• Published 29th Oct 2013
  • 6,601 Views, 130 Comments

Rain Games - Bookish Delight

Soccer season's started back up, but Rainbow Dash just can't get her head in the game. Fortunately, that's what best friends and vice captains are for...

  • ...

Rain Games

"Alright, girls, listen up."

A blonde and uniformed lavender-skinned girl addressed several other girls wearing similar outfits. Nearly the entirety of the Canterlot High School girls' soccer team sat assembled on the benches of a locker room, staring at her with expectant gazes.

"I'm not going to lie to you: we need to turn this around, and hard. No ifs, ands or buts about it. But you know what? I'm not even worried." She pointed to the locker room's exit. "'Cause do you know who that is out there?" She scoffed. "The Fillydelphia Parasprites. Also known as the the jokes of the Equestrian City High School Soccer League. The jokes!"

The other girls tittered a bit. It was probably the best Cloud Kicker could hope for given the situation -- a situation that no one had seen coming.

"So whaddaya say? Let's get back out there, kick their butts, and let 'em know Celestia sent us!" She raised and pumped her fist. "Woooooooo!"

Her enthusiasm was met with silence.

She cocked her head. "Gee, guys, don't look so pumped. You'll bring down the ceiling."

A yellow girl with shoulder-length blue hair raised her hand.

"Yeah, Raindrops?" asked Cloud.

"Soooo, yeah," said Raindrops. "We were, like, kind of on board with this whole 'winning' thing already." She pointed around the room, gesturing vaguely to the rest of the team. "We, as in all of us sitting here right now."

"What are you getting at?" asked Cloud, hands on hips.

"Well, why are we getting the pep talk when the one girl who needs to be told to get with the program isn't in here?"

Cloud sighed. "Look, I was just as surprised on the field as you. You and I -- heck, all of us sitting here right now -- know that our captain just isn't normally like that."

"But she is like that right now!" said a girl sporting the exact reverse hair and skin color from Raindrops. "And it's throwing us all off! What do we do?"

"I..." Cloud Kicker trailed off.

Raindrops spoke up again. "Look, Wind Whistler just nailed it. Now, you've got us. We're fine. We're not your problem. Your problem -- our problem -- is that she's the captain," she said, thumbing towards a door at the rear of the locker room. "And you're the the vice captain. We'd love to help, but we're not sure how, you know? 'Cause we've seen her mad before, but this looks... different."

Cloud Kicker nodded. "I'm just glad you're as concerned as I am. I promise I'll let you know how you can help as soon as possible. In the meantime, could you girls take the rest of your break outside so I can talk to her? I'll text you when I need you."

"Sure," said Raindrops. "Good luck. C'mon girls."

Cloud Kicker ran her hand through her hair and swished her ponytail as the team left the room in single file. Once she was alone she sighed, steeled herself, and walked to the slightly ajar door which led to the rear of the locker room.

All right, girl, she told herself. You can do this. After all, if there's anyone she'll listen to, it's you, right?

She pushed the door open further, stepped through, then closed it softly behind herself and latched it.

The rear of the girls' locker room contained even more lockers, the entrance to the showers, and exactly one more bench. On that bench sat a girl, hunched over so that her only significant features were a few tinges of multicolored hair, and a blue jersey with the name "DASH" and the number "01" printed on the back.

Cloud Kicker balled her fists once more. It was time for some tough love.

She only hoped that she could follow through with it.

"Rain Games"
A My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Fanfiction
by Bookish Delight & iJab, 2012-2013
All characters and referred properties belong to Hasbro.

"Rainbow Dash! Just what is your deal, huh?" Cloud Kicker stamped her foot. "Missing almost every single pass? Trying to make wall-rebound shots? Heck, you scored for the other team once! What gives? The season's just started, and the girls and I agree that this is not what we expected out of our captain!"

Rainbow Dash remained silent. After a half minute of nothing, Cloud Kicker strode over and gave Rainbow Dash's shoulder a rough grab. "Hey! Are you even listening to me?"

Five more seconds passed... then Cloud Kicker heard a splash. It was the tiniest of splashes, no louder than a pin drop in the otherwise silent room.

Cloud Kicker looked down at the floor and saw a single drop of water. As she wondered what it was, she heard another one, closer this time. She angled her head to look in front of the girl she was technically still trying to scold.

Rainbow Dash was holding her smartphone. At the bottom of the screen was another drop of liquid, freshly fallen.

The screen displayed a picture of a blue man and woman, and an email readable from even Cloud's height.


We know we were supposed to be home by this morning, and you must be worried sick. Our new bosses are absolutely running us through the wringer. More things have come up, and we're afraid we'll have to stay in Prance for just one more week.

We promise we will make it up to you when we get back. Best of luck with your game. We're so sorry we couldn't attend after all, but we know you'll make everyone as proud as you make us.

We love you. We'll call soon.

