• Published 6th Oct 2013
  • 586 Views, 9 Comments

The Lost Prince of the Stars - OscornBrony

Trouble is starting to stir. A problem with the elements has started. The only one who sees the wind of change starting to blow is a forgotten prince, a ex-guard turned assassin to a princess, and a wondering ex-pegasus.

  • ...

Chapter 7 Run

Author's Note:

This chapter has not yet been edited. Once it is, I shall apply the edits on to the chapter.

Chapter 7
(Star Spell POV)

‘What kind of weirdo is this guy?’ I thought, not for the first time as we ran down the halls of the detention center. ‘First he shows up claiming to be a guardian of Equestria, only to help a prisoner escape from the 'actual' Cantorlot guards, just a minute later. Plus there was that whole part where he dared to use the royal Cantorlot voice. Even if it’s no longer custom, it’s a breach in respect to the royal family!’

“There’s a turn coming up. Just follow me and we’ll be out of here in a jiffy.” Said the strange pony.

That was another thing about him. All I really knew about him was that he was a unicorn. Beyond that I knew nothing else about his appearance, due to the silver cloak he wore, that covered every bit of him except his face and for that he used a similarly colored scarf to cover all but his ice blue eyes. Really I’ve not even seen his horn. But the fact that he was able to use magic to unlock, and re-lock the cell door, with the added blood that he transfigured from hay, showed that he had ether a horn or one big imagination that couldn’t fit inside his head. Either way we was good at his craft. In the harsh whispers we exchanged, he also explained that he was able to put a filter over the eyes and ears of the other prisoners to full them that my ‘death’ was quite real.

I looked bake to see if the guards had seen me. The sound of them running through the hall seemed to pound my ears, but there was no sign of them in the hall. In fact I’ve not even seen them at all throughout this entire escape.

Turning to look forward, I noticed that the figure I was following had turned the corner he briefly spoke of.

In a hurry, I turn after him to find that he was out of sight. There were two staircases, one that led up and one that led down. ‘If this is like any dungeon, the cells would be on the lower levels. So it would only make since…’ I took the staircase up.


‘HORSE APPLES!!!’ I could feel my mind slow down as I ran down the hall. Ahead of me was a simple hall way, and when I say a hall way I mean ONLY a hall way. No door out. Just cell doors and a window that, by the look of it, was up at least one story. That was when I realized that I was in the holding cells, not the dungeon.

‘…but… how hard could flying be? I mean all there is to it is moving pushing up on the air. It’s just that simple. …Right?’


(Astro POV)

The sun was starting to peek over the horizon. Their was a calm peace that seemed to stretch throwout all of Equestria. That was unless you were at the Canterlot Detention Center. Then you'd find yourself in alittle bit of a more wild setting.

I finished galloping down the stairs and I headed for the door. That was only about ten yards away. All the guards had left their posts in order to track the 'great and dangerous' Silver Stared Assassin. My mind said that this was a good thing and how great it is to have nothing go wrong for once.

I shall never make the mistake of thinking that again.

It wasn't even two seconds after I had left the door of the building behind when their was the sound of a breaking window and the weight of another pony slammed down onto my back with the force to cause me to fall the ground.
From my new point of view, I looked up at my attacker who was as sprawled out and as venerable as I was. My first thought was, 'How did he get onto the second floor?' My second thought was, 'Why does he have wings? They don't even match his cote color!'

Their wasn't much time for thought after that as we heard the sounds of ponies coming down the stairs inside the building. Quickly, we got ourselves untangled and ran. 'The time for a more detailed story would follow.'


(Rai/Red Page POV)

It was getting on into the after noon when I first cot sight of the farmer, a full hour later then Apple Bloom had said.

At the sound of a cart I looked up from my book, and my fifth apple, to see a tired looking Mare pooling along a cart.
She had and orange cote and a blond mane and tail, with a battered up hat on top of her head. The big give away of how this was was the trio of apples that she had as a cutie mark.

I slid the book back into my bag and started over to meet her.

