time with them.”

Celestia pulled out her flaming sword of the sun. “Me too sister, me too.” Celestia took a deep breath. “let’s do this Luna.”

Celestia and Luna start to use flashy magic that can be seen from orbit.

“You fillies still don’t know what subtlety is do you” Celestia and Luna turn to see an older Alicorn in her own battle armor and her own magic sword.

“I see you’re doing well Aunt Andromeda.” Celestia said with a teasing sarcasm.

“I am doing quite well thank you. Now where are the rest of the Alicorns?”

“You have to beat us to find out.” Luna said lifting her sword.

“I was planning to beat you anyways, but now I will forcefully take that knowledge out of your heads also.” Then Andromeda charged at the two younger mares. Luna blocked the struck and Celestia went around the side and cut a searing cut on her flank.

She jumped back. “You have learned to fight while I was imprisoned. Good this will be fun.” She healed the cut and she was about to attack again when a wall of magic came she shielded herself.

Celestia and Luna smiled “you have lost. When this hit us we will forget all about where the other Alicorns are.” Then they dive into the wall of magic. Andromeda sat helpless as her goal slipped away.

Back in the Castle Crystal and the CMC was sitting in the bath as the Quartet gets some more mane gel.

Sweetie Belle looked around. “Will Celestia and Luna be alright?”

Scootaloo jumped up “of course they will be. They are all powerful Alicorns. They will beat this stupid mare and be back without a stretch.”

“I don’t think that is how it will happen. They gave me and Nyx the right to raise the Sun and moon before they left. That is something you do if you don’t plan on coming back.”

“Crystal, are you saying there is no hope!” Scootaloo yelled.

“There is hope I think. Celestia and Luna left Nyx and me here to train and learn to use our magic.”

Sweetie Belle move her hoof around in the water “but if Celestia and Luna couldn’t do it how can you two do.”

Apple Bloom was thinking things over until now. “Remember they are not here alone, they have us Twilight, my sister, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Cadence, Shining Armor.”

“We get it Apple Bloom. They are a lot of ponies helping them.”

“Yeah with all of us ponies working together we can do anything.”

The Filly got out of the Bath and left the Bathroom to find the quartet with towels to dry them off.

“It is good to see that the bath did some good.”

“Yeah, it did. By the way what happen with getting Mane gel?”

“You don’t need mane gel, you are perfect the way you are.”

The fillies laughed then the Quartet towel them off and took them back to the courtyard where the others were. The scene was not as chaotic. Fluttershy have stopped Crying thanks to Angel. Twilight was holding a puff eyed Nyx. Rarity was sipping tea with Cadence. Shining Armor was having a Pushup contest with Rainbow. Firefly was talking with a guard. And Applejack didn’t feel like baking so she had hoofed made apple cider, and was rolling a barrel of it into the Courtyard.

Medley thought it was time to tell them what Celestia told her. “Would everypony come here?” When they go around her, she started. “I think it is about time I tell you what is going on. As most of you have guessed Celestia and Luna went off to fight a foe with no hope of returning. The foe is Andromeda one of the most powerful Alicorns ever known. Her desire is to be the only Alicorn and to rule over all things.”

Rarity asked. “Is there any hope of them winning?”

Shooting Star answered “no, there isn’t... Celestia and Luna could only control the sun and moon. Andromeda controlled a whole galaxy.”

Twilight wondered “if there was no hope is victory why did they go.”

“It was protect us.” Shooting Star said looking down. “We are too weak to be of any help to them; like I was always too weak to help them in any fight.”

Medley hit Shooting star as hard as she can. “You are still so foolish. They didn’t want you to go to battle with them because they loved you. And it would hurt them more to see you get hurt than if they get hurt themselves.”

“You mean it would hurt as much as me seeing them come home with cuts and bruises, and knowing that I was no help to them.”

Firefly walked over. “Ok, I didn’t want to see you hurt. Either did Medley and the whole castle stuff. We wanted to know that our Strong Shooting Star is still our strong Prince. Celestia and Luna came back and heal up and you take over the Castle and made everything run smoothly. So when our Princesses were down you were our strength.”

“That was because that was all I could do. Celestia and Luna wouldn’t let me protect my kingdom.”

Snowcap walked up to Shooting star. “They always did let you to protect the kingdom. When you were left behind it is so they know the kingdom is safe until they come back. Celestia have told me every time she sent Twilight off on a mission how she admired you, because she knows now how hard it was to stay behind. She also told stories of you.” She smile and laughed “I always thought she was just a doting older sister.”