~Mom and Dad

"Oh my gosh, Rainbow." Cloud's voice went to a whisper. "Why didn't you tell any of us?"

At last Rainbow spoke, her rough voice cracking and trembling. "Another week makes two. It's never been two. Just one, a whole bunch of times."

Cloud held in a gasp. Rainbow would be well looked-after. She had the housekeeper and family friends who lived on every other floor of her high-rise, some of whom Cloud had personally met. Still, none of those were substitutes for the real thing.

Cloud knelt directly in front of Rainbow Dash. Placing her fingers to Rainbow's chin, she nudged it upwards to see vertical trails from her eyes... and marks which suggested she'd been wiping her face over and over.

She looked at the email again. According to the timestamp it had been sent four hours ago. The game had started one hour ago. Everything fell into place, and Cloud sighed. "Dash, I... I'm so sorry. If only I'd known..."

"No, Cloud, I'm sorry. I've been a wreck all over the place, and none of you deserve that." Rainbow stood up and walked to the lockers. Cloud Kicker followed suit, watching Rainbow place her palms on her own locker just before speaking again.

"Y'know, a week ago? I... finally got to fly. Like, fly for real. You saw me. I'll remember those ten minutes for the rest of my life. But that was seriously the best thing that's happened to me for months. The one cool thing I've had in months and it got snatched from me in a supersonic second."

Cloud nodded.

Rainbow gave a rueful chuckle. "I thought things were finally looking up, you know? That flying thing happened, I got some of my friends back, I went to a cool dance. I didn't even know I'd like dancing. It was kind of awesome. But now that's all over." She held up her phone in one hand. "All I've got now it's this. It's like last week never even happened. It's all just going back to what it was before, and I can't stop it, I..."

Cloud noticed her friend tense up -- too late, however, to stop the deafening noise which came from Rainbow smacking the locker as hard as she could with her palm.

"...I miss being happy!" Rainbow Dash yelled, her voice twisting into an aggressive whimper.

"Dash!" Cloud rushed to her side, grabbing hold of her arm. "You gotta calm down! Seriously."

Rainbow took several deep breaths. "Sorry, sorry. No, you're right. I gotta keep going. I... I promised a whole lotta people." She leaned with her back against her locker and sniffled. "Even if I'm some kind of failure, even if I don't matter anymore, even if money's more important than me to my own family now, I-"


Cloud Kicker wrapped her arms around Rainbow and rested her head on her shoulder. After a few pensive moments, Rainbow Dash did the same with slow and shaky arms. The two shared their silent embrace until the air around them -- as well as their hearts -- were calm once more.

Cloud Kicker let go and looked at her friend straight on. She shook her head, sighed, and walked to the showers. She then went to the closest pair of faucet handles and turned them. A light stream could soon be heard throughout the room.

"Cloud," said a puzzled Rainbow Dash, "I-"

A returning Cloud Kicker put her finger to Rainbow Dash's lips. "Shhh."

She spread two fingers and raised them to Rainbow's eyebrows, touched, and gently slid them down, signaling the team captain to close her eyes. "Do me a favor, okay? Don't think about the game, don't think about that email. Don't think about anything. Just listen to the water."

"But what about-"

"I'll handle the team," said Cloud, who was already in the midst of texting Raindrops to find out how much time could be bought via stalling. "That's the vice captain's responsibility when the captain can't, right? So relax. Please."

Rainbow Dash inhaled deeply, then exhaled long and softly, going into a light trance with her eyes still closed.

Raindrops's text had come back, saying that the team had officially bought twenty minutes. Any more than that and people would start wondering. Cloud Kicker nodded to herself. "Good," she said, to both the text and to Rainbow. "How are you feeling?" she then asked the latter, wiping her eyes with a tissue.

Rainbow exhaled again. "Better? Still really bummed, but... a little better."

"It's okay to feel sad. Anyone would in your situation. Which is why I want you to just keep focusing on the water."

Rainbow Dash chuckled in spite of herself. "Sheesh, you and the water. It's been raining outside all game, you know. We could just go back."

"No. You won't be able to hear it out there over everyone else. Which is important. Because it'll help you remember why you're here."

"Huh? What do you me-"

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes to see Cloud Kicker's face barely an inch away from hers, and still drawing closer. Their eyes met for a second before Cloud veered off to the side, positioning her mouth close to Rainbow's ear, and whispering a single word.


With a gasp, Rainbow understood. With a single word, it all came rushing back. The memories cascaded over her, just like the shower-


Like the rain.


Canterlot High School's soccer field was always deserted on first and third Sundays.

Today it had even more reason to be deserted. A spring rain was falling all over Canterlot District, but it was always the open areas that got hit the hardest.

The field was damp. One might even have called it slippery.

None of this mattered.

They still played their hearts out.

Rainbow could still remember how short of breath she was. She huffed and panted as she continuously pushed herself to keep up with Cloud Kicker's downfield dribbles.

