• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 3,169 Views, 56 Comments

Another Story where a human enters Equestria - insert uncreative name

A less serious HIE fic (rated T for cartoon violence, crude humor) There won't be any supervillians or the like in this story. The story is focused mostly on comidy.

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Chapter 11

Now that I was done with being distracted from my main goal. It was time to try not get distracted again until I fled the town, a task easier said than done for some of us. After which I could get side tracked as much as I wanted.

“Hey human, what's the big idea ditching me like that?” Asked Rainbow Dash from behind me.

“Ditching you? That's not how I remember it.” I replied. “Nevertheless we where being chased by Big Hoof, so it's not unimaginable that we accidentally got separated from each other before we could conclude our conversation. So where were we?”

“The part after you confessed to being a human and I take you in before you have a chance to over throw all of Equestria.” Answered rainbow Dash.

“Well I could see how that would put a bit of a damper on our relationship.” I said.

“Whatever, now are you going to face me head on or are you just going to run again?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

“Umm...” I replied as I looked Rainbow Dash over. “Are you serious?”

“Yeah I'm serious, sure Twilight said you where some sort of ultimate evil.” Said Rainbow dash. “But you don't look so tough. I'm sure I could take you down in ten seconds flat! So we gonna do this or not?”

“While I'm flattered that you think that it would even take that long that's not what I meant.” I said. “What I meant was that in either contest I'm at a bit of a disadvantage. In a head on fight I'm sure that you’d actually have me beat in no seconds flat. And if I where to flee You would be more than able to catch up to me.”

“Oh just forget this, your going down human.” Said Rainbow Dash as she Dashed to me.

My reaction was to run away screaming. As I predicted Rainbow Dash had no trouble catching up to me. What happened was that she flew over me, landed right in front of me. And Right before I wad a chance to turn tail and run the other way she reared back and bucked me right in my head. I heard a very unpleasant cracking sound and hit the ground.

The next thing I know is after I hit the ground the sharp pain I felt when Rainbow dash bucked me was gone. I opened my eyes and found that I was alone in what appeared to be a waiting room of sorts.

The waiting room could be described easily enough, it was 10 X 15 (give or take). Had three chairs with a table in front of them and a potted plant to the side, no magazines to pass the time for whatever I was waiting though, that's a bummer. The room had only a single door on one side. On the other side there was a television with some couches in front of it. And the most apparent thing about the room was that almost everything was white. The chairs, table, carpet, couches, everything but the plant and the television was white. It was then that I noticed that even the clothes that I was wearing had been replaced with clothes that where pure white. However they where surprisingly comfortable so I didn't mind.

I didn't need to wait long. Soon the door opened and I saw a pony skeleton wearing a black robe. I immediately knew what that meant. I had died when Rainbow Dash bucked me. Poor girl probably only meant to knock me out. Hope she's doing alright. I know I would be worried sick if I accidentally killed someone.

“Name please.” He asked

“Martian Williams.” I replied. This is kind of a bummer, you know dying and whatnot.

He looked through the pages on his clipboard and eventually said “Give me a minute I can't seem to find your name here.” After he said this he pulled out a rather thick book and started looking through the pages.

“Martian Williams, correct?” He asked. Not looking up from his book.

“Yes.” I replied.

“I'm sorry but I can't find you here.” Said the Pony Reaper

The Pony Reaper looked up from his book at this point and asked. “Hmm... that's odd, I don't seem to recognize your species. What are you?”

“I'm a human.” I said

“Well that explains it. I don't have any jurisdiction over humans. Let me get your reaper. Sorry about the mix up.” He said

“No Problem.” I replied.

He left, and after a while he came back with the Grim Reaper that looks like a human skeleton.

As they where walking in I overheard the Pony Reaper saying “And so it turns out he's a human and I can't do anything.”

“That is odd, Any human who dies should so straight to my waiting room.” Replied the Grim Reaper. “Is there anything wrong with the sorting system?”

“No It's working fine as always.” Replied the Pony Reaper.

“Well we'll find out what happened later.” said the Grim Reaper. He then walked up to me and said “Martian Williams correct?” He asked.

“Yeah that's me.” I replied.

“Alright let's see what we have... ah here we are Martian Williams. Well congratulations you qualify for heaven.” Said the Grim Reaper

Wait I qualify for the heaven package. Well then hot dog I'm dying. No problem with it what so ever.

