• ...

The Scar

Entry two

She was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen in my entire life, and I have an apreciation for beauty. But How could she ever love somepony like me? She was a princess and I am merely nothing more than an ugly freak... Anyway I guess that the real story starts when I woke up from that Horrible dream...

Discord woke up with a fright. He grabbed his forehead. His forehead felt warm and his entire body was wet with sweat. He new this would happen again. He new that this would happen if he went to sleep again.

He got out of bed and walked to his bedroom mirror and looked at himself. He had a long messy mane that covered nearly half of his entire face. He was getting pretty pale because he usually never left the cabin. His eyes had Dark bags underneath them from constant insomnia. He had four scars going down his cheek. He hasn't been getting much sleep lately due to his recurring nightmares. They all had something to do with his mother and how his father treated her so cruelly. They were also about how he got the scar. He touched the scar and remembered how he got it.

He closed his eyes and remembered. Remembered how his mother used to tell him stories and kiss him. He remembered how sweet and caring she was, then he remembered... he remembered how got the scar from her and how he watched her die...


Discord scrubbed the floors with great force. He glanced at his step-father and kept scrubbing.

"Keep scrubbing, boy. I want the whole damn floor to be so clean that it shines like silver." said The gray alicorn. throwing a sponge at him. The gray Alicorn was sitting on the couch drinking beer and reading a newspaper.

Discord did as his father taught him and began scrubbing the floor harder.

"And After you scrub the floors, set up my damn poker table. My friends are coming over later and I want the entire damn place to look as squeaky clean as Canterlot Castle!" Yelled his step-father at him.

Discord cscrubbed the entire floor until he noticed a small brown blotch on the floor. Discord began scrubbing it but it didn't seem to be fading away. Discord kept scrubbing harder and harder but it just wouldn't go away. His step-father looked down at him from his newspaper and smacked Discord on the back of his neck.

"Why won't you clean the damn mess?!" yelled the gray Alicorn angrily at him.

"I-I'm trying b-but it won't come off!" said Discord with his eyes tearing up.

"That's because you don't know how to do it right, you dumb-flank boy!" said the gray Alicorn throwing the beer bottle at the young Draconnequus. The bottle hit Discord right on his hand and some of the beer shards embedded themselves into his skin. Discord screamed out in pain as blood dripped from his hand.

"Stop bleeding all over my damn floors!" yelled his step-father at him. "Now go and get some damn bandages for your hand and then come back with a broom and clean up this damn mess, do you hear me?!" yelled the gray Alicorn.

"Drunk old buck..." whispered Discord to himself as he got up to get some bandages.

The Gray Alicorn stood up and threw his newspaper on couch.

"What did you call me... ?" asked the gray Alicorn in a dangerously low and angry tone.

"N-nothing, sir..." said Discord with his voice wavering in fear.

"What the buck did you call me?!" yelled the gray Alicorn throwing Discord down on the floor. This time, Discord didn't answer. He simply squeaked in reply as small tears began rolling down his cheeks. The gray Alicorn raised up his hoof and hit the young Draconnequus acros the face. Discord fell to the ground grabbing his face and crying out in pain. The gray Alicorn raised up his hoof again and hit The little Draconnequuus in the stomach. Discord grabbed his stomach as he began coughing violently and tears began falling from his eyes. The gray Alicorn picked him up and threw him at a nearby wall. Discord fell down with a thud.

Sitting on the stairs watching the horrific scene, was Eris watching in horror as her older brother was tossed around and beaten like a ragdoll. Eris began crying and tore her eyes from the scene. It was all too much for her to handle, so she went upstairs and ran to her mothers room.

Discord couldn't move. He just layed there on the floor like bloody, bruised, beaten up ragdoll. Discord curled up into a tiny ball and began crying with his teeth clenched.

"I let you into my damn house! I let you eat my damn food and this is the kind of respect that I get?!" yelled the gray Alicorn. "Maybe next time you'll think twice before you disrespect your father..." said his step-father.

"Cordy!" yelled a voice from the far end of the room. Discord's sister ran to him and helped him up. ''A-are you okay?'' said the young Draconnequus girl.

"What the buck do you think you're doing?!" yelled a voice from the far end of the room. Helena ran down the stairs to help up her son. "Stormer, you've gone too far! You can abuse me, beat me and hurt me but when you start hitting my son that's when I get angry!" yelled Helena at the gray Alicorn.

"Hehehe... oh yeah? and what are you gonna do about it?" said Stormer with a smirk.

Helena clenched her teeth and used her claws to scratch his face.

