• Published 2nd Oct 2013
  • 464 Views, 9 Comments

My Friend Pinkie - brilliantblaze

Never really had time for friends until that one faithful day that she showed up, then my whole world went upside down (In a good way).

  • ...

Ch. 4 A Very Pinkie Christmas

Ch. 4 A Very Pinkie Christmas

After a few days the talk about the school fire died down and I haven't seen my interview on T.V., so maybe I did in fact get that lady fired. Pinkie made a quick recovery so she was back in school and yes we started dating. Technically nothing changed between us besides the title of us being a couple, we still hung out every day and did everything together. I honestly think people blow dating out of proportions, i've always been taught that a spouse is someone who is a friend for life that you stay with. If the love is forced, then it must be fake. Heck the only "romantic" thing I did for Pinkie is buy her a bouquet of flowers, but that was just because I was happy she was okay. We don't make out in public, just a quick kiss when I pick her up and one for goodbye. I happy with what we have but I have no idea how Pinkie feels about me and I still worry about. Thankfully I was relieved when Christmas came around.


I was awoken very early on Christmas morning by my phone ringing. I stumbled out of bed half asleep and answered the phone.

I yawned, "Hello?"

"MERRY CHRISTMAS NICK!!!!" Pinkie yelled from the other end, almost making me fall over

I smiled, "Merry Christmas Pinkie," I looked at my clock, it read 3:26 AM, "Do you know what time it is?"

"Sorry were you asleep?" she asked as I turned on my light

"Not anymore," I said and sat down, "What's got you so excited?"

"Well for one it's Christmas day dummy," Pinkie said, "Second, this is our first Christmas as a couple."

"Pinkie I wanted to as-" I tried to say

"Hey what did you get for Christmas?" she cut me off

I rolled my eyes and smiled, "Pinkie my parents aren't even up yet, there is a rule in our house on Christmas, no waking up my parents before 8:00." I said

"In that case I guess we have a lot of time to talk." she said

Our whole morning conversation I wanted to ask Pinkie but I decided to hold it off till Granny and her arrived here this afternoon.


Christmas morning was great as it would be for anyone, I got a few games and movies, and some money for my Christmas gift to myself. The best part of the day came when there was a knock on the door.

I opened the door and immediately met lips with Pinkie, we were lip locked for a few seconds till I had to pull her off me, she blushed and we hugged.

"Merry Christmas Nick." Pinkie said, now with small Santa hat on her head

"Merry Christmas Pinkie," I said and Granny walked in, "Merry Christmas Granny." I greeted and hugged her

"You are such a sweet young man Nicholas." Granny said pinching my cheek

"You two are just in time for Christmas Dinner, just put the gifts under the tree and join us in the kitchen."

My dad had finished cooking the turducken (duck stuffed in a chicken stuffed in a turkey) and placed all the food on the table. I pulled up a chair next to me for Pinkie and she sat down. The food was passed around the table and we began eating. We finished eating, my sister went into the living room to play her new games and the rest of us just sat and talked.

"So Pinkie," My dad asked, "What do you plan to do for a career?"

"Well I plan to have my own bakery." Pinkie said holding my hand

He chuckled, "You and Nicholas are so much alike, you both have unreasonable dreams."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked

"You both need to look at reality, it's going to be almost impossible to get the careers of your choice." He said

Pinkie began to cry and ran out of the room and I heard the front door slam shut.

I got up angry at my dad, "You had no right to say that to her." I said and went out of the room

I found Pinkie on our porch swing sobbing into her hands. I sat next to her on the squeaky swing and wrapped my arm around.

I sighed, "Sorry about my dad, he's just critical because he never finished college."

"But what if he's right Nick?" She said through her hands

"Hey we made a Pinkie promise to make sure we both succeed," I said comforting her, "I haven't broken a promise yet."

She looked up at me, her eyes red from crying.

I smiled, "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

She awkwardly hugged me, "Thanks Nick, you know just what to say."

"Pinkie I need to ask you something." I said

She looked up at me, "Your not breaking up with me are you?"

"No No, nothing like that," I said, "I was just wondering how you see us as a couple."

"What do you mean?" She asked

"Well I always see couples forcing all the romance and they never work out."

"Nick I was taught that a spouse is a friend for life, someone you enjoy being with."

"Good thats what I was taught, I didn't want to scare you off with talking about the future."

"I really love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you Nick."

"Well in that case," I got up and grabbed a few flowers from our front yard

I got down on one knee in front of Pinkie, "Pinkamena Diane Pie, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday will you be my bride to be." I said offering the flowers

She took the flowers, "Of course I will."

I stood up and kissed her, I turned to see little white dots falling slowly.

I looked closer, "It's snowing! In Florida!"

"But how?" Pinkie asked astounded

"I don't know, it hasn't snowed in Florida for 30 years!" I said standing in the falling snow

"Ever had a snowball fight Nick?" Pinkie asked

"Never, why?" I said as the snowball hit my face. I landed on my back and said, "Okay that was a cheap shot."

Pinkie laid in the snow next to me, "I never thought my first Christmas with you would be this great."

I smiled at her, "I can't imagine what the rest of our life will be like together."

Author's Note:

Sorry about the wait, I had to fix my grades. I have some more plans for this but as always I enjoy your feedback and comments.

Comments ( 4 )

I like this. This is cute, and you did Pinkie just how Pinkie should be. Thank you for this wonderful story. I can't wait to see how it ends! :pinkiehappy::yay:

3347371 Sorry to tell you but I don't know exactly how to end this story. None the less I'm glad you enjoy it. None of my fics get any love:ajbemused:

So, I have one problem, pinkie and nick met in september, and in december(if I'm getting this right) of the same year he proposes to her. Now if my math is correct, they've only been dating for four months at the max, and in my opinion that is definitely not enough time to figure out if you want to marry someone. Would you care to explain why you rushed this part of the story?

3349656 Also, that is really quick falling snow if it starts snowing, and then (at the most) one minute later, someone can make a snowball and throw it. But I might just be nitpicking right now.

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