• Published 2nd Mar 2012
  • 1,474 Views, 13 Comments

Chocotto Sister - ChromeRegios

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My present is... A sister?

Dawn breaks from the peaceful land of Equestria... As Rainbow Dash is sleeping away on her comfortable bed. It’s the morning of Hearts Warming Eve, Dash was up all night partying and got wasted after last night with Pinkie and her friends...

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

Dash soon woken up by a knock on the window.

The room was a mess, plates not yet cleaned the room was filled with litter and her bed is a mess. Dash tries to block her hears of the noise, but she keeps hearing it.

*Knock, Knock, Knock”

She sluggishly got up off her bed as she looks at her clock. It was 6:30 A.M in the morning.

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

Dash lets out a huge yawn. “Darn... Who is it? This early in the morning.” She asked herself, but instead of the door, he went towards the window. “Okay, okay, okay. I’m opening the door now.” She said, not realizing she’s opening the window, as she opens her eyes more clearly. She was soon greeted by a dark pony, with mane as majestic as of a clear night sky in a bike-like cart, with sunglasses on. Flying on her 2nd story room.

She stared at the pony for a minute or two. She soon heard the barking of winona below her apartment building, and sure enough, winona was below there.

The pony in the bike-cart looks at Dash, examining her for a bit before she spoke.

“Are you Rainbow Dash?” She asked.

Dash was so surprised and wondering what could this pony want with her... She looked at her, but did not see any wings... or a horn for that matter. She thought it was Luna or Derpy but apparently it wasn’t... She mustered up some of her nerves to speak a simple word...


The pony lets out a grin, then spoke again. “Great, I finally found you...” The pony turns on her cart and picks something up... “Okay then, here!” She throws a large bag to Dash as she tries to maintain her balance. But fell into her bed.

“Okay, sign here.” The pony shows her a sign board, like those of a mail mare use when delivering packages.

Dash puts down the bag and goes to the Pony on her window. “O-oh...” She picks up the sign board, but then stops and asked a bit of questions. “So... are you a mail mare? More importantly, who exactly are you?” Dash asked.

“Huh? You mean you can’t tell? I’m obviously Santa Hooves!” She proclaims.

Dash puts up a weird face and thinks that this must be some kind of a joke. “I don’t know...”

Before she can even react more, Santa Hooves forces Dash to sign the board. Dash looked back at the bag, wondering still...

“So...if you’re Santa Hooves...Then that is...”

“A Hearts Warming Present...” She said, continuing Dash’s words.

Dash goes at the bag and slowly loosens the ribbon, to open her “present” revealing a filly inside the bag, holding a small notebook. Dash was in total shock, she quickly goes back to the window and asked Santa Hooves.

“Wait! W-whats going on?!” She asked, nearly demanding an answer quickly.

“Little Sister! Isn’t that what you wished for?” She said, “You said, “I wish to receive a little sister as a Hearts Warming present”.” She explains.

“But that was a really long time ago!” Dash shouts. “Besides, I was a young filly back then.”

“Ahh, I can’t help it.... This isn’t as simple as making a toy. It takes time.” Santa Hooves said.

“But, how can I even say this? It would only trouble me if I got this now!” Dash argues.

“If there are any questions, look them up in the God theory.” Santa Hooves said, waving the sign-board and putting it on her bag. “If you have anything to complain about, say it to God!” She said, as she revs her cart-bike on. Dash was even more surprised when she saw a little engine in the side of the cart.

“Basically, I just gave your Hearts Warming Present!” After saying that, Santa Hooves roars her cart across the sky, towards the great blue beyond...

“Hey!” Dash was about to chase her, but it was too much of a hassle.

“What does she mean by... God?” She thinks. “Did she mean Celestia?” Dash thinks hard, but just shrugs it. She continues to look at the sky, until the dot became a blur... and finally disappearing out of sight...

She looks back to her “Sister” and starts to think as well... “What am I supposed to do, with this...?” Dash examines the young filly in front of her. “Is she even alive?” Dash said to herself.
Dash went closer to the filly, then looks back to the window. Making sure that no one was watching. Dash raised her hoof and slowly moves it towards the filly.

