• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 3,176 Views, 56 Comments

Another Story where a human enters Equestria - insert uncreative name

A less serious HIE fic (rated T for cartoon violence, crude humor) There won't be any supervillians or the like in this story. The story is focused mostly on comidy.

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Chapter 10

I honestly can't believe that worked. Now all that's left to do is to skip town and go back into hiding. After I do that... I'll come up with that part later. But that not important the main thing is that I'm not seeing any signs of of pursuit. I figured that Twilight would be hot on my tail by now. I wounder whats keeping her.

back at the library

What just happened? Twilight thought to herself. The greatest evil in the universe just spared my life. Okay think logicality Twilight, he tried to summon his legion of dark minions but nothing happened, so that means that the only reason that he spared me was because he lacked the power to do so. He must have been looking for a way to regain his dark powers, and that's why he was here. He believed he could find a way to regain his powers in one of my books. But now that he knows the answer to his powers doesn’t reside in my library he is likely to pursue other ways of regaining his unspeakable powers. I have to stop him from escaping or there will be no power that will be able to stand in his way.

Twilight ran outside that library. She started look for signs as to which way the human went. As she was looking she spotted Rainbow Dash.

“I can't believe they're making me work the weather patrol through Pinky's party just because I slept through my afternoon shift.” said Rainbow Dash.

“Hey Rainbow Dash, come here.” yelled Twilight.

“Huh, oh hi Twilight what's up?” responded Rainbow Dash

“Listen Dash we don't have much time. We may be facing... no scratch that, we are facing the greatest threat that Equestria has ever known.” said Twilight

“Twi what's going on?” asked Rainbow Dash, sounding a tad nervous.

“I just ran into a creature called a human.”said Twilight. “In legend they are creatures of pure evil. I believe the one I saw had somehow lost his evil powers. If that is the case then this is the only chance we'll have to stop him. Now I don't know which way he went so I want you to make sure he isn't heading into the Everfree forest. I'm going to see if I can find him hiding around town.”

“Got it, I'm off” said Rainbow dash as she left.

“So all I have to do is find this human and stop him.” Rainbow Dash thought to herself. “This would so much easier is I knew what a human looked like. Oh look at that never seen a creature like that before. Oh that must be him. Twilight was right, he's heading right for the forest.”

“Oh man, need to get out more all this running is killing me.” I thought to myself. “Just a few more feet (or meters if you like) and then I'm home free.”

“Hold it right there.” I heard a voice from right behind my. I looked around to find no other than Rainbow Dash.

“Yo what's up?” I asked.

“Are you that human that was just at Twilight's?” She asked.

“She blabbed didn't she, but to answer your question yes, as it just so happens I was at Twilight's library that evening, and I was just on my way home when... you... umm. That's not good.” I paused mid sentence.

“What?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Look behind you.” I said.

“Ha, I know that trick. Nice try but I'm not falling for that.” said Rainbow Dash.

“That's very clever of you to see through my tricks. Now look behind you.” I said

“No” Rainbow stated


“There really is something behind me isn't there?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Oh yea.” I said in a nervous tone.

“Manticore?” she asked.

“No.” I replied.



“Diamond dog?”




“Lord Vincent Von Bagel?”

“No nothing that severe.”

“Then what is it?” Rainbow asked.

“Okay your probably not going to believe me but it's Bighoof.”

“Oh please Everypony knows that he's just a myth.” said Rainbow Dash.

“BIGHOOF SMASH” screamed Bighoof.

“AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” Me and Dash yelled as we bolted off back in the direction of Ponyville.

“Why is he trying to smash us?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Because you peeved him off that's why.” I responded

“What did I do?” she asked.

“You said he's not real that's what.” I said.

“So what now?”

“I don't know. Try apologizing to him.”

“Okay I'll try.” said Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash turned to face the monster. She looked him directly in the eye and said “Listen I'm only going to say this once so here it goes. I'm sorry for calling you a myth. So we cool.”

Bighoof stood there for a minute before turning around and leaving.

“Wow is that how Fluttershy feels every time she tells of an animal. I could get use to it.” Said Rainbow Dash. She turned around to where I was. “Alright human back to business... he's gone.”


“Rainbow is he still chasing us?” I asked in a panic. “Rainbow are you still there... If your still behind me that now would be a really good time to speak up... Okay I'm going to risk turning around if your still there please speak up. Okay once, twice, thrice.” I whip around prepared for the worst. And nothing, no one, I'm alone. Now how did that happen. One minute I'm running for my life with Rainbow Dash. The next I'm perfectly safe from all immediate harm. Now where am I. From what I can access from my innate skill of deduction I'm back in Ponyville. Okay Let's start walking, see where I end up.

As fate would have it I randomly found my way to Rarity's boutique. And as fate would also have it I was in need of some new shoes. And to top it all off the sign read open.

As I walked in I heard Rarity and her parents talking to someone.