“So you’re saying she left me here to protect everyone?”

Twilight put a hoof on his shoulder. “Yes and no. we also will protect you.”

Sweetie Belle stepped forward. “We were talking in the bath. And we decided that we are stronger together. And that is the only way he have any hope of winning any battle.”

Cadence smiled “From the mouths of babes. Celestia told me many times that we should listen to our young ponies. She told me that they see the world sometime more clearly than us older ponies. It is true here. Celestia and Luna fought alone thinking it was the only way. But it isn’t. I think we all should study and learn so we can find a way to win against Andromeda.”

All the ponies agreed and went to work.

Six months past and in the darkest part of Canterlot Castle Celestia and Luna were chained up. Andromeda casted a spell to try to bring back the memories of them. They lay motionless on the ground.

“This would be a lot easier on you if you just tell me how to reverse the Forgetfulness Spell.”

Luna lifted her head. “Even if we know, we wouldn’t tell you”

“I give it to you; you have spirit, but how long will that spirit last.”

Celestia laughed weakly “so far it lasted Six months and I will tell you it will last for the rest of time. I don’t know who we are protecting but I know it is worth it.”

Andromeda stormed out.

Celestia Shakily got up. “Are you alright sister?”

“As alright as I can be I guess.” Luna tried to get up but fell to the ground.

“Here Luna, I will help you up.” Celestia let Luna lean against her. Then help her to a her bed.

“Thank you. I wonder if the ponies we are helping are doing fine.”

“I know they are. Luna, get some sleep. We don’t know when she will be back.”

Back at the Castle Nyx was reading a book. She picked it up and throw it across the room onto a pile.

“It’s another dead end. When will we find something useful?”

Twilight looked up from her book. “You know it wouldn’t come to us over night.”

“I know but it been forever. If only we can drain her power like I was drained that nightmare night.”

Twilight mused “only if…. Wait Nyx that might be a plan.” Twilight search through the pile of books and found the books she was looking for. “Nyx tell Shooting Star I might have a plan.”

Nyx ran off to get everyone.

After every pony got there Twilight said “it is still not complete but I might have I way. Scootaloo you were studying Dance magic?”

“Yes but I didn’t find much that would help.”

“Didn’t you tell me about a dance of harmony?”

“Yes but all it does to give power to a spell. And you have to have an Unicorn, a Pegasus and an Earth pony.”

“Could you teach it to the others.”

“I guess.”

“Sweetie Belle, you told me about some Music Magic that amplifies a spell.”

“Yes there is a spell like that.”

“Can you record it?”


Twilight open a book and show a picture. “Apple bloom can you build 14 of these?”

Apple bloom looked at the picture and read under it. “It looks like I can.”

“Ok if you three can do that we might to able to pull this off.”

One Week later Firefly went to Canterlot with a letter of challenge for Andromeda. After accepting the challenge Andromeda ran got Celestia and Luna and Teleported to the Battlefield. She was met by 14 ponies holding crystal spares.

“So that is their plan, beat me with numbers. Celestia and Luna watch me kill your little ponies.” Then she threw them like ragdolls.

She walked toward the ponies smiling like she has already won. Then she got close enough to talk. “Give up now and I might let some of you live.”

Then they ran around her and space themselves in a circle around her.

“I like spirit so I will let you have the first attack and I will not even block it.”

Twilight smiled. “now!!” all the ponies took the spares and stab it into the ground and a magic circle appeared. And magic vines came up and bind Andromeda. Then each Spare played music and the vines got thinker. “Nyx, Crystal now it is up to you.”

Twilight and the rest of the ponies ran over to Celestia and Luna.

Celestia looked up and said weakly “you ponies are so beautiful.”

“Yes they are sister.”

Twilight pulled a crystal digger out of her Saddlebag. And stab in the ground and another magic circle appeared. Then they got in groups of three with one of each type of pony and one group of Alicorns. Then they start to dance. And magic flows into Celestia and Luna.

Andromeda smirked “it is no use, even with Celestia and Luna you are no match for me. And anyways I would be out of these binds in a minute.”

Nyx smiled. “Really you will be done for is two seconds. One” Crystal and Nyx open their winds. “ and Two.” They lift off and flew backward.

When Nyx got drained it was like ribbons of Magic coming from her, but Andromeda it what a pillar of magic that went into space. When the dust cleared a filly Alicorn laid on the ground.

Celestia have gotten back most of her strength by then. “What are you going to do with her?”

