• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 3,176 Views, 56 Comments

Another Story where a human enters Equestria - insert uncreative name

A less serious HIE fic (rated T for cartoon violence, crude humor) There won't be any supervillians or the like in this story. The story is focused mostly on comidy.

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Chapter 18

After another restless night of dreams haunted by Rainbow Dash I decided I need help. Help I would get after I moved to Zecora's home land, and hopefully acquired a job with a large enough paycheck to support a monthly therapy bill.

After deciding I should get therapy from the Rainbow Slash incident (I ment Dash sorry I'm experiencing a bleeding effect from some of the nightmares I've been having), I got out of bed and ready for the day. Only to be trampled by a patrol of guards barging into my room.

“Spread out and look for him,” Commanded one of the guards.

The guard continued looking throughout the room. All the while continuing to trample me.

Now dear readers, if I may interrupt your reading experience for a moment. You shouldn't feel bad for Martian. He deserves it after all. I mean taking over Equestria and stealing everyone's powers for himself. Well that doesn't sound very nice does it, and let's not forget that nasty rumor he spread about Twilight. Worst of all he went to Equestria and he didn't invite any one of us. With this in mind I would like reinstate my earlier claim that Martian deserves the trampling he's getting, and that we shouldn't be pitying him but in fact laughing at his misfortune. With that said I will now let you get back to the story.

I just lied there in pain while they trampled me.

“Common this guy is freaking huge, how are we missing him,” said the guard leader.

“Ow” I muttered from under one of the guards.

The guards looked down to where the sound came from and saw me. “Solder why are you standing on this... individual. Get off of him,” commanded the Capetian.

The guard wasted no time in getting off of me and helping me to my feet.

“My apologizes citizen,” said the Captain, “We where under the impression that a terrible creature called a human was in this room. It stands around eight feet tall and has a firey mane and wings. You haven’t seen it have you?”

“... No, well at least not scene last night. I'll be honest though, I'd like to forget that ever happened,” I said.

“I understand. Tell a guard if you see anything suspicious,” said the captain.

“Now I had a cane that I believe got kicked around when you searched the room. if one of you would be so kind as to get it for me I'll be on my way,” I said.

One of the guards nodded and went to get my cane from where it had ended up and brought it to me.

“Thanks, You guy's take it easy,” I said then headed out the door.

“Stay safe citizen,” Commanded one of the guards as I left.

“Easter said then done,” I mumbled to my self.

I had made it the castle's main doors when I was interrupted by Luna.

“Ah martian, might I have a word with you before you leave?” Asked Luna.

“Um, sure.” I responded.

“Great, I need to prove to my sister that you are not a human,” Stated Luna.

“Are you still on that? Fine, if it gets her of my case. Also I was wanting to ask you what you what happened to Blueblood?” I asked.

Luna sighed before responding “my sister and discord overruled his execution after I returned their powers. Anyway if you will follow me that we can put down this scare of the coming apocalypse.”

I followed Luna to the throne room where Celestia was waiting for us. Celestia did not look pleased to see me. Nor the guards that where on duty for that matter because I was surrounded with spears within seconds

“Sister what is the meaning of this. I thought you said you took care of the human,” Demanded Celestia.

“No sister I told you that the crisis has been handled. I also recall telling you he was no human,” responded Luna.

“I am to a human,” I mumbled to myself.

“Explain,” Celestia demanded.

“He may look like a human, but unlike a true human that is made of pure evil, he is made of flesh and blood like you or me,” stated Luna.

Now in her right mind Celestia raised an eyebrow at the revelation “You are positive that this is not a trick?”

“Yes sister I've no doubt that he is merely a freak of nature,” said Luna.

“Ouch,” I said.

Luna and Celestia turned there attention to see what I was wining about. The scene they found was one of me holding my index finger in my mouth.

When I noticed the attention I gathered I gave the explanation “Turns out that the guards keep their spears in very good condition.”