“So what's wrong with her Doctor?” asked Rarity's mom

“It's to soon for me to make any assumptions, but I don't think it's anything to worry about.” said the Doctor.

At this point I decided to knock on the open door to alert them to my presence in the other room.

“Oh, if you will excuse me in seems I have a costumer.” Said Rarity.

“Are you sure you should be working dear?” asked Rarity's Father.

“Yes I'm sure, it will help me keep my mind off things. Besides I'm not even the one who's sick.” responded Rarity to her father.

“Well if you insist. We'll tell you if anything happens.” Her Father responded.

“Thank you father.” Rarity said then left the room.

“Alright now how my I help... oh my.” Said Rarity to me.

“Rarity is everything alright?” ask Rarity's Mother from the other room.

“Oh yes everything is fine.” Responded Rarity. She then turned back to me and said “I'm sorry about that. It's just that I wasn't expecting somepony so... unique.”

“There's absolutely nothing to be sorry for.” I said. “I understand your uneasiness around an unknown creature such as myself (And quite frankly her reaction was much more welcoming than Twilight's). I would like to move on to the matter of business I came here for though. I'm in bit of a hurry to get in and out of town as quickly as possible.”

“Oh, and why is that?" Asked Rarity.

“As it just so happens ponykind has legends about my species.” I replied. “Now they by most extent are completely wrong. What they state is that my kind are creatures of pure evil. This is not true. However this can be very difficult to explain to someone who is familiar with the legend's because they would believe me of attempting to trick them into letting down their guard by tricking them. So ironically they will not believe the truth even if I tell them it.”

“Oh that sounds dreadful. But I'm not falling for any of your trick's.” She said as she glared at me.

I took a few steps back and had a nervous look on my face. “Please tell me your joking.”

“But of course I'm joking.” she said. After which we shared a few chuckles.

“I have to admit you really had me going there.” I said.

“Yes, and I'm sorry but when I saw the opportunity to cause a little mischief I couldn't help myself.” Said Rarity. “ now what was it that your here for?”

“Oh yes.” I said remembering the reason I came here in the first place. “The reason I came here was that I'm looking for a pair of shoes that will last me a while in the woods. You see I often find that my homemade pairs don't last long and I would like a set that won't break every few days or so.”

“Yes I see how that could be a problem.” said Rarity. “So you want practically over style?” she asked to confirm she understood the order.

“Yes.” I responded.

“And one last thing before we get started. How much are you willing to spend on these shoes?” Rarity asked.

“I have about one hundred and forty bits on me.” I said

“Well it will cost about one hundred and twenty five for a good set, is that alright?” she asked.

“Sounds good to me.” I said.

“Alright then if you would have a seat over there, take off your shoes and put your hoofs or...” Rarity looked at my bare feet as I took off my shoes. “feet in your case on that stool over there we can get started.”

I did as she said and she started taking measurements.

“So out of curiosity do you have any experience making apparel for other species?” I asked.

“I do. Your build in particular is a lot like a certain dragon I know. So you don't need to worry yourself on how the shoes will come out.” said Rarity.

“That's good to hear.” I said. “I was worried that there would be no one that would be able to craft me a pair of shoes that fit well.”

“Well I assure you that I am experienced with all sorts of different creatures and cultures across Equestria.” said Rarity. “And I'm proud to say that I've been able to make attire for some of the most elite in Equestria. So I assure you that you are in quite capable hoofs Mr. um... Oh how rude of me. It seams that I forgotten to acquire you name. Mine's Rarity by the way ”

“Oh yes, how rude of me not to have introduced myself. Martian Williams at your service.” I said.

Okay that doctor business is eating me up I need to know what's going on. “Rarity, If you don't mind me asking I couldn't help but overhear that there is a doctor in the house. While it's not my place to intrude I can help but wonder if everything is alright?”

“Oh you overheard that. Well the doctor says that it's nothing to worry about. But my little sister has fallen ill with some unknown disease.” said Rarity

I'll have to talk to Zecora about that. While a pony doctor is fine and all, their medicine pales in comparison with the Zebra's.

“If you don't mind me asking.” Rarity said “I couldn't help but notice that you have. claws so to speak. But they don't look very threatening so if you don't mind me asking what does your species use them for? Digging perhaps?”

I looked at my fingernails for a minute before responding. “I've never given it much thought. Honestly I really don't know. They help pick things up I guess.”

We continued to talk while she made my shoes for about thirty minutes or so. After which I was ready to hit (flee) the town in my new shoes.

“Thanks again for the shoes. I really appreciate it more than you know.” I said.

“Think nothing of it. It was my pleasure working with something new.” said Rarity as I was leaving.

Wow I have to hand it to her these shoes fit perfectly. And they look a lot more sturdy than my homemade ones. And on top of everything else, they make me look classy. And that's what counts.

As always comment and tell me what you think.