• Published 23rd Sep 2013
  • 3,879 Views, 44 Comments

My Dad's Worst Enemy - DegeTheMighty

A young Princess Skyla has a chat with an imprisoned Sombra.

  • ...

The Evil In The Walls

Honestly, that day had to be probably the best time to meet him. I was so damn bored. It was only a few days before my tenth birthday, and I was just waiting so impatiently for it to arrive. I had absolutely nothing to do. I could have done some of my studies, I guess, but that would have only worsened the problem.

Mom was too busy holding her Royal court, so we couldn't do anything like we normally do. I would have been with her, were it not for the rather mundane, yet reasonable demands.

I remember trying not to laugh my flank off at one pony who thought that is was of utmost importance that a certain streetlamp be moved a few inches to the right! I miss those kinda guys!

But now, the Crystal Empire has finally got up to Equestria in terms of it's livelihood and prosperity. So even the rather serious requests, where I could at least learn some its history, aren't there anymore. I'm still trying to figure out how Mom deals with it all the time.

I hadn't seen Dad at all that day. Usually that could mean one of three things. Either he's off on some foreign affairs, training some of the Royal Guard, or, best of all, he's with the Magisters.

While the Crystal ponies aren't exactly unicorns, they do still have magic, just not like we do. From what they've told me, they use the essence of the crystals to help amplify and manipulate their magic, kinda like a kaleidoscope. I have yet to figure out how to do it. I don't even know if I can.

Anyway, the Magisters are our Royal Wizards, studying constantly on the nature of magic. They're really nice and always willing to answer any questions I have. They hold my Dad in some high regard, since he spends quite a lot time with them. So I had a feeling I'd find him there.

I used to laugh at visiting dignitaries when I was younger. I grew up in these vertical halls and corridors, but to them it was the most confusing tower maze they have ever experienced. I still remember the embarrassed look most of them had when they needed to ask a little filly for directions. Naturally, I made it to the Magisters' Hall in no time, almost smack dab in the middle of the castle.

The once diamond halls that I was so accustomed to soon turned into much more vibrant hues of rubies and sapphires. The crystal walls were still incredibly opaque, and lines of flowing magic would course through the massive corridor like veins. A perfect and vivid recreation of the signature Crystal Empire Aurora slowly wiggled and dance upon the ceiling.

This place always took my breath away, not just because of the aesthetics, but also because most of the time I wasn't supposed to be here.

I was convinced this was one of those times, as there was absolutely no one there. It was the first time I had seen the Magisters' Hall empty before. What was even stranger was the crack I heard, coming from the door just to my right. It was unassuming, very simple. It wasn't locked, to my surprise. In retrospect, it fucking should have been. Being the bored and curious filly I was, I nudged it open.

The room was empty, minus a few desks here and there. The walls were lined with some weird dark crystal that made it look like it went on forever, and got incredibly jagged towards the back of the chamber. The desks themselves had a multitude of books and notes, all pertaining to some sort of journal or something. I wasn't really paying attention.

I was too focused on the red horn encased in a pillar of crystal.

I was so baffled as to what that thing really was, and I started to canter over to it. I caught a few glances at the notes strewn about the desks. They looked like logs and journals, mentioning something about a King. The only King is my Dad, but his name showed up as if he was another pony entirely.

I had no idea just what the hell was going on in there. I've seen a few of the experiments the Magisters were tinkering with, but it was never something so... sinister. Something just radiated dread throughout the room. The fact that Dad was apparently involved just made it all the more morbidly curious.

“Hello little filly...”

I jumped out of my fucking coat. Something had said my name, and I couldn't tell from where. It sounded like that entire room was talking to me.

“Wh-Who is that?” I asked. I was sincerely hoping I didn't get a reply, and that it was just my mind playing tricks.

Of course, the voice came back, “Do you not know of me, young one? Interesting...”

“N-No...” I stuttered, suddenly becoming incredibly cold. This terrible feeling of such vile malice and spite washed over the room. I backed came closer to the horn, only to see a strange black worm... thing spew forth from the horn. It swam through the crystal like water, flying across the ceiling and walls, leaving behind a slimy trail of ink that stained the crystal. The worm then splashed upon the wall on the other side of me. Its form took a few seconds to actually look like anything.

