• ...

The Hero

What am I? What have I become? Am I truly a monster? I did it. I did last night. I killed him. I bucking killed him. But at least one thing is for sure. I'm free from him. We're free from him. No more beatings, no more pain or suffering. No more despair. We're free.

Eris shivered in the cold. She had been worried about Discord and hadn't seen him since Stormer locked her in her room.

The snow crunched underneath her bare hooves as she walked out to the shed. Stormer had warned her never to go in there for whatever reason, and that if she did that he'd beat her so bad her skin would permanently change its color to black, red and blue.

Eris Gulped. The shed seemed much bigger in person for some reason. she had heard cries of pain the other night and a voice screaming, begging for whatever it was that was tormenting it to stop. She had figured out it was Discord, she wasn't stupid. But she had to make sure. She had to make sure that her brother was okay, that he was fine and alive. She owed him that much after all the years he took care of her and protected her.

She laid her tiny paw on the lock that held the chain in place, keeping the door closed. She put one of her claws into the keyhole and began twisting and turning it until she heard a click and the lock fell to the ground.

Eris slowly slid the chain from its place and slowly creaked the door open.

Even when she entered it was still cold inside. It was a good thing he brother had a thick coat, or else he would've froze to death.

Eris looked around trying to find her Discord. She scanned the entire area, unfortunately it was too dark. The only light source was the furnace in which Stormer made his tools.

Suddenly she heard a groan and a long but pained moan. She took a piece of wood and lit it on fire serving as a makeshift torch. She followed the source of the noise, carefully taking quiet steps. She put the torch in her mouth and went on all fours. Her small hooves, talon and paw tapping on the ground as she scanned the room for the noise.

Eris gasped and dropped the torch. She scrambled to pick it back up and tried to illuminate her discovery, but she just couldn't. It was too horrifying. She held the Torch close to the wall and revealed discord beaten black and blue and thrown around like a rag doll.

He had two hooks going through both of his hands and his hind legs and feet seemed to be nailed onto the ground. His body had cuts and burn marks all over it and it seemed as though nearly the entire floor was painted in his blood. His cheeks were wet with tears and it looked as though his fur was slick with sweat.

"Discord!" she said running to him and hugging him. "D-Discord are you okay?" she asked him.

He didn't respond, instead he just turned his head as even more tears fell from his eyes.

"H-Hang on, I'll get you out of there." she said as she cried a river of salty tears. It broke her heart to see her brother like this. She couldn't imagine the sick, horrible, twisted things that stormer had done to him. The constant pain, the endless suffering. Just the thought of knowing that nopony cared enough to even try and stop it. That he was all alone in the world. The very thought of it made her want to throw up.

Eris tried to grab his hands and pull the hooks out from his palm, resulting only in her brother screaming in agony and tons of blood spurting everywhere.

Eris turned tried to grab the other hand, but she was too afraid. Afraid of hurting Discord. He had already been through enough and she didn't want to put him through anymore.

She took a deep breath and began pulling out the hooks from the palms of his bloodied hands. Next to come were the nails that were embedded on his feet.

She gulped down the vomit that was about to expel from her throat and began pulling out the nails. Discord squirmed and flinched every once in a while, but he had already been through so much pain that he was starting to get used to it.

Once all of the nails were pulled out, she laid him up against the wall and hugged him with tears flowing from her eyes.

"D-Dissy... I'm so sorry..." she said sobbing.

Discord laid his paw on her back. "It wasn't your fault. You have no need to be sorry." he said.

"How long has it been?" asked Discord.

"At least four days, I was worried about you, so I went all around Ponyville looking for you." she said.

Discord held his head back. He closed his eyes and grabbed his forehead. He could remember everything. Every single little detail of pain and suffering. However there was one thing that he couldn't get out of his mind...

Discord heaved heavily as he struggled to get up and try to at least catch his breath, but Stormer attacked him mercilessly. Stormer stopped for a brief moment ans glared at the young Draconian. The hot Iron's marks were still there on the young Draconian's skin. It burned like hell, like all of the pain he had endured throughout the years had been rounded up into that damned Iron and used to beat the living shit out of him.

Every single fiber of his being was screaming in pain, and nearly every single aspect, every cell in his body was in tears begging for the pain to go away. Discord had encountered pain like no other before, but this was pure and chronic cruelty, this was utter chaos.

"Have you learned your lesson?!" he yelled.

Discord struggled to get up and tried to wipe away tears from his face.

"I said, Have you learned your lesson?!" he screamed as he kicked Discord's stomach.

"Y-Yes sir..." said Discord.

