• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 3,176 Views, 56 Comments

Another Story where a human enters Equestria - insert uncreative name

A less serious HIE fic (rated T for cartoon violence, crude humor) There won't be any supervillians or the like in this story. The story is focused mostly on comidy.

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Chapter 1

I’ve never written a fan fiction before but after reading several HiE fics ( I think that’s what the kids call them “fics”) I've been motivated to wright my own train wreak of a fan fiction. That aside the many of the HiE authors said they found it natural to write theirs so if figured why not take the easy way out.

I am far from an expert when it comes to grammar, but I will try to avoid lazy grammar like “how R U” if you no wut I mean. But do expect lazy writing like “one thing led to another”.Okay I’m done joking lets get this over with. But do expect lazy writing like “one thing led to another”


I was walking home from work one day. I work at a near by... on second thought you probably don't even care where I work, and its not even important to the story so lets skip that piece of personal information.

Anyway a sci-fy like portal comes out of nowhere. Now I know jumping into random wormholes is a terrible idea as you probably end up dead. But when the portal comes at you at million miles per hour you don't really have a choice. So I went through the portal before I knew what hit me.

The next thing I knew I was at the bottom of some freezing river. When I reached the surface I managed to grab a vine. I took the opportunity to take in my surroundings.

Lets see trees, rock, mountains, castle on the side of one of the mountains. Not promising seeing as I don't live anywhere near mountains. I thought to myself. Okay what else, look like a waterfall just down stream, and there’s something yellow floating this way.

“HELP SOMEPONY HELP!” The yellow something yelled

On that mark I let my heroic instincts take over. I waited for the right moment to swim out grab the yellow drowning thing and with all my might swim to the side of the freezing river. The water level didn’t reach where the ground and I didn't have the strength left to climb out myself. The only thing I could do was at least save the yellow thing. I took a look at the thing in my arm. It was little yellow pony that I recognized as Apple Bloom from the poplar TV show. To high on adrenalin to question my sanity I reached up and put her on the over the ledge. As soon as I did this I heard a voice.

“Apple Bloom... Apple Bloom ... Apple Bl.” I hear a the sound of a pony running closer. “Apple Bloom there you are. I've been look allover for you. You had me worried sick. Oh look at you, your soaking wet.”

“That sounds like Fluttershy.” I thought to my self.

“We need to get you out of the cold.” Said Fluttershy

“Wait.” Said Apple Bloom weakly. “Something in the river saved me. I think its still in there.”

About this time my adrenalin high was wearing off, and it came back to me how cold I was. Also to make things even worse for my case my fingers where losing their grip on the side of the river. Then I saw Flittershy looking for something in the river. She spotted me about the time my fingers decided that they had enough; she lets out a gasp, and I go for a joy ride down the river of death.

Hears the details as best as I can remember them. I try swimming away from the water fall, but to no avail. I go over said waterfall. I fall from what I’m guessing a hundred to two hundred feet; thought I'm terrible at judging distances so don't hold me to that. I plunge into the water, take a death blow from the river bed, crash against a rock in the river bed. Crash against some more a rocks in the river bed for good measure. And finally wash up on the river bank.

I was feeling better now that that was over. I wasn’t so cold now that I was out of the river, but man was I tired, so I decided to take a quick nap.


Fluttershy Had just saw the creature fall over the waterfall before she had a chance to react. She flew over to the other side of the waterfall with Apple Bloom in hoof to see if they could find the creature.

“I see something over there.” Said Apple Bloom

they landed next to the creature. Fluttershy walked up to get a better look. It seemed to be almost asleep. A look of panic went over Fluttershy's face. She put her hoof on the creature. Her fears where confirmed when she felt no body heat, but she did feel a faint heartbeat.

She quickly started to shake the creature and started yelling (and not her normal “yay” yell, but in her “your going to love me” voice, but with more panic thrown in) LESTEN YOU NEED TO STAY AWAKE. DO NOT GO TO SLEEP. The seemed to cause the creature to open its eyes a little. Fluttershy knew they didn’t have much time to get him to somewhere where she could care for it properly. Then by a shear stroke of luck she saw the cockatrice that she had meet before.

“Um mister cockatrice could you please help us.” She said.

The cockatrice didn't dare do anything that would earn him another stare from Fluttershy. So he went right up to see what he could do.

“Alright hears the plain, cockatrice I need you to turn this creature to stone to keep it from dying. Apple Bloom I'm taking you back to Sweet Apple Acres, I need you to get Big Macintosh so he can help me get it back to the town. Any questions?”

Both shook their heads no.

“Okay then.” said Fluttershy. “Let do this.”


Alright that’s it for now. Leave a review and tall me what you think.