• ...

The Punishment

Discord woke up gasping and coughing. The air burned his lungs and he felt sick to his stomach. He got in an upright position and opened his eyes. One thing was going through his mind right now. Am I dead yet?

Discord stared at his wrists. There were still fresh wounds on them and the muddy bog water was making them sting like hell. The answer to his question was no. His ankle had a bruise on it due to the rope that had dragged him into the murky depths, however the rope and the rock was gone.

Discord struggled to get back up but simply collapsed back down on the ground. He opened his eyes and looked around for the first actual time. Eris, Luna and Celeste were standing over him along with his friends.

They were all wearing masks of terror and had tears flowing from their eyes.

discord got into an upright position and began to rub his eyes. His friend's faces began to soften a little bit and they sighed with relief.

"H-How... ?" Discord asked in dismay.

"The water Nymphs saw you drownding and they saved you." said Eris.

Discord buried his face in his arms and said, "Why did you bring me back?"

Suddenly, out of seemingly nowhere, Luna smacked him across the face.

"You bucking idiot! how could you do something like that?!" she yelled at him with tears flowing from her eyes. "don't you even care about your friends anymore?! About your sister?!" she screamed. "About... M-Me..." she whispered with her head hanging down.

Discord was shocked and also sort of guilty. He had made up his decision that the world would be better off without him, however he hadn't given much thought about what the impact might be on his friends and family.

Discord looked up at Celeste. She was definitely angry with him as well. But her facial expressions were still soft and tears were flowing from her eyes as well.

Discord tore his eyes away from her's. It was just too painful for him to remember what she had said to him.

Celeste gritted her teeth and began running away sobbing.

"Discord, I just don't know what to say anymore..." said Eris. ''If you keep going on like this you'll end up dying." she said.

"That's sort of the point." said Discord somewhat annoyed.

"But what about us? what about your friends?" said Fyrefly.

"You guys would probably be better off without me..." he said as though he didn't even have any self respect or self pity anymore.

Everypony was silent. "Sugarcube, y'know that ain't true." said Seed Apple touching his shoulder.

"Yes it is true! You saw how the ponies hate me! If they hate me and they see you hanging out with me they'll just have a reason to hate you!" he yelled. "Just face facts... Harmony will never return as long as I'm here. This is a world for pretty ponies and handsome colts. I'm just a freak living amongst them. A monster. Nothing more than a monster living among angels. This world doesn't need me..." he said grimly.

"Discord get up and get yourself together. so that bitch left you. It doesn't mean you should go on and kill yourself." said Slugger.

"Don't you get it? I don't want help. This has been going on for years. This was inevitable, and all you did was make me have to take my own life again." he said. "Celeste wasn't the only reason that I did it. This had been going on for a while now, as you can probably tell." he said shoving his head back into his arms.

Discord got up and looked into the forest. Everypony looked in the same direction that he was looking in. There, in the darkness stood a gigantic gray Alicorn with a ruffled messy mane and vodka bottles laying around his hooves. He was glaring at discord with the most divine fury deep within his eyes. The Stormer began walking towards him.

"Luna, Seed apple I want you guys to run. Run as far as you possibly can." said discord glaring back at the gray Alicorn.


"Just go..." said Discord.

And so they left leaving only Eris sitting on the ground and Discord glaring at the Old Alicorn.

"Boy, what did I tell you... ?" he said in a dangerously low tone. "What did I buckin tell you? That when you died I'd be the one to watch you slowly drown in your own blood." he said gritting his teeth. "But I knew that that day would come far sooner than I expected. You've annoyed me so much over the damn years but now, you've gone too damn far.'' he said. "Come on..." he said leading the two Draconnequi children back home.


"I get home and I bucking get a note that you beat the bucking son of Baron Blue Crown?!' he yelled at the Draconnequi.

"He was beating the living shit out of me what was I suppose to do?" said discord ignoring the pain. Ignoring the black eye, ignoring the cuts and bruises.

"You should've let him! When he bucking took off that stupid cloak of yours and everypony saw the damned bruises and cuts that I gave t'ya, somepony went and called the guard!" he yelled. "Now everypony knows that I beat your sorry little flank! Hell, I'm lucky I didn't get wheeled off to Crystal Kingdom Prison!" he yelled once more.

"That would've been nice...'' said Discord smirking.

Stormer smacked the boy across the face so hard that the sound of tender skin being hit was heard throughout all of Ponyville.

Discord got back up and kept glaring at the Alicorn despite the burning pain.