Stormer glared at the Draconnequus. Stormer remembered when Discord was not more than a little baby. Stormer had cared for him and loved him like his own son, when the bucking incident happened. He was considered a hero, a savior, a guardian. But now, he is nothing more than a cranky old man who beats small foals and fillies.

Stormer sighed. Due to him being an Alicorn, he still retained his youthful complexion after all those years. Stormer simply looked old because he was drunk all the time and not to mention cranky and angry.

Stormer took in a deep breath and let it out. He sat down on one of the crates in his shed. He looked over to his left and noticed that his old spear and sword from his Royal guardspony days were still there as was his uniform. He was given the rank high knight for settling conflict in the Gryffonian kingdoms and was praised as a savior during the Draconian rebellions.

Stormer shivered, that was how it all started the Draconian rebellion. He had saved so many Draconians and Basilisks during the time, and now here he was punishing the last Draconians left in Equestria.

Stormer picked Discord up and sat him on a crate as well.

"Here." he said passing Discord some of the rum he had brought in. "That'll help with the bruises." he said.

Discord was confused at first. He thought that Stormer was just playing some sort of cruel joke but when he saw the look in the Alicorn's eyes, he knew that this was all genuine.

"Why are you doing this?" he asked Stormer. "Why are you all non violent all of a sudden?"

"Would you rather I be violent then?" he asked the Foal.

"No, its just... Weird." he said.

Stormer sighed and took a sip of the rum. "You know, believe it or not, I was actually a hero once."

"Minotaurshit..." said Discord.

"Yeah, believe it or not, I was part of the legendary Alpha Legion 13." he said taking in a few gulps of rum.

Discords eyes widened. His mother had told him stories about the legendary 13. They were a heroes.

She had told him tales of how they fended off hordes of Timber-wolves and an army of creatures from tartarus and had once led an entire army of Crystal Alicorns each Armed with an Alicorn amulet. He had even heard that they once saved Queen Frost from an assassination attempt.

"You're lying." said Discord.

"What makes you so sure, boy?" asked Stormer.

"The legendary 13 were heroes you're nothing more than twisted, old buck who gets drunk and beats children." he said.

Stormer hit the boy across the face making him fall to the floor. "You think I don';t bucking know that?!" he yelled. He took a gulp from his rum and looked out into the snow blanketed world outside. "I was a hero. Not anymore... Now I'm just..." he trailed off and took another gigantic gulp of rum shaking his head.

"W-What happened to you?" Discord asked him. "You said you were a hero, what changed you?" he asked the Alicorn getting up and wiping the blood from his face.

"My real name..." he said. "My original name wasn't Stormer..." he said.

"What?" said Discord.

"My original name was Golden Armour. Golden 'Shining' Armour..."

Discord reared back a little taken back by what the Alicorn had just said. Golden Shining Armour was the name of the hero of Equestria. The Alicorn who had wielded the six Alicorn Amulets to destroy an army of creatures from Tartarus. He was the hero of Equestria. But Stormer being Golden Armour was impossible. He had been told in Alchemy class, Magyck class and Equestrian History class that Golden Armour had died in battle and was currently buried out in the Everfree Forest.

"T-That's not true! That's not True! Golden Armour was a hero and he's dead! You can't be him!" said Discord.

"Think about it boy, he's 'buried' in the Everfree forest, he wielded the six Alicorn Amulets..." he said motioning to the old Armour on the wall.

The Armour had six symbols on it all forged in different colors. The first one was a Dark black Moon, the second was what looked like a red tornado, the third was a crooked black and green crown, the fourth was a green and purple eye and the fifth looked like a golden neckbrace with a pink gem on it. The last one however was blotted out for some reason.

"S-So you're..."

"Yes, I am Golden Shining Armour." he said drinking from his rum.

"W-Why?" asked Discord. "Why didn't you eever show yourself to Equestria? The rest of the legendary 13 died but you're still alive!" said Discord.

"I didn't die in battle, I wasn't buried in the Everfree. I was banished." he said.

"But, why? Why were you banished?" Discord asked. "Why would they banish a hero from his own country?"

"some things, you should know some you shouldn't know..." he said drinking some of his rum.

"That doesn't make any bucking sense! Just tell me!" said Discord.

"What fun is there in making sense?" he said with a slight chuckle as he drunk some of his rum.

"Then why did you beat Eris, My mom and I for alll those years? If you truly are Golden Shining Armour, protector of ALL Creatures, then Why?!" Discord said.