It was a stallion. He was older and worn, but he was a pony. Ash gray coat, and an ink black mane that swam about like oil in water, and those damn red eyes.

“I have not been gone that long, I assure you. You are Shining Armor's daughter, are you not?” He asked me, bearing those lengthy fangs of his. He looked more like a panther than a pony.

“How did you...?”

“These Magisters have loose lips. Princess Skyla, if I recall correctly?”

“Who are you...?” I pressed.

“You may refer to me as King Sombra.”

I looked at him, confused. “The only King is my Dad.”

He laughed, the bastard thought that was funny. “He must think he earned that title.”

“What are you talking about? He always ruled with Mom,” I said, aggravated this guy thought he could talk like that.

“Oh wow. They have told you nothing have they? Keeping their pretty little princess from the truth, eh?” The stallion morphed back into a blob of ink, before splashing upon a wall behind me. With a twisted grin, he spoke, “They have no right to rule here.”

“Yes they do! They're royalty!” I countered. I had no idea what he was talking about. My parents were royalty, and the rulers of the Empire. I know Dad wasn't born a prince, but that didn't matter.

“Equestrian royalty, maybe. Tell me, do you know how your parents came to rule?”

Back then, I didn't really know. My parents would always dodge the question. All I knew was that the Empire reappeared from being gone for a very long time. As far as I knew, they took the throne because they were the only ones who could.

But I was young, and naïve. “They said the Empire reappeared after a very long time, and they needed a princess, so they chose Mom.”

Sombra scoffed. “Oh, how wonderfully abridged. I'd thought they would have a little more respect than that.”

“You're weird,” I commented, trying to hide my anxiety.

“Would you like to know how your parents came to rule this Empire, my curious little filly?” I looked him straight in those disgusting red eyes of his. “They stole it from me.”

“What!? No they didn't!” I shouted back. He couldn't be serious.

“Oh, but they did. Your parents are nothing but thieves to the throne,” He stated with exasperation.

“They're not thieves! They didn't take anything that wasn't theirs!” I replied.

“Oh, but they did. They lied to you, sweet little girl. They lied.”

“No, they didn't!” I shouted, stomping my hoof.

His inky form began to swim inside the walls, all around the room as he spoke, “Don't you find it odd that the throne was 'empty' when the Empire reappeared? Don't you think that's strange, little filly?” He asked me, regaining his composure.

“Well, yeah but--”

“Why would it be empty? Surely there must have been a Queen or King before your parents, eh? There is always a ruler, right?”

“Well, yeah. That kinda makes sense... I guess...” I started, pawing at the ground. I shook my head, there was no way this creep was telling the truth. “But it was empty! It was!”

“Were you there when it happened, little filly?”

I answered reluctantly, “No...”

“Then how do you know for sure? Have you asked anyone what happened, besides your parents?” He asked me, raising that damn eyebrow.

“No... But I don't need to! They would never lie to me!”

He stood right in front of me then, smiling. “Do me a favor. See that piece of paper on the desk next to me?” He asked, pointing a hoof to the nearest pearl table. “Do you think you can read it, my dear?”

I stuck my tongue out at him. “Why should I?”

“Because if you do, and I'm wrong, then I will take back everything I have said about your parents.” He continued to grin.

“You'll say you're sorry?” I confirmed.

“Yes, I promise.”

I cantered over to the desk, I was just tall enough to see the top of it. I reached out with my magic until I felt the paper, grabbed it, and tried to read it to myself.

Now, I don't remember every word, but I do remember what it said. It was a sort of journal entry from somepony named Crystal Shard. He was an Equestrian Magister who would frequent the Crystal Empire, and was only now just learning the history of the place.

