• Published 7th Oct 2013
  • 513 Views, 5 Comments

An Enchanted Melody - DeathMustang

A dark past, a bright future! Can a human turned pony escape her nightmarish past? Can she find a place to belong in the land of Equestria? Or will new dangers be awaiting her!

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The Tree

(Time Skip)

Enchantix patrolled the border of her forest Orion sitting on her back. She called the forest hers do to the fact, she pretty much ruled here. The creatures of the forest obeyed her commands and often some followed her around. Like the pack of normal wolves that trailed behind her.

Enchantix looked back at the massive white wolf that followed at her heels. Turned out there were normal wolves in Equestria, however they were two-times the size of a pony. The wolf behind her was the largest of the pack, the alpha male, which earned him the name Alpha. He was a beautiful canine with pure white fur with piercing yellow eyes. The pack followed her out of respect after their confrontation a week ago. Alpha had decided to hunt Applebuck so she’d stepped in and fought him. They had ended in a tie gaining her to wolf’s respect and a pack of deadly bodyguards. Though, they weren’t the only inhabitants to follow her around in the forest. At some point a pair of manticores started following her as she patrolled, they even slept outside her cave home with most of the pack. Alpha and several others chose to sleep inside with her. Not that she was complaining their fur was warm on cold nights.

She’d gotten used to many of the creatures of Everfree; many meant her no harm so she went about her business. Ramnaruck continued to teach her how to control her magic. She could levitate, teleport, and even give herself wings now. The elder’s teaching had made become a powerful unicorn along with a few magic books she’d snagged from the Ponyville Library. She couldn’t stop the large smirk that appeared on her face at the thought of the bearers of harmony. They’d tried many times to catch her for questioning but she got away every time. She used it as a way to practice her magic.

“Hard to believe so much as happened,” She whispered out loud.

“Indeed, mistress,” the large calico purred as he nuzzled her neck.

She jolted at a sudden weight on her back but recovered quickly. She didn’t need to look back to know who it was.
“Howdy Lady Everfree,” Applebuck said behind her.

Enchantix smiled at the little colt. He’d started calling her that when he saw how the creatures of Everfree acted around her. He’d said it reminded him of how adults acted when Prince Solaris came for a visit. Applebuck often came to visit her after his chores were completed.

“Hello Applebuck, did you get done with your chores,”

“Yes, ma’am,”

“Have you done your homework?”

“Uh...huh,” he looked at her with big hopeful eyes.

“Good then you can come help me explore the forest,” the colt whooped in joy jumping up in the air. Orion meowed happily as she trotted deeper into the forest.

When she wasn’t settling disputes amongst the inhabitants, practicing her magic, or singing to the forest she explored. With supplies Applebuck had brought her, she’d already mapped a good portion of the forest. Now she needed the east side near the castle ruins mapped. Applebuck loved helping her he’s mentioned something about a cutie mark. Though, it often surprised her that he never brought the other crusaders with him.

Finding the castle ruins was easy; she gazed at the stone remains wondering what this place must have looked like in its prime. Why would Prince Solaris let this place fall into such disrepair she didn’t know.

“Mistress, look,” Orion spoke up pointing with his paw to an ancient staircase carved into the cliffside.

“I wonder where this leads,” she stepped down them being mindful of her passengers. “Only one way to find out,”

The stairs lead down the cliff to a valley below. She could see what looked like the faint glow of a lamp. Was someone else in the forest? She stepped warily towards the light her loyal wolves kept close to her. Alpha growled baring his fangs at the strange glow ahead of them.

“Easy boy,” she rubbed his head gently. “Stay here, all of you while I check it out,” Orion and Applebuck jumped from her back.

“Be careful,” Applebuck said softly.

Enchantix eased into the cave following the light. Igniting her horn she filled the cave with her magic to see what to glow was. In the center of the cave was a massive tree it was covered in thorny black vine, drying with green slime. The light seemed to come from the center of the tree canopy the light was growing fainter by the minute as the vines slowly continued to strangle the tree. Stepping closer, she could sense a powerful magic, but when did trees have magic! She needed to study the tree closer but she needed to free it from the vines killing it first.

Igniting her horn once again she began to sing the healing incantation. While her horn forced to vines off the tree her song would also heal it at the same time. Her voice rang out echoing off the walls of the cave, the mist appeared from her horn surrounding the tree. The vines began to fall away, dying as her magic restored to trees strength. Now having a clear opening to the tree Enchantix stepped up and placed her horn against its trunk. Feeding her magic into it she removed all traces of the killing weeds that had occupied the cave. Suddenly the tree was radiating with magic, filling the cave with a blinding light. Enchantix had to shield her eyes from the harsh light.