Stormer fell to the floor with a thud and grabbed at his face. He slowly got up and lunged at her. He tackled her down and began hitting her. Helena managed to get him off of her and clawed him in the face yet again. Stormer fell down yet again and grabbed his face crying out out in pain. He slowly got up and made his way to the closet. He opened it and pulled out his crossbow.

Helena stared at Stormer in fear. "S-stormer... ?" said Helena in fear.

"You... you ungrateful little bitch!" yelled the gray Alicorn pointing the crossbow at her. Stormer pulled the trigger. Helena fell down as a bolt embeded itself into her stomach.

Discord stood there and watched as his mother fell down screaming in pain and grabbing her stomach.

"Momma!" yelled Discord and Eris running to their mother's side. "Momma! Momma, are you okay?!" asked Discord frantically trying to keep pressure on the wound. "Momma, don't worry, I'll get you the ponyville doctor." said Discord running to the door.

"Discord, wait!'' yelled his mother at him.

Discord made his way back to his mother. "Discord... I-I'm dying... but now it's time for you to go on without me.

"W-what... ?" said Discord with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"D-Discord you're a big boy now, so you can take care of yourself..." said Helena grabbing her son's cheek and with tears rolling down her own.

"B-But momma, I don't want you to go... I want you to stay here with me!" yelled Discord with tears running down his eyes like a powerful waterfall. Eris grabbed her face as tears ran down her cheeks as well. Helena grabbed Discord's cheek with so much force that they embeded themselves deep into his skin. Discord touched his mother's hand and watched the life escaping from her eyes and the blood escaping from her body.

"A-And Eris... I want you to be a good girl okay... ?" said Helena.

The young Draconnequus nodded her head as her mother laid her claw on her cheek as well.

"I-I love you both... " said Helena as her claw began sliding off of her son's cheek leaving four individual scars on his cheek. "Never... Never forget..." said Helena as she fell to the floor.

"M-Momma... ?" said Discord as tears fell from his eyes. "Momma?!" he yelled shaking her body. "Momma!" yelled both Discord and Eris. "Momma... no..." said Discord as both tears and blood tears fell from his cheek.

Stormer stood there with a smirk on his face as he watched Discord slowly stand up balling his hands into a fist.

Discord could feel the rage building up inside of him. He pictured and thought of all the methods that he could use to torture and kill the gray Alicorn. His eyes started gleaming dangerously red and a red aura began glowing around him. "You... I'll kill you..." said Discord in an angry tone with tears falling from his eyes.

"Maybe... Maybe someday... but not today... now.. clean up this damn mess!": yelled Stormer throwing the young Draconnequus on the ground.

Discord wiped his eyes and his nose and grabbed the floor scrubber. "Yes sir..." he said as more tears fell from his eyes.

"Now that your damn mother is gone you don't have anypony to protect you no more..." said Stormer chuckling softly.


Discord wiped away tears from his cheeksand stared at the bedroom mirror again.

"Mom... I miss you so much..." said Discord with his face in his hands.

"D-Discord... ?" came a voice from the doorway. It was Eris. Her white hair was messy and ruffled up and she was rubbing her eyes. "I-I had a nightmare so... C-Can I sleep with you tonight... ?" asked Eris hugging her older brother.

"Yeah sure..." Said Discord hugging her back. "Look at us... we're already teens and we're still crying like little babies..." said Discord. "C'mon we have our first day of school tommorow and we need our sleep..." said Discord going back to his bed and his little sister followed right behind him.


Twilight's mouth was open wide. her cheeks were wet with tears.

"I.. I don't know what to say... " said Twilight softly. "I-I'm sorry..." said Twilight laying a hoof over Discord's shoulder. Discord shrugged her off yet again. "A-Are you okay... ?" asked Twilight.

"Yeah... just... give me a minute..." said Discord wiping tears away from his face. "I've never forgotten... Do you know, Twilight... ?" asked Discord.

Twilight stared at him Questioningly.

"Do you know what it's like to lose somepony you love... ?" asked Discord trying to fight back tears.

Twilight made her way over to discord and hugged him warmly.

"W-What are you doing... ?" asked Discord.

"I'm hugging you..." said Twilight squeezing the Draconnequus in her hooves.

"Hugging... ?" asked Discord curiously.

Twilight's heart sank. "Discord... when was the last time you got hugged...?" asked Twilight.

"I-It's been so long... I-I must've forgotten... remind me... what's a hug?" asked Discord.

Tears began forming in Twilight's eyes. It was so sad. Twilight rubbed her hoof with her other hoof. She couldn't bear to know what it felt like to go through a life without hugs.

"Whats wrong?" asked Discord curiously.

"Nothing..." Twilight lied.

"Well then..." said Discord with a smirk. "Like I said, it's only going to get much worse..." said Discord chuckling softly.