Cloud was good. Cloud had always been good. They'd always said that she lived up to her name. That she was light on her feet.

They'd never seen her really cut loose. Not even against an away team. Unless that away team consisted of a single blue girl with short, multicolored hair.

Then again, Rainbow always held the same philosophy. Practice beyond your hardest, so when the real thing happened, the effort needed then would feel like nothing at all.

Cloud had the ball now. She zoomed downfield, kicking it in short spurts.

The goal was close... then really close... then super-close. A scant few yards away and she'd be in shot position. Rainbow knew that it was now or never.

With an inward yell, she put on an even higher burst of speed, and slid in from the side.

Her tactic was successful. The ball was kicked out of Cloud's path before she had the chance to meet it with her toe again...

...but the field was damp.

One might even have called it slippery.

Rainbow continued to slide, on her back and against her wishes. Under different circumstances, she might have enjoyed this. Her screams might actually have been ones of jubilation instead of shock. As a kid she'd once had her parents buy her a summer toy with a similar purpose. But that toy was lined with plastic and water, not dirt and grass.

On and on she went, until she slid into the goal at an angle. Her foot hit the net, and only then did she come to rest. Realizing that the trip was finally over, it was all she could do to flop on her back.

And then the world was silence.

Well, almost. There was still the spring rain. It fell and tapped all around her. It tried to get in her eyes too. She used extra-long blinks to thwart it.

After one of those blinks -- she'd lost count how many it had taken -- the rain had stopped attacking her face. She opened her eyes and saw Cloud Kicker taking up her entire field of vision.

She took Rainbow's hand, and in a half minute, she was sitting up. Cloud Kicker sat on her heels beside her.

Cloud's face... she looked so relieved. Rainbow wasn't sure why. This kind of stuff was bound to happen, playing on a day like this...

...was Cloud playing with her hair?

No, not quite. Dirt, she said. Tons of it. She was trying to get as much out as possible. It was a shame given how much work Rainbow clearly put into her awesome dye job.

Rainbow had grabbed her arm then. Said that she didn't have to go through all that for her... and revealed that she actually didn't dye. The look of shock on Cloud's face still made Rainbow giggle inwardly whenever she reflected on it.

Rainbow had laughed then, too. Cloud did the same.

They laughed together until things died down, and the rain was once more louder than they were... and they hugged. It was a warm, happy hug that Rainbow was glad to give her best friend, anytime she asked.

Today, though, no words were needed. Instead, Rainbow thanked Cloud for joining her that day. It was only courteous, and besides, she meant it.

Cloud had replied, saying that even if Rainbow hadn't asked, even if Cloud had just seen Rainbow on the field by herself, she would have just joined in. She loved spending time together like this. But she still blamed herself for what had just happened. The slip and all.

Which again made no sense. Sure, thank goodness things hadn't been worse, but there was no reason why Cloud should have ever beaten herself up abo-

-no. No, stop apologizing.

Cloud refused. She hated seeing Rainbow get hurt. She hated seeing anything bad happening to Rainbow.


That had been the word. The word that stood out amongst everything else. The word that echoed over and over in a memory full of things to love about it.

Special. To Cloud.

Rainbow had never heard that word applied to her. Ever.

Cool. Strong. Talented. Gifted. Loud. Oh, she'd heard Loud a lot in her life.

But Special? Never Special. Not even from her fami-

-Cloud was staring into her eyes now. Rainbow stared back, both of their eyes misty. Or maybe it was the rain again.

She cupped Cloud's left cheek with her palm.


Cloud was special too. Special to her, too.

She always had been. Ever since they'd met. Ever since she'd been the only friend who still stuck by her when her others left. Ever since her parents had been sent on constant business trips by some stupid corporation downtown.

Better late than never to realize it. Her heart felt lighter for finally knowing to say it... and to see Cloud's smile when she did.

Their faces drew close. Rainbow closed her eyes... and a new wetness was felt the instant they connected. Unlike the rain, this wetness was warm. Soothing. Energizing...


...and no matter how many times they'd experienced it since then, it never got old.

Rainbow Dash reopened her eyes as their lips parted. She darted her eyes, checking her surroundings. They were back in the locker room. She wasn't sure why she expected to be anywhere else.

"You did remember," said Cloud Kicker. "Good."

"H-how did you know I would?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I..." Cloud blinked. "I didn't, actually. I was just hoping it'd work. Glad it did, though. Even if it's never fun seeing you cry."

"Seeing me what?" Rainbow's eyebrows shot up just before she felt drops running down her cheeks. "Aw, man! Not again!" She wiped at her eyes, and when her vision was clearer, she saw Cloud Kicker doing the same.