“Thank you,” a low voice whispered in gratitude.

Once the light died down Enchantix gasped at the beauty of the tree. It was amazing; words couldn’t describe it, but wait…who had whispered just then. She looked around the cave seeing no one else around but the magic tree. Could it be that…?

“Hello,” she spoke. “Who said that?”

“I did,” the soft voice came again. “I am the tree of Harmony,”

Enchantix gazed in wonder at the tree, she’d heard of talking trees from Ramnaruck but nothing like this.

“You’re the Tree of Harmony as in… the elements of harmony”

“Yes, one thousand years ago the Princes of the sun and moon came. They needed a powerful magic to face a great evil. I gifted them the ability to use the elements even though it weakened me greatly,”

“When they fought the spirit of chaos Eris,” the tree glowed as if in agreement. “Wait… what about the seventh element. Why didn’t you give them it along with the others?” she looked down at the collar around her neck.
“The seventh element is a mysterious force, separate from the others. Only the true bearer of bravery is able to weld it,” the trees strange, gentle voice echoed off the walls. “I entrusted the spirit of the forest with it centuries ago and now it seems to have finally found the one meant to use it,”

“Okay, that explains that but explain to me this. Why was the elements never returned to you? If I hadn’t found you just now you wouldn’t have lasted against those vines,” Enchantix stepped closer to the tree craning her long neck just to be certain there was to lingering damage.

“Even without the elements my magic is strong however in recent years it has weakened. A sinister force has been feeding on the forests magic,”

“Sinister force,”

“A dark presence, something I have not sensed in thousands of years. It feeds from the fear and suffering that comes from the forest and beyond,” Enchantix didn’t like the sound of that. “Though, I’ve noticed a change amongst the other trees for some time now. A new power is forcing that presence back each day,”

“That’s a good thing right,”

“Yes and no. If this evil force finds the source of this magic, it will seek out to destroy it. Then the forest will once more descend into darkness,”

Enchantix paced thinking on what the tree had said. What was this dark presence it spoke of? The few weeks she’d been in Everfree she’d never sensed anything threatening beyond the dangerous beasts here. She was going to have a long talk with Ramnaruck about this later. She turned her head to question the tree of harmony further when she spotted a tunnel behind the trees base.

“Where does this lead,” she asked looking into the blackness.

“Deep beneath the Everfree forest, be wary if you go down there young one. New dangerous awaiting any who enter that labyrinth,”

“I’ll take that chance! If I’m to live in this forest I must now everything about. Either from above or below,” she entered the tunnel traveling down passed the forest root system.

“Be careful, young one,” the tree whispered.

Enchantix followed the tunnel until hard rock gave was to sparkling crystal. She had to blink rapidly a few times against the light. Once her eyes adjusted to it she found herself in a large dome chamber. All around her was solid crystal, though what was strange was to dozens of tunnels that could be seen on the walls. Did something live down here? Her thoughts were cut short at the sight of the podium in the center of the chamber. On it was beautiful crystal rose that looked as if it would shatter at the slightest touch. She could see magic flowing within the rose, the aura matched the tree of harmonys but how were the two connected.

Stepping closer to the podium keeping her senses alert for anything. Had to remember the trees warning after all! However, whatever danger the tree meant it couldn’t be the rose it gave off no dark aura, it was pure and harmless. Taking one more step towards the rose Enchantix froze at the loud screeches that filled the chamber. Eyes shooting up, she ignited her horn ready for a fight. It was coming from all around her! The tunnels! Suddenly, the chamber was swarmed with flying jellyfish. Jellyfish! These were unlike anything she’d ever seen before. Twice the size of an average jelly, they flowed throw the air as gracefully they did water. Lovely and clearly dangerous, their tentegiles sparked with electricity. They charged her from all sides, barely giving her an opening to dodge.

Firing off several aura beams she was shocked to see the magic bounce right off them. They were immune to magic attacks! She leaped up using her long deer like legs to gain height, only to get hit on her back leg.

“Ahh,” Enchantix screamed as the shot burned her leg. She landed right beside the podium unable to move to wounded limb. “Damn it,” she cursed seeing the jellies coming in for the kill. Glaring at them as they drew closer, she refused to show fear.

“Come on then,” she challenged.

Yet, before they could deliver the killing blow a new magic aura filled the chamber. It was coming from the rose! The magic she’d seen pulsing within was now shooting out to create a protective barrier from the jellyfish. They circled the barrier angrily trying to get to her. She had to work fast, looking at her burnt leg she winced at the sight. The skin was black and slightly smoking from the strike it will take a lot of magic to heal it. Why did they attack her in the first place? Was it the rose, were they its guardians!


