• Published 28th Nov 2013
  • 399 Views, 12 Comments

"O brave new world, That has such people in't". - Initiate Brony

This is the tale of a young college student being transported to Equestria for no reason at all. (Or is there? Nah probably not) Where he will at last find true happiness.

  • ...


Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

My phone's alarm squawked out as I rolled over, reaching for the snooze button.
"Just a few more minutes..." I muttered drowsily fumbling about and knocking it off my nightstand.

I swept my blankets off of myself, greeted by the chill of my rather cold room. Shuddering for a moment, I swung my feet onto the floor giving myself a moment to take a deep breath.

"Okay, Jim. Get off your ass and take a shower" I growled at myself.

Retrieving my phone from the floor I silenced it and stumbled out my bedroom door and around the corner to my small bathroom, glad that I had decided to leave the portable heater I had in there on.

Finishing my shower I put an old hand-me-down robe on and made for the coffee maker in my kitchen/dining room/living room. As I sipped my rather ass-tasting coffee, I looked out of a nearby window to the tattered yard, the tractor shed on the other side of it, and the large fenced field beyond it. I could see the sun beginning to crest the tops of the trees at the east end of the property.

Getting dressed and scarfing down a burnt piece of toast I filled my Darth Vader coffee mug up and headed out my front door encased in a thick sweater and sweatshirt, it was the middle of winter after all.

My scratched up but reliable truck started right up as it always did. The heater set to full blast, I coasted out of the dirt and gravel driveway and turned down the narrow county road pointed to town, waving to the dull-eyed cows standing in a nearby field.

The twisty road I had become so accustomed to went by in blur as I sipped my coffee and turned on the radio (don't do this at home kids), curious as to what the weather may be up to.

"...The next few days are forecast for more cold weather and a slight chance of snow around the weekend..."
"Yeah right, we haven't got real snow here in years now" I mumbled as I sipped some more of the liquid ass I had been drinking.

The next ten minutes of driving were unremarkable, until I got to the bridge that crossed a rather large canyon with an equally large creek at the bottom. At this point I experienced a rather severe brain fart. Yes, I believe this ailment fits what happened well. It is at this time that I decided to set my coffee into my lap, instead of the perfectly suitable cup holders that come standard with the vehicle, my mind obviously occupied by other things besides driving or the cup of lava sitting precariously close to my crotch.

At about halfway across the bridge I foolishly shifted my left leg to keep it from falling asleep, upsetting the balance of my coffee and thus plunging its contents squarely on my boys. In a fright I squealed like a child and yanked the wheel hard to right. My truck collided with the steel railing, smashing a little memorial someone had set up for a person that had jumped off the bridge, sending bits of flowers and a cross into my windshield. Unluckily for me the truck's momentum wasn't finished at the railing as the front bumper buckled and it flipped off the edge of the bridge.

As the ground rushed up to meet me,I shut my eyes and gripped the steering wheel for all I was worth. I tried to scream but I could only whimper like a pansy as I prepared for a world of pain.

Author's Note:

I am open to constructive criticism as to make the story as enjoyable as possibru. So if you find an error, be sure to alert me. I don't want bad grammar or spelling to detract it.