• Published 2nd Mar 2012
  • 1,475 Views, 13 Comments

Chocotto Sister - ChromeRegios

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Happy New Year~

Dawn breaks from the peaceful land of Equestria... As Rainbow Dash is sleeping away on her comfortable bed. It’s the morning of a brand new year... Dash was sleeping beside her new found sister, as she was woken up once again by a knock on the window pane...

“Ngghh~” Dash groaned and groggily stood up from her bed. The knocks grew louder, as Dash got out of bed letting out a huge yawn... She then looks at her clock to see what the time was... It was 6:30 in the morning... “Geez! Who is it? This early in the morning...” She quickly walks towards the window... “Okay, okay, okay~ I’m opening the window. h-huh?!” Dash was facing again a familiar sight that he saw that christmas morning... Santa Hooves.

Dash was stunned to see her again... and on a new year! Dash heard barking below... and sure enough, winona was there once again... “De ja vu” Dash said to her self.

“Her again? Moreover, today is the first day of new year... W-whaaa~” Dash was cut off from her monologue, as Santa Hooves barged into her room. “W-what? What are you doing here?” She asked.

“I’m here to collect the returned goods...” Santa Hooves claimed as she kneels down next to Choco.

“Returned goods?” Dash tilted her head, not knowing what the mare had just said.

“You weren’t satisfied with the Christmas Present, were you? I’m here to take it back...” She then bends down and carries Choco on her back... taking Choco to her hovering cart...

“Hey, what are you planning to do to Choco?” Dash asked demandingly.

“Didn’t I say I’m taking it back?” Santa repeated.

“Wait a minute! I never said that I wanted to return her!” Dash shouted, she never really asked for her to be returned.

“There are many others who longed for a little sister other than you. I’ll go wash her and give her to the others who wished for one.” Santa persistently said to Dash, but Dash refused to her claim.

“I said I don’t wish to return her!” Dash argued, but Santa didn’t listen... instead she gave him something.

“Here, this gift certificate is your make up gift. Take it and buy whatever you want...” Santa then shows him a couple of gift vouchers in exchange for Choco herself.

“Huh?” Dash was too stunned to react quick enough...
Choco woke up, looking over at Dash... “Big...sister...” She muttered, enough to be heard by Rainbow Dash. Santa drops the vouchers to the floor then heads towards her craft, then revs it up.

“Hey, wait!” but before he can speak up... Santa Hooves zooms away. “Ahh, Choco!!!

And just like that... a flash of light blinded Dash, making her wake up on that unsavory dream... she looks on into space thinking what just happened... then lets out a sigh. “It’s just a dream.” She muttered, then glances over to Choco’s side of the bed, only to find out that she wasn’t there... “h-huh, she’s gone!!”

Dash then turned the sheets inside out looking for her baby sister... “Choco!” She looks around Choco’s side, but to no luck, only to discover she was on Dash’s side of the bed sleeping soundly.

Dash gave a sigh of relief... seeing that her sister was still there with her. “Don’t scare me...” She said, smiling over at her. Just when her mood was brighten up... Choco turned over, causing her clit to reveal at Dash’s sight... Dash blushed greatly at this.

“E-eh? What are you doing, Choco?! What kind of sleep is this?” Dash yelled loudly, enough to wake up Choco on her slumber.

“The new year’s bell hasn't rung yet?” Choco lazily asked.

“No, it already-- Why are you in my bed cover?!”

After that awkward wake up call.. Choco sits up, and rubs her eyes then gave a slight yawn. “Good morning big sis...” She said softly...

After which, they both got freshen up then had breakfast... Choco looked over at her big sister and smiled at her. “Happy new year, big sister~” She greeted... “New year’s greeting is like this, right, Big sis?”

“Huh? Yeah...”

“Gimme~!” Choco suddenly extends her hands over to Dash.

“Huh?” Dash tilted her head on Choco, not getting what she’s doing.

Choco smiled sweetly, waiting for something, then looks at Dash once more. “Eh? Shouldn’t Big sis give me a gift during New year?”

