My Friend Pinkie

by brilliantblaze

First published

Never really had time for friends until that one faithful day that she showed up, then my whole world went upside down (In a good way).

Everyone in the school knows who I am, the weird guy, I know everyone by their face but not their name. Never really had time for friends until that one faithful day that she showed up, then my whole world went upside down (In a good way). This is a story of My Friend Pinkie

Ch.1 The Strange Girl

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Chapter 1: The Strange Girl

This whole weird adventure all started my Junior year at Ocoee High in Florida, on just a regular school day in the fall. To start let's talk about me, call me Nick. Almost everyone in the school knows who I am, not because I'm popular or anything, I'm weird and people know I'm weird. Despite that everyone knows who I am, I barely know half their names. I am really great at remembering someone's face, I just can't match a name to it. Then I met someone who didn't know me, and man was it great.


Walking into 1st period she was the first thing I noticed. Sitting in the first row of the grid of desks was a girl with dirty blond hair curling in every direction at random yet it all seemed to flow one way. Her hair seemed to pull attention away from her clothes, she was wearing a magenta t-shirt and plain blue jeans, neither seemed to cost a lot at all. She must have noticed me staring because she looked at me and grinned. I snapped back to reality and decided to introduce myself.

I walked up and extended my hand, "Nick, residential weirdo."

Like you've ever used that introduction before, I thought to myself.

Shut up will you, I responded to the voice in my head.

She giggled and shook my hand, "Pinkie Pie, new weirdo."

I smiled and sat in the next desk over, "Quite a nickname."

"My real name is Pinkamena Diane Pie." She whispered.

"Oh," I said, "I can see why you prefer Pinkie."

I got my stuff out for class, "So did your family just move here?" I asked

"Not really," She said, "See my family has been doing the same business for generations and I didn't want to work in the family business so I moved down here with my grandmother."

"Wow, my parents don't really care what I do with my life as long as I'm not living in their basement for life." I chuckled

The teacher walked in front of the class, "Alright class pass your homework up and we will begin our lesson for today," She looked at Pinkie and I, "Nick, I see you are already acquainted with-," She looked at the attendance roster, "Pinkamena is it?" She asked having trouble pronouncing it.

"Yes," Pinkie nodded, "but you can call me Pinkie."

"All right then, Nick since you are already acquainted with Pinkie you can work with her on today's assignment." Mrs. Wagner said

Mrs. Wagner said to the whole class, "Today we are continuing to talk about the American Dream, we will start with all of you finding a partner and interviewing each other on what your dream is. I expect both members to have it written down and turned in by the end of class." She finished and sat down at her desk.

I turned to Pinkie, "I guess we're partners." I pulled out two sheets of paper out of my bag and handed one to Pinkie.

"Okie dokie lokie." She said

"What?" I asked confused

"It means yes silly." She laughed

"Ok, I guess I'll interview you first." I smiled, "So let's start with what your parents do for a living."

"Well, my whole family work on a rock farm." Pinkie said

"Rock farm? How do you farm rocks?" I asked

"Easy, we move the rocks to a different field every month till they are nice and round, then we sell them." She explained and I wrote it all down

"Sounds exciting," I said sarcastically, "I can see why you left."

"Let's see," I said thinking, "why did your grandmother come down to Florida?" I asked

"She got bored of rock farming like me and just left looking for a better life, she came down to Florida and met my grandfather." She said, "She moved from one part time job to another while raising my dad and then he moved back up to work on the rock farm." I continued to write everything down

"What does your grandmother do now?" I asked now engaged in the interview

"After my grandfather passed away she hasn't been doing much anymore and I've been taking care of her." Pinkie said

"I'm sorry." I said

"It's all right I enjoy living with her." She smiled

"All right last question, what do you want to do with your life?" I asked

"I've always wanted to become a baker and bring smiles to people's faces."

I finished writing everything down, "Man my story isn't nearly as interesting," I said and handed the pencil to Pinkie

"Sure it is," Pinkie said, "what do your parents do?"