"I hated you and your mother because of you and your entire damned kind, I had to destroy countless numbers of my own kind." he said. "You and those bucking Draconians and Basilisks... I should've let them all burn when Queen Frost gave the orders..." he said. "Oh well, i've had the pleasure of watching your mother die. At least now I'll get to have fun watching you and your sister burn." he said With a chuckle.

Discord got up and took the bottle of rum from his hooves and smashed it over his head.

Stormer recovered quickly and threw the boy against the wall. He picked up a couple of chains with hooks hanging from the ceiling and threw it towards Discord. The chain swinged from the ceiling and embedded itself into Discord's paw making Discord scream out in pain.

Stormer's eyes seemed to be dilated in a way that induced more than mere insanity, but complete and utter chaos.

"You ungrateful little shit! Do you fucking know what I did in order to keep you bucking alive?" he yelled fiercly.

Stormer stabbed another hook hanging from the ceiling into Discords claw making him scream even more. "D-Daddy, please, dad Stop!" he screamed as tears fell from his eyes and blood gushed from both of his hands.

Stormer glared at him as though his entire life's purpose was to make Discord suffer. To ensure that every little pleasure in his life was decimated and only misery was left.

"It's about bucking time I tought you some bucking discipline..." he said as he picked up a hammer and a couple of nails.


Discord got up and wiped the blood from both of his hands. He still felt the piercing agony that he had endured a mere few days ago. Since that incident Stormer had come back every night to beat him to a pulp for no simple reason. It had felt horrible. The feeling of loneliness and grief. Every waking minute knowing that nopony was going to save you, that nopony was willing to save you.

"Y-You stay right there, I'll go get some bandages for your hands and some food and water.'' she said.

When Eris came back, she sat down with a bowl of hot water and dipped Discords hands in it. The hot water had burned but Discord simply didn't care, he knew damned well that in order for things to heal they had to hurt first. Eris took his hands out and began to wrap the bandages around his hands and proceeded to do the same with his feet.

Eris looked at Discord with a concerned look. He was being awful quiet and she didn't like it.

"What happened in there?" she asked him.

At first Discord didn't say anything, he was afraid to tell her the what happened because she was sensitive.

"Discord tell me!" she said.

Discord sighed, he wasn't going to get away from this one this time. He told her everything, from how Stormer was a hero to how he nearly obliterated his entire body. Surprisingly enough Eris wasn't that shocked at all, and if she was she was doing a pretty good job of hiding it.

"Here." she said sliding over a bowl of hot soup and a loaf of bread to him along with a jar filled with water. "Eat up before you lose all of your energy she said.

discord moved his hand towards the bowl of soup and picked it up. He ignored the spoon itself and began gulping down large quantities of the soup and chewing at an alarmingly fast rate. He tore the bread apart and began chewing it.

Eris stared at him with a concerned look that read what did that son of a bitch do to you.

Discord stopped and drank some of the water. He wiped his mouth and weakly spoke.

"E-Eris..." he said. "Thank you..." he said pulling her closely and hugging her tight.

Eris began tearing up. She tightly hugged him back and whispered, "I love you, brother..." into his ear.

Suddenly, from behind them they heard the soft clopping of hooves on the hard wood floor.

Almost instantly, Eris jumped up and yelped.

They both turned around and saw Stormer slowly approaching them slowly, but dangerously with a sinister gleam in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and tilted his head to the right.

He slowly but surely moved closer into the light of the furnace, and revealed a glare burning red hot with hatred.

"You little bitch..." he said as he slowly approached them both.

Eris and Discord couldn't move. They were simply too terrified to move a single muscle. Every aspect of their existence was screaming to move back, but they just couldn't.

"You're just like your mother you know, Eris?" he said as he angrily tipped a barrel over and smashed it into the ground spilling it's insides. "You're all caring, and kind. Well you know what?!" he yelled tipping over another barrel. "If you want to be like your mother so much... Then I'll treat you like her..." he said as he inched closer and closer.

Suddenly the contents that had been spilled over inside the barrels had lit themselves on fire, illuminating the entire shed.

Stormer's face was in a much better light. He seemed to look much younger, almost as though he were around a few years older than Discord or Eris, but the fact that he was an Alicorn explained that. His bright, yellow eyes were dilated into nothing more than tiny dots with a yellow outline, and it revealed that his once gray and black hair was actually a bright silver color. He resembled the very picture of the brave knight Golden Shining Armour himself, only in a sort of twisted and contorted version.

He glared at the two small Draconians and grabbed Eris with his Alicorn magic. Eris screamed and cried as she was dragged away by the seemingly humongous Alicorn.

"Discord! No, please!" she screamed as she extended her hand towards her brother.

"Eris, No!" he yelled.