Without warning… the filly’s eyes opened, causing green wisp flutter across the room, creating a magnificent yet soothing aura around the room... The filly stood up releasing more wisp, then her mane waved with the wind... releasing her from the ribbon tying her together as she stood there in front of the surprised Rainbow Dash...

The filly looked around the room... and across, then made eye contact with Dash...

Dash blushed at the sight of the filly, her mane was straight down, and her tail was across her hind legs, like those mares on the bar in Manehattan....

“M-make yourself decent, please.” Dash said, in a low tone.

The filly took her small notebook and uses her magic to open it, reading something within.

“Apparently this filly is a unicorn.” Dash said to herself.

The filly flicks from page to page, until she closes it, and spoke... “But, we are siblings and I don't feel like doing that.” She said who completely misunderstood what Dash meant.

“Ahh... It’s not like that... Whatever! Just make yourself decent, go ever there and put clothes please!” Dash said. She somehow likes the figure of that filly, so much that we wing almost expanded because of that… at that point, she wanted her to put some clothes on her, before something else goes to her mind...

The filly nods to Dash with a smile “Okay.”

By then she scuffles on Dash’s stuff and found a small vest, with sleeves and a saddle-skirt. She soon puts them on, making her decent in Dash’s eyes.

“I put on... clothes...” She said. Dash knows very well that ponies don’t usually wear clothes... but in her case... she ought to be...

Dash looked at the filly, and was amazed of what she saw what the filly was wearing. “C-cute.”

The filly walked over to her, and looked Dash into the eye. “What’s wrong, Big Sister?” She said.

“B-big sister?” Dash said, not knowing what the filly meant.

“I can’t call you... “Big Sister?”.” The filly asked, wondering if Dash doesn’t like what she is being called.

“No, it’s not like that...” Dash said... making the filly feel more comfortable...

“I’m glad...: She said, thankful that she hasn’t said something she shouldn’t.

Dash’s room was just like a normal mare’s room. A desk, with notes and a quill. a couple of lamps and a small bathroom over to the side of the room... with a bed, big enough for two ponies...

“So, Big Sis... I hope to learn more from you, as your little sister from now on...” The filly said, and gave Dash a bow and waits for her reply.

“Uh...yeah... So do I...” Dash said, as she scratches her head, wondering what she’ll do next. “Erm... I-I’m hungry...” She suddenly said, looking at the un-cleaned cooking materials on the sink... “Let’s have breakfast.” She suggested, the filly then raised her hoof into the air... and volunteered.

“Then I’ll go and make something.” the filly rushed towards the kitchen and looked over the cooking materials Dash has in there...

“It’s okay; you don’t have to do that...” Dash said, not making her fuss over breakfast, since she only got there.

“But, that’s a sister’s responsibility.” She said as she took her little notebook out. “It’s written right here...” She said, making her point to Dash.

“Is... that so? Then I should ask you to...” Before Dash could finish, the filly understood where her sentence is going.

“Yes!” She said, as she prepares the ingredients.

She put the things in the table and started to cook... “Uhm...let’s put this in first...” little that she know, is she put in dish washing soap on the boiling water, creating a volcanic-state in the stew... “Huh? Ahh!!”

Later the filly took a large loaf of bread... she puts it on the table and with her magic, she took a large cleaver and struck down hard on the bread, causing it to fly to the air... “And... Huh?!”

She then took a bunch of plates, but then trips making the plates fly and break upon impact.

Next she cooked some oatmeal, but got burnt in the process... “No way! No way!” unexpectedly, the oatmeal exploded. Dash could only watch as her kitchen become a battle field of food wars,
as everything becomes an exploding chaos.

“Why?” She cried... “Why is it turning out like this? Ahh... Oh no! Geez!!!”

After an hour of terror and disaster on the kitchen. Dash and the filly sat on the living room...

“I’m sorry...” The filly said, looking down and feeling guilty of what she did to Dash’s kitchen...

Dash came back, with a batch of pancakes, and milk with apple-syrup on the side for both of them... “It’s okay; everypony has their strengths and weaknesses.” Dash said, hoping to cheer the filly up, but then again... She took a glance on the huge mess behind her... it really does make her regret letting her go in there.

