• Published 1st Oct 2013
  • 405 Views, 0 Comments

Into the Unknown - Hydrahok64

A hardened survivalist continues to survive for as long as he can, but now he also has to also help others survive. Namely ponies.

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Ponies? What the actual fuck?!

Chapter 2: Ponies? What the actual FUCK?!

“Ok, is the skin ready yet?” I asked my friend through skype.

“Not yet. Just wait k?”

“fine, but I already got realistic ponies installed so hurry up. Well anyways, im getting off skype now, see ya sky, and when you’re done, then you can join the server.” I closed my call with sky then launched up minecraft.

The last thing I remembered before blacking out was seeing a blast of magic heading straight for me and my friends, it hit us right at the same time I cast the spell, next thing I know is that we warped into some sort of wormhole, after that I blacked out.

Location: Minecraftia, Boston Outskirts
Day: 49
Time: Noon
Fluttershy’s POV
I screamed as pain coursed through my entire body, my body felt as if it was being stabbed by hundreds upon thousands of needles. But I soon reached the end of the tunnel, along with tossing me out of the wormhole we got teleported into a lake. The wormhole was a bit high up from the lake so I got dropped halfway down the lake. Right after I reached the surface, I paddled my way to the shoreline instantly.

Reaching the shoreline, I felt the pain subsiding, and my focus coming back. I noticed 2 lines in my line of vision, to the bottom to be exact. A line of hearts and apples, there were also several boxes under those and a line of stars under the boxes. What those were for, I didn’t know. I tried to make it go away but no matter how much I blink, it persisted to stay.

“H-Hello? T-tw-twilight? Applejack? Anypony?!” I said, looking around myself, it seemed everything was made of blocks, even the clouds and the sun, I started to panic.

“O-oh dear. W-What’s happening? What is this place?!” I fell to the ground in a fetal position, covering my face with my hooves.


I heard the sound and immediately flew to a nearby tree. Underneath me was a creature I never seen before, it had a blocky body, just like the rest of this world. It’s green in color and had 4 stocky legs but no arms. It also had coal black eyes and its mouth was open as if it is frozen in a never-ending scream, “O-oh! Hi there, you startled me.”

“Tsss?” the strange creature cocked its head in confusion.

“What are you? I never seen something like you before.” Fluttershy inquired. As usual with almost all animals and creatures, all of her shyness vanished instantly.

“Sss? TSSS SS?!” this new creature seemed startled and a bit scared about the fact I understood it, it started backing away from me.

I flew to it to try to comfort it, “Oh please don’t be scared. I’m not going to hurt you I just want to get to know you.”


“ well, I guess I was just born that way.”

“ go away.”

“Oh um o-okay.” my shyness started to come back again. I then thought to ask the creeper for its name, “Um c-can you at least tell me you name? I-if that’s alright with you.”

“… I, don’t have one.”

“Oh. I-im sorry.” it started to get dark pretty fast. I don’t like the dark and the village near the lake has light.

“Um w-well maybe I can meet you again?” I got no response, so I slowly started to trot to the village. I then heard the creeper faintly say ‘first chance of a friend and I blew it.’

For a while, I just been heading to the village. Until I heard a ungodly groan. I turned around to see a 2 legged green thing limping towards me. It had its flesh ripped off at several places of its body, and its eyes was blood red. I was completely terrified. Several more of them bursted from the ground near me, I started to back away in the direction of the village. In the corner of my eye, I noticed an arrow head whizzing towards me. Quickly, I ducked out of the way of the arrow, letting it fly past my head.

“O-o-o-oh dear! P-p-please don’t h-hurt me.” I pleaded them but they didn’t seem to hear me. Another arrow whizzed past me, just millimeters from my face. I fully gone into full panic and broke into a gallop to the village, shrieking and screaming all the way, but I was stopped as a arm of another monster sprung from the ground grabbing one of my hooves, causing me to fall down. I tried to shake them off in desperation, but to no avail. I turned my head around to see the rest of the beasts closing in on me. One of the shooters got close enough for a guaranteed shot. It slowly pulled back its bowstring, thinking this is the end for me, I said silent goodbyes to all my friends, twilight, pinkie, rarity, applejack, rainbow dash, and all my animal friends. I was completely terrified, but when i should have felt the arrow piercing through me, nothing happened to me. I opened my eyes to see the thing with a arrow right in between it's eyes. I turned around to see a new being I never seen before, standing a good 4 feet taller then me on 2 legs with a bow in hand and a sword hanging from his back. He then took out his sword and started to charge at me. I closed my eyes in fear again, but instead of feeling the sharp steel of the sword, I felt the thing holding my hoof let go of its grip.

“Come on! Get up and head to the village, I’ll hold them off.” the being said. I obeyed and got up, the being suddenly charged into the group of monsters, braising the sword in his… hoof? I turned my head away from him and started heading for the village again.

Ulrich’s POV
Bored. I am utterly bored. For some reason there seemed to be no hostile mobs coming tonight. I wondered why it was like this. Well either that or they are out there, just we can’t see them, which as I think about it more, seemed like a more likely possibility. There were no lights out there beyond the walls. Only the moon gave illuminated the land during the night, but it only gave enough so you can see where your going.

“Hey, what’s your name” I started talking to archer near me in a attempt relieve some boredom.

“The names Leon.”

“Sooo, do you think we should put some lights out there?” I asked

“Yeah we should but the thing is we don’t have glowstone, and although you set up a nether portal, its to dangerous to go inside there...” he continued to tell me why, I knew about the nether, and even been there before, but from the way he described it, it seemed different then how I know it before.

“Hey if you want, I can go and harvest some, but of course for some euros(the village’s currency).”

“Alright, thanks. I’ll go tell the mayor tha-” his sentence was cut off as a shrill shriek pierces the midnight sky.

“What the fuck?!” both of us exclaimed.

“It came from out there!” another archer positioned on the wall with us archer exclaims. I looked out to the west section of this side of the wall, out there seemed to be a figure of… a horse? And wait, it isn’t blocky either!

“Leon, cover me, I’m going in to rescue whoever, or whatever that is out there.” and with that, I leaped off the wall onto the ground. Grabbing my bow, I swung it out and got it ready. I didn't notice the spider charging towards me until i heard the whiz of a arrow hit the spider, Getting closer, I saw a skeleton aiming its bow at the new thing I found. I quickly aimed my own bow at the skeletons head. I let go of the string of the bow causing it to release flying death at the skeleton. I looked back at the creature but only then I noticed a zombies arm grabbing the thing. Replacing my bow with my sword, I ran to it and thrusted my sword into the wrist of the zombie, while carefully trying not to injure the horse-looking creature. The zombie released its grip and pulled its hand back under the ground.

“Come on! Get up and go to the village. I’ll hold them off.” I said, hoping the horse understood what I said. Right after that, I charged into the other hostile mobs that’s catching up to us. Getting close enough to the beasts, I started swinging my sword here and there but still skillfully. I looked back for a second to see the horse heading to the village. ‘so it did understand me.’

“… that’s one strange ass mod, cool but strange. Looked like Garry’s Mod Fluttershy Ah well.” I closed down my minecraft and turned off my computer.

“Enough minecraft for one day.”


Whew, I think I did better then I thought I would do. WELL that’s chapter 2. Hoped you liked it, follow me maybe, and yea, well

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