“Eh? N-new years... gift?”
“Gimme...” Choco begged... Dash quickly tries to think of something to give her... then she remembers an envelop on her desk. She quickly gets a hundred bits on her bag, then puts in on the envelop... then writes down on it “to Choco” then gave it to her as her New year’s present.

“Here, your New years gift.” Dash hands it to her, as Choco takes it.

“It doesn’t look the same as what’s written in the notebook.” Choco said, remembering what she read on her little pink notebook...

“U-uhh... Well, we’re like that here...” Dash reasoned, but aside from that, Choco was happy to have received her gift all the same.

“But, I’m grateful. Thank you, Big Sis.”

“T-thats good then...” Dash said, looking over at Choco, seeing her happy even though she was still new to Dash...

Dash and Choco continued on their break fast... but choco noticed something odd about the food... She took out her notebook and reads it, then looks back at the table... then back at her notebook... then she spoke.

“Big sis, is there no New year’s dishes?”


“How about Cakes?”


“Orange flavored bread?”


“New year’s Cider?”


“Then how about a phoenix dance?”


“Then, what about some Sweet Sun Cakes?”

“Thats during Summer!”

Choco puffed her cheeks a bit, expressing her frustration... “So boring... This is a rare opportunity for me to go over the New Year.” Choco said, eating a piece of toast.

“I know... Lets pay a visit to Celestia’s Shrine after we finish breakfast...” Dash suggested, which quickly caught Choco’s attention.

“Really?” Choco perks up.

“So let’s hurry up and finish eating...” Dash told her, as Choco smiled at her then starts eating her eggs...

“I love tenderly fried eggs the most!” Choco claimed as she eats her food, leaving Dash looking at her new found sister happily.

Later that day, Dash and Choco went out to Celestia’s Shrine, where sculptures of their omnipotent ruler is seen all around the Shrine in different but majestic positions.

Choco looked at them with both fascination and amazement. “So this is what they mean by visiting the Shrine during New year.” Choco claimed.

“Ah, no, it’s slightly different...” Dash said, correcting what Choco was thinking...

“Big sis, lets go inside!” Choco suggested, as she runs off leading the way... Dash followed her, towards the main hall of the Shrine, seeing that so much ponies were having the same idea as they were...

Choco gazed at the Shrines interior from top to bottom, fascinated by the sculptures and interior decoration of the place. Choco spots a particular place near the exit... it was a deep well.

Choco went over for a closer look, but can’t seem to see the purpose of it being there... Dash went to her and explained how it works...

“This is how you do it...” Dash takes out one bit, then tossed it to the well... she then prayed, wishing for something...

“Wow, let me try!” Choco quickly got a bit on her envelope then tossed it to the well, making her own wish, but then sneezes. Dash chuckled a bit from this...

“Happy new year” A voice of an old mare spoke from behind, causing Dash get startled slightly.
“Rainbow Dash, you’re visiting the shrine too? What a coincidence...” The old mare said to her.

“U-uhmmm...” Dash wanted to ask who she was... but the old mare beats her to it.

“I’m Granny Smith, I live next door to you.” Smith said to her, which startled Dash a bit... then turns to a laughter... “Surely you haven’t forgotten about me, have you?”

“H-how could I?” Dash laughed nervously, ashamed is she way to the old one that she completely forgotten about her...

“Oh?” Smith looked over to the young filly next to Dash.

“Uhh... This is my little sister.” Dash explained to the old one. “She came from the countryside... Now because of some reasons, I’m taking care of her.” Dash said while petting her mane.

“Ah, so this is the one... I heard about her from the landlady...” The old one exclaims.

“Happy new year granny!” Choco greeted suddenly.

“Mmm, yes, Happy New Year my dear... Then, Rainbow Dash, I’m leaving now.” Smith said, bidding farewell to Dash and Choco.

“Yeah, goodbye granny!” Choco said to her, then walks off...