Luna however paid no mind to what I said as she was currently working something out in her head. With out warning Luna took hold of my hand with her magic. “Look sister, if you do not believe me then at least believe your own eye's,” Luna said as she showed my bleeding finger to Celestia.

I took this opportunity to speak my mind “Is all this really necessary? Look Where I'm from there is an entire spices of human that are made of flesh and blood. I know that that doesn't fit you definition of what makes a human, but that's just how it is. I don't wish to be rude or anything but its just a simple fact that your definition of a human is wrong. Again I hate to come across as being mean but I believe that to had to be said. I'm sorry.”

By the way the princesses where looking at me it was apparent that they where in a conservation of there own and had missed most of what I said.

“Apology accepted,” said Luna. Luna then turned back to her sister. “I think that this also brings up the point that he also doesn't have the mental state of a human. Given that a human would never apologizes.”

Celestia nodded in agreement “Yes sister that is a curiosity. Very well, given this and your explanation of his other actions, I am will to accept that he is not of malicious intent.”

“I suppose that the best I'm getting. Well if that was all you needed I'll be going,” I said.

“Before you go I think it would be wise to inform my student about you,” said Celestia, “She has been in a state of panic since seeing you.”

“Okay, is she here or am I going to meet her at Ponyville?” I asked.

“I'll have her brought here momentary,” answered Celestia.

I sat around for some time waiting for Twilight Sparkle to arrive, while I was waiting Luna started up a conservation with me.

“Martian I remember you telling me that you where going to get an education in medicine after today. What school where you going to attend?” asked Luna.

“I was going to go to the zebra lands and attend a college there,” I responded.

“A wise decision. From what I understand the zebra's medicine practices are among the most advanced in the world,” Said Luna.

It wasn't long until Twilight Sparkle arrived. When she arrived she immediately headed into the throne room where she greeted Celestia, missing the fact that me ans Luna where in the room with her.

“Princess Celestia I'm so glad to see you. Have you heard any news about the human?” Twilight asked.

Celestia nodded, “I have revived most unusual news indeed. It turns out that the creature was not the kind of human that Equestria has known in the past but one from an alternate universe where they evolved from flesh and blood rather then pure evil. It turns out that the events of yesterday where all a mistake and the kingdom has been returned to our rule.”

“Oh, that's terrific! I'm glad that this is all over, and a new species from another world has been discovered. Oh, I have so many questions,” beamed Twilight.

I leaned over to Luna and whispered, “this wont take long will it. I kind of wanted to be home packing for the move by now.”

Luna leaned back to my and whispered in response, “Consider this payback.”

“Jerk,” I replied back.

Luna smacked me in the back of the head with her wing.

“OW! Alright I deserved that,” I said.

I turned my attention back to Twilight and Celestia to fond that Twilight had taken notice of my presence.

Twilight wasted no time in apologizing, “Hi I'm Twilight, and I am so sorry for thinking you where evil and attacking you.”

Well the sooner I get this over with the sooner I can get home. “Apology accepted. Well as good as forgiveness feels I really need to be heading home, So see ya round.” I said and started heading for the door.

Luna stopped me before I even made it out of the throne room. “Martian I'm sure that Twilight has many questions she wants to ask.”

Twilight immediately perked up, “Oh yes yes yes! Oh please can you say for an interview?”

Dang it, if I walk out now I'll look like a jerk.

“Fine but just a short one,” I begrudgingly said.

“Yes! Oh sorry, I'm just a little excited,” Twilight said while rubbing the back of her head with a hoof, “Moving on, First question who raises the sun and moon in your world?”

“It's all automated, the job takes care of itself.” I stated.

“Wow that's amazing, so the sun and moon move them selves?” asked Twilight.

“Actually the sun stays in one spot relativity and the planet orbits it, so to compensate the planet spins. The moon obits the plant,” I said.

“Wait how big is you sun?” Asked Luna.

“The mass of the sun is around a whole freaking lot, so about one point nine eight nine times ten to the power of thirty in kilograms. For the record its about one hundred and fifty million kilometers from out planet” I said.

“Alright that makes more scene.” Luna said and started writing in some notebook she produced.