"My dad runs a small business repairing cell phones and computers, and my mom is an accountant." I said and she wrote it all down

"What do you want to do for a career?" Pinkie asked

"I really want to get a job out at Disney World and work with the animatronics on the rides." I said

"Why would you want to do that?" Pinkie asked confused

"My grandmother works out there so I was able to go out there very often, I really just want to put smiles on people's faces." I said

Pinkie and I stared at each other for a minute speechless, "That is spooky." I said breaking the silence

Pinkie put a big smile on her face, "No, that is awesome!" She exclaimed and wrote it down on the paper

After a few minutes Mrs. Wagner said, "Ok the bell will ring soon, hand in your papers and pack up."

"I've never met anyone with so much in common with me before." I said turning in the papers

"Ditto," Pinkie said, "I'm so glad I met you Nick."

"What are your other classes?" I asked grabbing my bag

Pinkie pulled out her schedule, "Let's see I have English,Band, Physics, US History, AVID, Algebra, and GYM."

I smiled, "That means you've got Band, Physics, US History, and GYM with me."

"Great you can be my guide around the school." Pinkie said

The bell rang, "Then let's get going." I said gesturing to the door


At the end of the day we exchanged phone numbers and parted ways, she went to the bus loop and I walked to the student parking lot. I found my car, which was an old fixed up hatchback and headed home. I unlocked the door to the empty house and headed down the hall to my cluttered room. I cleared off my desk and started working on what little homework I had. A few minutes went by and my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the screen which read

New message
PINKIE: Have you ever wanted to speak whale?

I smiled and texted her back

ME: I can't talk right now I have homework

PINKIE: You're talking right now

I sighed and dialed Pinkie's number. I heard the phone ring on the other end and then she picked up, "Haha I have caught you."

I chuckled, "So what's up?"

"I don't know I'm just bored," She said, "Hey did you ever have to ride the bus?" She asked

"Yeah." I sighed

"I hate it so much," She wined

"Why do you think I drive to school." I chuckled

"Does anybody carpool with you?" She asked

"Not really." I said

"Aw thats too bad," She said, "If only 'someone' didn't want to ride the bus and 'someone' needed a ride to school" I could almost feel the air quotes through the phone.

"Pinkie are you trying to bum a ride off me?" I smiled

"Maybe," She said, "Is it working?"

I sighed, "I'll pick you up at 6:30, what's your address?"

"1217 Tall Point Rd."

I wrote it down and asked, "What about your Grandma? Is she alright with me picking you up?"

Pinkie laughed, "She actually wanted me to find someone to carpool with."

"Why's that?" I asked

"She wants me to make friends, plus she doesn't trust buses." Pinkie replied

"Why doesn't she trust buses?" I asked chuckling

"I don't know but I always follow what she says even the superstitious stuff." She said

"Okay well I gotta go Pinkie I still have work to do." I said

"Okie dokie lokie, I'll see you tomorrow morning." She said and hung up

I sighed and got back to my homework, then my phone buzzed again.
New Message
PINKIE: But seriously wouldn't it be awesome to speak whale?

Ch. 2 The Promise

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Chapter 2 The Promise

I pulled up to 1217 Tall point Rd and parked the old hatchback. The house was relatively small which made sense considering it was only Pinkie and her Grandma. I came up the path and knocked on the door. Except before my hand hit the door Pinkie opened it and caught my hand.

"Are you crazy?" She whispered, "You almost woke Granny." She said still holding my hand. Pinkie noticed this and let go of my hand, blushing.

I broke the silence, "So do you have your stuff?"

"Yeah, just hang on a second." She said covering her face, she grabbed her bag and shut the door quietly.

"So is your Grandma a light sleeper?" I asked as we walked down the path

"Actually it's the opposite, she's a heavy sleeper but when someone wakes her up weird things happen" Pinkie said

We came up to my car, "This is it?" Pinkie asked, "I thought you had car." She kicked the tire.

"Ease up she's sensitive." I said rubbing the hood

"She?" Pinkie asked

"Yeah, all cars are female," I said and opened the passenger door for Pinkie, "just throw your bag in the back."

I hopped into the driver's seat and started the car up, it roared to life, "So where to Miss Pie?" I asked

"To Ocoee High School!" She shouted

"Sure thing, that will be 13.95 ma'am." I said to her

"I don't have any money on me." She said still playing along

"You know what, no worries, it's on the house." I said pulling out of the driveway

Pinkie laughed, "So how did you get this car?"

"I begged my parents for a car, so they got this from a junk yard and told me I had to fix it up and pay for the gas." I said

I shifted into 2nd gear but the car stalled a bit before shifting up, Pinkie grabbed her seat as the car bounced back and forth.