According to his notes, the Crystal Empire had indeed reappeared some four years before I was born. Apparently this King Sombra had also come back. He was looking to come back into rule after being gone for so long, until my parents, my Aunt and her friends came to intervene. Apparently the battle between my Dad and him was a sight to behold, as this Crystal Shard mentioned my Father's aptitude with Sombra's dark magic. That's the part that stuck with me the most. Even then I knew what it was, and knew that it was wrong to use it. However, these said my Dad was good at it, and he used it against Sombra? This couldn't be right, Dad was a chivalrous knight, and would never used something so vile. He made me promise to never use it, just before I made him promise it too.

“This is fake! You wrote this!” I proclaimed, calling him on his bluff.

Or so I thought. “I am trapped in these crystalline walls, my dear. How could I possibly write them?” He reasoned.

“You had someone else write this, then! My Dad would never use dark magic!” I screamed.

“Oh, but he does. That's how he trapped me in this prison.”

“You probably deserved it!” I shouted at him, furious at his lies.

It was then he suddenly vaporized, and rematerialized right behind me, a thin layer of crystal between us. He glared at me, the whites of his eyes turned a very vibrant and nasty green, purple smoke snaking off of them.

The next thing I knew I was in the throne room. My Mom was on the throne, but without her guards next to her. Dad stood next to the windows, looking out. Besides the two of them and me, the chamber was empty.

“Wha-What?” I mumbled. My Mother was alerted to my presence. As soon as our eyes met, she glared. I distinctly remember that glare. Not one of Motherly discontent, but of pure spite. I thought she hated me.

That's when Dad spoke, “What are you doing here?” His voice was seething. At that time, I had never seen either of them so angry before.

“W-What do you mean? I live here...” I squeaked, almost shaking under my Mother's gaze.

Dad turned to me, his words spilling through gritted teeth, “Not anymore...” He slowly stomped his way over to me, the fear escalating in my heart with each beat. He towered over me, his labored breathing radiating a suppressed rage that shook me to my core, as I shrunk into a ball.

“Pl-Please Daddy, you're scaring me...” I said, my voice barely audible. “D-Did I... do something wrong?”


His voice boomed. “Because of you, Sombra is free.”

I looked at him in confusion, tears welling up in my eyes. “Wha-No, I didn't mean--”

Damn it, where is she?

I remember the absolute terror I felt when my Dad's eyes changed. The whites of his eyes turning that sickly, menacing green, and the malicious purple that trailed off of them. His glare could melt diamonds, and it was pointed directly at me.

I could see Mom out of the corner of my eyes, doing nothing but staring with the most evil indifference I could have ever imagined. “Mommy please... Something's wrong with Daddy...”

“Yes, there is,” She said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “He still sees you here.”



“You heard your Mother. You're still here.” His eyes grew brighter with their unholy light.

Where are you?

Tears were pouring out of my eyes as I whimpered, “D-Daddy, That's dark magic! You said you never use it...”

“I say a lot of things...” Was all I heard, before I felt something lunge at my chest.

“Skyla!” I suddenly heard. I looked around, now finding myself back in the room with dark stallion in the walls, only now he was gone. The voice was near, and it belonged to my Dad. I was scared, still thinking he was going to hurt me, so I stayed silent.

He must have seen the door open, as he came rushed in, breathing heavily and eyes instantly locked one me. They weren't eyes of malice or spite, but eyes full of worry and concern.

“There you are! I was looking everywhere,” He stated, relief washing over him as he cantered over to me.

I backed away from him, still scared out of my mind at what he wanted to do to me. “No, stay away!” I shouted at him.

He was taken aback. “Honey, what's wrong?”

“Don't hurt me!”

He was breathless. “I'm not going to hurt you, dear. Why would I do such a thing?”

I couldn't have been closer to the wall. “Because y-you're mad at m-me.”

I remember his face shaped in utter shock. “What? Honey, I'm not mad at you. And even if I was I wouldn't hurt you,” He said.

I stifled my tears. “But I let Sombra go. And you were so angry and I was scared and--”

That was when the bastard laughed. I froze, and looked behind me. He was looking directly at me, his glare piercing through me. My Dad didn't have to order me, as I instinctively leapt behind his protective hooves.

I saw him give the image of Sombra the worst glare I had seen that day, worse than the one he gave me in the vision.