“That seams really convoluted.” Stated Twilight.

“No no, I think he's on to something.” Luna exclaimed, “Sister if we figure this system out we can retire rich. All we need to do is set it up and continue taking credit for the day/night cycle.”

Celestia rolled her eye's, “No sister, such a system would never work, the magic involved would never work. I'm sure that whatever deity controls their sun and moon doesn't want to deal with the fame so it made something up.”

Luna mumbles something about the math checking out and giving up to easly.

“Alright next question. What controls the weather in your world?” Asked Twilight.

“Again it's all automated, well when I say it like that it sound like we have some control over it. More or less we just let it do it's own thing,” I replied.

Twilight began to look uneasy at this. “You mean that it's like the Everfree Forest?”

“Yes, that's it exactly,” I confirmed.

“The whole planet?” Twilight.

“Yep, the entire planet takes care of it's self plants, weather, animals, etcetera.” I explained.

Twilight's ears pined down as she lowered her head and looked downward, “that sound awful. Your entire race as no way to control the world around you.”

I waved my hand in the air, “no no it's not like that. We take advantage of how our world works. Personally I find it sad that you have to work so much if you want to get something done. For example, here you need an entire squad of pegasus to get it to rain, in my world a storm will construct itself.”

Twilight nodded and a small smile returned to her, “That's a good way to look at it. My next question is what kind of magic does your world have?”

Ah yes, yet another cliche question asked by many HIE stories. Fortunately I don't think my reply is overused, “Alright that's a really complex subject. Magic to us is something that cannot be explained by a scientific approach. By and large the answer is that there is no magic in our world. There are however claims of supernatural events from various groups. A common example is a miracle. Me being a victim of two instances (The portal to Equesria and death cheating on me) I'm inclined to believe such forces exist. So to answer your question, it depends on if you cont a supernatural being's divine intervention as magic. That answer your question?”

Twilight nodded, “Yea that will do for now, what does your spices eat?”

“The human race is omnivorous. We eat mostly fruits, vegetables, and cooked meats. Eating unknown plants or gemstones is an excellent way to make yourself suffer,” I said

“What can you eat and not eat specificity?” Twilight asked.

“For more accurate information please seek an expert on the subject.” I responded.

“What are you an expert on then?” asked Twilight.

“Well I will be an expert in the field of medicine after I get an education after this. Until then I am an expert on skewing thing up,” I explained.

“I can vouch for that.” Interjected Luna.

Twilight gave a disappointed sigh. “Very well.”

Twilight continued to ask question after question. Eventually I snapped and jumped out the window unfortunately Luna caught me before a had a chance to fall and forced me to continue twilight's questions. Finally after hours of questions I was free to go. Twilight was going to stay behind and document what she recorded while I went back to Ponyville. After departing the train I headed straight for my home in the Everfree forest. When I got there I found Zecora camping outside my house With my bags already packed.

Zecora saw me coming and waited until I had appraised before saying anything. “I'm glad that you've come back. Now let's put your life on track. I've packed our bags and booked a flight. We will leave tomorrow night. I've informed the others of the time we will leave by. We will visit them so we can say goodby.”

I nodded, “Alright sounds like a plan. It feels weird, giving up on going back. Thanks for doing this Zecora.”

Zecora led me to the Apple's farm where the Apples and Flutershy waiting for us. We spent the night together and said our goodbys. I promised to keep writing and to occasionally visit. Finally Zecora and I had to head out to catch our flight.

And that's pretty much the end of the story. I lived the rest of my life as a decently successful doctor. After I had gotten settled in Zecora went back to Equestria. I stayed in contact with Zecora, Fluttershy, and the Apples. I would occasionally visit them and sometimes Zecora visited me. I never found out what my grand destiny was that the Grand Reaper mentioned, but if I had to guess it probably some sort of long term investment sort of deal, you know some sort of more life equals more death in the long run or something like that. And of course I would occasionally find time to get myself involved in some crazy adventure. All in all, I lived a good life

The End.