“What I meant to say is...” Dash said to herself, but didn’t continue.

While they were eating. Dash starts a small conversation between her and the filly.

“By the way, what’s your name?” Dash asked the filly.

The filly bites down on a piece of pancake, and answers... “I don’t have one” She said.

“Huh? None?” Dash said while eating a piece as well.


“But, it’ll be hard to call you...” Dash said, making out the obvious.

“Then Big Sis should give me a name!” The filly suggested.

“Me?” Dash asked.

“And make it a cute one.” The filly said. Dash lets out a sigh, making the filly smile on the thought of her new name...

“A cute name?” Dash said to herself... thinking of what could be this filly’s new name... “Take about cute. What kind of name will be cute?” Dash looks around the room, then back to her. Until she remembers a certain name that she nicknamed her “Soon to be Sister” when she was a young filly.

“I got it... How about “Choco?” Dash said, the filly tilted her head on the name Dash gave her.

“”Choco”?” She said, giving Dash the “why” look.

“Well... uhm...” Dash thinks of a reason of why she named her Choco... Then a perfect excuse aroused on her mind... “Because, you look sweet, your mane is a little dark, yet has a brownish color, like of chocolate...” She said, Dash knew that this was a pathetic excuse, and was hoping the filly would bite it...

“Choco... Choco...” She repeats the name over and over, trying to get some sort of ring to it... “That’s my name, then...”

“It’s not okay?” Dash asked, making her hard enough to make another name for her...

“Nope...” The filly said. “It’s a cute and beautiful name!” She said, as she leans towards Dash... “I like it, please call me that!” She said, with sparkles in her eye.

“R-really? Then, Choco, how about we go shopping after we finish eating?” Dash suggested.

“Shopping?” Choco asked... Dash was thinking, if she’s going to stay with her, she needs proper attire... or in her liking clothes or such... as for Dash, she don’t usually wear clothes so it’s alright with her... but just for the heck of it...

“I can’t always let you wear my clothes all the time, can I?” Dash said, trying not to laugh yet at the same time, not to look at Choco the wrong way...

“Also, you know... you need some, things for yourself... if you like...” Dash suggested...

After a while... Dash and Choco went out of the apartment... Outside was a clear blue sky, and not a single cloud was up... but the streets are littered with snow all around...

“I should have worked last day...” Dash said... Being a weather mare has its ups and downs, but yesterday was her day off, so she has no problem at all... but wishing that she did...

Dash opens the front door for Choco as she gazed on the white thing under her hands. Choco took one step, as it sinks on the snow, Choco find this amusing and went off running towards the snow covered path way, leaving hoof prints on the snow. she looks back to see her own prints, seeing her first steps out of the house, since... she just came, she doesn’t know about snow or any other things yet... She was curious enough to pick up a snow pile and examines the stuff closely.

“Oh! It’s cold!” She said, letting go of the snow on her hoof...

Choco then starts to walk backwards, making more hoof marks on the snow, amazed of what she was doing... “Hey, look, look here. Big Sis, this is so amazing!” She said, while looking down on her own tracks.

Dash chuckles a bit “Choco... If you walk like that, you might trip.” Dash said, just after she said that, Choco slips and loses her balance, causing her to fall backwards.

“Choco!” Dash rushed towards her. Choco was lying on the bed of snow, as Dash moves close to her... “Are you alright?” Dash reached out for Choco, and gets her to stand up. Choco shakes herself of the excess snow on her coat.

“Yeah! No problem~” Choco said, but was cut off as she sneezed a bit.

“achoo~ nghh... achoo~ nghh...”

Dash looked at her, with a comfortable look on her face; she leans towards Choco and put a wing in her shoulders... “There... better?” Dash said as she smiles over to Choco...
Dash then took off her scarf and put it around Choco’s neck instead. “And... wear this also.”

Choco and Dash started to walk towards to go shopping in town.

“Listen up... it’s slippery on the snow, so be careful when walking.” Dash said over to Choco.

“Okay!” Choco simply replies...