“What the FUCK did you do!?” Dad shouted. At that point I had no idea who I was more afraid of. Overall, I was just frightened.

“We had a lovely discussion. Quite the 'eye-opener,'” Sombra chuckled.

Then my fears were set in stone. I watched as my Dad, my real Dad, began to charge up that same dark magic. The whites of his eyes turning that sickly, menacing green, and the malicious purple that trailed off of them. My heart was consumed by a fear that was becoming real, and a sense of betrayal that I didn't quite understand at the time.

Sombra's gaze was left solely on me, in a manner that said 'I told you so.'

Dad unleashed a small barrage of obsidian spike that stabbed straight through the encased horn. Sombra, from behind the walls, screamed in pain, as if it actually hurt him.

My Father turned to me. “C'mon Skyla let's go--” He started, as I backed away from him.

My eyes were flooded with tears of terror as I looked at him in disbelief. I simply couldn't fathom what I saw. I quickly realized the vision was fake once I found myself back in the room, but now I was in reality. My Father had used the dark magic, and had broken the pact that i thought was so sacred. I was horrified of what he might do with it, uncertain as to whether or not his hatred in my vision would become real as well.

“D-Dad... You said you wouldn't u-use it...” I stammered. His eyes grew wide, as he realized what I meant.

Off to the side, I heard Sombra laugh.

His visage on the wall grinned. “Happy birthday, little filly.”

Comments ( 44 )

This was awesome!


3245956 I could expand upon it, I think... :twilightsheepish:

3245960 i have an idea of how this can continue o.o and it would be epic! i also have skyla's design drawn up ^^. mostly because i did that pic like a week ago.

3245975 Is she a sort of hardened princess? Shaped by the horrors she had to witness as her innocence was tore away? Not unlike her father?

3245982 in my imagination sombra kind of took over her by scaring her. making her fear her family while she's a kid and just to help him. he manipulated her. yes she's hardened and yes , in my imagination, she's strict and comes off as mean but she's kinda nice. at least she'll help him but she refuses the slavery.

but it's only an idea

3245994 Interesting...

I will eventually expand upon this little story here. Most of my stories will revolve around one continuity, in one universe, with Shining and Sombra at the epicenter.

I want to make a multi-part epic for Skyla, but I have to finish her father's first!

3246004 ah, i will be following the stories then. this story got me thinging. that little idea, i came up with in 2 minutes

3246009 And it's a good one at that, kinda makes sense too. To quote Sombra from a chapter in the distant future: "Pure of heart? Hardly... Shining Armor, you are one of the most corruptible 'heroes' I have ever met."

Though I'm not sure I appreciate the gratuitous swearing in the beginning, the story was still really good. I especially liked the way you portrayed her child-like innocence in the actual flashback.

Still, that's two or more F-bombs in just the first one-thousand words. I really don't know how that can be justified.

3246624 In reality, I went overboard on that. You'd notice how that didn't happen in the second half because I wrote it much later :twilightsheepish:

2D #14 · Sep 23rd, 2013 · · 1 ·


The word 'fuck' has no offensive meaning until you give it one.

Reflect on that for a bit. :twilightsmile:

3246019 lol i did a picture of skyla (( the 'official' skyla pic looked too much like cadence so i rearranged the colors and design)) look! i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj570/akemixchan815/skyla_zpsf3f41eb3.jpg

3248742 That, my friend, is HIGHLY impressive

is there any sort of backstory to it?

3249894 i just drew about that idea i thought up this morning and typed out.

3250061 I'm very impressed, and I love her design :twilightsmile:

3250107 thank you. i wanted her to look like both her parents. so i picked a design that looked decent and good aswell as chosing the right colors.

3250115 Some of the fan art of her I've seen depict her with a brother, like this:


I'm not sure if that will be in my universe or not though, since it would have some serious implications

I kinda like how you made Sombra the winner. Even if he was the one who got hurt, it basically ruined the way Skyla saw her dad, and that was the most fucked up thing. Pretty cool. Liked.