"Are you sure this car is safe?" Pinkie asked still gripping her seat

I slowed to a halt at a four way stop and turned to Pinkie, "Hey, I promise you'll be safe." I said

"Pinkie promise?" She asked

I sighed and held up my pinkie.

"No, a Pinkie promise." She said pointing to herself

I smiled, "So what is a Pinkie promise?"

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." She said doing gestures along with it

"Fine I Pinkie promise that you will be safe, cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." I said and did the gestures

"Good and you can't break a Pinkie promise." She said

"I won't break it, do I have to Pinkie promise that?" I asked

"Nah, one is good enough." She smiled

"Ok, now we need to get to school." I said and continued driving


The school day went by quickly but it was far from boring thanks to Pinkie. She proved our Band teacher wrong by showing that she could in fact play any instrument. I even got to taste her special cupcake recipe at lunch. School ended and Pinkie and I headed to my car.

"Why don't you switch one of your classes for Cooking?" I asked her

"You can do that?"She asked

"Yeah you can go to the office and switch Cooking with AVID since it's an elective." I said

"I'll have to do that tomorrow." She said as we got in my car, "Hey Nick."


"Can I hang at your house?" She asked

"I don't see why not, my parents don't get home till five." I smiled

"Awesome!" She exclaimed and I started up my car


I pulled into my driveway and parked. We got out and I unlocked the door, "Welcome to my humble home." I said and opened the door. We were immediately met at the door by my rat terrier Bonnie, I closed the door so she didn't run out. I let her outside and turned to Pinkie, "So what do you want to do?"

"I dunno," She said dropping her bag, "Where's your room?"

"Very end of the hall, c'mon." We came up to the door with a DEAD END DO NOT ENTER sign posted on it

"What's that for?" Pinkie asked

"My younger sister, she always messes with my stuff." I said

"I'm curious why now." Pinkie said and I opened the door

HELLO MASTER, a computer voice said as we walked in

"What was that?" Pinkie asked looking around my cluttered room

"Look down," I said

She almost jumped at the small rover at her feet, she knelt down to look at it, "What is it?"

I knelt down beside her, "Pinkie say hello to F. R. A. N. K. " I said


" F. R. A. N. K. is a personal project of mine, stands for Friendly Robotic Assistant Never Kick." I explained

"Not the best acronym," Pinkie said

"Hey I was eleven when I built him." I said

"What can he do?" Pinkie asked

"Lots," I said, "put him on his side."

Pinkie did what I said and put F. R. A. N. K. on his side.

He spun his tires, MASTER I'VE FALLEN AND I CAN'T GET UP, He said

We both laughed, "This is amazing Nick, you're gonna have that job for sure." Pinkie said

"What about you? That special cupcake recipe you let me taste was amazing, you're gonna have your own bakery for sure." I said

"Let's make a Pinkie promise," She started

"To make sure we both live our dreams." I finished

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." We both said and did the gestures

F. R. A. N. K. broke the silence, MASTER I'VE FALLEN AND I CAN'T GET UP.

We both laughed again and I put F. R. A. N. K. back on his wheels.

YIPEE! He said spinning around.

This was a promise I would never break.

Ch. 3 A Promise Kept

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Chapter 3 A Promise Kept

It has been a few months since I first met Pinkie, and I been having the time of my life. We've been spending more time together, seeing movies, going to the beach for Thanksgiving break, I even got my grandmother to take us to Disney World. Pinkie has met my parents, I've met Pinkie's grandmother, both parties like each other thankfully. I feel like we are getting close but I would never have the guts to ask her out, yet I had the guts to do one of the stupidest things in my life today.


Today wasn't special at all, it started like any other day, I picked up Pinkie, went to school, had morning classes, had lunch, then it all went down. I was in Robotics and Pinkie was in Cooking, ironic isn't it? My favorite class and her favorite class at the exact same time. I was working on a new prototype bot when suddenly the fire alarm began to scream and I nearly jumped right out of my skin. I grabbed my bag and started following the group of classmates out the door when the principal's voice came over the Intercom.


It took a second to sink in, then everyone was soon screaming and began running out the door. With the fire alarm still screaming I soon got outside and onto the bus loop. Teachers began counting their students to make sure everyone made it out and reported the numbers to the admins.