"It's okay," Cloud said with a shaky laugh and sniffle. "It's not like I didn't either. But are you starting to get why I hate seeing you like this? Ten minutes ago I had to just stand there and listen to you tell the most boldfaced lies you've ever said in your life. All that stuff about not being important? Seriously, girl, what the heck?"

"Cloud, I..." Rainbow trailed off.

"Listen," Cloud said, putting a hand on Rainbow's shoulder. "You are the girl who so many others look up to in this school. The girl. Rainbow Dash The Awesome. The chick who can stand up to anything, anyone. The one who captains all the school teams, and has players willing to follow her anywhere. Girls want you. Guys wanna be you-" Cloud stopped. "Wait, hold on. I might have gotten those two mixed up."

Rainbow gave a tiny laugh. "I've seen it go both ways."

"Yeah, well. Look, unless I'm remembering things wrong, that night you flew? You helped save the world from who knows what. So all that worship you had? It's now hero worship. Myself included."

Rainbow simply blushed as Cloud Kicker raised a hand to her cheek.

"My life, and a lot of other girls' lives, would amount to a whole lot less without you. And I can't speak for your family, but..." Cloud sighed. "Maybe give them the benefit of the doubt? This has got to be tearing them up inside too. At least, I think so. Every time I've met them they've just always seemed really nice."

Rainbow nodded. "Yeah, this isn't their fault. It's only been since that tech company bought out their job that they've been constantly traveling like this. And it's been happening everywhere. You know Rich Industries, right? Gone, too, just like that." She snapped her fingers.

"Yeah, I heard. It made the news and everything."

"That little Diamond Tiara girl's been taking it hard. I used to make fun of her, but now I sorta feel for her, you know?"

Cloud nodded. "Total harshness. Seriously though, when your parents get back, I'd let them know the same feelings you just told me. And no matter what happens, you've got me, the team... didn't you just say you patched things up with your childhood friends, too?" She winked. "I think there're more rainbows in the sky than you're seeing here."

The first genuine smile of the day crossed Rainbow Dash's lips. "Cloud," she whispered. "Thank you."

"No thanks necessary." Cloud stepped away and walked towards the still-running shower, gently tugging at Rainbow Dash's arm until she followed. "'Cause you know what else I've realized? People get so wrapped up in their own lives... those lives Rainbow Dash helped make so much better..."

She turned back in front of Rainbow, flashing her a smile which radiated pure serenity.

"...that it's easy to forget that sometimes Rainbow Dash likes being happy too."

With one final step backwards, Cloud Kicker was immersed under the shower... and with one final tug, she pulled an entranced Rainbow under it with her.

Lukewarm water spilled through their hair and down their backs. It cascaded down their faces and dripped off of their chins, soaking their bodies and their outfits. Their hair stuck to their foreheads, their outfits clung to their bodies, and as the two became one with the water, all was relaxed bliss.

A devilish grin spread across Cloud Kicker's face as she gripped the front of Rainbow Dash's soaked blue uniform with wet hands. With a gentle tug she pulled her captain closer, until they stood toe to toe with their foreheads touching.

Cloud Kicker's body tensed and heated as she felt the rhythmic breathing of her best friend and crush through the water, light and hot on her own lips. Her eyes lidded and her heart pounded fiercely against her ribs as she fought desperately to keep her emotions under control.

It was perfect. She'd set things up perfectly, and now they were going perfectly.

The trouble with perfection, however, is that it's tough to know where to go from it. Her grin fell to a subtle smirk, and her eyes fell to Rainbow's wet cleats as she tried to think.

Rainbow noticed. "Whoa, whoa. What's with that look?"

Cloud tensed again. "Uh... I..."

Rainbow tilted Cloud's face back up to meet hers with one hand while slicking her bangs to the side with the other. She spoke again, her lips moving while less than an inch away from Cloud's, her words scented with peppermint.

"Look, you've already dragged us into the shower, all uniformed and everything." Rainbow Dash's grin turned challenging. "Don't tell me you're chickening out now."

With a quick gasp, Cloud Kicker raised her eyebrows, frantically brushing water and her hair from her own face. "Wh-who says I'm chickening out?"

Rainbow laughed. "I'm not. What I'm saying is, if you really wanna make good on letting us relive our first kiss..."

Her index finger touched Cloud's cheek, slowly and ticklishly tracing itself towards and then across Cloud's lips. Rainbow's grin turned teasing as she watched her friend's tongue come out to meet it. The second it did, Rainbow pulled away, receiving the tiniest of whimpers for her actions.

"...you've gotta follow through," she finished, giving the same finger a quick lick. "Don't ever second guess yourself, and don't ever be afraid... especially when it's just you and me."

The butterflies in Cloud's stomach intensified as Rainbow's voice slipped to a whisper, and she felt her captain's hand on the back of her head. The next thing she felt was a pair of lips she knew and loved pressing against her own. As the two closed their eyes in slow sync, she was forced admit that Rainbow always knew how to make a good case.