3250399 Sombra is a tricky little bugger

3250249 i don't like the brother angle. it causes too many dead ends...seems unnessesary

3250506 Yeah, it would cause some serious repercussions in this universe too :pinkiesick:

(slow clap) Well played Sombra, well played.

I was going to say the plot thickens, alas no continuation... Would a like provide any form of motivation? I enjoyed your take on Sombra being manipulative and effective in his behaviour. The other villains are gods and some such, Sombra is pure power and cunning. So far everyone had to submit to his power to beat him (Twilight's usage in the story). Anyhow, nice story. :twilightsmile:

3251918 This is a sort of expansion on a universe I'm already working on, and we will see more Skyla, but that will be for awhile.

There is a certain reason of why everyone needed to use Sombra's magic to beat him, although it delves into some serious exposition and is kinda spoilery

Remove the Fuck's they're misplaced, and getting annoying.
Besides that an awesome start to a great fic.......and if not, i will tear out your spark.
Are we clear?
Megatron out.

Have you ever considered submitting this story to Equestria Daily? You can find out how to do so here.

3257569 Honestly the thought hasn't crossed my mind. I'd need to do some serious editing for that tho, and I'm a little focused on finishing Oneshotober

Maybe afterwards tho, and hopefully I'll have a lot more good stuff to post for them! :pinkiehappy:

Either way, I appreciate the suggestion :twilightsmile:

3264766 There may be more

But One-shotober ain't gonna beat itself!

FIGHT ! FIGHT! FIGHT!:pinkiecrazy: KILL HIM SOMBRA MAKE HIM DIE:moustache::raritystarry::scootangel:


This was intense. Great use of the characters! My only complaint is:

I jumped out of my fucking coat.

You have Skyla sounding like this innocent young filly, and apparently are trying to do so, then out of nowhere, potty mouth. I know this is told in past tense, but still, it's very jarring for the first swear to come from the filly.

Still, great fic, man! :twilightsmile:

This was an ok story, it was enjoyable and well written. But the one thing that really threw me off was when Skyla swore, you had her act like a child, with a child mind-set, but when you made her swear it felt... off. If she had been older, then it would have made a little sense, but a young filly swearing just seems really out of character, especially for the was you portrayed Skyla.

3399751 The perspective was meant to be an adult Skyla retelling the event. Probably was, This was my first story for One-Shotober, but I it was already being written. It was written over the span of a week, not in a single day like I do now. That's probably the cause for the inconsistencies.

Either way, both this and Soulbound need to be heavily revised :facehoof:

I really like the way you wrote Sombra here. As for those who got confused over the swearing and such I don't see how, I understood this was a retelling of events from an older Skyla within the first few lines. So you shouldn't worry about that too much, because it really isn't that confusing at all.

“Pl-Please Daddy, you're scaring me...” I said, my voice barely audible. “D-Did I... do something wrong?”
His voice boomed. “Because of you, Sombra is free.”
I looked at him in confusion, tears welling up in my eyes. “Wha-No, I didn't mean--”
Damn it, where is she?
I remember the absolute terror I felt when my Dad's eyes changed. The whites of his eyes turning that sickly, menacing green, and the malicious purple that trailed off of them. His glare could melt diamonds, and it was pointed directly at me.
I could see Mom out of the corner of my eyes, doing nothing but staring with the most evil indifference I could have ever imagined. “Mommy please... Something's wrong with Daddy...”

My eyes were flooded with tears of terror as I looked at him in disbelief. I simply couldn't fathom what I saw. I quickly realized the vision was fake once I found myself back in the room, but now I was in reality. My Father had used the dark magic, and had broken the pact that i thought was so sacred. I was horrified of what he might do with it, uncertain as to whether or not his hatred in my vision would become real as well.

I spotted some errors.

Hey, just came back for a third or fourth reread and I still love it. Something was weird though:

“Pl-Please Daddy, you're scaring me...” I said, my voice barely audible. “D-Did I... do something wrong?”
His voice boomed. “Because of you, Sombra is free.”
I looked at him in confusion, tears welling up in my eyes. “Wha-No, I didn't mean--”
Damn it, where is she?

I'm pretty sure last time I read this those were working just fine. Just figured I'd let you know.

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