I overheard one of the admins talking to his radio, "Where was the origin of the fire?" He asked

"The Cooking classroom." The radio buzzed and my eyes widened

"Is everyone accounted for?" He asked

"We are still missing one from the Cooking classroom." The radio buzzed and I walked to the admin

"Do we have a name?" He asked

"Pinkamena Diane Pie." The radio buzzed and my heart stopped

Without thinking I began running to the school. The admin grabbed my jacket and stopped me.

"What are you doing?!" He yelled

I shook off my jacket, "Something stupid." I said and ran into the school

Now would have been a great time for me to know where the Cooking classroom actually was, but I soon found it from the origin of the smoke. I came to the smoke filled hallway and crawled under the smoke to the burning room. I went to turn the doorknob but immediately recoiled at the heat, I then used my foot to turn the knob and rushed into the room. The smoke was too thick for me to see anything.

"Pinkie," I shouted, "Where are you?"

I heard a groan from the back and found Pinkie unconscious on the floor. I picked her up and said, "Never break a Pinkie promise." I then ran with all my might to get her out of the school. I was able to reach the doors and I almost collapsed on the pavement with Pinkie still in my arms. The last thing I remember was being surrounded by paramedics then everything went dark.


I opened my eyes to see the white ceiling of the hospital then a nurse came over to me.

"What happened?" I asked sitting up and rubbing my head

"You had minor shock and hyperventilation, you were quite brave saving that girl." The nurse said

"Pinkie," I said, "where is she?" I got off the bed but the nurse stopped me

"You have to rest right now." She said calmly

"No I have to see her." I pushed the nurse aside and headed out of the room.

To much of the nurse's protest I eventually found Pinkie's room. She laid in the bed with an oxygen mask on.

I turned to the nurse, "Tell me she will be ok." I said

A doctor walked up and said, "She is still unconscious but she will be fine in due time, she just needs to rest right now."

Suddenly there was a lady and cameraman walking up to me, "Hi, local news big buzz about the school fire and you saving this random girl, so I'm just gonna have a quick interview with you, just say you did all this because it was right and the usual stuff, so let's make a good interview for my career."

I just stared at the lady in anger as the camera started rolling, "So tell me why did you save her from the school fire?" The lady asked

"Okay firsts things first lady, that random girl is my best friend and she would have done the same for me, second you want to know why I did it? I made a promise to keep her safe and I will never break that promise, I didn't do this to get attention, I did this to save her life no matter the cost." I grabbed her mic and looked right at the camera, "How's that for an interview?"

The camera guy cut the recording with a smirk on his face. The lady was furious, "Young man do you have any idea that I could have lost my job!"

I got in her face, "Do you have any idea that she could have lost her life!"

The lady stormed off and the camera guy gave me a thumbs up and followed her out.

I gripped my forehead, What came over me? I thought to myself.

I went ahead and opened the door to Pinkie's room, I knocked on the door frame and the attending nurse looked up at me.

"Can I have a minute with her?" I asked

"Yes of course." the nurse said and walked out

I went to sit down next to her bed and now realized my clothes were still burnt in spots from the fire. I must look like such a hero right now.

"I'm sorry I didn't reach you sooner Pinkie," I grabbed her lifeless hand, "You know before I met you my life was boring, just F.R.A.N.K. and I," I sighed, "I don't know if it was your smile, your hair, heck your shirt, but something just told me to go talk to you that first day. I guess since your unconscious I can just tell you, I love you Pinkie."

I just looked down and sighed still holding Pinkie's hand, then her grip tightened!

"I love you too Nick." She said through the oxygen mask

I looked back up and smiled, "What was that?"

She took off the oxygen mask and kissed me, "Did that clarify?"

Ch. 4 A Very Pinkie Christmas

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Ch. 4 A Very Pinkie Christmas

After a few days the talk about the school fire died down and I haven't seen my interview on T.V., so maybe I did in fact get that lady fired. Pinkie made a quick recovery so she was back in school and yes we started dating. Technically nothing changed between us besides the title of us being a couple, we still hung out every day and did everything together. I honestly think people blow dating out of proportions, i've always been taught that a spouse is someone who is a friend for life that you stay with. If the love is forced, then it must be fake. Heck the only "romantic" thing I did for Pinkie is buy her a bouquet of flowers, but that was just because I was happy she was okay. We don't make out in public, just a quick kiss when I pick her up and one for goodbye. I happy with what we have but I have no idea how Pinkie feels about me and I still worry about. Thankfully I was relieved when Christmas came around.


