• Published 29th Sep 2013
  • 972 Views, 10 Comments

Celestia's Past/Equestria's Future - Crimson Feather

Princess Celestia's dark past has come back to haunt her

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The story of the Royal Crystal Empire siblings part 2

King Gem-in-eyes sat in front of Queen Diamond Heart as she wiped away her tears and regained her composure, she couldn't even look at her husband due to all of the shame she felt within her heart and mind.

"I refuse to believe you struck Sombra for no reason." Gem-in-eyes said as he left his wife's head so their eyes could meet. "What did he do, or at least what did he say, I know Sombra well enough to say that he deserved what you did."

Diamond Heart gently pushed her husband's hooves away from her. "He thought I was speaking down to him, he no longer feels loved, and I am partially to blame."

"There is nobody to blame for Sombra's actions, the people treated him with respect, and they acknowledged him every time they crossed his path. You gave him the space he wanted..."

Diamond Heart chose that very moment to cut Gem-in-eyes off. "Exactly, I left my brother to stew in his misery, I should have acted sooner. Not as a queen but as his sister, if I can't help my brother how can I be expected to help my subjects?"

Gem-in-eyes stood up. "That is not fair my love, you can't push yourself down like this, especially not when your people look towards you for advice. If Sombra cannot handle you taking your rightful place on the throne than perhaps he does not deserve to be your brother."

Diamond Heart gave Gem-in-eyes a look of dismay. “How dare you, Sombra has always been there for me, he was the only pony I could go to in my greatest times of need, and he would always listen. Without my brother I wouldn’t have learned compassion for other ponies, he is the reason why I am always kind to others.”

Gem-in-eyes was taken aback to learn that Sombra, a stallion that always looked down on others and never showed a sign of love or empathy, was the one to practically put Diamond Heart on the throne.

“I am truly sorry my love,” Gem-in-eyes said, looking away in shame. “Had I known, I would have tried harder to tend to Sombra’s grief and make a better effort to become his friend.”

Diamond Heart saw that her husband was being sincere with his words, she knew he meant what he said and quickly forgave him for his words.

“We must both work harder for his sake.” Diamond Heart tapped her head on Gem-in-eyes’ in a playful manner. “Sombra means more to me than this throne, I would give up my powers just to make him happy.”

“I’m glad you feel that way my lovely little sister.” Gem-in-eyes and Diamond Heart looked up to see Sombra walking into the throne room. “I sent the guards away, so there’s no need to call on them.”

Diamond Heart ran towards her brother and gave him a joyful hug. “Brother you came back! I was afraid you were going to lock yourself away again. I’m truly sorry for what I did to you, I had no right to harm you like I did, Sombra, could you ever forgive me?”

Sombra gave Diamond Heart a gently pat on the back. “Of course, Diamond Heart, how could I ever stay mad at you?”

Gem-in-eyes walked up to the royal siblings. “Sombra, I’m sorry for not showing more concern, I knew you were going through a rough time and I did nothing to help you.”

Sombra glared at Gem-in-eyes before his eyes became affixed upon the thrones. “Sister, did you mean what you just said?”

Diamond Heart looked at Sombra. “Of course, I never meant to hurt you…”

“No, not that, I believe you when you say that you’re sorry. I meant about giving up your power on the throne?”

Gem-in-eyes began to become wary of Sombra’s demeanor, the look in his eyes were not the same as when they both met in the castle halls a moment ago, this time they were ominous.

Diamond Heart glanced at her throne. “It means a lot to you brother, I know, the throne belonged to you. I never wanted this, Sombra, I never thought of myself as a queen.”

Sombra put a hoof on his sister shoulder. “Yes, I think we both know that, I think the whole empire knows who their true king should have been.

With a vile look Sombra turned to Gem-in-eyes. “It should have been me, not some filthy traveling bum that wondered aimlessly with no future.”

Gem-in-eyes smirked. “So a futureless bum managed to achieve what you were born into? My how pathetic of you, brother.”

Sombra shoved his face with Gem-in-eyes’. “You married your way into power, I worked hard for mine, which is the true difference between us!”

Diamond Heart pushed her way in-between the fuming stallions. “That is enough! You two must learn to work together, we are a family and should start acting like it.”

“Diamond Heart may be willing to relinquish her position to you but I’m not,” Gem-in-eyes began to exit the throne room to retrieve Winter Blitz. “You will never take power in the Crystal Empire as long as I draw breath!”

Sombra’s horn began to glow bright green, as did his eyes. “Well than, dear ‘brother’, that could be arranged.”

Before Diamond Heart could react Sombra blasted Gem-in-eyes in the back, knocking him down violently.

Diamond Heart ran to her husband and tried to lift him up. “Gem! Please get up, it doesn’t have to end like this, we can just give Sombra the throne and we can continue to live here in the empire.”

Sombra walked up to his sister, his horn still glowing, he had a devilish grin on his face an even scarier glint in his eyes.

“No, my dear sister, you will not be allowed to lay a hoof inside my empire.”

“What? But brother, would you truly be so cruel to your only sibling when you would be able rule like you always wanted?”

“I cannot have you distracting me sister, with you around I would be tempted to show compassion, and that would only show that I still have weakness in my heart.”

Sombra leaned over Gem-in-eyes, his bright green sheen nearly blinding. “And I can’t have you around period, the guards will follow and protect you against me.”

Diamond Heart covered Gem-in-eyes using herself as a shield in an attempt to plea with her brother. “Sombra, no! I’ll take Gem and we’ll leave for good, I swear to you the two of us will never return.”

Despite his anger and his ever growing hunger for power Sombra held back from finishing Gem-in-eyes off for good, there was still love left Sombra’s dark soul, which was only for his sister.

“Fine, as the new king of the Crystal Empire, I hereby banish the two of you for the rest of your days. Never return here, unless you wish to face severe consequences.”

Sombra slowly began to make his way towards his new throne when a bright light threw him across the room, when he recovered he saw a group of guards being led by Winter Blitz, they picked up their king and quickly escorted their queen to safety.

Diamond Heart took one last look at her brother as he began to square-off against a few guards that were ordered to stay behind and hold him off. She began to cry knowing that she failed her people, but more importantly, she failed her brother when he needed her the most.

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