• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 3,176 Views, 56 Comments

Another Story where a human enters Equestria - insert uncreative name

A less serious HIE fic (rated T for cartoon violence, crude humor) There won't be any supervillians or the like in this story. The story is focused mostly on comidy.

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Chapter 13

I laid on Fluttershy's guest bed. Bored out of my wits. “Fluttershy, how long are you going to keep me here?” I asked. After Fluttershy discovered the condition I was in, she decided that I was in no condition to be going anywhere.

Fluttershy was attending to the animals. She responded to my question from the other room. “Until your neck is fully healed.”

“And how long will that take?” I whined.

“A month or two at the least.” Responded Fluttershy

“Isn't there anything I can do to get out of here faster?” I continued to complain

“Martian I know you're anxious to get out of here, but you're in no condition to do anything but stay here and get better.” Fluttershy replied.

“Can we at least ask Zecora to take a look. Zebra medicine much is better than pony's. No offense, but it is. It won't hurt anything to have her take a look.” I said.

“Well alright, if you say so. I'll talk to her, but promise me you'll stay here and get some rest.” Said Fluttershy.

“You don't need to worry about that. I'm to busy being in pain.” I said.

Fluttershy responded with a serious expression and said. “Promise?” Apparently she was in for real mode. Not a mode to be toyed with.

“I, Martian Williams, do here by promise you, Fluttershy, that I shall partake solemnly in getting rest and recovering, and no other task whatsoever. Until I should make a full recovery, or if I am otherwise instructed by you.” I promised in an legally binding manner. Not that it was necessary, but it seemed to calm Fluttershy down. Which is exactly how I want her. Don't want another emotional break down like last night. Quite frankly being overpowered into a hug by none other than Fluttershy had left me feeling rather vulnerable, so I would rather avoid another episode like that until I get use to the fact that I am possibly the weakest creature in all of existence right now. I wonder if that guys theory about ponies being composed of dark mater has any significance in that situation. Maybe that could explain why I'm so weak by comparison. Oh I'm just making excuses now. Blaming dark matter, that's ridiculous.

“I'll talk to Zecora after I finish shopping.” Said Fluttershy. “I should be back later this afternoon.”

“I'll be here.” I responded.

It wasn't for another few a hours before anything happened, so let's skip hours of me laying in bed.

Fluttershy walked into my room. “I talked to zecora and she said she would come by just as soon as she could get prepared.” she said

“Cool, tell me when she gets here.” I said. I didn't need to wait long. Soon Zecora was knocking on Fluttershy's door.

“Oh Zecora, please come in.” Said Fluttershy “Martian is in the guest room. I'll tell him you're here.”

“Thank you Fluttershy. Your hospitality is hard to deny.” Said Zecora

Fluttershy walked into my room and said. “Martian Zecora's here.”

“Fluttershy told me that once you came back from your mission, you where in rather poor condition.” Said Zecora.

“Yeah broken neck, or something along those lines.” I responded.

“If I am to believe what I hear, that means it's quite severe.” Said Zecora.

“Here I'll get my eye drops so you can look yourself.” said Fluttershy

“That's quite alright Fluttershy. I've brought a fresh batch for my eye.” responded Zecora. Zecora opened her bag and pulled out a batch of the X-ray eye drops. Man those things are cool. Zecora applied her eye drops and took a look at my neck. She went wide eyed like Fluttershy did when she first looked at my neck. “Martian With your neck like this you should be dead. It's a miracle your in this bed.”

“So what now?” I asked.

The next several minutes where filled with Zecora and Fluttershy discussing my condition they used their eye drops several more times, and they seemed to take more notes each time. After a while Zecora finally spoke to me. “Drink this potion. Do so in a slow motion.”

“ What's it do?” I asked

“It will put you to sleep. Hurry or it's properties will not keep.” Said Zecora.

“Why are you putting me to sleep?” I asked.

Fluttershy answered “Because After taking a better look at you neck, we decided that it's not going to heal on it's own, so we decided that a surgical procedure would help it heal. Martian please drink the potion it doesn't last long after it's open.”

“Are you sure that your qualified do a surgery on me?” I asked.

“Martian there's no doctor in all of Equestria that has any experience with human's, and I am qualified do preform surgery. I've preformed plenty on the animals I take care of.” Responded Fluttershy.

“I just not sure I'm comfortable with this.” I said

Fluttershy look me directly in the eye and said. “Martian please trust me. I'm only trying to help you.” She looked and sounded like she was going to have another emotional outburst again.

I felt a hoof on my shoulder. I looked over and saw Zecora. She also look me directly in the eye and said. “You can trust me and Fluttershy. We will not let you die.”

I took only one more moment of hesitation to look at the container of knock out potion. After the moment passed I took the leap of faith and drank the potion.

With a sigh of relief Fluttershy said. “Okay Martian you should be asleep in about ten to fifteen minutes. Just lay with out back facing up so we'll be able to preform the sugary.”

“Alright. Oh Zecora before I pass out Rarity's little sister came down with something. When you get the chance you should cheek to see if she is alright. The pony doctor couldn't quite figure out what's wrong with her.”

“I'll add her to my plans, and pay her a visit as soon as I can.” responded Zecora.