She ran her hands up Rainbow's collarbone and over her shoulders as they kissed. More water trickled down between them -- cool in comparison to the heat flooding their faces, distinct from the slippery wetness shared between their lips -- yet still no less welcome.

After several long moments, they broke contact and opened their eyes. Cloud Kicker wore a soft smile while Rainbow Dash put on a puzzled look.

"How'd it feel?" Cloud asked, her voice soft and high.

Rainbow Dash hesitated... then reached around Cloud Kicker to turn off the running water, leaving the locker room silent once more.

Disappointment flooded Cloud's heart, but she pushed it down. They were on borrowed time, she told herself. Of course it was time to leave. Her captain always knew best about these matters. She looked to the door, fully prepared to exit the showers.

Instead of backing away, however, Rainbow Dash rested both palms against the shower wall, leaving Cloud trapped between her arms. The school's marching band began playing a song, and it dawned on Cloud Kicker that halftime was only half over.

Rainbow grinned and winked.

"Just like our first time... it was over way too quickly."

Cloud Kicker shrugged and smiled, shifting her weight from side to side. Her heart raced and quivers rushed through her body in anticipation for what Rainbow might have planned. "Well, you definitely look like you're feeling better at least," she said between short breaths.

Rainbow nodded. "Uh huh. And it's all thanks to you." She flashed another inviting smile while tracing her index finger down the middle of Cloud Kicker's chest. "Looks like making me feel better took a lot out of you, though."

"I-I can take it," managed Cloud, just as Rainbow Dash stepped forward and pressed herself against Cloud's body, making her breath hitch.

"Maybe, but that's not your call." Rainbow Dash slid her hands up and down Cloud Kicker's sides in a tender massage, her voice growing husky. "Your captain needs all of her players in top shape for the next half. That means in spirit, too..."

Rainbow tilted her head and leaned in, the side of her nose sliding along Cloud's until their lips brushed against each other for two tantalizing seconds.

The world around them disappeared as Cloud Kicker wrapped her her arms around Rainbow's back and pulled her tight, the wet polyester sliding up against itself.

That's right, Cloud heard, so low that she wasn't sure if it was a whisper or a voice directly in her mind. Just hold onto me... and I'll do the rest.

Their drenched soccer uniforms continued to cling their bodies while Rainbow's hands raised onto Cloud's shoulders. Their lips locked once again, and Rainbow Dash reached up to place her hands on Cloud Kicker's cheeks. She pressed her lips onto Cloud's, parting them with her tongue.

Cloud Kicker chirped beneath her breath under Rainbow's newfound aggression. She squeezed onto the back of her captain's jersey as Rainbow's tongue slipped into her mouth, letting her jaw relax while her own tongue stroked up the length of her friend's. Tingles ran up her spine while her legs trembled, and her arms grew weary. She gave a light moaning exhale as she relaxed into Rainbow's guiding grip.

Rainbow Dash slowly withdrew her tongue, letting it slide along Cloud Kicker's lips, then biting down on her bottom lip and teasingly sucking it into her mouth, smiling widely as she let it slip out from between her teeth.

The two stared into one another's eyes, breathing heavily with their noses touching. "Wh... what'd ya think?" Rainbow said with a cracked, breathy voice.

Cloud Kicker looked down at Rainbow's chest and licked her lips while she listened to the marching band's chorus. "Not bad... for a start."

With a burst of her trademark speed that reminded Rainbow why she'd given her the position in the first place, Cloud Kicker grabbed Rainbow Dash and twirled her around, reversing their places. She wasted no time in pinning her against the wall and diving back into Rainbow's lips, pressing her tongue past them with ease.

Her hands moved to Rainbow's hips, fishing for the right line of fabric... and Rainbow could soon feel soft, caring hands slipping up beneath her jersey, rubbing along her back once they traveled high enough.

Rainbow hitched against Cloud, thrusting her tongue into her mouth and swirling it around. The feel of Cloud Kicker's warm hands brushing against her bare skin filled her with dizzying excitement, but she maintained just enough of her senses to raise her arms above her head and give a permissive nod.

Cloud Kicker raised her eyebrows and glanced around the empty locker room, then pulled Rainbow's sopping wet jersey up and off of its owner over Rainbow's head. She tossed it outside of the shower, where it met with a mushy splash on the bench. Cloud then took off her own wet and heavy shirt, tossing it over Rainbow's.

Cloud Kicker's eyes crawled the length of Rainbow's upper body -- a slender, well-toned cyan-hued physique crowned with a red sports bra. She bit her lip and raised an eyebrow, a plan forming in her mind.

Rainbow Dash stood straight up, resting her weight on one leg with one hand on her hip. With a shining grin and and a tone of voice dripping with confidence, she winked and said, "What? It's not like you've never seen me take my jersey off before."