“I don’t know that is as far I planed, it was incomplete. I was hoping you would fill in the pieces I missed.”

“For the time being let’s take her back to the Castle.”

“Good idea Shooting Star.”

Then Shooting Star pick up the unconscious Filly and open a portal.

They all walked through and went to the tree.

“Celestia, how do we reverse the Forgetfulness Spell?”

“I don’t know. Wasn’t it you that cast the spell?”

Nyx said “No, it was you who set up a magic bomb with a forgetfulness Spell in it.”

Celestia smiled “That was smart of me.”

The filly Andromeda stood up “now I know where you were hiding mahahah.”

“She isn’t that scary anymore.” Crystal remarked.

“yeah, It is kind of sad” Nyx added.

“Of course I am scary.”

Nyx pointed at a pool of water at the bottom of a fountain. “Look for yourself.”

She walked over to the Fountain and look in. “What have you done to me, it has to be a trick. I just need to break the curse.” She tried to use her magic, but nothing happened.

“It isn’t a trick or a curse you have no more magic, I know it happen to me once. If you promise to be nice I will give you some magic.”

“What if I Promise and go back on my word?”

“I guess you would be just a liar.”

“Ok give me some magic I will be nice.”

Nyx Smile and touch horns with her and give her some magic.

“That felt nice.”

“I know, when I got my magic drained Cadence give be some magic it was wonderful.”

Nurse’s Corner brought out a gallon of Ice cream and sundae makings. And was setting out bowls.

Nyx Smiled “come on Andromeda let’s get some Ice Cream.”

Andromeda walked over unsure of this “Ice Cream” stuff. The other fillies seem to like it and she took a spoon full and put it in her mouth. It was creamy and sweet and cold. She saw that the others put nuts and other things in theirs. But she couldn’t see why they would do such a thing. It was perfect the way it was.

Sweetie belle wondered “now that Adorama is a filly wouldn’t her Galaxy stop working?”

Adorama put some ice cream in her mouth and chew. “I am not like those fillies Celestia and Luna. I know how to set an orbit for Celestial bodies. So all I have to do is just keep an eye on them.”

Scootaloo said. “Who do you think is the filly now?”

“I might be in this Body but I am over 13 billion years old. Celestia is only 4 Billion years old. In other words she is but a filly to me. And Luna and Shooting Star aren’t even a billion years old so they are only foals like the rest of you.” She lifted her bowl to let them know she need more Ice-cream. “This Ice cream is quite satisfying.”

Sweetie belle asked “Didn’t they have ice cream back in your time?”

Celestia said. “Ice cream only became popular in the last hundred years. Because before that Sugar was hard to process. So cakes and Ice Cream was something you didn’t as much.”

“If at all; I guess I would help you as thanks for the Ice cream. If I was them I would give the keys to reverse the forgetfulness spell to one of you. And make it so all you have to do is touch your horn to the tree of harmony. Have it an easy as possible.”

Twilight looked at Crystal and Nyx. “It can’t be that easy, can it? Nyx, Crystal, would you touch your horn to the tree.”

When they touch their horns to the tree a magic wave came from the tree and went over Equestria.

Andromeda took another bite. “See how easy it was.”

For the rest of the day Nyx and Crystal dragged Andromeda around the castle showing her the great places for fillies Alicorns to go. Like the balcony on the third floor and on the west side. If you spread your wings you can float in midair. And the west wing on the second floor it makes spooky noises at night. Even though Andromeda has the knowledge of a grown Pony, her child’s mind and body was having fun.

The next morning they all went back to their Kingdoms. After six months of absence the adult Ponies have lots of work to catch up on. And the Fillies have six months of homework.

Andromeda attended School and was disappointed. First the students don’t know the history of the great Alicorn race, or the relationship between Celestial Bodies.

She decided she will never go again, and that Crystal and Nyx need to learn the right way to be an Alicorn. So she started teaching them the ways of the Alicorn, even if someday she might go against them again. She will teach them so if that day comes she will have a good fight. But that wouldn’t happen for another two thousand years if ever. Anyways she has new magic to learn and new foods to try.

Author's Note:

I know I rushed through this story. Someday I might go back rewrite it to have more about the night ponies and how they live. I have all type of notes on them. I just wanted to finish this Story.

Comments ( 3 )

LOVED IT:heart::heart::heart: hope to read a sequel :twilightsmile: if not i understand :fluttershysad:

4911569 thank you for the advice.:twilightsmile:

Have this story beta-read, please.

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