I was awoken very early on Christmas morning by my phone ringing. I stumbled out of bed half asleep and answered the phone.

I yawned, "Hello?"

"MERRY CHRISTMAS NICK!!!!" Pinkie yelled from the other end, almost making me fall over

I smiled, "Merry Christmas Pinkie," I looked at my clock, it read 3:26 AM, "Do you know what time it is?"

"Sorry were you asleep?" she asked as I turned on my light

"Not anymore," I said and sat down, "What's got you so excited?"

"Well for one it's Christmas day dummy," Pinkie said, "Second, this is our first Christmas as a couple."

"Pinkie I wanted to as-" I tried to say

"Hey what did you get for Christmas?" she cut me off

I rolled my eyes and smiled, "Pinkie my parents aren't even up yet, there is a rule in our house on Christmas, no waking up my parents before 8:00." I said

"In that case I guess we have a lot of time to talk." she said

Our whole morning conversation I wanted to ask Pinkie but I decided to hold it off till Granny and her arrived here this afternoon.


Christmas morning was great as it would be for anyone, I got a few games and movies, and some money for my Christmas gift to myself. The best part of the day came when there was a knock on the door.

I opened the door and immediately met lips with Pinkie, we were lip locked for a few seconds till I had to pull her off me, she blushed and we hugged.

"Merry Christmas Nick." Pinkie said, now with small Santa hat on her head

"Merry Christmas Pinkie," I said and Granny walked in, "Merry Christmas Granny." I greeted and hugged her

"You are such a sweet young man Nicholas." Granny said pinching my cheek

"You two are just in time for Christmas Dinner, just put the gifts under the tree and join us in the kitchen."

My dad had finished cooking the turducken (duck stuffed in a chicken stuffed in a turkey) and placed all the food on the table. I pulled up a chair next to me for Pinkie and she sat down. The food was passed around the table and we began eating. We finished eating, my sister went into the living room to play her new games and the rest of us just sat and talked.

"So Pinkie," My dad asked, "What do you plan to do for a career?"

"Well I plan to have my own bakery." Pinkie said holding my hand

He chuckled, "You and Nicholas are so much alike, you both have unreasonable dreams."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked

"You both need to look at reality, it's going to be almost impossible to get the careers of your choice." He said

Pinkie began to cry and ran out of the room and I heard the front door slam shut.

I got up angry at my dad, "You had no right to say that to her." I said and went out of the room

I found Pinkie on our porch swing sobbing into her hands. I sat next to her on the squeaky swing and wrapped my arm around.

I sighed, "Sorry about my dad, he's just critical because he never finished college."

"But what if he's right Nick?" She said through her hands

"Hey we made a Pinkie promise to make sure we both succeed," I said comforting her, "I haven't broken a promise yet."

She looked up at me, her eyes red from crying.

I smiled, "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

She awkwardly hugged me, "Thanks Nick, you know just what to say."

"Pinkie I need to ask you something." I said

She looked up at me, "Your not breaking up with me are you?"

"No No, nothing like that," I said, "I was just wondering how you see us as a couple."

"What do you mean?" She asked

"Well I always see couples forcing all the romance and they never work out."

"Nick I was taught that a spouse is a friend for life, someone you enjoy being with."

"Good thats what I was taught, I didn't want to scare you off with talking about the future."

"I really love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you Nick."

"Well in that case," I got up and grabbed a few flowers from our front yard

I got down on one knee in front of Pinkie, "Pinkamena Diane Pie, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday will you be my bride to be." I said offering the flowers

She took the flowers, "Of course I will."

I stood up and kissed her, I turned to see little white dots falling slowly.

I looked closer, "It's snowing! In Florida!"

"But how?" Pinkie asked astounded

"I don't know, it hasn't snowed in Florida for 30 years!" I said standing in the falling snow

"Ever had a snowball fight Nick?" Pinkie asked

"Never, why?" I said as the snowball hit my face. I landed on my back and said, "Okay that was a cheap shot."

Pinkie laid in the snow next to me, "I never thought my first Christmas with you would be this great."

I smiled at her, "I can't imagine what the rest of our life will be like together."