• Published 29th Sep 2013
  • 972 Views, 10 Comments

Celestia's Past/Equestria's Future - Crimson Feather

Princess Celestia's dark past has come back to haunt her

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The story of the Royal Crystal Empire siblings part 1

Angelica sat at a desk reading a book she found about the last king and queen of the Crystal Empire, King Gem-in-eyes and Queen Diamond Heart, they both ruled the empire for many years until they were betrayed by Diamond Heart's brother, a unicorn named Sombra.

According to the book King Gem-in-eyes looked like a Pegasus but he was half crystal pony, his mother was a crystal pony and his father was a Pegasus. Gem-in-eyes got his name after his parents saw that, despite looking like a Pegasus, he had crystal eyes like his mother. He had a green coat and orange mane, his cutie mark was a map and an compass, he was an ace navigator and explored a large portion of Equestria before meeting and settling down with Diamond Heart

Diamond Heart and Sombra were also mixed breeds, their father was a Unicorn pony and their mother was an Alicorn. Sombra, the first to be born, was a regular looking unicorn while his sister took after their mother and was born a crystal pony.

Diamond Heart was a Pegasi and had a lavender colored coat with pink eyes, her cutie mark was heart shaped locket with white wings coming from the sides. Diamond Heart was one of the kindest ponies in the empire and had no problems making friends, there were many stallions after her affections, but she soon met a wondering Pegasus that stole her heart as soon as she saw him. Diamond Heart's special talent was art, she was a great sculptress and graduated at the top of her class at the Crystal Empires University.

Sombra was very talented in the science of magic and top unicorn professors at UCE called him a prodigy. Despite also graduating at the top of his class Sombra felt he had yet to meet his true potential, he began to study the effects of dark magic using the crystals within the empire. Ignoring the multiple warnings he received from his younger sister, Sombra learned to manipulate the crystals to amplify his magic.

When the time came for a new heir to take the throne Sombra was sure that he would rule over the citizens and turn the Crystal Empire into a powerful military kingdom, but in the end Diamond Heart was chosen and their mother turned her into an Alicorn.

Outraged, Sombra demanded that he be named the rightful ruler, but his parents refused. They believed Sombra only wanted power and that he didn't care for the citizens, no matter how hard they tried to convince him that the key to a strong empire was love and hope Sombra would not listen.

The citizens began to call Diamond Heart the 'Crystal Queen' and Sombra was all but forgotten, the citizens continued to call him by his title, Prince Sombra, but this only fueled his anger and jealousy. Sombra began to ignore the people and one day he locked himself inside of the castle and stayed out of the public's view.

Days went by and Diamond Heart's concern for her brother grew eventually she forced him out and tried to speak as siblings.

"Brother please," Diamond Heart begged. "Speak to me, what is bothering you?"

There were bags under Sombra's eyes, it was painfully obvious that he hadn't slept well since hiding within the castle walls. "I'm fine dearest sister, there is no reason to be worried." Sombra looked away, snarling at the thought of his little sister looking down upon him from her throne. "Besides, you have more important things to stress about, like your precious empire."

"You are precious to me as well brother, I would never replace you in my heart, not even for this throne."

Sombra lifted his head and his eyes met with Diamond Heart's. "That is what you say, but all I hear is a queen speaking from up high, I am lower than you and everypony knows it."

With tears in her eyes Diamond Heart jumped down from her royal throne and ran to her brother, slapping him with her hoof when they met face to face. "Don't ever say that Sombra! You are my big brother and I love you, why would I ever looked down and think I was better than you?"

In his shock Sombra found the will to continue his conversation with his sister. "I apologies, your highness," Sombra snarled, he wanted to return the painful favor but held against his thoughts. "Whatever was I thinking? You would never do anything to harm anypony, especially not your loving brother."

Diamond Heart gasped when she realized what happened. "Sombra, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to..." But before she could finish her apology Sombra turned his back and began to walk out of the throne room. "Brother, please!" Diamond Heart called out. "I'm sorry!"

