• Published 7th Oct 2013
  • 513 Views, 5 Comments

An Enchanted Melody - DeathMustang

A dark past, a bright future! Can a human turned pony escape her nightmarish past? Can she find a place to belong in the land of Equestria? Or will new dangers be awaiting her!

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The Fire

The sun woke Enchantix the next morning she still needed to get used to that. She yawned widely before stretching the kinks out. She looked up at the sky her mind filled with questions. What was she going to do? She couldn’t very well walk around in town without gaining attention. Looking out over the orchard she tried to think of an occupation she could take up. She didn’t really have a special talent unless you counted her singing. She needed away to make money here if she was going to live here or she could just wonder. That was an idea!

“Enchantix,” her ears perked at the sound of whispers. Looking around she saw nopony about Orion was sleep next to her. If that was the case then who spoke just now!

“Hello,” she waited for an answer. “Who’s there?”

“Enchantix,” the voice came again.

“How do you know my name? Show yourself!” she shouted pawing the ground.

“Mistress what…,” Orion was cut off by the whispering voice.

“Come to the forest,” Enchantix spun around facing the forest several yards away. She recognized the Everfree Forest on sight. “Come,”

She didn’t know what was going on here but she was about to find out. Picking up Orion she cantered towards the dark forest. She knew this wasn’t a safe place to visit with dangerous creatures around every corner but this girl never backed down from a fight. Following the whispers was easier then she expected the forest seemed to guide her. Whoever was summoning her may be able to tell them how they got here.

The voice led them to a large gorge that seemed to split the forest. It was so deep she couldn’t see the bottom. Why had the voice led them here?

“Hello,” she called her voice echoing throughout the gorge. “I came like you so kindly asked so come out,”

“Great courage for one so small,” a booming voice came from deep within the gorge.

The gorge started to shake nearly knocking Enchantix off her hooves. A pair of massive antlers rose from the fog. Followed by the head and neck of the largest creature she’d ever seen. Only the head, neck and back were visible from the fog that traveled the gorge. The creature had a deer like head and long slender neck that most likely connected to an equally slime frame. Trees grew from its shoulders, while vines created a long flowing mane and tail. Birds circled the creature landing on its antlers now and then. Enchantix could do little more than stare at the creature too shocked for words. It lowered its massive head so they were eye level. Gentle yet wise crystal blur eyes looked back at her. Its coat was deep brown with a white underbelly. Enchantix shook herself out of her trance pawing the ground.

“Why did you summon me,” Enchantix did her best to hide her fear. Orion trembled on her back his claws digging into her coat. “It’s alright dear,” she whispered hoping to calm him. She glared up at the creature. “Who are you,” she demanded.

“I am the spirit of this forest. I am Ramnaruck,” the spirit smiled gently. “I have brought you here for many reasons. One is to give you something that will be of great help in the future,” Enchantix eyed the spirit with suspicion.

“And I’m supposed to trust you,”

“You are wise not too but soon I hope you will see me as a friend,” using the vines in its mane it reached into one the trees on its shoulder.

Enchantix eyed the spirit warily not trusting it. There was little she could do if it decided to attack her. Enchantix silently cursed knowing that she had a horn but no knowledge on how to use it. She flinched stepping back as it pulled a large chest from the tree trunk. Ramnaruck placed it gently on the ground before her.

“Open it,”

“How do I know this isn’t some kind of trick,” Enchantix snorted angrily.

“You don’t my dear but I wish you no harm young one. Please see inside,”

Easing towards the chest while keeping an eye on the spirit she carefully tapped the top. Once nothing happened she slowly opened it to see a large piece of regalia. It looked similar to the piece she’d seen Celestia ware. Only this was silver with a large green jewel in the center shaped as a rose.

“What is this?”

“I can not reveal what it is at this time that is for you to learn. But know that it is meant for you and only you. Try it on my dear,” Orion swallowed his fear of the spirit to see the chest piece.

“It’s lovely Mistress, try it on,” the calico spoke up.

Slowly she picked it up and slipped it onto her neck. She was surprised it fit so well. It was beautiful; she’d never had anything like this before. However, she wasn’t about to let its splendor blind her, she knew there was a catch to this. She made to speak up when a strange scent drifted in on the wind. Smoke! She spun around to find a large column of smoke rising into the sky. Wait that was…that was at Sweet Apple Acres! Forgetting about the regalia she galloped off full speed towards the orchard. She’d deal with the spirit later.


Ramnaruck watched the mare gallop towards the fire. He smiled thinking of her distrust and temper. She was a brave little thing but she had must to learn. He sensed powerful magic within her, though she had no knowledge of it or how to use it. The spirit hoped soon she would see him as a friend so that he may teach her how to control her vast power. To long has Everfree been ruled by chaos now harmony would return once again. Ramnaruck lowered himself back into the gorge thinking of the mare. Her presence was already affecting the forest, now all that needed was to be patient and wait.


She could feel Orion holding onto the collar as she galloped as fast as she could to the orchard. She had to reach it. She knew how important those trees were to the Apple family. If the trees burned the Apples could very well lose their home. Bursting from Everfree's tree line she was surprised to see the orchard untouched. The surprise turned to horror when she saw the fire. The Farmhouse! It was completely in gulped with flames. She’d never seen a fire spread like this before!

“Stay here Orion,” she placed the calico in the nearest tree. “I’ll be back, I hope,” she charged toward the house. She could see a red mare and old green stallion trying to douse the flames.