Dash chuckles a bit more, before taking up a huge sigh, evading the chance of getting embarrassed...

After which, they came home soon after their trip to town... Bringing home a basket filled with oranges, apples and bananas... Choco was happily eating one of each of the fruits, while Dash watches her eat... At that moment, a knock on the door was heard...

“I’ll see who it is!” Choco gets up and opens the door with her magic... “Hello!” As she opens it, a mare was standing in front of it...

“Hellooo!!” She said, then enters the room... “I’m here to greet you for the new year...”

“R-rarity!! W-what’s with that dress?!” Dash looks at Berry Punch who was only wearing a loose shirt and lingerie, but Rarity only ignores Dash.

“Look, look... I even brought a gift with me.” Berry Punch shows her a bag with Cider and chips inside it.

“Y-you're not thinking of drinking in my room are you?!” Dash said, directing her gaze off of Berry’s lingerie.

“My room is such a mess. At least for the New Year, I’d like to be able to drink in a clean room.” Berry said, nearly pleading on to Dash.

“Y-you can come over whenever you want, but please wear something proper before coming here.” Dash blocks her eyes, preventing her seeing something she shouldn’t

Berry tilts her head, “Oh? My, my... It’s obvious that you’re happier seeing me this way.” Berry leans a bit to Dash.

“W-wait! I’m not that kind of mare!!” Dash yelled.

“Is this true, Big Sis?” Choco asked from behind the two mares.

“Of course not!” Dash protested... Berry looks up and see’s Dash’s sister.

“Ah, you're that rumored little sister...” Better stood up, to take a good look at Choco.

“Happy New Year~” Choco greeted.

“Oh, yeah~ Happy New Year to you too.” Berry greeted back.

“She just came from the countryside recently.” Dash said to Berry.

“I heard all about it from the landlady.”

“Is that so?” Dash sighed... looks like the news starts to get out even more around the apartment... Berry goes over to Choco kneels down to the height.

“My name is Berry Punch, pleased to meet you...” She smiled.

“My name is Choco... Big sis’s little sister!” She happily replied.

“Ehh, your name’s Choco? What a cute name!” Berry said, making Choco smile... Berry then grabs something on her bag and gave it to Choco... “Here... I’ll give you this” Berry gives her a can of strong cider to Choco.

“Ahh, don’t give Cider to minors!”

Berry walks over to Dash then gives her a can. “Here’s your share, Dashie...”

“Oh, thanks...” She said to Berry, then quickly reverts her attention to her sister... “I said you mustn't!!”

After a while, Dash and Berry started to think a couple rounds cider, leaving Choco to only drink Apple juice...

“Big sis, I’m tired of apple juice’s” Choco complained.

“No. You have to be older than twenty to drink this.” Dash shot back to Choco’s complaint.

“Uhg... Boring...” Choco grumbles.

Berry looks at Choco then at Dash observing the for a bit. “You two are not alike... She’s too cute to be a little sister of a dull-looking mare like you...”

“Well, sorry for not being cool like I used to!” Dash smuggingly replies to Berry.

“She’s not really your little sister, right?” Once berry said those words, this made Dash jerk backwards... surprised on what Berry told her.

“You’re wrong!” Choco protested. “I’m Big sis’s little sister!”

“Oh, pardon me, sorry... It’s just Choco is too cute!” Berry then stood up * Alright then, I’ll take off some of my clothing as an apology!” Berry then starts to strip in front of Dash and Choco.

“Gahh! It’s okay, there’s no need to undress yourself!” Dash blocks her from Choco’s view.

“Is that so? You’re the one who’s happy.” Berry teased.

“It’s not like that!! I said don't undress!”

“So it was like that after all!”

“No, means no!”

Just then, they all stopped by the sound of someone entering Dash’s room. “My, my, the door is wide open.”

“Landlady!” All of them said unison, as the landlady enters the room.

“It’s so lively when the new year starts.” The landlady said, as she went closer to the table.

“I’m sorry for bothering you.” Dash apologizes to the Landlady, as she sits down near the three ponies in the room.