One of the larger jellies was slamming its soft dome head into the barrier. The others followed its lead slamming into the barrier to get to the intruder. Enchantix was dead as soon as they broke through. Then without warning one slammed into the barrier breaking it down, the shockwave sending her flying into the podium. Her vision spun as the jellies swarmed. Closing her eyes she waited for the end only for it to never come. Peeking out she couldn’t believe her eyes the jellies that were just now trying to kill her were now circling her slowly. Their loud screeching had lowered to a gentle humming as if they were trying to sing. What was going on here! These things were trying to kill her just a moment ago!

A flash of light drew her eyes; the rose was now wrapped around her horn. It shimmered with magic the white aura within it turning bright green the same shade as hers. Was this thing merging with her horn? As if to answer her it cullied even tighter around her long horn. Great now she had a permanent horn ornament! Enchantix rose to her feet shaking her head to chase off the dizziness from the fall. She wasn’t really surprised that the burn on her leg was gone. At this point and living in the Everfree forest surprised her anymore.

Keeping a close eye on the jellies she made her way back to the surface. They circled her in lazy yet protective manner. Their soft transparent bodies sparkled as they floated around her. They seemed to purr at her as she reached out and petted the top of one. This was going to take getting used to. Speeding up to a trot she finally reached the surface. The tree of harmony illuminated the cave as she stood before it once more.

“I see you have found the crystal rose. It has taking a liking to you,” the tree glowed seeming to commune with the rose as glowed on her head. “The rose has told the Guardians that you are no threat to it. At this moment it is merging with your horn and magic,”

“What is this rose anyway and how is it able to communicate with the jellies,” she shook her head looking up at her new accessory.

“The crystal rose has existed for nearly as long as I as have. It has powerful magic and a complete mind of its own,” that didn’t really answer her question.

“Explain why it’s decided to attach itself to my horn,”

“The rose has been in this forest sense before Everfree came to be. The Guardians protect its power from those who would misuse it. It has merged itself with you because it as chosen you to be its permanent protector,” the tree answered.

“Permanent protector why does it need me when it’s got the jellies here,” she pointed to the still circling guards.

“That is a question I cannot answer. The rose does things that only makes sense to it. Just know that its magic will come of great aid in the future,”

“I guess,”

“Before you go I have a suggestion for you, travel to the mountain side near ponyville. There you will find a hidden tunnel that within you will find a dear friend of the spirit Ramnaruck,”

“How do I know this friend won’t attack me?”

“Bring a token of peace then state your purpose there and all will be well,”

“I guess I’ll just have to trust you Harmona,”


“I have to call you something besides Tree of Harmony, don’t I,” she smiled as the tree glowed. “Until next time Harmona,” she made to leave the cave.

“Until then Lady Everfree,” Enchantix paused surprised the tree knew her giving title.

“I’ve heard the ancient trees speak of you. They speak of your power and angelic voice. Your songs bring harmony to the forest. Travel safely my Lady,” the tree gentle voice vanished.

“I’ll see you soon,” she promised.

When Enchantix emerged from the cave she was met with several relieved faces. Applebuck and Orion ran towards her only to by meet with a swarm of protective guardians.

“Ahhh,” Applebuck screamed as one barely missed him.


“No,” she shouted firing a warning shot at the jellies. “You will not harm anypony unless I order it understand,” they purred in answer. “Are you both alright,” the pair nodded.

“What are they,” Applebuck dove beneath her undercarriage.

“The Tree of Harmony called them the Guardians. They are meant to protect the rose now attached to my horn,” she angled her head so they could see it.

“Tree of Harmony,” Orion asked jumping up onto her back.

“Yes, the tree of harmony, where the elements originated from. Come I’ll tell you the whole story as we walk,” they headed back up the stairs to the ruins. She told all what happened and couldn’t help ponder on what Harmona had meant by the sinister presence. She had a bad feeling in her gut that this presence would make itself known very soon. The question was would Equestria be able to face it.

Author's Note:

So sorry its taken so long to get this up alot of things delayed me but, here it is. I have some of Ch5 done but with limited internet access I'm not sure when I'll post next.

Please comment, I'm open to any questions or advise anyone has!

Comments ( 3 )

Do more!! I like this story

I'd like to do more for this story but, I have a serious writers block. That and I need find a new beta, know of anyone who'd be interested?

6542292 no I don't but I hope you would find one soon

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