Cloud said nothing in reply, instead moving further down the showers, turning on the rest of the faucets to their highest temperature and aiming them as far away from Rainbow Dash as possible. Steam filled the room, and Rainbow's eyes lit up in delight. She sighed and backed completely against the shower wall as Cloud Kicker returned.

Taking charge of the situation, the vice captain wrapped her arms around Rainbow, thrusting body against body, warmth growing between them as their lips met yet again. With a quick nip at Rainbow's lip, Cloud moved downward, latching her mouth onto Rainbow's neck. She sucked the still-wet skin into her mouth and let it slide out before running her teeth up the neck's length.

Rainbow Dash pressed her hand against her forehead as she made a sound caught in between a chuckle and a moan. A wave of exhilaration washed over her as overwhelming tingles coursed through her body. With the steam fogging her vision she could barely see what was being done to her, making her all the more willing to press and squirm against Cloud Kicker to make sure she could feel everything.

Cloud giggled back and kissed higher, her lips brushing along Rainbow's jawline until they reached her earlobe. She stuck her tongue out and ran it along the outside of the ear, then gently nipped at the top.

She received a high-pitched squeal from Rainbow Dash in response. A startled Cloud pulled her head back and was treated to the sight of her captain's eyes rolling back and her smile wobbling into a goofy grin. Cloud moved her face back up to Rainbow's ear, her own private smile forming as she committed her discovery to memory.

Rainbow's hands slid down Cloud's back until her fingertips were pressing past her shorts. She bit down on her lip and closed her eyes, her toes curling up inside her boots. Her short fingernails pressed Cloud's lower back and dragged up to her shoulderblades.

"Hnnn," Cloud hummed into Rainbow's ear with a slight giggle as she was overtaken by the sensation. "Dash..."

"Hmmm?" singsonged Rainbow Dash as her fingers teasingly traced along the outside of Cloud Kicker's sports bra.

"I..." Cloud's breaths grew increasingly ragged as her willpower left her, shred by shred. "I-I want..."

"What is it?" Rainbow continued her faux-nonchalance all the while her hand roving lower down Cloud Kicker's torso, down to her stomach, coming ever closer to where Cloud could already feel a familiar tingling pressure...

...and then a loud bell echoed through the room. Cloud's despairing wail two seconds later proved almost as intense.

Rainbow Dash sighed. "That what I think it is?"

Cloud lowered her head as her phone's alarm shut itself off. The marching band could no longer be heard. "Y-yeah. We've got maybe five minutes left. Gotta get ready to go back out there." She gave a long sigh, then turned towards the benches. "I'll wring out our clothes, and-" She took one step when Rainbow Dash grabbed her arm. "-huh?"


Rainbow pulled Cloud Kicker back for one last deep tongue-twisting kiss. As they parted, a thin trail of saliva connected their faces, which they both licked away.

"You did good," said Rainbow with a happy smile.

Cloud returned the expression. "Thanks. Your turn, now."

Rainbow nodded, then headed to the lockers. "Yep. So, we'll first need some serious speed. You handle the wringing, I'll handle the toweling." She made a fist. "Then we're gonna get out there and kick those Parasprites right in the false sense of security!"

"Now that's the Rainbow Dash we all know and love," said Cloud, who had turned of the shower faucets and was now wringing and flapping out their jerseys. "We've got a game to win. Speaking of which, your apartment is going to be empty this weekend, right?"

"If I want it to be," Rainbow said, casting a sidelong glance at her friend. "Why?"

A reclothed Cloud walked up to Rainbow Dash, handed her her damp jersey, and clutched her hand. "Want some company?"

Rainbow slipped her jersey back on. "Yeah, I think I could use some. You volunteering?"

Cloud sidled up next to her captain. "Show me the Rainbow Dash I know once we're back out there, and I'll give some serious thought to some housewarming. Deal?"

A grin spread across Rainbow Dash's face... then she darted to the door. "C'mon. Race you to the field."

Cloud Kicker laughed. "Someone's a little too happy now, aren't they?"

"All your fault." Rainbow Dash laughed and blew a kiss to Cloud Kicker with two outstretched fingers. "You've got me thinking about rainbows in the sky."

Author's Note:

Hello readers. Just popping in to say that I hope you love this story as much as I do. I had a blast contributing my small bits to it, and working with Bookish Delight (has been a blast as expected. Go ahead and tell us how much you love that innuendo at the end. :raritywink:
P.S. Sorry if you dislike sexy soccer girls makin' out, but we really wanted sexy soccer girls makin' out in this story.

...yeah, don't do any of what iJab said. We already know it's terrible. I couldn't come up with anything else. :raritydespair:
Anyway, yeah. We've let our powers combine (Fire and Heart, specifically) in an attempt to create something spicy but also really sweet. That's a pretty tough combination to pull off in writing, so whether you actually enjoyed it or think we totally crashed and burned, let us know!
P.S. Sorry if you dislike sexy soccer girls makin' out, but no seriously guys sexy soccer girls making out. What, do you hate fun or something? :rainbowlaugh: I kid, of course.