As Sombra was returning to his room he was approached by King Gem-in-eyes, whom was talking to one of the royal guards. "Are alright brother, you look flushed."

Sombra continued to walk past the two stallions. "It's none of your concern." As he walked into his room Sombra looked back to Gem-in-eyes. "And don't ever call me brother."

"What was that, sir?" The royal guard looked at his king with a stern face. "I understand he's the queen's older brother but, in all respect, you shouldn't allow him to speak to you in such a rude manner."

"No it's fine Winter Blitz, Sombra and I were never the best of friends." Gem-in-eyes turned and continued his walk back to the throne room. "Besides, if I were to start any trouble with that stubborn colt Diamond Heart would be sore at me. And cut it out with that 'sir' nonsense, it's quite bothersome to have you treat me differently just because I'm married into royalty"

Winter Blitz was Gem-in-eyes most loyal guard and his best friend, both stallions grew up together and were like brothers. Winter Blitz had a white crystal coat with blue colored mane. His cutie mark were two different looking snowflakes on opposite sides of a cloud, his special talent was figure skating and he took great pride in the fact.

"Sorry, it's just a habit I formed because of the men, I have to act professional in front of them and that means treating you like I want them to treat you." The royal guard followed his king.

"I Understand, on a completely unrelated note, what are your thoughts about Sombra? Be honest with me."

"I don't trust him, he seems....shady."

Gem-in-eyes nodded. "I feel the same way, which is why I want all of the guards on alert."

"Yes sir" Gem-in-eyes looked over and gave Blitz a nasty look. "Er, I mean...you got it Gem." Both stallions laughed as they neared the throne room.

Two stallions were outside the throne room keeping guard, once they saw the king walking towards them they quickly opened the doors, King Gem-in-eyes and Winter Blitz walked in only to hear and see a crying queen.

"Diamond Heart!" Gem-in-eyes quickly ran to his wife's side. "Are you alright, what happened?"

Winter Blitz turned his attention to the two guards. "What is wrong with you two? Did you not hear the queen in here?"

While keeping a calm demeanor as they were trained, one of the guards spoke up. "Yes sir we did, the queen told us to just stand guard and turn anypony away unless it was prince Sombra or the king."

Instantly Winter Blitz realized that Sombra and his sister must have had an argument, which would explain Sombra's sour mood earlier. "Fine, shut the door and continue following the queen's original orders, understand?"

This time both guards spoke. "Yes sir!"

Winter Blitz closed the doors and walked toward his friends. "Is there anything you need from me?"

Sombra stared at himself in a mirror, Diamond had never struck him before and he just walked away. "This is way you are not fit to rule," Sombra began to talk to his reflection, becoming even more angry by the second. "You're weak, so much so that your own little sister knocked you down a peg." His eyes began to glow black and green. "The problem isn't strength, it's fear, or the lack of. No pony fears you, Sombra, you must make them all aware of your power."

Gem-in-eye helped his queen back to her throne. "Now tell me what happened."

Diamond Heart stared at her hooves. "I attacked my own flesh and blood, Gem, I struck Sombra. What kind of sister does that, am I really allowing this new title and it's new responsibilities to change me?"

Gem-in-eye and Winter Blitz looked at each other in confusion, Winter Blitz grabbed one of Diamond Heart's hooves. "What did he do to you? Because if he harmed you..."

Diamond Heart's head jolted. "No, he didn't do anything to me! That's the problem, there was no reason for me to lash out, I don't know what came over me."

Winter Blitz looked at Gem-in-eyes, maybe they had Sombra all wrong. Winter Blitz began to walk out of the throne room. "I should leave you two alone so you may speak in private. If you need anything do not hesitate to call on me."

As Winter Blitz opened the doors and walked out he took one last look at his queen. "Our last queen was much stronger than this," He thought to himself. "Perhaps giving her the throne was a mistake, at least Gem is by her side, that brings some relief."