• Published 6th Oct 2013
  • 585 Views, 9 Comments

The Lost Prince of the Stars - OscornBrony

Trouble is starting to stir. A problem with the elements has started. The only one who sees the wind of change starting to blow is a forgotten prince, a ex-guard turned assassin to a princess, and a wondering ex-pegasus.

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Chapter 1 The Elder Brother of a Nightmare

The Lost Prince of the
Chapter one
The elder brother of a nightmareThe night seemed to stretch on to eternity. It had already been dark for eighteen hours straight. The sun just didn't seem to want to rise over the horizon.

If a pony was to look at a certain spot on the night sky at the right time, he could have seen a shadow-like being cross over the twinkling stars. The shadow moved at a speed most pegasi could only dream of towards a dark forest. That shadow was actually an alicorn. And a fairly unknown alicorn too. The alicorn had a coat black as night, and his mane and tail were like silvery wisps of energy, gathered from the nightly stars and magically attached to his body. Around his neck hung a thick necklace emblazoned with a star and adorning his head was a simple black metal band with a silver gem.

That alicorn was me. And I am Prince Astro of Equestria.

My mind raced while I sped along the night sky. What is Luna thinking? The Moon should have set long ago, I wondered. I have been too busy to come and check on what has been happening. Well, not too busy, I've been too far away and couldn't just drop everything and leave.

I have never been able to master teleportation spells and that slows me down more than I would like. I sighed as my mind wondered to a new method of travel I've been designing, one that only I would be able to master. But alas, I have not been able to finish it. So for now I must trust in my wings to carry me across the dark skies as fast as I could.

It was then my mind decided to dig up a memory. A memory of myself showing my little sister how I positioned the stars every night. She had kept asking and pleading that I let her try it. And I finally gave in that night. She only managed to move one star back then, but that hadn't surprised me. After all, my cutie mark depicted two stars and a shooting star while hers was the Moon. They represented both of ours responsibilities, hers for raising and setting the Moon, mine for decorating the rest of the night sky with stars. Although, there was a way for her to master my art too...

I shook my head to clear it of thoughts. I had to keep my mind clear and concentrate on getting to the castle as fast as possible. I had to return home.

I soon could see the castle rise over the canopy of the Everfree Forest. The dark towers grew taller as I approached the castle with trepidation. I could almost sense the feeling of importance and power that resonated from the brick building.

That was when I was suddenly attacked by a plethora of bright light and colors from the castle. When my eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness I saw a rainbow-colored beam burst through the windows of the throne room situated at the top of the main tower and zip across the sky towards the Moon. A flash of light got me to protect my eyes again and when I finally lowered my arm, a figure was imprinted into the Moon. The figure was that of a pony. And what's worse, it had a horn. So it was either a unicorn or a...

“LUNA!” The cry was pulled out of my mouth as I looked up at the suddenly unfamiliar white orb. I hovered there for what felt like an hour, staring at the new resting place of my little sister. I had no doubt it was her. To perform the gravest banishment, the one being banished would have to have a connection to the place they were being banished to. And Luna's connection to the Moon was unquestionable.

Anger began to fill my mind and I angled my wings to push myself towards the window the beam had come from. As I neared the window, another cry was released from my lips.


I landed on my hooves and straightened my legs. My eyes locked onto the alicorn sitting on her throne. My anger filtered out the grieved look on her when I asked: “What hast thou done, my sister?!”

The tall and slender alicorn looked up to me. “Astro, wilt thou ever forgive me?” Her soft voice was filled with sadness but again my anger dissipated it before my mind could process it.

“What has happened?!”

She took a few deep breaths before answering. “Our sister was overcome by a nightmare. I... I... There was nothing else I could do.” As the words left her lips, tears began to stream down her face, dripping to the floor.