"Ahehehe y'know boy, that's what I like about you. You're all tough and hard on the outside, but on the inside you're actually crying like your mother cried whenever I bent her over." he said with a slick smile.

Discord's eyes began narrowing. When he began talking about his mother, he crossed a line. Because of that son of a bitch his mother was dead and he's making jokes about it? The bastard was going to pay one way or another.

Discord got up with his teeth gritted and punched the Alicorn right in the mouth.

At first Stormer was shocked, but he quickly recovered and glared at the boy. Discord stood his ground. He had been victimized all of his life and it was finally time for him to stand up for himself.

"You shouldn't have done that..." he said as he closed in on Discord and backed him into a corner.

Discord Threw a punch, which to his surprise, was blocked and returned with a kick to the stomach. Discord shook it off and returned with a tornado roundhouse which seemed to break the Alicorn's defense. Discord took the opportunity to give a barrage of wild kicks and punches. until soon enough, Stormer started to get irritated.

Discord stopped when he noticed that the Alicorn's eyes were glowing. Stormer tackled him down on the ground and began to beat him with blows that seemed to be far more powerful than any normal Alicorn's punches. When Stormer had finished beating the shit out of the boy, he laid his hoof on Discord's neck and began squeezing.

"You think that you can stand up to me?!" he yelled. "You are nothing to me! I could crush you like the parasprite that you are! What is a meek little sheep to a god?!" he screamed.

Discord Struggled but just couldn't fight anymore. Discord's body began to turn limp and lifeless as His vision started going dark. Discord's eyes fluttered for an instant and then finally shut.

Discord woke up groggily as he looked up. He was in Stormer's shed. He recognized it clearly because He had hid in it when he was a child whenever his mother and Stormer got into an argument. Discord cried out in pain as he felt his stomach turn upside down and release its content. Discord wiped his mouth and tried standing up but just couldn't everything on his body ached and he looked as though he was dragged through the paved roads of Crystalopolis and beaten to a pulp by a crystal Dragon.

Discord looked up and began backing away as he saw two dark red eyes staring back at him with hatred and what seemed like pure evil.

"Your damn sister was wailing on and annoying the shit outta me so i locked her in her room and dragged you out here." he said with his voice trembling in anger. "We aren't finished yet boy..." he said with a twisted smile.

Discord hadn't bothered getting up or standing his ground. He was broken and he knew it. All his life he had taken this, what would be the point of rising up now?

Discord sat there in silence and rubbed his arm.

Stormer scowled. "Hey! Boy! Say something!" he said with his eyes beginning to cross with anger.

"No..." said Discord. "I'm not going to provoke you any longer." he said.

Stormer took Discord by the neck and backhooved the boy. "You think you're some sort of self righteous little bitch huh? You little shit! When I tell you to do something you do it, understand?! You know nothing about me!" He yelled with what seemed like a hint of sorrow in his voice. "You don't know what I had to go through! What I had to do to help you and your mother escape from those damned prisons! How many of my own I had to kill just to preserve your damned, freakish, unworthy, bucking race!" he screamed.

Stormer backed away and dropped the boy. He was starting to delve back into his past, and that was the last thing he needed to do. The old Stormer back then was strong and courageous he was considered a hero, the stormer that stood now is simply a hollow shell of what used to be.

"No..." Said Discord. "I refuse to do what you say because I am broken. Everypony and everything in this world has finally taught me pain..." he said. "And suffering..." he said once more with tears falling from his eyes.

Stormer scowled at the young boy and gritted his teeth. "You think you know what it's like to feel grief?!" he yelled punching the boy in the stomach. "You think you know pain and suffering?!" he yelled kick the boy across the face. "I'll show you a nightmare in which you've never seen before, boy. I'll give you a glimpse of what awaits you on the other side!" he said with a sinister and semi-psychotic chuckle.

Stormer took out a hot iron from the furnace where he created 'tools' for his hunting. The hot red iron glowed as though they were a pair of evil eyes. They seemed to illuminate the dark shed, however they illuminated it in an eerie way. As the iron inched closer and closer to discord, Discord let out a small whimper and looked up at the alicorn with gigantic pleading eyes.

Stormer chuckled and said "Don't move..."


Twilight averted her eyes from the horrid scene. However she couldn't stop the screams from entering her ears.

"Make it stop! Please, Discord!" she said loudly.

Discord ignored her. His eyes seemed to be glued onto the images as though he was in some sort of trance. He ignored her pleas and watched with tears rolling down his eyes as his body was defiled and by a four inch piece of metal.