Hmm... that's odd.” Said the Grim Reaper.

“What?” I asked.

“You where supposed to die three years ago in a car accident.” The Grim Reaper responded “Might I ask how it is you died?”

“I was Bucked by a pony and I believe my neck snapped.” I replied.

“Well lets take a look to see what's happening.” Said the Pony Reaper

We all sat down on the couches, and the Pony Reaper turned on the television. The TV showed what was going on around my dead body.

At the scene of the crime

“Celestia's mane, Rainbow Dash what happened?” Asked a wide eyed Twilight

“I don't know, he started running away so I tried bucking him to get him to stop.” Said Rainbow Dash.” As soon as I do he falls over dead. Twilight what am I going to do. I killed somepony?” as Rainbow said this we could tell that this was really bothering her.

“I mean what if he's not some ultimate evil.” Continued Rainbow Dash. “Then that means I just killed an innocent creature. I didn't mean for this to happen. I thought he would be tougher than that.” She was pacing back and forth repeatedly, she also looked like she was on the verge of tears.

Twilight put her hoof on Rainbow's back and said. “I don't know Rainbow, but what I do know is that we can't just leave his body in the streets. Help me get his body back to the library.”

“Okay Twilight.” Rainbow's voice was starting to crack. “But what if.”

“Rainbow.” Twilight interrupted. “I know that your scared. But I promise you that we'll figure this out. I'm here for you but I need you to stay calm and focus. Can you do that?”

“I-I-I think so.” Replied Rainbow dash weakly.

Back at the waiting room

“Can We turn this off? I've seen enough.” I said. In all honesty I felt pretty awful. Because I died poor Rainbow Dash is worried sick about what's going to happen to her.

“Sure.” Said the Pony Reaper then he turned off the television.

“I didn't recognize those creatures as any from the human's world.” Said the Grim Reaper.

“That because they're residents of my realm.” Said the Pony Reaper.

“If that's the case then we have a major problem.” Said the Grim Reaper.

“What's that?” Asked the Pony Reaper.

“While I may have jurisdiction over humans. He died in your realm. And since he died in a realm other than my own I don't have jurisdiction to reap his soul.” Replied the Grim Reaper

“Well then what do we do?” Asked the Pony Reaper.

“Well we can't do anything. We'll need to ask upper management.” said the Grim Reaper.

“Do I still qualify for the Heaven package?” I asked.

“Oh yes you don't need to worry about that.” Replied the Grim Reaper. “Now just wait here while I get upper management.”

After waiting for a few minutes I asked the Pony Reaper if I could see what heaven was like. He said sure and turned on the TV and let me see a preview. By the time the preview was over I was so excited to get to heaven That I found that I was thankful to Rainbow Dash for accidentally killing me.

A little while later the Grim Reaper returned with a rather large robed skeleton. He looked to be about ten to twelve feet tall. While it was clearly not a humans skeleton it had the human build, stood on two legs, had two arms. But had several features that disqualified him from looking to human. For one his head rather tall. And also he had wings, well what would have been wings if he had skin. Interestingly enough there was no physical way he could fit in the room. So to do so he just ignored the laws of physics. It is kind of hard to describe.

“So let me get this straight nobody had jurisdiction here?” Asked the Grand Reaper.

“Nope.” Both the Grim and Pony Reaper responded.

“Alright let me see his file.” Demanded the Grand Reaper. The Grim reaper handed over his book with it opened to what I would assume is my profile.

“Well this is particular indeed. How did you transfer to a different world?” asked the Grand Reaper.

“A random wormhole came out of nowhere and I fell through it.” I responded. “Is that going to be a problem?”

“Well because that's technically impossible we have no policy’s in place to cover such an event.” Responded the Grand Reaper. “I'm going to to need to bring this up with the big man.”

“You don't mean?” asked the Pony Reaper.

“Of course I mean him.” said the Grand Reaper “Nobody else will be able to do anything about this situation. You all wait here I'll be back with news of what to do.”

We all sat there for a while. We made idle conservation, turns out that they are pretty cool guys. I hope I can get to see more of them in the after life.