See you next crime!

Comments ( 118 )

Not bad at all!

Unique ship, too. I approve!

Also... You damn tease.

~Skeeter The Lurker

This is one of the more interesting ships I've seen today, especially considering I've seen someone ship Discord with a bath sponge. Author, your writes is muchly good, yes.

Imma let you finish, but I thought based on the picture it was a Derpy/Dash fic, and I got all excited, but uh

cloud kicker is okay too. :applejackunsure:


That sounds like a personal problem! :coolphoto:



yeah you have a point

I wished it wasn't a oneshot I want moar!:raritydespair:


-Brian Griffin

Soaking wet girl-on-girl make-out sessions under the shower?

3413520 Yes I am glad to see it too. Though I thought you were going to let me know when it was posted?

Pretty sure everyone's been shipped with a bath sponge over this fandom's 3 years! Discord just rounds out the set. :raritywink:

Don't look too close! You'll go blind. :trollestia:

3413470 3413752
Eh. Teasing's my thing. :pinkiehappy: Thanks!


Wingboners everywhere.

I agree with 3413470 fucking teases.

Anyways good job.


Half tempted to ask for a, um... Altered version.

But I'm good with this.

Well done!

~Skeeter The Lurker

Not sure how I feel about this one, to be honest. I really don't get the shower thing. Why would they do that in their uniforms when they had to be on the field in twenty minutes.


That's a very good question.

...look, a moose! :pinkiegasp:

Nah, seriously we thought about it, but when we looked over the story we realized a fifteen-minute makeout that involved them being under a shower for 100 seconds (check back, it gets turned off really quickly) just wasn't much of an issue.

'Sides, they're the team's fastest. :rainbowlaugh:

You do know that there is a Cloud kicker tag now right? Other than that, damn this was a good story. Definaty seems like a plausible situation for Dash to end up in plus an awesome ship to boot. Well done good sirs, well done.



Though... am I missing something? Because the Cloud Kicker tag's been on this story the whole time. Even moused over it when I created the entry! :twilightsheepish: I am confused.

EDIT: Just checked again it's still there I'm so lost now

This was really good. I like it when you guys make stories. :derpytongue2:


Hahaha, thanks. :heart:

Glad to hear that, by the way -- all signs point to us making more!

excellent work

3414090 hmm, strange. Wasn't showing up on mine when I first clicked the story and still wasn't there when I checked again to make sure I didn't miss it.

It's only been since that tech company bought out their job that they've been constantly traveling like this. And it's been happening everywhere. You know Rich Industries, right? Gone, too, just like that.

Huh, bought out by whom? SparkleCo, perhaps? :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

Planning ahead is not really Rainbow Dash's strong point. :facehoof:

3414359, you're so untrusting! Why must you blame everything on poor Twilight?

The next story in this series at last gives the concrete answer you seek. :D

:fluttercry: My parents never came to my Rugby games... never. :fluttercry:

I love this fic!

There's going to be more? :pinkiegasp::rainbowkiss:

Really nice, quite evocative. I loved the part about the rain, that was really well done!:twilightsmile:

I sort of had a plan for these things. This story was absolutely in no way part of that plan. So yes. :twilightsmile:


Thanks! Though at the same time I'm so sorry to hear that... :fluttershysad:

Awww, thank you! :heart: (That was my favorite part to write, actually. Don't usually get the chance to go all experimental-atmospheric prose and stuff...)

Me, hate two soccer girls making out? No, never, ESPECIALLY since its being done by one of my favorite writers on this site. Espeically when said writer is giving my fave pony some more character and build up to her.

I also loved how this was less , "Sex,sex,sex, hehe hawt," and more sensual as well as being sweet.Its how I enjoy my romance after all.I loved how you also applied some of the events of EQG as something that would have a reasonable effect on the girls. I also loved how you used the tech to advantage and how the parental situations might change in this world. Another thing is that I loved more of the world building in this. (why is the tech companies being bought out is perking my writer's sense? No, you fool, you have a whole world to do with these girls). As well as looking into how Dash would react to going to school alongside Tiara.


Hoooooly crap you just made my night, AS. Thanks for that. :heart:

I'm really not into "constant sex for hawtness's sake" either. There needs to be a reason and emotion behind it. (heck, I'm lenient -- I'll take just one!) The hard part was incorporating that stuff into a type of scene that most folks understndably just use/dismiss as pointless ogle material. :rainbowlaugh:

While the EQG world isn't Earth there are definitely a lot of things from it which could have an effect on the values and life experiences of the pony characters we've grown to know over the years. It's a line of thinking I find most exciting.

There'll be quite a bit more of this (the techy world-building, probably not the uh, kissing) in the next EQG stories I do, so watch for 'em. :twilightsmile: And thanks again!

