• Published 1st Oct 2013
  • 405 Views, 0 Comments

Into the Unknown - Hydrahok64

A hardened survivalist continues to survive for as long as he can, but now he also has to also help others survive. Namely ponies.

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New World, New Places

Into the Unknown

“Ok what mods do we got here. Optifine, Too Many Items, Tougher Mobs, Clay Soldiers, Gun mod, Modified Starter Kit, Airships, More Hostile Mobs…” I go on listing at all the mods installed for minecraft to no one in particular, except myself. “…Radars, Ridden Radar Room, More Potion’s, should I get Realistic Ponies? Ah well I’ll get it later.” once I finished checking my mods, I launched up my minecraft and started a new world named ‘Minecraft Universe’


“Aaha! that’s it!” twilight said, while looking up from her research book.

“Girls, I think I finally perfected multi-pony long-ranged teleportation.” she said, squealing with glee. All her friends looked at her intently, except for Rainbow Dash, who was utterly bored out of here mind.

“Alright, but can you please just get to the point so I can go back to training?” she said stretching her wings, and laying on the picnic blanket they had before twilights announcement.

“Hey dash, Can’t you at least act like you want to be here?” applejack said a bit annoyed with her friend’s impatience.

“But I need to pract-”

“you can practice anytime can’t you?”

“… fine”

“Anyways,” twilight continued, “I am positive I got it mastered but I need to test it out, so that’s why I called you guys here.”

“Well if you say you can do it then, we trust you. Right?” Applejack said, but most of them still looked unsure about it, but soon put their trust on twilight.

“Alright, lets do this.” ‘I hope this works’ twilight thought.

She started the spell, beams of light flickered from her horn, soon turning into a massive magenta orb, engulfing the mane 6, but unbeknownst to them, a random ray of magic was heading straight right at them, making contact right before they teleported, causing them all to go far off from their planned destination.

*30 seconds earlier at sugar cube corner*
“Oh Pumpkin, I told you not to chew your toys.” Mrs. Cake said, while deliberately trying to get Pumpkin Cake to stop eating her plush toy, but to no avail. Mr. Cake wasn’t having any luck on his end either, Pound Cake also was chewing one of his plush toys also.

“Pound Cake, take it out of your mouth now.” Mr. Cake demanded, suddenly
Pumpkin Cake’s horn started to glow.

“Oh dear.” both Mrs. Cake and Mr. Cake said. Pumpkin Cake’s horn shot off a magic ray out of one of the windows in their shop/home, “I hope that doesn’t hit anything”


Minecraft Universe. Day 1. Ulrich’s P.O.V
Ulrich awoken from his unconsciousness, slowly opening his eyes, letting the sun’s rays into his eyes. Finally getting up, Ulrich felt a sharp sting in his head, “Ow god, that hurts. Ugh where am I?”

Taking in his surroundings, he now noticed he awoke on a beach, a forest, and a cave was nearby his location. Out in the distance, he also saw some mountain ranges. With smoke coming behind them. “Aw great, not this again. Why do I keep waking up in the middle of nowhe-” Ulrich noticed a chest next to him, and unlocked. Wondering what could be inside, he picked himself up and took the torches laid diagonally from the chest, then opened it to find a stone pick, stone ax, stone shovel, stone sword, some sticks, a crafting table, a backpack, 5 strands of string, several logs, and a “Huh, well that’s new… and convenient. Well I’m not complaining, better get to wo- GWAH?!”

Ulrich noticed a flying eyeball coming straight for him, instinctively, he slashed at the incoming eye, killing it instantly, “What the fuck, that’s new also. Flying eyeball, how come I never seen that before.

*Few minecraft hours later*
“Alright, house built, seeds harvested, food collected, well I think I did pretty well for the first night, now that my house is built, it’s time to mine. But what’s that smoke beyond the mountains though, I‘ll check it out later” Ulrich walked to a 3 by 3 block room and started digging a mineshaft. ‘man how did I get stuck in this accursed world in the first place, no point complaining, just got to survive. Well as usual, time to sing cause I’m now bored from just digging and mining.’

“I’m in a mineshaft trying to get some
diamonds to bring back home to you.
I know that I’ve been gone very so long
I want to be home next to you…”

*Minecraft Universe, Day 49, Near the smoke site*
“Well that’s what that smoke is, it’s a village. Looks more advanced then the normal villages I find, well that’s ju- wait is that a rocket over there? WHAT TEH FUCK?!” about a minute later, he comes out of his shock and decides to just go to the village and build his actual base of operations there.

Until one of the villagers over there notices him and halts him that is.

“Halt! Identify yourself and State your business!”

“… uh, I’m Ulrich and I just want to build my base of operations in the village. Is that fine?” never coming across a village like this before made Ulrich speechless. And nervous as hell. Who knew what they were able to do

“If you wish to build in our town then you have to get permission from the mayor”

“Well that’s fine, sooo I’m just gonna go ask him and… yea.”

*Boston, Town hall* (YUP, I’m going a bit historical)
After conversing with the town mayor for a good 30 minutes, he finally makes me a deal, “Alright, fine if you wish to build in out town then don’t cause trouble and help us fend off the mobs that come at night.”

“That’s it? I thought you were going to make me go on a quest or such. In other words, that’s fine.” after accepting the deal, Ulrich started to go off to make his HQ,
But not before sticking up his middle finger when he was outside and saying, “Asshole. Heh, lets see what will turn up here.”

*Few days later*
“Alright lets see, library? Check. Tower jutting out of the top for a lookout? done. Underground storage? Finished…” Ulrich and some of the village builders walked through the entire base, making sure everything has been built and decorated. He decided to help turn this town into a full city. Now his only problem is money, he had none of the village’s currency which meant he is currently broke, although he could try to sell them some resources he gathers. “completed. Mineshaft? Past that. Bedroom and guest bedrooms for any other people I find? Good. Alright, well thanks for the help guys.”

“No problem, but you owe us money, got it?” one of them said.

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll make sure to p-” a idea suddenly struck Ulrich’s head. Remembering his gold bars he found before, he thought of using those to pay them, “Say, instead of that, would you take these instead? Some gold bars?”

“Hmm, don’t really use gold as a payment but I guess it works too, alright then that’ll be 5 gold bars.”

Ulrich hands five of his gold to one of the construction workers before heading back in to start getting more iron to finish his iron golem he’s currently building.
Thoughts racing through his head of what has happened this past couple of weeks. Already got several pumpkins and different seeds, got a small stone wall up to help keep the mobs on the ground out. Built a tunnel system to some of my outposts, and also to that strange building I found, got a stone factory, built a nether portal, and found new types of weapons.

(spoiler alert!!! Ok now if you don’t want to see what new weapons he found, then DON’T READ DIS
Weapons: hidden blades, Dragonuv sniper rifle, darts, throwable ax, and laser rifle)

“sigh these weeks have been busy, at least I now I can talk to villager, usually they’re as stupid as a rock. Well night is coming, better get up onto the walls with the other guards.”


“whew, hmmm, I’ve been playing for quite a while now, well time to stop for now. But lets get the realistic ponies mod up now. OOH! Mine little pony would go really well with this… but I got no pony skin, eh I’ll get my friend to make it.”

Well then, that’s a wrap, thanks for reading. Again comment and follow if you want, and sorry for the small amount of ponies in it, I was planning to put more of them in the 2nd chapter, so look for the next chapter, aaaand