Not long after that the potion took effect and put me out like a light. Now I was unconscious for the duration of the procedure, so I couldn't narrate this part of the story. However all things considered I doubt that you would want a detailed recollection of a surgical procedure.

As I woke I called out to see if anyone was here.

Fluttershy came into the room. “How are you feeling?” She asked. I started to give my neck a quick test when Fluttershy stopped me saying “oh” I gave her my full attention. “Don't move it to much. It's still healing.”

“Well it feels much better.” I said.

“Thank goodness.” Fluttershy said. “Zecora is still here, if you want to talk to her.”

“Yea that sounds nice.” I said. “Can I get out of this bed?”

“Umm... Martian there is something we need to tell you.” Fluttershy said.

“What's that?” I asked.

“The procedure went well for the most part. However one part was just to torn apart.” Said Zecora as she walked into the room.

“Umm... I don't follow.” I admitted

“A part of you spine was to damaged to be recovered completely.” Flutter said. “I believe it might have been your leg because of how it was acting up when I brought you to my house.”

I tried to move my leg. It moved but not as much as I wanted it to. “How does a blow to my neck equal permanent leg damage?” I asked.

“A broken neck like that usually means a life lost. We should be grateful that a leg was all it cost.” Said Zecora.

The zebra makes a good point.

At Twilight's

Rainbow Dash had just arrived at Twilight's. As she walked in she saw Twilight with her nose in some book. “Hey Twilight, How's the human doing.”

“He escaped last night.” Said Twilight “I'm busy trying find any mention of the nature of humans in any of my books. I haven't found much, but what I have found doesn't make mention of any advanced healing powers, so I have no idea how he escaped last night.”

Rainbow Dash was a bit disturbed at this information. “Is there any chance that humans are...” Rainbow Dash looked down and pause for dramatic. She Quickly looked up and said “Immortal!” DUN DUN DUNNN!

“No that's not likely the case.” Twilight said. “That what most humans are after. Along with power, fame, or wealth among other things.”

“Wow, humans are greedy.” Said Rainbow Dash

“That's not even the half of it.” Twilight said. “For starters they start fights just for the fun of it. They thrive on war. They're even worse than Discord. Another thing is that they apparently are meat eaters. I can't imagine what that human would have done to you if it had it's powers.”

“Speaking of it's powers, do any of your books make any mention of humans loosing their powers?” Asked Rainbow dash.

“Actually I did find a few book that mentioned humans without their powers.” Twilight said. “Fortunately he didn't find them.”

“So is there any chance he can regain his powers?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

“Unfortunately yes.” Twilight said. “Most likely he will devourer the souls of thousands of ponies and slowly regain his powers.”

“Most likely? What's that supposed to mean?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

“Well he could absorb an ancient source of power.” Said Twilight.

“Like what?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Like the elements of harmony, or the powers of Princess Celestia, but the Element's are under heavy guard and there's no way he is even getting close enough to Celestia to take her powers, so it's safe to assume that he's not going with that option.” Said Twilight.

“So what's the plan Twilight?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

“Spike should be getting back soon. I'll send a message to Princess Celestia as soon as he get's back.” Responded Twilight's

“Couldn't we send a letter through the regular mailing system?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

“If we did that it would take the letter at least a month to get through security.” Responded Twilight.

“So where going to wait for him to make that first move?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

“I'm Sorry but that's all we can do. I'm going to tell the others. You coming Rainbow?” Asked Twilight

“Yea I'm coming” Said Rainbow Dash.

Back at Fluttershy's house

Zecora had gone home for the evening.

“I'm going to be walking with a limp for the rest of my life?” I asked to make sure that I understood the situation correctly.

“And you'll probably need a cane or something to support yourself on.” Affirmed Fluttershy.

“Well it could be worse.” I said. However Fluttershy didn't look convinced. “Hey I'm fine. Really Considering I should be dead. Like Zecora said a little leg damage is pretty lucky.” A bad choice of words on my part. Reminding Fluttershy of how close I had come to death seemed to make her emotional state even worse. “Don't worry Fluttershy I'm fine. Just like I promised.”

“But your leg.” Fluttershy said.

Are we still on that. Man I'm really walking in a mine field here. A word of advise, never come to me for emotional comfort. I'm terrible at it. Honestly I never know what to say. I even find being a shoulder to cry on an intrusion of my personal space. And she's looking like she about to make me a shoulder to cry on. “Don't sweat it. Thing like this happen.”

“Why?” Fluttershy said. “It's not fair, why do these thing have to happen?”

Martian you have by my calculation one more mine before you become a living tissue. “Don't worry Fluttershy it's over, everything's alright.”

Oops, looks like that was a mine too. Brace for impact. And so I braced for Fluttershy to latch on. And oh did she ever. “Oh Martian I was so afraid that you were going to die. I was so scared.”

Yep there she goes. Wow she's really balling her eyes out this time. Oh wait, is that snot. Hold on Fluttershy let me get a tissue. I reached for the nearest tissue box. A rather difficult task considering I now only had one good leg and Fluttershy was latched on tighter than ever. However despite this I finally got a tissue box in hand. “Here Fluttershy blow your nose.” However rather than use the tissue that I was offering, she grabbed my shirt and used that instead. Well, I'd prefer you'd use the tissue, yeah sure, why not. Well it looks like we're in this for the long hall. “It's okay, Let it all out.” And she did. For quite some time.