After a few seconds, she looked up with a slight anger in her eyes. “There was nothing else I could do! Even if thou were here we couldn't have used the Elements to stop her from this despair! Thou may carry the Elements of Magic and Loyalty, and I have Honesty and Generosity, but she hath Kindness and Laughter. We cannot use the Elements to the fullest unless we all work together!”

The anger in my eyes slowly died and let room for the sadness that remained to fully make effect. “I know. It is my fault. I was given the power to withhold the Elements of Harmony. It was I that thought it would be best if the Elements stayed in the power of the royal family. It seems that I was mistaken.”

Celestia walked forward and stood by my shoulder as I looked out of a window. The silence endured for a minute and was broken as she spoke. “What do we do now?”

I looked over to Celestia, matching her in height despite my younger age. “The question is what wilt thou do now? I know what I shall do; I shall take a leave from the royal life. I have never been known that well and nopony will notice if I suddenly disappear. I should be completely forgotten in three generations, four at the most.”

My sister's eyes widened in surprise. “What?! Thou art going to leave too? Why would thou dost so after I already lost my other sibling?”

“I am the Element of Loyalty. I swore that loyalty to serve this land, to serve you, and to serve Luna. This is the best way to fulfill all three during these hard times. I shall relinquish the power I have over the Elements of Harmony so new bearers may be found. Bearers who art not of the royal family. I shall also give thee this warning. After a thousand years have passed from tonight, the stars and the Elements of Magic and Loyalty shall aid Luna escape her prison. Thou hast until then to find the new bearers.”

“What art thou doing? What are thy plans, my brother?” Celestia asked with a voice filled with sadness but with a twinge of hope.

“I want to be loyal to thee, so I shall wait. I want to be loyal to Luna, so I shall aid her in her escapement. I want to be loyal to myself, so... I shall leave.” My words brought nothing but silence with them. After a while, Celestia again broke the silence.

“Thou art... leaving?” Yet again her voice dripped of sadness and grieve.

I had to look away from her to try and block out the quake in her voice. I turned and began to walk to the double doors leading to the balcony. As I walk, I spoke over my shoulder. “Do not blame thyself, sister, I am not leaving because of thee. I have been planning on leaving for quite some time now. I have only been known by a selected few in Equestria so not many will mourn my disappearance. Thou hast often scolded me for not taking my duties as the Prince of Equestria seriously so it will be better if I am no longer in such a position. Besides, I have always yearned to explore the lands outside of our peaceful country.”

Her voice rose and the quaking in her voice became more prominent. “Th-thou cannot! Th-thou cannot j-just run away! Thou hast thy job, thy duty here! Thou arrangest the stars every night! What will be done if thou art not here? W-with Luna gone, this is the worst time for thee to leave!”

I stopped right in front of the doors. “Neigh, on the contrary. It is the perfect time. The dawning of a new era. A chance to sever my connection to the Elements of Harmony. A chance to bring forth new bearers of the Harmony who may aid Luna with her ailment. As for the stars, that is another power I shall surrender. I have already taught Luna how to move them. I think she would enjoy having complete control over the night. The stars can stay where they are for a thousand years up till the day she returns.”

I let go a sigh before turning my head to face my older sister and gave her a smile. “I may never see thee again... Give Luna a hug for me when she returns.” I spread my wings and turned my gaze back to the sky.

“In what way art thou leaving?!”

Her works stopped me and I turned yet again. “What dost thou mean?”

“Dost thou leave this castle and Equestria or dost thou leave this family?” Her words stabbed me in my heart.

Thou hast cast out our... sister. Thou hast cast out Luna from the family. Thou may still see her as a sister but not at this time. In her present state she needs family. Yes, I must no longer see thee as my elder sister or Luna as my younger. But it is this new shape of Luna that needs an elder brother. From this time on, I am not Prince Astro of Equestria. For I am the brother of the Nightmare of the Moon.”

With that I spread my wings and disappeared into the night.

Author's Note:

If you want to read some background, copy and past this address to check my blog. -> http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/242839/background-information-on-prince-astro