:heart: :pinkiecrazy:
I approve. :twilightsmile:
Cloud Kicker needs more love!

Nice story. 3414640 already hit on most of the points I would've raised, so I won't bother repeating anything that he said.

I liked the dynamic between Rainbow and Cloud, and the hints of backstory and a bigger universe carrying on. I'm actually a bit sad that this is a one-shot, because it feels like there's a lot of material that could be used to carry on the story. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing more of Rainbow, Cloud, and how they interact with the world around them. Granted, I always like seeing more Cloud Kicker.

So, yeah, awesome story is awesome. My biggest complaint is that there's not more of it, which is always a good sign.

Seems interesting, on a side note: my first reaction to the Equestria Girls humans was "KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!!" followed swiftly by a "FIRE ISN'T QUICK ENOUGH!!! NUKE IT FROM ORBIT!" :facehoof: Not the best of reactions, but still better than my friend who locked themselves in a closet for a week.

It's hard to explain the feeling I get when I read a fic that feels as right to me as this one does. Don't really have that much else to say, but fave'd.

Wow. Totally appreciated! :pinkiehappy:

Starting to see this myself, yes. :heart:

...you know, I probably would have tossed this in your group sooner if I'd been smart enough to look at the folders. I don't know how it got there but at least now it is.

Thanks bunches for the feedback! Glad to see you were okay with this; I've heard through a couple of grapevines just how big a CK fan you are and had no idea if you'd ever come across this. :rainbowlaugh: (Also I do have a bit of a "universe" happening, which does contain one more Rainbow fic; check the linking, uh, "links" in the story description(s). This isn't the end of things by a long shot.)

I kind of fell in love with Cloud's Equestria Girls design and using her here worked out really well for us, so I'll definitely be keeping her in mind come future EG treatments. :twilightsmile:

3415193 I noticed you missed a couple, so I added it, Bookish. Good story. With respect to Chengar, its nice to see an alternate Cloud Kicker now and again.

3415193 Weird, FIMFiction said you replied to my comment, so either I got trolled by the site, or you edited out your reply to me from this comment, not sure which is more feasible.

P.S. Sorry if you dislike sexy soccer girls makin' out, but we really wanted sexy soccer girls makin' out in this story.

I have nothing wrong with sexy soccer girls making out... but I'd feel more comfortable reading about it if they were in college instead of high school.

It is nice to see CK and Rainbow finally get together, even if it's not the Winningverse. It's kind of been overdue.

Wow talk about steamy

YYYEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH :fluttershbad::fluttershbad:

I came for the IJAB cover art and I stayed for the sexy soccer girls. Dayum I mean

I totally don't like sexy soccer girls <.< >.>

EDIT: Sequel?????

I don't have any problems with sexy soccer girls making out, especially in a locker room shower. I believe most guys like me get off on that stuff:rainbowlaugh:

Yay, Raindrops is in this.

Yeah, it's a shame that they didn't bring over any of the background ponies from the main show.

:rainbowderp: That would explain it, then. Thanks muchly, SR, on all counts.

(And yeah, my knowledge of Winningverse etc. is peripheral at best. I think I only really learned what it was close to when I started writing this thing.)

Sorry about that. I'd accidentally hit your reply button when i meant to rely from someone else. Has your friend recovered? :pinkiehappy:

That's what I'd heard too, but I had no way to be sure! :raritywink:

I dunno dood.

3413520 and I I have absolutely no idea how one would even continue this. Or what people would even want to see.

No idea at all.


I prefer my girls to be sexy soccer girls. That way, I have something in common with them. Besides Age, but that can flex a little. Being a Senior has perks.
Also, for continuation, what if Rainbow and Cloud continued their "Shower" at Rainbows over the weekend?

I like this. This is focused on character, emotion, and story without being overshadowed by the juicy bits.

First off, I liked Equestria Girls. Secondly, most of us know Cloud Kicker from the Winningverse. I so far have only read "The Incredibly Dense Mind of Rainbow Dash" and "The Incredibly Trying Performance of Octavia". Anyway, compared at least the first story, I like the Cloud Kicker in this story better. You really seemed to capture what she'd be like as a high school girl. And then the story became... sexy soccer girls makin' out. :twilightoops: I will reserve judgment on that. I will merely say that I wasn't expecting that in a one-shot. I admit you did a very good job of depicting that. It was almost like watching one of those CW shows. No wait, scratch that. They'd never have sexy soccer girls makin' out on the CW. It was almost like watching one of those ABC Family shows. They'd definitely have sexy soccer girls making out on ABC Family. Sexy soccer girls makin' out sounds like an internet search. Sexy soccer girls makin' out... Why do I keep writing sexy soccer girls makin' out! :flutterrage:

So, good work I guess. :twilightsheepish:

3415253 Whoa Steele Resolve read this story, and he's the best at this sort of thing.

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