“No, don't be... It’s New Year so it’s alright... I wouldn't mind this little matter... Oh right! here~” She showed them a bottle of one of the most expensive Cider in all of Equestria. “Here is your gift.”

“That’s our landlady! being generous as always!” Berry cried out... happy to see that the landlady gave them a bottle of expensive Cider.

“Landlady, is your foot alright?” Dash asked, upon seeing some bandages on her hoof...

“Huh? oh, it’s fine... I’m getting old so this happens a lot now.”

“I was still very surprised... While I was sleeping, a loud sound blasted out. When I ran outside, the landlady had fallen down the stairs...” Berry claimed.

“On the other hand, your habit of sleeping in all day saved me.” The landlady thanked Berry, for helping her back then.

“Really?!” berry gave out a laugh at this.

“Not only my ankle, buy my wrist was also strained. It’s really a shame, but really... Thanks for all of your kindness...”

“What are you saying? It’s obvious for a tenant to help their landlady.”

“Yeah, Landlady...”

“Thank you, both of you...” The landlady said to Dash and Berry... She gave up a long sigh, then spoke. “I’m really getting too old... this incident really thought me that. Thanks to this accident, I’ve finally decided to stop being a landlady”

“L-Landlady, you're not saying that you're going to~” Dash started, but the landlady looked at her, smiling... seems like she had made up her mind about the decision.

“i’m sorry for being too sudden about this, but, I’m planning on leaving this place sometime soon.” As she said those words, the three ponies lets out a gasp of surprise. “Ever since my husband died, my son and his wife have been asking me to live with them. but I can’t just leave this place after nearly thirty years in the business...”

“Landlady, then...”

“I’m no longer in an age where I’m able to take risks...” The landlady said, sad just as the three tenants were.

“Then, what are you planning to do with this apartment? You’re not saying that the Autumn manor will have to go too, right?”

“My granddaughter will take over my job, so it’s no problem. This will be the same as before.” The landlady said to them.

“So, when are you moving out?” Dash asked her.

“In three days...”

“Thats quite a rush...” Dash claimed.

“If I keep procrastinating, I might change my mind.” The landlady said, while she looks on the window.

“Are you leaving, landlady?” Choco asked the old mare.

“Oh, I can wait for a few days... but for now, I’ll stay for a bit...”

“Is that so?” Choco looks down, saddened by the landlady’s decision.

“I felt sad that I’m leaving too... it’s rare for me to get to know such a cute kid like you, Choco...” She pets her, which Choco gave a sweet smile in response on her petting. “Well, I hate being all touchy during the first day of new year. I’m sorry for talking about these boring stuff...” She giggles a bit. “Let’s party a bit so that our luck won't go bad.” She suggested.

“Yeah, thats right! Okay, today, lets all get drunk together!!” Berry suggested, as all of them cheered.

“Choco you can only drink apple juice” Dash said to Choco.

“Eh?!” Choco complaints.

“”No” means “NO”!” Insisted Dash to her, as they all drank all day...

Later... Berry, and the landlady soon left... it was 12:00 noon, Dash was slumped by the table... and hear head hurts...

“Big sister...” Choco calls out but Dash could only respond with a groan. “Big sister, it’s already noon, I just ate my lunch...”

“Sorry, Choco. I drank too much, my head hurts... let me sleep a little.” Dash grumbles on the table...

“I drank a lot too, and I’m not feeling any headaches...” Choco implied.

“You drank juice!!” Dash gets up, but then gets back down, as her head acted up again.

“wouldn't it be better if Big sis also drank the same juice as I did?” Choco said, making Dash regret that she drank Cider heavily.

“I’m repenting...” She groans, as she layed there for a few hours...

Comments ( 4 )

good chapter again cant wait for the next

good chapter sadly I will no longer follow it due to what it has become.

No offense though keep up the awesome work anyhow :D :raritywink:

I have no idea WTF is happening :rainbowderp:

there is an anthro tag, isn't there...?

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