As the both of them walked across the road, they were soon greeted by a local florist, and animal caretaker, simply known as Fluttershy.

“Ah... hello.” Fluttershy calmly greeted Dash as she sees her walking over to her shop.

“H-hi!” Dash said, as she blushed a bit on Fluttershy.

“”Are you heading out?” Fluttershy asked, as she tidy the front of her shop, as her pet Angel helps her with it.

“Yeah, just for a bit.” Dash replies. Fluttershy noticed that Dash was with somepony she never knew...

“Oh?” Fluttershy looks at Choco; Dash noticed this and starts to introduce Choco to her.

“Ah... this is...” But before Dash could say anything any further. Choco introduced herself.

“I’m Choco, Big Sister’s little sister!” She said, with a hint of pride in her tone.

“Ah, I see, Rainbow Dash’s litter sister?” Fluttershy said to Choco with a smile.
“That’s not right...” Choco said, “I’m not Rainbow Dash’s sister... I’m Big Sister’s little sister!” Choco corrected... not understanding the meaning of what Fluttershy had said.

“Uh... Fluttershy...” Dash interrupted.

“Yes?” Fluttershy asked.

“It’s this. How can I explain...? It’s just that...” Dash tries to make a reasonable story for Fluttershy, on how he got a sister suddenly... Just then, a small cry of kittens is heard inside of her shop...

“Ahh... pardon me... I need to take care of that for a while...” After saying that, Fluttershy went inside of the shop and went to take care of the kittens...

“Ah, okay, then we’ll leave now.” Dash took Choco and leaves the shop; Choco looked back and wondered if she had said something bad... But Dash was disappointed not getting to talk to Fluttershy more, and just lets out a huge sigh.

They went towards the large shopping building on the edge of Manehattan, and goes inside... Ever since Dash and her friends moved out of Ponyville, since they went to college, life for her had been slightly down, but still retains her job as a weather mare. She just shrugs those memories behind and accompanies Choco on her shopping.

The place was all decorated with Hearts Warming Eve things, such as images of Santa Hooves, and some blinking lights along the stairs and stalls.

The building is fully packed, because of the Hearts Warming Feast was already tonight, and everypony was preparing for that time buying food and stuff as gifts... Choco finds this pretty and wonderful, as she gazed on the humongous place with different ponies walking about.

Dash went towards the directory, and saw this.

Colts Wear: 2nd Floor.

Mares Wear: 3rd Floor.

Fillies Wear: 4th Floor.

“Fillies wear are on the fourth floor?” Dash said to herself... Dash and Choco went to the elevator and dings for the floor she wants to go, the pony operator activates it, sending them towards the 4th floor...

As soon as the doors open, Choco ran and quickly explored the place... “Ah, so much clothing!” She pronounced.

Choco quickly tries some clothing on the racks; she even went towards the newest clothing, some made by Dash’s friend, Rarity. Choco gets all the clothes she wanted and went to try them all on the fitting room... Choco shows Dash everything she picked out, one after another. Dash simply nods in approval as she observes every clothes Choco tried. Until finally it’s time to pay for them.

Dash carried the clothes towards the cashier and see how much they worth... the cashier checks the price and puts in on the calculator... then another one... and another one…

Dash could only widen her eyes to slowly see the full price of the clothing she bought for Choco is estimated... over 2,340 bits.

Choco can only smile towards the beautiful clothing she had picked, as for dash…

“I’m sorry. I didn’t bring enough money with me; can I go and take out some more?” Dash said, as she takes out some of the clothes for her to pay enough for some.

After she paid for the clothes. Dash and Choco went up to the 5th floor to check out some of the merchandise.

“Fillies clothing are really expensive...” Dash said to herself... “I was planning to use the savings from my job to buy that new lightning-proof suit I liked...” Dash then looked back at Choco. “But this isn’t bad, neither.”

Later that day, they went to a dining area and ordered some food.

“Now don’t make a mess on your new clothes now.” Dash said, as they waited for their order.

“Okay!” Choco simply said. Dash watches Choco to eat her food on the table.

“A little sister, huh?” Dash said, as she goes back to her past memories of those days when her mother, was carrying a child…