After some time had passed the Grand Reaper returned. “Well it seems that there has been a bit of a mix up in higher office. Whats going on is that Martian here has had his destiny rewritten and for it to be fulfilled he needed to be moved to your universe.” He said as he pointed to the Pony Reaper. “However they forgot to send us the revised version of his profile, So that’s the reason that none of us knew what was going on. Speaking of which I'm going to need you two to sign a nondisclosure agreement about everything that's happened here today.” The Grand Reaper Said to the two other Reapers in the room.

“What's going on.” Asked the Grim Reaper.

“I'll tell you once you sign the agreement.” Said the Grand Reaper.

“So who has jurisdiction over him?” Asked the Pony Reaper.

“He is being handed over to the special case division.” Said the Grand reaper.

“We have a special case division?” Responded the Pony Reaper.

The Grand Reaper stood there for a moment before pulling out two clipboards and giving them over to the other reapers saying. “Sign here, here, and here.”

after they did this The Grand Reaper said. “Thank you for signing the nondisclosure agreement. Now don't let a word of anything that's happened here get out to the public.” He looked at the Pony Reaper. “And that includes special division soldier.”

“Sir yes sir.” Said the two Reapers.

“Now before I can tell you the exact details of what's going on we need to take care of him.” Said the Grand Reaper as he looked at me.

“What about me?” I asked genuinely confused.

“Well the problem is that you have a pretty big plan laid out for you.” Said the Grand Reaper. “And with you being here in the afterlife, it's not going to come to fruition.”

“Well don't people die before their time all the time?” I asked. I mean I really wanted to go to heaven.

“Unfortunately that's true.” Responded the Grand Reaper. “But that's not the point, I personally want your destiny to come true.”

“But I really don't mind dying, as a matter of fact I'm actually looking forward to it.” I pleaded.

“Yes, I understand.” Responded the Grand Reaper. “I take every vacation I can at heaven. It really is the greatest.”

“So you'll let me die then?” I asked With a hopeful tone.

“Depends, lets take a look at what's going on in the realm of the living.” Said the Grand Reaper.

We sat back down in front of the television, and the Grand Reaper turned it on.

On the television we saw Twilight trying some spell on my neck.

“I'm sorry Rainbow, But the spell doesn't seem to be working.” Said Twilight. “There's just too much damage.”

“Come on Twilight there has to be something that works.” Begged Rainbow Dash.

“I'll try a few more spells, but don't get your hopes up.” responded Twilight with a sad tone.

“Well it looks like they're trying fix you up Martian.” said the Grand Reaper.

“But I felt my neck snap.” I responded. “I don't think that there is anything they can do to save. Well that's a shame, But that's how the cookie crumbles. I'm off to Heaven.”

The Grand Reaper stopped me and asked. “Oh Martian, don't you believe in miracles?”

“Well sure I suppose, but what does that have to do with this?” I asked.

“Oh nothing in particular.” Said the Grand Reaper. “My goodness what is that doing there?”

“What?” I asked.

“In the TV, it's right there.” Responded the Grand Reaper.

“I don't see anything.” I said

“Try getting closer.” He Replied

I got closer to the television and still couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. “I still don't see it what am I looking for?”

As I got closer to the television the Grand Reaper pulled out his scythe and held it in a golf club position. After I asked whit I was looking for he replied. “A miracle, Grand Reaper style baby!”

At this moment I finally caught on. But it was already to late.


I can't believe that I fell for that. Nevertheless I found myself falling through that time-space continuum. The next thing I know I wake up back In Twilight's library.

“Oh thank Celestia, he's alive!” Said a relived Rainbow Dash

“That jerk.” I say weakly. Everything hurt especially my neck. I was better off dead.

Rainbow Dash must have thought that I had directed that at her because she immediately started apologizing for killing me.

Before I passed out from pain I managed to say. “That's not what I'm mad about.”

“Twilight, Is he okay?” asked a frantic Rainbow Dash.

After investigating me she concluded that I had only passed out. She turned to Rainbow Dash and said. “He's fine, he just passed out is all.” She looked at her friend and continued saying. “Rainbow, get some rest. I'll make sure that he makes it through the night.”

“Alright Twilight, Ill be back in the morning to see how he's doing.” Said Rainbow dash. She left to return to her house.

Twilight decided she could use some rest too. So she when upstairs to get some rest.

For that first scene with Twilight I'm sorry for using such strong language but I felt it was necessary given the situation

I would like to thank my sister for taking the time to help me proofread my story.

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