“Applebuck,” they called out.

Applebuck? Who was that…wait a minute! If this was an alternate universe then that must be Applebloom’s counterpart their calling for. That meant…Enchantix pushed her legs harder as she realized it. The foal was trapped in the farmhouse! Bursting from the orchard she ignored the shocked gasps of the others leaping into the flames.
The heat was unbearable; smoke filled her lungs causing her to choke. But, that didn’t stop her.

“Applebuck,” she called praying the young one heard. “Applebuck…Where are you,” she coughed on the smoke. It was getting difficult to see.

The house wouldn’t be able to hold up much longer! She had to find the little one quickly before the house gave in. Jumping up the stairs thankful for her long legs she kicked each door open seeing if the foal was in one of the rooms. Though as she opened each door nothing! Where was he!

“Applebuck,” she called again hoping to get an answer.

The floorboards creaked and groaned at her weight as the foundation was weakened. She flinched as some gave way behind her. No going back that way. She then heard a faint whimper, perking her eyes to make sure she heard right. It came again from the last room, wasting no time she hurried inside. Thankfully, the smoke wasn’t as back here, meaning may still be alright.

“Applebuck,” Enchantix searched the room trying to find him. “Applebuck where are you!”

A pathetic whimper finally answered her from under the bed. Flipping the bed over with surprising ease she found a small cream color colt with a red mane and tail. The little thing was curled up in a ball trying to get away from the flames.

“Applebuck,” she gently picked the little one up placing him on her back. Now she just had to get out of the house.


Just as she turned to leave a section of the roof collapsed blocking them in. Enchantix desperately tried to think of a way out! She wasn’t going to die like this! Not in a burning house! What was she going to do! The smoke made her lungs burn and her eyes water. The foal coughed on her back making her mind settle. Now was not the time to panic, she had to get Applebuck to safety! Maybe if she used enough force she could break through the wall.

“Don’t worry little one I’ll get you to your family,” she whispered. Hopefully the walls would be weak from the fire or this was going to hurt.

Rearing up she unleashed a loud neigh not really knowing how. She charged the wall her only obstacle to freedom. With all the strength she could muster she slammed into the wall feeling it give way. The wood cut into her skin but she didn’t stop.

Clear, fresh air greeted them on the other side Enchantix braised herself winced as her hooves met the ground. Pain shot her body but she forced it aside Applebuck needed tending now! Gently placing the foal on the ground his breath was shallow he didn’t have must time. But, what could she do, looking down she saw the regalia glowing! Of course magic! She could revive him with it but wait…she didn’t know how to use her horn! Damn it!

“Applebuck,” the red mare and old green stallion galloped towards them. They came to a halt when they saw who’d saved him. “Who’r you,” the mare demanded. Enchantix didn’t answer trying to think of away to save the foal. If she could channel her magic somehow maybe she could heal him. Maybe...

“Macarena, Grappa Smith,” another voice came from a distance. She looked up to see six stallions galloping full speed towards them.No time to waste, focusing on her power she felt her horn serge. Please let this work. Taking a deep breath she gazed at little Applebuck and sang.

“Flower gleam and glow, let you power shine.

Make the clock reverse bring back what once was mine,” she could see she magic flowing to the foal healing his wounds. Yes it was working.

“Heal what has been hurt, change the fate design.

Save has been lost bring back what once was mine,” she didn’t see she magic flow all around her, never saw it stop the flames. She kept singing until every scratch was gone. “What once was mine,” the last note hung in the air stopping the flow of magic. She smiled as the young colt opened his amber eyes and looked at her. She was glad to see that her magic had worked and proud of herself for finding a way to use her magic.

“Who are you,” the colt looked up her shocked by her appearance and size.

She turned to the mare Macarena backing up so she could tend to him. Then her gaze found the shocked ones of the elements of harmony. They were all there even a dragon on the element of magic’s back.

“A friend,” was all she said.

She broke eye contact and walked back the way she came. She was surprised to feel the pain was gone but decided to ponder it another time. Right now she needed a long nap. Though a certain blue Pegasus wasn’t gone to let her it seemed.

“Hold it,” the stallion appeared out of nowhere in front of her. She really didn’t feel like confronting them right now. “Who are you!” the rainbow haired stallion demanded.

“Somepony who just saved a foals life and would like to rest,” she tried to walk around him but he continued to block her path.

She snorted at the stallion getting annoyed with him. Before the stallion could react she leaped over him and galloped into the orchard. She heard the stallions calling her choosing to ignore them. She was too tired to care right now. All she wanted was to rest once she regained strength they’d meet. After she had a long talk with a certain spirit!


Dusk Shine watched as the mare lost Blitz in the orchard. It was her, the presence he’d sensed into the library. He felt his wings twitch uneasily as he remembered her power. She’d healed not only Applebuck but herself as well as stopped the fire. He’d never seen such magic! She’d simply sung a small incantation to bring it forth. Who was this mare? He hurried with his friends to see to Applebuck. He did his best to help the Apples comb through the remains of their home for anything savable. Though he couldn’t help but gaze at the forest beyond the apple orchard. Even from this distance he could sense her power. Was she a friend like she claimed or was she another dark force for them to face. He wasn’t sure, one he thing was certain of was the Prince had to be informed immediately.

Author's Note:

Go easy on me this is my first story. Also big thanks to XStormKatX from DeviantART for drawing my coverart.