At the sight of me she lifted her face into a smile. "Howdy stranger! What brings you the Sweet Apple Acors?" She had a friendly voice that came with a twang that you'd expect from a farmer. At least one from the Apple family.

"Hello. My name is Red Page." I said with a nod.

"O. So you must be the farm helper my cousin told me about in that there letter she sent." I nodded my head yet again, this time in confirmation. At that she carried on. "I'm right glad you've shown up. I've gone behind schedule and things have been gettin mighty crazy with my friends and It's been gettin right down hard to keep up."

I opened up my mouth to say something. I don't know what I would have said and never will know as she continued on word as she turn off to the barn to put away the cart. "I'll be expectin ya by dawn tomorrow... On second thought make that an hour before. I hope you like apple cinnamon pancakes." With that she was gone.

'Well... an hour of waiting under a tree to talk to a pony for fifteen seconds. But that's my life, rotten. ...Where am I going to sleep?' I looked around to find a place to set up camp. All I could find was trees. Alot of trees. So I hiked in.


Night had fallen. Luna's moon shone above the group of trees and I had just started to set up camp. I had already started a camp fire and had flattened out my bedding for the night. After walking for the day I had managed to get quit tired and was quite ready to just drop, and that was what I was what I was going to do. So I closing my eyes laid down but then my ears twitched as I closed my eyes laid down. herd the sound of movement in the branches of the Everfree Forest.

I lifted my head and gave I sigh as three ponies started to stalk towards the spot I lay. All of them had a hostile grin on their faces and they moved with an attitude that shouted the fact that they were up to no good.
I was still tired, but now I was also angry. 'Couldn't they have just tried to rob me earlier? I just don't feel like dealing with them now.' But non the less, I pushed my self up and looked at them.

"If you guys want to do us all a favor, can you do just one small thing?" I leaned in and they picked up their pace to a trot.

"Run!" The word came forth with as much venom as I could give it when I was tired, and they did exactly as I said. Right towards me.


(Star Spell POV)
(Just a few minuets before)

We walked in silence. The strange introduced himself as Astro. But apart from that we didn't say much. We had been walking for nearly twenty-four hours and he keep on giving quick glances to my wings. I had already explained to him that they weren't technically mine. They had grown from my back, not a pleasant experience, during my time in the cell.

He gave me only one theory of what had happened. Sadly it was the same theory I had already thought, but it was the only thing that maid sense.

When I had removed the pure light from the princess, it also had darkness within it's depths. Fragments of an alicorn inside of a non-alicorn would have some side effects. It would also explain how my cote was when my cote was black and the wings were a midnight blue... And apparently I needed work to improve that skill.

That was when the yelps of pain could be heard from beyond the trees.

Astro's ears perked and he started to make a line to the source of the sound. 'Maybe this guy truly is a wondering guardian of Equestria!'

We reached a bush and peeked over to see four ponies. One was grey and brown, another had a mixture of green and black, the fourth was blue and white. The final one had a grey cote and a red mane and tail with a streak going down. Plus he was wearing a cloak and boots. He was also whipping the other three in hoof to hoof.

Astro started forward but I managed to stop him before he continued. "Those are the Everfree Brothers. They've been giving problems to travelers for three years. They also know the forest to the point where nopony can find them."

Astro glanced at me for a moment before looking back. "I just felt sorry to those three."


"Maybe we should try to avoid fighting him in the future."

"Yep.... Where where we heading again?"

"My old home. It's somewhat run down. Is that alright with you?"


We turn around and were off yet again.

Comments ( 1 )

:ajsleepy: Sadly this story seams not to be taking off. So I was going to labile it as being 'Canceled' but then somepony favorite it.:scootangel:. But that gives me mixed thoughts.:pinkiegasp::pinkiesad2: So I will leave it all up to everypony else to diside if this story goes on. If a good amount askes me to go on, I will. If not, well I've been writing short ficts anyway that do seam more deacont.

So show me what you want! Do I go on :ajsmug:? Or shall this story go down :fluttershysad:?

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