"Discord coughed violently as the flames started getting higher and higher and the smoke started rising. Ash was beginning to cloud his vision as he tried to navigate his way out of the burning building.

Eventually Discord's breathing started getting heavy and he started wheezing. He coughed violently as his lungs felt as though they were being ripped out through his mouth.

Eventually his eyes started getting heavy, and his limbs began weakening. He slowly fell to his knees and coughed violently, but he couldn't give up, he had to save his sister. He struggled as he slowly but strongly crawled over to the door, which was but a few mere three feet away. His mind told him to keep going, but his body said otherwise.

Discord's eyes widened one last time as he heard a scream from the other side of the door.

"E-Eris..." he whispered as his eyes slowly shut.

When Discord woke up, he felt heavy and light headed. He had inhaled so many dangerous toxins, that he was beginning to question how he was alive in the first place.

He got up and started to cough up blood and struggled to open his eyes, but his vision was blurred.

It was still night time, but the midnight air was beginning to get warmer, as clouds started rolling in. Strangely enough all the snow that had once surrounded the area had somehow disappeared. The shed was completely burnt down and nearly all of the things in the shed itself had been decimated.

He got in an upright position and found that his body was slightly heavier than it was before. He noticed that Shining Armour's plated armor and sword had somehow, gotten itself on top of him. He pushed the armor off and got up limping towards the cabin.

The shed itself was at least one fourth the size of the cabin, and the cabin was built by Stormer himself, or was supposedly built by Stormer. The shed and the cabin were at least seven meters in walking distance from each other, so getting there would be quick enough.

Discord finally got to the cabin and opened the back door. Once inside, he got an uneasy feeling, like what he would see next would haunt him for the rest of his life... And he was right...

Discord's eye's widened as he entered the other room. Eris was curled up in a ball sobbing and trembling covered in bruises, but even more importantly, most of the bruises were near the area in between her legs and She was laying in a pool of some sort of liquid.

Discord wasn't an idiot, he knew damned well that the pool wasn't sweat. He glared at the Alicorn sitting on a mat next to her stroking her hair as he smirked at Discord with a malevolent and smug smirk.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH! I'LL BUCKING END YOU, DO YOU HEAR ME!?" he screamed as he threw a table over, smashing the vase that it rested on.

The Alicorn chuckled and closed his eyes. "Please, don't get so dramatic." he said smirking.

Discord glared at him with a type of glare that held inhumane cruelties and was sewn with the seeds of complete and pure evil. Oh, the things that he will do to this pony when he gets his chance...

"You little cunt..." he said as tears started brimming his eyes. "All these years..." he said shutting his eyes. "All those years you've hurt me, my mother, my sister..." he said wiping away the tears. "Now, you've gone too far. This is wehre it will finally end..." he said taking a battle stance.

Stormer slowly got up and got into a battle stance as well. He had a smug, self satisfied smile sitting on his face, the bastard. They both circled each other waiting for the other one to make an attack.

Discord's heart was beating faster than he could breath. His digestive tracts stopped working to fulfill much more important tasks and traveled through his spine and muscles. His pupil's became much smaller and his breathing steadied itself. His mind lost any and all logic and reason and instead turned to Instinct and Animosity. He was in full survival mode, he would do anything to insure he made this sick sonuvabitch suffer.

Stormer was the first to attack jumping in the air and giving him a flying back kick. Discord Blocked it but it had somehow disclocated his left wrist.

Discord looked up at him with disgust and hatred, fury burning deep within his very soul. Discord attacked with a barrage of crazy kicks and punches, some nailing him right in the face, others being simply blocked or dodged.

Stormer returned with a full roundhouse and tornado roundhouse kick to Discord's stomach, making the small Draconian fly back five feet into the wall.

Discord quickly recovered and returned with a flying drop kick at the Alicorn's face, stunning him. Disord took the opportunity and kicked him into the kitchen. Discord threw a pan at him which he blocked.

Stormer glared at Discord trembling with anger and came at him, but before he could get any closer, Eris had landed on his back and and had bit him on the neck.

Stormer flailed around screaming curses and profanity as Eris clawed and bit him.

Discord stood up with blood dripping from his mouth, nose and even his eyes. He was covered in even more cuts and bruises than he was when Eris had saved him. Discord had to do something or Stormer would surely kill Eris. Discord looked around fro something he could use and saw something laying on the ground a few meters away. Discord ran towards it and got it.

Stormer finally tore Eris off of his back and threw her into the dirt and watched her arch in pain as her back hit the ground. Stormer chuckled maniacally when suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his calves. He fell to the floor grunting and breathing heavily as both of his legs were slowly bleeding out.

