• Published 2nd Oct 2013
  • 464 Views, 9 Comments

My Friend Pinkie - brilliantblaze

Never really had time for friends until that one faithful day that she showed up, then my whole world went upside down (In a good way).

  • ...

Ch.1 The Strange Girl

Chapter 1: The Strange Girl

This whole weird adventure all started my Junior year at Ocoee High in Florida, on just a regular school day in the fall. To start let's talk about me, call me Nick. Almost everyone in the school knows who I am, not because I'm popular or anything, I'm weird and people know I'm weird. Despite that everyone knows who I am, I barely know half their names. I am really great at remembering someone's face, I just can't match a name to it. Then I met someone who didn't know me, and man was it great.


Walking into 1st period she was the first thing I noticed. Sitting in the first row of the grid of desks was a girl with dirty blond hair curling in every direction at random yet it all seemed to flow one way. Her hair seemed to pull attention away from her clothes, she was wearing a magenta t-shirt and plain blue jeans, neither seemed to cost a lot at all. She must have noticed me staring because she looked at me and grinned. I snapped back to reality and decided to introduce myself.

I walked up and extended my hand, "Nick, residential weirdo."

Like you've ever used that introduction before, I thought to myself.

Shut up will you, I responded to the voice in my head.

She giggled and shook my hand, "Pinkie Pie, new weirdo."

I smiled and sat in the next desk over, "Quite a nickname."

"My real name is Pinkamena Diane Pie." She whispered.

"Oh," I said, "I can see why you prefer Pinkie."

I got my stuff out for class, "So did your family just move here?" I asked

"Not really," She said, "See my family has been doing the same business for generations and I didn't want to work in the family business so I moved down here with my grandmother."

"Wow, my parents don't really care what I do with my life as long as I'm not living in their basement for life." I chuckled

The teacher walked in front of the class, "Alright class pass your homework up and we will begin our lesson for today," She looked at Pinkie and I, "Nick, I see you are already acquainted with-," She looked at the attendance roster, "Pinkamena is it?" She asked having trouble pronouncing it.

"Yes," Pinkie nodded, "but you can call me Pinkie."

"All right then, Nick since you are already acquainted with Pinkie you can work with her on today's assignment." Mrs. Wagner said

Mrs. Wagner said to the whole class, "Today we are continuing to talk about the American Dream, we will start with all of you finding a partner and interviewing each other on what your dream is. I expect both members to have it written down and turned in by the end of class." She finished and sat down at her desk.

I turned to Pinkie, "I guess we're partners." I pulled out two sheets of paper out of my bag and handed one to Pinkie.

"Okie dokie lokie." She said

"What?" I asked confused

"It means yes silly." She laughed

"Ok, I guess I'll interview you first." I smiled, "So let's start with what your parents do for a living."

"Well, my whole family work on a rock farm." Pinkie said

"Rock farm? How do you farm rocks?" I asked

"Easy, we move the rocks to a different field every month till they are nice and round, then we sell them." She explained and I wrote it all down

"Sounds exciting," I said sarcastically, "I can see why you left."

"Let's see," I said thinking, "why did your grandmother come down to Florida?" I asked

"She got bored of rock farming like me and just left looking for a better life, she came down to Florida and met my grandfather." She said, "She moved from one part time job to another while raising my dad and then he moved back up to work on the rock farm." I continued to write everything down

"What does your grandmother do now?" I asked now engaged in the interview

"After my grandfather passed away she hasn't been doing much anymore and I've been taking care of her." Pinkie said

"I'm sorry." I said

"It's all right I enjoy living with her." She smiled

"All right last question, what do you want to do with your life?" I asked

"I've always wanted to become a baker and bring smiles to people's faces."

I finished writing everything down, "Man my story isn't nearly as interesting," I said and handed the pencil to Pinkie

"Sure it is," Pinkie said, "what do your parents do?"

"My dad runs a small business repairing cell phones and computers, and my mom is an accountant." I said and she wrote it all down

"What do you want to do for a career?" Pinkie asked

"I really want to get a job out at Disney World and work with the animatronics on the rides." I said

"Why would you want to do that?" Pinkie asked confused

"My grandmother works out there so I was able to go out there very often, I really just want to put smiles on people's faces." I said

Pinkie and I stared at each other for a minute speechless, "That is spooky." I said breaking the silence

Pinkie put a big smile on her face, "No, that is awesome!" She exclaimed and wrote it down on the paper

After a few minutes Mrs. Wagner said, "Ok the bell will ring soon, hand in your papers and pack up."

"I've never met anyone with so much in common with me before." I said turning in the papers

"Ditto," Pinkie said, "I'm so glad I met you Nick."

"What are your other classes?" I asked grabbing my bag

Pinkie pulled out her schedule, "Let's see I have English,Band, Physics, US History, AVID, Algebra, and GYM."

I smiled, "That means you've got Band, Physics, US History, and GYM with me."

"Great you can be my guide around the school." Pinkie said

The bell rang, "Then let's get going." I said gesturing to the door


At the end of the day we exchanged phone numbers and parted ways, she went to the bus loop and I walked to the student parking lot. I found my car, which was an old fixed up hatchback and headed home. I unlocked the door to the empty house and headed down the hall to my cluttered room. I cleared off my desk and started working on what little homework I had. A few minutes went by and my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the screen which read

New message
PINKIE: Have you ever wanted to speak whale?

I smiled and texted her back

ME: I can't talk right now I have homework

PINKIE: You're talking right now

I sighed and dialed Pinkie's number. I heard the phone ring on the other end and then she picked up, "Haha I have caught you."

I chuckled, "So what's up?"

"I don't know I'm just bored," She said, "Hey did you ever have to ride the bus?" She asked

"Yeah." I sighed

"I hate it so much," She wined

"Why do you think I drive to school." I chuckled

"Does anybody carpool with you?" She asked

"Not really." I said

"Aw thats too bad," She said, "If only 'someone' didn't want to ride the bus and 'someone' needed a ride to school" I could almost feel the air quotes through the phone.

"Pinkie are you trying to bum a ride off me?" I smiled

"Maybe," She said, "Is it working?"

I sighed, "I'll pick you up at 6:30, what's your address?"

"1217 Tall Point Rd."

I wrote it down and asked, "What about your Grandma? Is she alright with me picking you up?"

Pinkie laughed, "She actually wanted me to find someone to carpool with."

"Why's that?" I asked

"She wants me to make friends, plus she doesn't trust buses." Pinkie replied

"Why doesn't she trust buses?" I asked chuckling

"I don't know but I always follow what she says even the superstitious stuff." She said

"Okay well I gotta go Pinkie I still have work to do." I said

"Okie dokie lokie, I'll see you tomorrow morning." She said and hung up

I sighed and got back to my homework, then my phone buzzed again.
New Message
PINKIE: But seriously wouldn't it be awesome to speak whale?

Author's Note:

Story idea kinda just fell into my head in the middle of the night, hope you like it.