He turned around and was met with Discord glaring down at him his old sword held up to his neck.

Stormer's eyes widened as he chuckled with a sinister and wretched tone which soon became hysteric laughter sewn together with insanity.

"Y-You know, you really do amuse me, boy..." he said. "You think that you can just 'kill' a legend..." he said.

Discord gritted his teeth and smacked Stormer with the flat of the sword. "Shut up!" he yelled. "Do you have anything you wanna say to us before you die?" he said pointing the sword at the Alicorn's head.

Stormer simply smiled and pressed his neck up against the blade.

"You won't do it.." he said with a smile. "You don't have the balls, boy. You won't do it, because you're a soft little weakling." he said chuckling. "I'm so proud of you..." he said. "Like father like son... You have finally become the monster that everypony has thought you to be... You have become the thing that you hate the most... You have become just like me..." he said with a smile.

Discord stood there for a moment unsure. Tears beginning to brim his eyes. Was he truly like his father? Was he truly a monster? If he did kill him, then would he become just like him, or would he finally be free?

"Well?!" Stormer yelled.

Discord sighed and lowered the sword. "You're right, i won't kill you..." he said.

Eris watched intently as Discord stabbed the sword into the ground.

"hehe, I knew i-"

I'LL MAKE YOU SUFFER FIRST! Discord yelled. His eyes had started gleaming dangerously red and his mouth had curled up into a twisted smile.

Stormer backed away with his eyes wide, in fear. "W-What are you?" he said.

Discord chuckled, but in a way that was evil and sinister enough to make even the queen herself shiver in fear. I, stormer... Am your angel of doom, I, Shining Armour am your vile twisted justice... he said through a grim smile. I am all of your wrong doings curled up into one small foal, the living embodiement of destruction... I am Chaos, itself...

Stormer screamed and struggled to get away, but was too slow. Discord raised an arm and Stormer was hoisted up into the air, sweat dripped from his gray fur and he felt a warm release in between his legs.

Last words? he said.

Stormer's eyes filled with tears as he shook his head. "Mercy..." he said.

Discord smiled. Retribution knows no mercy... he said. Now... Feel the very same pain that we have felt for so many long years! he yelled.

Stormer was raised into the air as he screamed out in agony. His skin had started bruising and had started bleeding profusely. His skin had filled with so many cuts and bruises that eventually it started peeling off.

What a fitting end.. Discord said smiling.

Stormer suddenly stopped screaming as he fell to the ground dead and started deteriorating into nothing more than ash.

Discord fell to the floor too, the red leaving his eyes and he clutched his head as though he had just had a migraine the size of Equestria itself.

Eris wanted to go over to Discord. She wanted to help him, but what she just saw near terrified her, but it was over. Eris ran over to Discord and helped him up.

"D-Discord are you okay?" she asked him.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine..." he said. Discord hugged Eris and whispered into her ears with tears brimming his eyes. "I thought he killed you... I thought that he had taken you away from me..." he said stroking her hair. "But what he did to you was much worse... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry I couldn't help you... Just like mother..." he said through sobs.

Eris hugged him back tears beginning to fill her own eyes. What Stormer had done to her would take years of healing. Not physically, but emotionally, mentally.

Discord pulled her back and wiped away her tears. "But now we're free. Now we're finally going to be able to live without him." he said smiling down at her.

Eris smiled back still unsure about what she had just saw, and said "I love you, Discord." weakly, but surely.

"I love you too." he said hugging her back.


Twilight was shaken. She remembered what kind of monster Discord was, however he wasn't all this powerful when the elements of harmony fought him. Twilight stood back a moment astounded by the raw and shear ferocity in which she had just witnessed. It almost made her want to vomit, but Discord had warned her that the story wouldn't be all puppies and rainbows, so instead she put on a warm and friendly face for her friend.

Twilight smiled and said "You and your sister have such a sweet relationship with each other. Not like most siblings who fight all the time."

Twilight suddenly noticed that Discord was crying for some reason.

"D-Discord whats wrong?" she asked him.

Discord hung his head and wiped the tears away. "I-I proved him right..." he said trembling. "I proved to him that I was a monster..." he said falling to the ground.

Twilight was also slightly disturbed when she saw what he had done, but it was all for the sake of self defense, however she did have the feeling that it was all a bit too overkill.

"Discord... You aren't a monster, what you did was self defense, and not to mention the sick bastard had what was coming to him." she said laying a hoof on his shoulder.

"Y-You know what was the worst part about it?" he asked her.

"What?" she asked.

"I enjoyed it..." he said.